The sixth chapter is coming, fight!

Challenge station.

The atmosphere is extremely dignified.

Those who got the news were not only the people, but Lu Wang, Huang Ni, etc., who had already advanced to the final battle. Although later people were puzzled by the ‘balanced’ situation in front of them, they would not be forced to make a fortune.

After all, no one is a fool.

Not to mention that this demon Lord is outside the name, but a moody Lord.

Time, one minute and one second passed.

The people headed by 尧 are as stable as Taishan, and their eyes are on the challenge table. The demon Lord is quite impatient. Although there is no one conversation with Lin Biao, he has been paying attention to the surrounding changes. Complexion Change again and again.

“Hey, I said, no, no one will come up anyway, just end it.” The demon Lord disdained said, “grinding, waste time.”

“Senior doesn’t need to be impatient, there is still a half hour.” He kept his voice and smiled.

“Hey.” The demon Lord dismissed his mouth and disgusted, and his manners were extremely insulting. Surroundings The sacred complexion was slightly changed, but it was normal which was not aloof and remote, but no one dared to provoke this peerless demons. The so-called spear hit the head bird, it is reluctant.

Time is slowly fading in this cohesive atmosphere.

Very fast, only the last hour.

The demon Lord muttered a few words from time to time, and his eyes were sweeping over the compass. Not only were the other saints worried, but he was also somewhat uncomfortable. His calmness seemed to have any pressure on the box. The unique skill has not yet been made. It looks like a victory in the grip.

Very uncomfortable!

“It won’t be… The old fellow of the celestial plane is playing behind the ghosts again?” The little eyes of the demon Lord swayed.

If he is the most taboo, it is none other than the heavenly master.

Once again, again and again, he was restrained, and he was already a cup of the shadow of the heavenly lord.

It’s the doubts in my heart, the land –

“Hey?” The demon Lord was slightly startled, quite a bit surprised, turned his head and looked into the distance. The bright light flashes in your eyes. And just as he turned his head, he and Yan Wang were also one of the hearts, and they turned their heads. With a curious expression.

Come, aura is so familiar!

Only Lin Biao’s face. Flashed a bit of fierce color.

It’s him!

“sōu!” Lin Feng galloped.

Far away, I have already seen the huge challenge station, and the huge aura above.

Of course, only one person!

“Fortunately.” “Not good.” Lin Feng was both happy and helpless.

The Ximen Nangong’s words did not appear. There was no battle at the moment on the stage, and there was still plenty of time and opportunity to compete for the final promotion opportunity. But helpless is. The huge aura of the big one, I know very well, I am more familiar, it is already met at the second time.

“Hey!~” The eyes are slightly bright. Lin Feng’s heart is moving.

The same powerful, the same terrifying, once upon a time, he almost died under this terrifying aura, if not saved.

now. Reappear in front of you!

The difference is that today, I don’t feel scared anymore.

“Sure enough, my strength has increased a lot.” Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought.

In fact, when I came to challenge the stage, my mind was very complicated and I didn’t want to meet the demon Lord. I want to see you once again. But now I don’t think much about it. The facts will not change with my own thoughts. The demon Lord is close at hand!

“Saint King Level?” Lin Feng’s heart is moving and his eyes are bright.

“No, it may be a middle class.”

With his current strength, it is still impossible to distinguish Saint King Level by aura, only ‘estimate’.

Estimated by aura strong or weak.

In the ancients, the aura of the demon Lord should be equivalent to the Saint King Level, but the rank lower expert is recognized to be one level higher than the human expert, so in other words, the demon Lord is very likely It is the middle level of Saint King Level. But no matter what, his true strength will not change.

“My strength today, according to my mother’s words, is the peak of the Saint Level but comparable to the Saint King Level.”

“The ancient king of Saint King Level.”

Lin Feng calmed down and slowly stopped his body and suspended the air.

If this is not the case, I will not have enough confidence to come here, facing the demon Lord. Perhaps the strength of each other is between the two, the demon Lord is experienced, but he is young and strong, he has a trump card, he also has a trump card in hand.

Winning and losing, between five and five!

Heart, inexplicably feel calm and calm, no acceleration at all.

I am not afraid of him.

“Lin Feng!” Lin Biao gnashing teeth, cold light.

“Hey?” The killing intent in the eyes of the demon Lord is fleeting, watched Lin Feng in midair, hands clenched into claws to make a ‘squeaky’ ‘squeaky’ sound, blood inexplicable boiling, battle intent 粼粼, but even The demon Lord is astonished by himself.

“This brat…” The demon lord complexion is slowly dignified.

Among the people, only the faint face appeared a faintly discernable smile. Most of the others were surprised and curious. Although Yan Wang and Lu Wang recognized Lin Feng, they did not care too much. After all, Lin Feng’s current arrival could not represent anything. It can’t change anything.

“Who is this youth?”

“Yeah, why didn’t I have seen?”

“I also saw it for the first time. It should be a newly promoted saint.”


Everyone has a lot of arguments and is very curious.

But it is no wonder that most of the saints are seclusion, cultivating all the year round, and a decade of ten or twenty years. Lin Feng hasn’t even arrived until now, and many of the saints here have been unborn before Lin Se!

Moreover, the rise of Lin Feng is also two years, most people just listen to their names, but have not seen their people.

I don’t know, I don’t understand, but it’s normal.

“I am coming.” Lin Feng landed in front of Emperor Sui, and looked at each other.

“I thought you were not coming.”

“Since I promised, I will do it.” Lin Feng nodded slowly and did not hesitate. Today, even if I am not sure enough to deal with the demon Lord, but promised the Emperor, and promised the heavenly Lord, he will certainly do it.

After all, I owe it to the Lord of the Sun, not just a life!

Emperor Sui’s eyes shook slightly. “After the last time, you have improved a lot.”

The name of the Big Senior Brother is really isn’t white. The strength of Emperor Sui is probably no one can match the demon and the Lord.

Lin Feng is strong, he feels it.

“En.” Lin Feng nodded and smiled. Not modest, “This trip to the southern ancient domain. There are many gains.”

In the eyes of Sui Emperor, the bright light is fleeting, lightly said, “Is it sure?”

Lin Feng shook his head, but let the a little disappointment, but Lin Feng turned back to the demon Lord, and then looked at the sly look with confidence, “but he. Not sure.” The calm look, but the stone broke The words, not only blink of an eye, but also the complexion stop and change.

Especially the king. It was only the first time I saw Lin Feng.

“boast shamelessly.” The king was coldly snorted, and the voice was disdainful.

Yan Wang hesitated, looking forward to the 尧 did not speak, and at this time Lu Wang fell over and looked at himhe. But quite familiar with Lin Feng.

“Brother Lin, you are finally back.” Lu Wang sprinkled with a smile.

“Yeah, I am really afraid of catching up.” Lin Feng laughed at watched Lu Wang, there is no gap.

Although I know the ambition of Lu Wang wolf, this has nothing to do with myself. In this position, Emperor Sui, he wanted to sit very normal. The most important thing is that if you don’t make a smile, no matter whether Lu Wang is deliberate or good, he really does help a lot. There is no harm in meeting each other.

“Can’t catch up?” Lu Wang stunned.

“En.” Lin Feng said with a smile, “Come back to participate in the ‘Imperial Competition’.”

Peng! Like a sunny day Thunderbolt, it falls instantly.

The sound is not heavy, but all the Martial Artists present are clearly heard, all complexion greatly change. In particular, Lu Wang, who is close at hand, is even more open-eyed, and his ears are afraid of hearing the wrong. The atmosphere, the timeless change is very quiet, squatting –

“Boom!~” ignites the atmosphere that has been quiet for a long time.

“I didn’t get it wrong?”

“Does this little brat challenge the demons?”

“I don’t know what he is, he is not faint, but it is Saint King Level!”

“The newborn sirloin is not afraid of tigers, and the courage is commendable.”


Everyone talked about it, like a wave.

Almost all of them are cozy and ridiculous, only Lin Feng boast shamelessly, cowhide blowing on the sky.

Wang Wang suddenly shook his head, and even looked too lazy to look at Lin Feng, including the other yellow nitrogen that has been promoted, but also revealed a funny look, hands crossed the chest, waiting to see jokes. Including Lu Wang and Yan Wang, both of them were stunned by life.

In the field, there was no change in the look of the Emperor Sui Emperor from beginning to end.

He is very clear about Lin Feng.

“haha!” “Hahahaha!~” The demon Lord laughed and non-stop clapping.

Next to Lin Biao is the eyes cold light flashing, like a wolf staring at Lin Feng, as if to want to see him.

“Is it so funny?” Lin Feng looked at the Lord of the Devil and smiled lightly.

Calm words, turned a deaf ear, but let the demon Lord seem to be playing a one-man show.

The laughter disappeared slowly, and the demon Lord watched Lin Feng, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. “little brat, you know who I am?”

“Is this important?” Lin Feng’s voice was indifferent, standing under the challenge table and looking directly at the demon Lord, without hesitation.

The plain words are full of provocations, and the killing intent of the demon Lord is suddenly vented.

“Not important.” The demon Lord’s eyes flashed a cold mang, coldly said, “But I advise you to think clearly, like the surroundings, you can keep a dog, but if you come up…” Irony, the surrounding people’s faces are very blue and white, very embarrassing, but Lin Feng is indifferent.

Exciting the law!

The demon Lord, obviously wants to motivate himself, and kills them with a crunch.

However, this is the purpose of coming.

“Tread!” Lin Feng slammed in a moment of stunned eyes. In the hundreds of horrified eyes, like a light swallow on the challenge table, there was no emotion on his face, just a watched demon Lord, slowly opening, “ Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Come on, fight!”

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