Chapter 23—The Eighth Ancient God


“Master, mother, won’t… go to the temple?” Lin Feng asked hesitantly.

Feng Xiao smile clearly, “With Ya Zhu’s character, she must be in the temple at the moment.”

Eyelids twitched, Lin Feng is only heart-warming.

“Revenge.” Feng Yu’s eyes stunned. “Ya Zhu has never let go of the incident more than 20 years ago. He has been sorrowful. He has not taken revenge before, just because the strength is not enough, but now she is no longer The little girl who was more than a decade ago was already blue and better than blue.”

“Mother she…” Lin Feng is good surprisingly.

In just a few moments, killing the phoenix and other experts can see how strong the strength is.

“She has stepped into the highest level of Battle Spirit World.” Bright light flickering in Feng Yan’s eyes, “Even if you just stepped in, the strength is limitless.”

Lin Feng’s heart is moving, inexplicable heartbeat speeds up, “Saint King peak!?”

Seeing the phoenix smiled and nodded, Lin Feng felt the heartbeat of ‘怦怦怦’, and the indescribable feeling permeated the body.

Mother, has already stepped into the top of the Saint King Level –

Saint King Peak!

No wonder, killing the phoenix in the middle of Saint King is like stepping on an ant. Saint Level, Saint King Level, the gap between each rank level is extremely large, especially reaching the Saint King Level. The gap between each level is far from the Star King Star Territory Level.

“Mother she… should it be safe?” Lin Feng is still not at ease.

“Don’t worry, there are many gods in the temple, but most of them are the first and middle orders. The two gods responsible for the southern ancient domain, the tiger is full of the first order, and the Zuo is the middle-level god, even if the two Plus, the strength is only slightly stronger than Fengqi.” Feng Wei explained.

Lin Feng immediately stunned and let go of his heart.

Smile and smile, but care is chaos, and I am worried.

The grandfather once mentioned to himself that the ancients had only seven ancient gods, and the main temple of the temple that may exist was Saint King. The rest include the first and second gods, the red-browed ancestors, etc., all of which are only Saint King’s high-ranking, and they are more comfortable with the strength of mother.

“I am afraid they will suffer.”

“With Ya Zhu’s character, this tone has been smashed for more than 20 years. I am afraid that the temple in the southern ancient domain will be demolished by her.”

Feng Xiao laughed watched Lin Feng, “plus now they have to deal with you, Ya Zhu that still does not kill a hundred, warn others from the following bad examples.”

Lin Feng said with a slight smile : “Maybe, the mother is because the grandfather you were injured, Feng Yan was furious.”

Although getting along soon. But mother’s personality is also felt. External cold inside heat. Seeing that my grandfather was so fooled. The injury is extremely heavy, and the heart hates it, even if she is not willing to admit it, but in fact she is not so hateful to the public.

People are ruthless. Not to mention the loved ones connected to the bloodline.


It’s true that the girl, Mo Ruo, is guessing.

The temple in the entire southern part of the world was burnt to ashes by Jia Ya Zhu. There is no half-smoke of smoke in the ground of a large scorched earth. All the law enforcement has made it impossible to escape the scattered things, but it is just that Jia Zhu does not want to kill innocent people.

The initiator, Zuo and Hu Man, die!

Dignified seventh god. Twelve gods, directly exposed to the wilderness.

Even if Zuo is smart, then insidious, useful? Facing the strength of his strength, Jia Ya Zhu, even with the tiger full two-to-one. But there are no opportunities to escape. The murdered dry and crunchy, even leaving the whole body, is completely crushed.

The entire southern part of the world is boiling.

The name of Jia Ya Zhu spreads throughout the ancient tribe with lightning speed.

Saint King Level The strength of the peak, so that all the ancients expert awe, people call –

The eighth ancient god.

“Xiaotian…he really didn’t die?” Jia Ya Zhu’s eyes were completely bright and his body trembled.

“En, he only has one breath, but he can still hang after being frozen, so he won’t die.” Lin Feng lightly said, “Don’t worry, just find a certain amount of star stone and re-start ‘Nether Roar’ , very fast will see you again.”

Jia Ya Zhu’s two lines of tears, but it is a tear of joy, constantly nodding light ‘um,’ has long been happy to say nothing.

For her, the husband and two sons are everything.

“Don’t worry, mother, how to save it when you say it.” Lin Feng relieved.

I thought that before I could just resurrect the heavens and the earth, and the stars and so on, I could resurrect the cockroaches, but now with the increase in strength, I am not as naive as I used to be. The wound of father is not a day or two, two years a year.

It can be said that before it was a sigh of relief, it is even worse, it is like a broken porcelain that can no longer be broken.

When you touch it, it will be torn apart.

Simple bonding, no problem.

But to perfectly bond all the pieces is far from being as simple as you think.

It’s easy to break the seal, but if you don’t have the medicine, you can’t save the father. What should I do? Without Duo Duo, once you fail, there will be no second time opportunity, so you don’t want to risk it. It is the most appropriate prescription to save the father with stability and stability.

“En.” Tears slowly disappeared, and Jia Ya Zhu smiled.

For her, this is sunshine and hope. When I hear a good news, all the depression in my heart has already been swept away.

Watched mother smiles from the heart, Lin Feng’s eyes are light, lightly said, “Mother, can you promise me one thing?”

Jia Ya Zhu glanced with a funny smile. “Don’t think that I don’t know what you are thinking. I really don’t know who you are, so I like to be a good thing.”

“Like you.” Lin Feng smiled. “So, is it that the mother promised?”

“Actually, I don’t hate him.” Jia Ya Zhu beautiful eyes looked into the distance, lightly said, “At that time, young people didn’t understand things, only knew that they were willing to act. When I and my father were dismantled, my heart was relieved and there was no way to relieve the depression. I am angry with Father, think about it… In fact, I have been sorry for him for so many years.”

Lin Feng lightly said, “The grandfather has always been blaming himself.”

“I know.” Jia Ya Zhu blinked, “I am, in fact… I really hate people myself. I hate why I don’t have strength, hate why I am so weak, hate myself too much.” Can’t help but smile, looking at Lin Feng, Jia Ya Zhu said with a slight smile, “Know Feng’er, the earliest time Niang just wanted to numb himself with cultivating.”

“Until the breakdown of the Saint Level, I discovered that my aptitude is actually better than I expected.”

“It was from that time that I really had goals and directions.”

Watched Lin Feng, Jia Ya Zhu rejoiced, “But you are different, you are great, you are better than you and your mother.”

“Mother, I am still far away.” Lin Feng smiled.

“How much is it?” Jia Ya Zhu smiled and blinked. “Feng’er, now you are close to the Saint Level peak, with your constellation sensitivity, absorb enough star power, breakthrough to Saint King Level really isn ‘t difficult, as long as the ‘mystery’ comprehend reaches a certain level, you can formally advance the Saint King Level.”

Saint King Level !

Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

Listening to my grandfather, the Saint Level Advanced Saint King Level is simple but complex, requiring only two conditions.

First, there is enough star power; second, the comprehend constellation has a unique mystery; third, there is no three; but these two conditions must be met at the same time, really isn’t an easy task. Especially the mystery, the cultivating of the mystery of the mood, pay attention to the ‘enlightenment’.

It may be achieved in two days a day, and it may be 100,000 years, and nothing will be achieved in a million years.

“Mother, if I want to improve my strength in a very short time, can I get it?” Lin Feng both eyes, looking to Jia Ya Zhu.

Jia Ya Zhu’s eyes lit up slightly, “The opponent is Saint King Level?”

Lin Feng nodded and did not hide. “The strength should be between the first and middle steps of Saint King.”

“Hey…” Jia Ya Zhu held his chin in his hand, and the beautiful face condensed his eyebrows, thinking slightly, looking at Lin Feng, “How long?”

“Seven days.” Lin Feng burning like gaze.

The ancient phoenix family.

Here, it is located in the deepest part of Fengqi, occupying the largest area of ​​Phoenix Clan.

Not only in the Fengqi land has an extremely high status, but also has a proud value in the southern ancient domain, but the ancient ancients of the ancient phoenix expert, the southern ancient domain other ancients expert impeccable. Because, one of the seven ancient gods of the ancient tribe, the ‘邬凤古神’, belongs to the ancient phoenix family.

“Determined?” The man was dressed in a loose robe and refined short hair.

Carrying his hands, his seemingly ordinary appearance has a unique temperament, and the bright eyes of the bright light seem to see everything in the world.

One of the seven ancient gods, the ancient god of Feng Feng!

“En.” The voice is very light, but the expression is very positive.

If Lin Feng sees it, he will recognize that the complex woman with a pale paleness is the Phoenix woman who saved his Phoenix. He has had a dew-like encounter with him. It’s just that the phoenix aura is extremely weak, and it’s extremely hurt.

With a long sigh, the ancient god of Feng Feng shook his head helplessly.

That look of expression, as if the words are in the heart, but can not say a word.

“In fact, I was still hesitant a few days ago.”

“But…” The beautiful face of Huang Hao flashed a sweet smile. “After this time, the daughter figured it out.”

“Life is priceless.”

Affirmative nod, Huang Wei watched the ancient god of Feng Feng, the eyes transmitted a firm point.

Lightly purse one’s lip Lips, 邬 古 古 古 古 s s s s 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 古 light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light Knowing this, this ancient phoenix will make me not give him.”

Phoenix said with a smile, “How is heaven’s will, why are you persistent?”

“On the obstinacy, you are even worse than you.” Yan Feng ancient god turned back, watched phoenix, very distressed in his eyes, “this is not good for you.”

“Daughter is not afraid.” Huang Yan smiled and shook his head, but the feminine expression was with the woman’s unique affirmation.

The four eyes are opposite, and the ancient god of Feng Feng is sighed, but he has no choice but to spread his hand.

Didn’t talk, but the expression movement is enough to explain everything.

“many thanks 爹.” Phoenix said with a smile.

“Stupid daughter.” The ancient god of Feng Feng caressed the small head of the phoenix, and his eyes were very loving.

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