Chapter 18 Time Pointer

Training base.

“It turns out.” Lin Feng nodded.

From Zhao Xiaorou’s mouth, I learned a lot of useful information, such as ‘Thirty Three Layer Heaven’, and like ‘Tempering Pond’.

‘Dragon Spine Road’ tests Martial Artist’s temperament and soul power, ‘Thirty Three Layer Heaven’ tests Martial Artist’s combat strength, hair skills and movement technique level, while ‘Tempering Pond’ is tempering Martial Artist body Test the willpower and physical strength of Martial Artist.

Thirty Three Layer Heaven’s points, plus the points of the Tempering Pond, multiplied by the Dragon Spine Road’s points and points coefficients, are the final points.

“tempering Martial God plan, the fundamental purpose is to cultivate Titled Martial God, points two points – soul power and body, very clear.” Lin Feng lightly muttered, “the so-called total points, in fact, is soul power and body Innate talent aptitude multiply.”

However, it was changed in a data-based way.

“Right, Big Brother Lin.” Zhao Xiaorou pointed to the square light curtain, said with a smile: “This ‘time point’ device you will not use it?”

Time points?

Listening to Zhao Xiaorou, Lin Feng noticed that there was a shining light curtain on the side of the lounge.

As smooth as a mirror, I did not pay attention at first.

“Oh, this.” Zhao Xiaorou smiled and picked up the key of Lin Feng’s ‘111’, placed it under the light curtain and gently touched it, slamming the ground –

The drip screen is lit up.

“It turned out that this is more than a key.” Lin Feng showed a smile.

“Of course.” Zhao Xiaorou smiled and pointed at the light curtain that was flashing black, introduced: “In fact, this ‘time point’ is very simple, a total of two functions, one is query points

. “Too, Zhao Xiaorou is lightly above, and the light curtain suddenly changes.”

1: Fang Ning (32)

2: Dugu Feng (8)

3: Dalu Wan’er (6)


95: Zhao Xiaorou (110)


111: Lin Feng (111)

From top to bottom, a total of 111 names, just corresponding to the 111 training base students.

“The numbers in the front are the rankings, and the numbers in the back are the numbers.” Zhao Xiaorou said. Can not help but proud of the small chest, “Xiaorou is now in 95th place, Big Brother Lin.”

“Great.” Lin Feng gave a thumbs up. It is indeed from the heart.

As Teacher Bing Shuang said, it is now possible to stay in the training base and enjoy the natural resources of ‘Hunting’, which is not the elite of the elite!

Full Heavenly Martial Continent Most top grade genius!

Those short-term breakthrough Throughd Titled Martial God are hopeless. Already removed.

Like Zhao Xiaorou, who is two years younger than himself, he is already the Primary Martial Emperor water element Heavenly Spirit Master and can kill the Advanced Behemoth Lord alone.

Think of yourself as big as her…

Lin Feng couldn’t help but smile.

“For Xiaorou, how does this ‘time point’ query how to query points?” Lin Feng asked curiously.

“The points of other students are hidden.” Zhao Xiaorou shook his head. “Every student has their own privacy. After all, the conversion of points is not too difficult. If you know the points, you can find some secrets, so everyone can only query their own points.”

Lin Feng nodded awkwardly.

The eyes are at the bottom of the light curtain, and their points are strikingly eye-catching –

45.2 points.

“Thirty Three Layer Heaven and Tempering Pond I don’t have points, in other words. My Dragon Spine Road’s points are 11.3?” Lin Feng said.

11.3 is multiplied by the points coefficient 4. It just happens to be 45.2.

“Big Brother Lin How is your score so low?” Zhao Xiaorou frowned slightly and immediately said with a smile. “I know, Big Brother Lin, you are definitely good at the battle of Fire Spirit Master, for Martial Artist in Thirty Three Layer Heaven. The fighting style is not suitable.”

Lin Feng did not hide his identity, in fact. In the training base, students who are exceeding 13 or above are ‘legendary’ Heavenly Spirit Master.

Although Heavenly Spirit Master is extremely rare

. But looking at the entire Heavenly Martial Continent, you can still find a lot. To know. Even the genius of the soul variation like ‘Huan Yao’ is there, and the Heavenly Spirit Master is undoubtedly much more common.

“I haven’t been to Thirty Three Layer Heaven yet.” Lin Feng shook his head. “This should be the point of Dragon Spine Road.”

“What?!” Zhao Xiaorou complexion transient, awe-inspiring watched Lin Feng.

“The points of Dragon Spine Road…” Zhao Xiaorou even mentally, lost the channel: “my god, 11.3 points?”

“En.” Lin Feng nodded, watched Zhao Xiaorou with a mouthful of surprised expression, could not help said with a smile: “what happened, very high?”

For a long while, Zhao Xiaorou is recovered.

“It’s high, it’s terrifying!” Zhao Xiaorou’s hands cover one’s mouth, he said: “Big Brother Lin Do you know the basic requirements for the breakthrough power of Breaking Titled Martial God?”

Lin Feng shook his head.

“Through the eighth quarter of Dragon Spine!” Zhao Xiaorou eyes shining bright, “Heavenly Spirit Master at ordinary Advanced Martial Emperor level, Dragon Spine Road points is also difficult to exceed 10 points.”

“What about Huan Yao?” Lin Feng remembered the gnome strange person.

“Big Brother Lin knows the ‘freak’ so soon?” Zhao Xiaorou spit up his tongue. “Hey, you have to hear it by the take care eye. Big Brother Lin, you have to be careful, if you meet him. Don’t stare at him, or smile, curious expression, that fellow…”

“There are problems here.” Zhao Xiaorou couldn’t help but point to his head and smiled helplessly.

Lin Feng can’t help to shed a smile. While hearing this, I am afraid I have offended the ‘Huan Yao’.


what is the relationship?

“Listen to others, ‘Huan Yao”s Dragon Spine Road points seems to be around 13 points.” Zhao Xiaorou admired: “This fellow is a long deformed freak, not a soul power really strong terrifying. Dragon Spine Road Points , look at the training base, even if it is not the first, sit firmly in the second.”

“But he is because of soul variation, Big Brother Lin you…” Zhao Xiaorou watched Lin Feng, as if looking at a monster.

“I don’t have soul variation.” Lin Feng smiled and made Zhao Xiaorou happy again. Since Lin Feng didn’t want to say, Zhao Xiaorou wouldn’t naturally struggle on this issue.

After all, everyone has their own secrets.

Exit the points query, Zhao Xiaorou presses the screen below, and instantly enters another interface, Lin Feng eyes shines –

Strength Augmented space. 20 time point.

Speed ​​Growth Space, 20 time point.


Advanced gravity cultivation room, 10 time point



Hall of Fantasy. 5 time point.


There are a few 3 time points, 5 time points, and more 10 and 20 time points. Line by line.

“The above should be ‘ancient civilization’, but what is the ‘time point’ behind?” Lin Feng was curious.

“Time points, issued at the beginning of each month according to the rankings.” Zhao Xiaorou smiled and explained, gently pull the interface to the bottom. Lin Feng saw a stark number –

50 time point.

“Every student who enters the training base will issue 50 time points in the same month and will be issued in points starting next month.” Zhao Xiaorou Xu Xu said: “The number after the tail sign represents the time of entering the ‘Ancient Civilization equipment’ The time spent.”

Lin Feng knew it, but he smiled and shook his head.

This 50 time point, obviously… is not enough.

For example, if you enter the strength of the strength, you will need the 60 time point if it is three hours.

“There is no way, after all, there are so many porridges. The training base is full of 111 students.” Lin Feng lightly sigh.

It’s like a pancake. There are more people, and there are certainly fewer ones you can get.

“Today is already the first month on the 19th.” Zhao Xiaorou said with a light sigh: “There is only ten days left at the end of the month. We came in too late. If we look at the current ranking, the second month may only be the lowest.” The 20 time point.”

“20 time point?” Lin Feng’s brows are clustered.

If the ‘ancient civilization equipment’ cannot be used, the efficiency of cultivating will undoubtedly decrease greatly.

“En.” Zhao Xiaorou both eyes: “points enter the front 60 name. The time point has more than 50 points, enter the front 30 name. Time points can exceeding 100!”

“The highest?” Lin Feng is good surprisingly.

“The first place in the month, reward 1000 time point. Also seems to have other substances reward.” Zhao Xiaorou Yan Yan said.

1000 time point?

“True!” Lin Feng’s heartbeat.

Indeed, the points are ranked first and behind, and the gap is huge.

“Martial God Tempering Plan At the beginning, the competition in the first month must be fierce.” Zhao Xiaorou nodded and said: “Who can take the lead, you can take the lead!”

“En.” Lin Feng understands.

The higher the points, the more natural resources you can use, the more powerful you will be!

“There are still ten days, it is very important

! “Lin Feng both eyes are bright.”

Take the bottom of the 20 time point?

Obviously…really isn’t what I want.

“Into the 30 name, the time will be exclusive 100.” Lin Feng secretly pondered in one’s heart, “My lowest goal, also to enter the front 60 name, to ensure that the time points exceeding 50!”

“Ten days, enough!”

Despite the fierce competition, a group of enchanting geniuses are gathered, but for their own strength –

Lin Feng is confident!

Thirty Three Layer Heaven.

“Hang~” came to the majestic flat tower and Lin Feng took a breath.

Looking far and near, there are two feelings. The majestic and majestic tower seems to have a certain number of years. However, the composition of the tower is not damaged. The bronze light shines into the eyelids, giving people a steady and steady Feeling, it seems to have vitality.

“East, South, West, and North entrances.” Lin Feng watched The tower door that was ‘closed’ in front of him stood indifferently.

This represents a message that this entrance is already entered.

At the same time, you can only enter up to four Martial Artists!

“Thirty Three Layer Heaven, it should also be ‘ancient civilization’.” Lin Feng pondered in one’s heart, “But…”

“Is there such a big ‘ecological civilization’?”

Lin Feng is slightly puzzled. Under the band of Bing Shuang, he ‘seen’ a variety of ‘ancient civilization’, but compared to this ‘Thirty Three Layer Heaven’, it is like the difference between ants and elephants. It is not a level at all.

“‘The ancient civilization equipment’ has energy limitations and will be exhausted, so it takes time to enter.”

“But this ‘Thirty Three Layer Heaven’, but it can be entered once a day, or free, does it need to consume energy?”

Lin Feng was puzzled and shook his head.

His own strength is limited, and his knowledge is limited. It is useless to make more guesses.

At this time –

“Hey!” The bronze door slowly opened.

A figure, walked out.

(It’s better than late, haha, the third bigger home is assured, although sometimes it may be updated one or two hours later, but 9000 words are indispensable every day after the Spring Festival. After all, the little ones have to support their families and can’t steal. Third month To get 1000 full time, you have to change everything. If you like “Fire Refining The Starry Sky”, subscribe to support,)

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