Chapter 16 is convincing

Extremely provocative!

When people enter a foot, I will enter.

For Lin Feng, the three of them didn’t feel a bit like it.

But at this moment, it is not representative of oneself. Therefore, everything can’t just consider itself. Liwei is sure to do it, but killing the ancient expert in the eyes of the public is not necessarily good for himself and his grandfather. It is enough to seriously injure this candlestick, which can be seen from the silence of all around.

My purpose has been reached.

At the moment, the most embarrassing is undoubtedly the law enforcement chief Orange.

In the face of Lin Feng’s provocation, face all the attention of this moment, but he is not entering, not retreating. Lin Feng’s strength is in front of him. He may be stronger than the candlestick. However, Lin Feng, who is facing the move to kill the candle, has a chance of winning?

Or can he keep his life?

Experienced as deep as orange, it is clear that Lin Feng’s strength is to kill the candlestick, just just add another point of strength.

However, Lin Feng has spared the candle and may not let him go!

Killing a hundred, the orange is very clear.

“I, I!” Orange was a bit stuttering, and she couldn’t say anything.

At this time, the surroundings are already whispering, and the people in the recovered are inexplicably complicated. The defeated candlestick is the new hero of the southern ancient domain, while the other side, Lin Feng, is the grandson of the Patriarch, but half of the human beings. Bloodline !

From time to time, I have a gaze, so that the orange is uncomfortable.

It feels like everyone is waiting to see him jokes, but in fact no one cares about him at the moment.

The goal of everyone watching is only Lin Feng!

“It seems… don’t need to prove it again?” Lin Feng’s gaze swept from the orange and fell to the complexion pale.

Just being redeemed by the red-browed ancestors, Zuo is also embarrassed, facing Lin Feng’s unscrupulous provocation, completely unable to refute. The facts are already in sight. The eyes of the clenched fists flashed in the cold and hate, opposite Lin Feng’s eyes, and the eyes were cold and sharp, and the teeth slowly nodded.

As if to say: “This time, count you!”

“Go!” angrily snorted, Zuo Tieqing went to the face.

Poor skills. His calculations have not only failed, but he has even touched his nose. If he is reluctant at the moment, he will only be more embarrassed!

Orange is cold and sweaty, like a big bang, catch up with it, but the heart is put out a long breath. Although he is the law enforcement chief and has an extremely high status in the temple, it does not mean that he is not afraid of death. It does not mean that he is willing to go to death inexplicably!

Lose your face and lose your face, at least to save your life.

“wait a minute!” Lin Feng slammed open, but let Zuo stop, and the eyes were cold again.

Feeling, like a water dog, being hū hū drinking, he is the seventh god, is the Saint King Level other expert!

Graceful people despise!

“You seem to have forgotten what ‘expert’?” Lin Feng’s eyes were stunned and pointed to the unfinished candlestick lying on the ground. When Saoka was ready to rush out, he suddenly stopped. The complexion was a bit white and screamed at the orange. “Don’t take this waste away!”

“Yes, God made it.”

But it caused the surroundings to be a sneer.

As the three left, the scene changed again, with less atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent, more arguments and voices. After this battle, everyone changed greatly on Lin Feng. Although Lin Feng has half of human bloodline, the strength is undoubtedly powerful.

In any place, strength is the first standard of judging!

In particular, the other half of Lin Feng still has the blood of the ancients. It is like watching a person. When he has a good impression on him, he naturally only sees the advantages; when he is upset. What you see is only a shortcoming, and it is now.

Lin Feng’s strength has already convinced everyone.

Feng Yan’s eyes swept over, and the bright light in his eyes.

He has a deep experience like him. At this moment, he still doesn’t know what to do. He clap his hands and signal everyone to calm down. “Do you still have any objections, and hold a ‘recognition of the ancestors’ ceremony for Lin Feng, officially joining the phoenix?”

The voice was loud and proud, and the phoenix smiled and looked at Lin Feng and nodded.

He is very satisfied with the strength and performance of Lin Feng and is even more proud! He also believes that there will be no objection at the moment.

Because there is no reason for opposition.

“My first support!” The red-browed ancestor is indeed a small child temperament, shouting loudly with both hands.

“I also support!” Fenghua also shouted in the first time.

“We also support!”

“Yes, Liding Patriarch!”

“Welcome Lin Feng join!”


When you are like a domino, everyone is in a corresponding situation, and your face is full of excitement. Although the candlestick represents the runner-up of the Southern Star Wars, it is not the Fengfeng ancients, not even the Phoenix Clan. However, Lin Feng now has no difficulty to beat the candlestick, but it is actually the face of the phoenix Patriarch!

Everyone is proud of it.

In contrast, the fact that Lin Feng’s other half of the human bloodline was unknowingly faded.

In fact, sometimes things are viewed from another angle, but it is very simple.

The ceremony was held in full swing.

This is the tradition of the ancient people of Qifeng, but it has not been held for a long time.

Carrying the glory of Wei, just the war, everyone is full of laughter, very happy, the only ‘bitter’ is probably Lin Feng. In the face of this complicated ceremony, in the face of everyone’s congratulations, like a scarecrow can only stand still, even ‘mistaken’.

The ceremony was held for an entire time.

“It’s finally over…” Lin Feng was only exhausted and relieved.

This feeling is far more exhausting than a big battle, and it seems to be scattered. However, the smiles of the watched people, the eyes of the surroundings are no more complicated changes, but the real self as a clansman, the heart is also comfort.

At least, there is no small gain.

Lin Feng looked at Feng Yu, who was now entertaining other guests with the red-browed ancestors, smiling and completely sincere.

“The grandfather, it seems to be really let go.”

“There are only mothers left, I don’t know if I can see her this time.”

Eyes are light, Lin Feng lightly purse one’s lip.

Say no expectation is scam, after all, it is my own mother.

At that time, she was really isn’t deliberately discarding herself. But to protect you and yourself and the younger brother, you have no choice to separate. Speaking of it, she is actually the most painful one. From the past, she has experienced many difficulties and confronted the entire ancient race. After separation, she is deeply hidden in her heart. Fighting cultivating!

For what?

Isn’t it just to be able to control oneself’s destiny at an early date, and reunite with the 爹, younger brother, and your own family?

This mood, I have a deep understanding.

Because, myself and this mother who has never met, it is really like!

“I hope everything goes well, let me see my mother.”

“Otherwise, I don’t know when I will see her again next time.”

“There is still more than half a month…”

Lin Feng is lightly mumble.

He did not know that the grandfather waved at himself not far away, Lin Feng laughed bitterly, although he did not like to deal with. But today… it’s also casual.

A laughter, the flame of the fierce in the Flame Basin is so bright and bright at the moment, as if everything is returning to calm and walking in the right direction. No one noticed that in the corner, there was a figure with his head lowered, and the cold light in his eyes flashed.

Calm and calm.

After the confession ceremony. Lin Feng officially became a member of the Qifeng ancient family and settled down.

In fact, it is no different. Although the surrounding clansman feels a lot of changes and a friendly one, it doesn’t really matter to Lin Feng. It won’t be deep in anyway. Most of the time, I am cultivating, even if it is only half a month. It can also be used very well.

For example, enter the bloody secret and then cultivating.

How strong the blood phoenix mystery is, no need to prove.

With the candlestick war, show the divine might.

“You said that this ‘ancient phoenix carving’ is actually a bloody secret ambition?!” Feng Yan’s big eyes, he was slightly discovered when Lin Feng showed his mystery. Nowadays it is turn pale with fright, but it is far more shocking than he imagined.

“Yes, grandfather, I am sure.” Lin Feng nodded.

I have entered the real bloody secret several times, and it is no different from the first time, just like entering a training field, the ultimate cultivating ‘blood phoenix mystery’, comprehend realm. After affirmation, I will tell my grandfather to listen. This does not need to be concealed. This is a loved one.

“If I guess it is correct, this ‘ancient phoenix carving’ if it is not in the midst of a battle, it is a first heavenly treasure, the first heavenly treasure of the heavenly order. Lin Feng looks bright.

Feng Xiao burned nodded. “It’s not easy. I really didn’t think there was such a secret in the bloody secret.”

Long put out a breath, Feng Yan took a shot Lin Feng shouldersaid resolutely, “This matter is temporarily put down, do not want to mention it to others, if you say what is true, this is probably the big fate of my Fengfeng ancients Opportunity, but if it is not handled well… it can also be a catastrophe.”

The language is heavy and the eyes are bright.

With this sin, this principle is very simple.

Especially the ancient phoenix phoenix, just a Tribe, the strength is not in the southern ancient domain.

“Do not worry, grandfather, I know how to do it.” Lin Feng responded.

A simple and unadorned stone house.

The style is simple and the location is excellent.

Among the ancient people of Qifeng, it is also a good place to count the number, and the elements of fire are unusually rich.

At the bottom of the empty valley, there is a lonely grave.

Holding the three musk in the hand, the phoenix is ​​inserted on the grave, and the bright light in the eye carries the cold killing intent, which is unmasked in this unmanned area. Watched the word ‘Feng Yao’ on the grave, the phoenix clenched the clench one’s teeth off, the blue ribs were exposed, and it was completely different from before.

“Do not worry, son.”

“You will never let you die.”

“This hatred must be reported, I want to let Feng Xi also taste it, what is the pain of the funeral!”

“Wait, wait until they are lax and alert…”

“It is the day when blood debts are paid!”

The hoarse voice, with extreme coldness, circling on the land.

The phoenix turned and left, and the back has endless loneliness.

He is already unattached.

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