Is one enough?

Feng Xiao Lao nodded with a comfort.

Watched Lin Feng is satisfied with his grandson, regardless of aptitude, strength, and temperament. Before he couldn’t think of it, the human and the ancient family’s bloodline would have such an astonishing change. To be honest, he was not optimistic before.

Retrieving Lin Feng, I just feel awkward and feel sorry for daughter.

And how do you want to get such an unexpected harvest.

Not only that, Lin Feng’s temperament and on-the-spot reaction ability are deeply impressed by him. It is rare that such a small age has already become such a general. In the face of this dilemma, even he could not find a solution at the same time, but Lin Feng blinked in the blink of an eye, not only succeeded in dissolving the tricks of Zuo, stabilizing the situation, but also the time bomb of Feng Yao’s death. The treatment is perfect.

For Feng Yao, perhaps this is the best ‘judgment’.

After all, the Martial Artist, who died in battle, is far more respected than the betrayal of Tribe.

“Okay, very good.” Zuo clap his hands, his gloomy face burst into a smile, sweeping away.

It is not only the intention to find fault, but how can he have no back road, although it is different from the original plan, then there is more than one turn. Looking at Lin Feng, Zuo picked up his eyebrows. “You said that your strength and Feng Yao are between the two, Feng Yao is what you killed in the contest?”

“Do you brat deaf? Can you hear this clearly?” It was the ancestors of the red-browed ancestors.

Zuo was demolished in public, and the complexion changed slightly, but it was quite calm. “No, I just want to confirm it again.” Looking at Lin Feng, the four eyes are opposite, and the corner of the mouth is smeared with a cold smile. Suddenly with a provocation.

Fall in the eyes of Lin Feng, I understand.

The meaning of this little white face is very clear, but it is forced to admit no.

“Yes, that’s right.” Lin Feng spoke openly and landed. At this moment, I will not retreat anyway. Moreover, I am also very curious. At this moment, this insidious little white face has nothing to move.

“Feng Yao is the peak of Saint Level. Are you sure you are not lying?” Zuo’s eyes flashed a bright glow.

When the sound came out, it caused everyone to feel awkward. It was just that I did not notice this detail. Feng Yao is also quite an expert in the young generation of the Qifeng ancient tribe. The southern level of the Saint Level is more powerful than him, not to mention the trifling human!

“What do you want to say, you may wish to open the door.” Feng Xiao was interrupted.

Lightly smile, face everyone’s eyes, and the eyes bright light flashed. “Patriarch is not anxious, I just want to prove it again. After all, this matter is true or false, not only related to the ancient Feng and the ancients. It is more about the reputation of the entire southern ancient domain and even the ancients.”

“Our ancient elite expert will be defeated to trifling humans, everyone thinks…”

“Is this possible?!”

Sag gazing all around, shouting.

At the time, more than the clansman complexion of the ancient phoenixes. Even the expert of the southern ancient domain is also a brow.

The group is rising!

“That is, how can we lose to the human race?”

“Just kidding, this is simply impossible, and it’s a big disaster.”

“He must have been lying, so young. How could he have won the Chief Manager? It’s not a big deal, hey, it’s a joke!”


A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Sato mouth sneer and sneer, using the human heart is what he is best at.

The ancients expert is proud and self-respecting, and it is extremely exclusive! Even if Lin Feng is a grandson of Fengqi, what about? No one will really admit this unclean bloodline, which has tarnished the reputation of the ancient Martial Artist!

“How do you want to prove?” Lin Feng spoke openly, and his vagueness was already in the eyes of the small white face.

Playing the snake on the stick will count the meter, and it is really poisonous.

Since Feng Yan was killed by his own mistakes, he can completely copy it.

Kill yourself!

“God wants to not want to end himself, to bully it?” Feng Hao’s eyes showed a point of bright glow, and a simple sentence would block the battle.

“Of course not.” Sassy is a leisurely, said with a slight smile, “I don’t know about the Saint King Level. If you challenge the little brat of Saint Level, how can you pass it out? But…” Pointing behind me, “My temple newly promoted law enforcement, I want to see this can kill the strength of my ancient Saint Level peak expert, I wonder if the little Brother dare to accept the challenge?”

Bone barely fell, after a body stepped out, facing Lin Feng and raised his fist, burning like gaze.

Looks, very provocative!

All the time, no one noticed him, and the moment of gaze at the moment caused a shocking sound.

“He is not……”

“The genius of the candle dragon family is not born, candle!”

“It’s right for him, the runner-up of the All-National New Stars, one of our future experts in the Southern Ancient Domain!”


Everyone exclaimed non-stop.

But the candlestick is now very famous, and the Martial Artist, which can basically achieve great results in the battle of the new star, has no problem with the advanced Saint King Level. The runner-up of the Battle of the Rising Star is 100% of the future of the ancients expert, the candlestick, the temple of the temple, a promising future.

“I heard that he has been through the road and is quite powerful.”

“I also heard that the championship battle has been played for three hours, evenly matched!”

“Oh, unfortunately, I finally lost the move.”


The voices of the people talking about it are endless, but the name of the candlestick is really loud.

As a representative of the southern ancient domain, participating in the battle of the whole ancient New Star, the candle can be said to be a long face for the southern ancient domain, at this moment like a hero.

The challenge is already initiating!

I included the candlestick and I stood up.

Feng Yu and the red-browed ancestors looked at Lin Feng. They knew Lin Feng’s strength, but never asked about it. Only Lin Feng was a high-ranking saint. However, under the eyes of all the people, the challenge was launched. If Lin Feng retreats and avoids the war, he will not only lose his face, but also lose the face of the ancient phoenix, especially the phoenix.

“It doesn’t matter.” Feng Wei just said three words, but it contains everything.

In his point of view, although Lin Feng hopes to win, he should not be a war as a Martial Artist.

But even if Lin Feng does not agree, he will be 100% support. At this moment, Feng Qi is very confident about this newly recognized grandson.

“Why, don’t you dare?” Sao Yang raised his eyebrows. Sprinkle and laugh.

The candlestick is a smirk and a disdainful look.

“What is not dare!” Red-browed ancestors glared and stunned, suddenly jumped out. “Lin Feng is only the high-level of the saints. You are challenged by the runner-up of the new star war. Is it deliberately looking for you!” He said, raising his fist, “I have the ability to brat out and ancestors I singled out!”

The mouth of the mouth is slightly **, but it is once again fallen.

Other people, he is not afraid, the most annoying is that the red-browed ancestors are so unreasonable, the key is that he can not offend.

He is naturally not the opponent of the red-browed ancestors, and this looks like an unremarkable old man. That is one of the batch of experts in the southern ancient domain that is second only to the ancient god of Feng Feng!

“We are talking about him now.” Zuo’s right hand is like a word glow, and deep like, “Senior is not going to be entangled, and the topic is opened. The saints are high-order? Oh. It is interesting.” Sasai with a slight smile, ” I would like to ask this little brother, why did you defeat the phoenix of the peak of the Holy One?”

The difference in 1st rank is quite large in Saint Level.

Moreover, Lin Feng is also a human Martial Artist!

Time. It caused a screaming sound, and everyone’s face was getting more and more serious. The whispering whispering of Lin Feng’s words was already beginning to be doubtful. The red-browed ancestors were mad at the stomach, and they did not expect to help the downside. They wanted to open their mouths but were stopped by Feng Yu. Pointed to Lin Feng.


“It still can’t be avoided.”

Lin Feng’s eyes are light and his heart is micro.

I don’t really want to expose strength before everyone. Winning or losing is not so important. Is the situation so ‘chaotic’ at the moment, is high-profile a correct decision? I don’t know, and I don’t want to know. I’m going to participate in the ‘recognition of my ancestors’ ceremony. I want to let the foreign public security heart, really what isn’t seeking.

In my own opinion, it is enough to be able to recognize relatives.


I was so upset by the red-browed ancestors that I had already reached the edge of the cliff and had no choice to fight.

He is kind enough to do bad things.

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. The thoughts and confusion in his eyes changed, and the mind already had a decision. In the ear There was a constant voice of suspicion, and Lin Feng glanced at the arrogant candlestick and looked forward to Slightly smile. “Is it enough?”

The sound was very dull, but everyone was stunned.

Awkward watched Lin Feng, his face does not know what expression, but Lin Feng is now on the fire, referring to the law enforcement chief ‘Orange’, after the body, said with a faint smile, “Or… Come together, two?”

Hey! ~

A breath of inspiration.

The eyes of everyone watched Lin Feng, as if looking at a monster, but I don’t know if he said it was true or not.

Including the red-browed ancestors and the phoenixes are also a bit worried, I don’t know where Lin Feng is confident. Although Candlestick is the runner-up of the Battle of the Rising Stars, it is newly promoted Martial Artist. The other law enforcement chief, ‘Orange’, is much stronger.

But Lin Feng…

Going to the mine to step on!

Among the people, only Fenghua had a faintly discernable smile on his face and was confident in Lin Feng.

Although it seems to him that Lin Feng may be a bit too reckless to pick one, it is better. Losing no one will say anything, but if it wins, Lin Feng’s ‘name’ is completely started, not only that, but also the Fengfeng ancients are also rising.

“Into the attack, retreat can be kept, wonderful!” Fenghua could not help but give a thumbs up.

Nowadays, the anti-three-complex complex is ugly.

In particular, the candlestick is even more sullen and completely neglected.

He is the runner-up in the battle of the new star!

Now the hero of the Southern Ancient Region, the new darling!

It was so small!

“Damn!” The candle snarls, and the violent anger rises, but it is young and vigorous. It suddenly jumps into the flame basin, with a blaze of flame aura, roaring like a huge Fire Dragon, swimming out of thin air. Win me again!”

The murderous aura is rich and the atmosphere changes greatly.

Feng Yan looked at Lin Feng and saw that his face had not changed. His heart was clear, and he left the flame basin.

At this time, only Lin Feng was left alone, and his eyes lifted slightly.

“As you wish.” Lin Feng’s voice rang.

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