Chapter 10 is really right.

Long! Long! ~

Earth, once again severe shocked.

The ancient pupils of the ancient phoenixes flashed the bright glow, and the wings of the wings spread all around, and the blood color was gradually dimmed. Instead, it is a thick mist, accompanied by strange energy flashing, the elements of fire gather, so that the bloody secrets change again!

Feng Yu and the red-browed ancestors looked at each other and felt a bit different.

This is equal, but familiar, but it is a signal that the bloody secrets are open, and some people enter the big array!

who is it?

“I didn’t feel anyone entering.” Feng Biao was slightly clustered.

“No one can be stupid to enter at this time.” The red-browed ancestor is also an opening. The ancient phoenix carving is so strange. Who knows what happened inside, the bloody secret is originally a dangerous, and now there are many unknowns. The number, pick this time to go in, may die immediately.

The two looked at each other and the light flashed in their eyes.

What the mind thinks at the moment is the same possibility!

“It’s him!”

“pretty close.”

In the eyes of Feng Yu and the red-browed ancestors, there was a flash of joy.

Bloody secrets.

“Oh?” Lin Feng was a little surprised.

Sense The overwhelming Fire Dragon, not flustered, reappears in the hands of the ‘fixed fire pearls’, which will absorb these violent flames. The body squats, taking a short gap, Lin Feng 霎 time changes the body state.

“Chi!” “Call Chi! ~” The flame suddenly became absorbed by absorption.

The eyelids are slightly bright, Lin Feng figure is moving, look carefully, the footsteps are full of rhythm and rhythm. In the hands of the fire pearls very fast disappear, Lin Feng eyes bright, but the art high people are daring. I don’t care about the flames, I keep the same melody and rhythm, and change direction easily.


“This law has not changed much.”

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

For those who now fully master the ‘Seven Stars of the Stars’, the flames here are not a big problem.

It looks like a terrifying Fire Dragon layer by layer, but just change its speed and direction according to its melody. It seems that following the cycle, it will become a part of the formation, then it will break. There is no need to care about Fire Dragon, which is enough to hurt yourself, even if you are close at hand.

Because I am very clear…

The ‘direction’ of the next Fire Dragon will not be on your own.

In a way, this is a lot like ‘Illusory Realm’.

Once you defend against these Fire Dragons and destroy them, in fact, every Martial Artist entering the battlefield is doing this, then this big array of might will really come out, and it will continue to flow. The seven sources are combined to form a terrifying combination cycle.

But sometimes it seems complicated to exist, in fact –

It is very simple.

“Do not save?” The red-browed ancestors were puzzled by the watched phoenix.

“Look first.” Feng Wei is very calm, the gaze of the gaze changes seem to be slightly somewhat understand.

“Hey? Don’t worry about your grandson?” Red-browed ancestors sprinkled with a smile.

“Worry.” Feng Xiao is very calm, “But you don’t think this time the opening of the ‘bloody secrets’ is very easy?” The words mean a bit vague, but they tell everything, others can’t understand. But the red-browed ancestors understood it.

“Oh…” The red-browed ancestor’s eyes sparkled.

At this time, the big array was unexpectedly perfect, just like a machine running simply. There are no additions.

This phenomenon has never been seen before.

“As I expected it to be correct, he should have a lot of gains in the ‘bloody secrets’.” Feng Wei said, with a slight joy in the words. After all, Lin Feng has his bloodline and Lin Feng is strong. Feng Yu is proud of himself.

Said in between ——

“Shua! ~” in the center of the big array, as if to open a door.

The two of them blinked, and the thick fog was filled in a blink of time, and the big array was stopped when it was awkward. In the thick fog, a black figure took a step. Slowly reveal the true face of Lushan.

It is Lin Feng!

“Resolve the array?” Feng Yu and the red-browed ancestors were surprised.

Other people may not know, but the strength and experience of the two are rich, and there are countless times of experience. In the 1st rank section of the Bloody Secrets, there is only one possibility to come out. That is to say, the strength of the Saint King Level is broken and the brute force is broken.

And like Lin Feng, which is light and simple, it is only possible to open a door and take it out with ease.


“Not bad.” Red-browed ancestors praised and nodded, and it was quite a surprise.

“It’s no wonder that you can live alive.” Feng Xiao lightly mumble, shocked. For this ‘blood and bloody secret’, he has tried his best to crack, but he has never succeeded. This ancient ancestor is quite a profound, even if he is such a master of the law, there is no way to start.

Of course…

Lin Feng, but easily unlocked.

Watched ahead, Lin Feng eyelid flickering.

It’s easy to leave the ‘bloody secret’ in an easy way.

But at the moment, the two figures that fell in front of them, but there is an indescribable sense of oppression, one of which is similar to the feeling that he gave himself, the red eyebrow old man!

“Good strength, it is Saint King Level.” Lin Feng heart slightly startled.

In the Terran region, it is very rare that the Saint King Level is also the Lord’s level expert. In the ancient tribes, they see one after another. Every strength is terrifying, that is, this middle-aged man next to the red eye old man has an unattainable temperament.

The superior is imposing!

Moreover, his own sense is less than any of his aura.

“It’s also Saint King Level.” Lin Feng was shocked. He was a little old and he had already seen two Saint King Level experts. How many Phoenix Clans did you have? How many of the entire southern ancient domain? How many of the entire ancient family?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng can’t help but swear.

It is no wonder that under the ancient Wu people, human beings are only lingering.

Without the support of the powerful peak force of the pyramid, even if the base cover is firm, it is useless. In Battle Spirit World, it is only the power and strength. The weak are prey to the strong, the fittest survives, who is the big fist who is the boss.

“See two Seniors.” Lin Feng micro-slightly bow to show respect.

This is the most basic courtesy, and the two are different from each other, and they do not feel ‘hostile’ from them.

“You are Lin Feng?” The voice was dull, but it seemed to have a vibrato. Lin Feng looked up and watched the middle-aged man who was not angry. The outline, the facial features, the vagueness and the self. Like, including his mood swings at this time, aura reveals a little…

“Hey! Hey!” Heartbeat’s feeling of acceleration, unspeakable, Lin Feng watched, his eyes are changing.

Very clear, let yourself be very excited.

Who is he?

“Not yet called a grandfather?” Red-browed ancestors couldn’t help but insert a sentence, suddenly breaking this silence, falling into Lin Feng’s ear, but it was a big double-complexion. This imposing middle-aged man is his own ‘grandfather’?

In other words, it is my own mother…

Lin Feng, very shocked.

This feeling is different from that of the righteous father, Lin Biao, because it is the skin-like experience, the connection of the real bloodline. In the country of hunting, the relatives who have the same feelings as their younger brother and younger sister are now standing in front of themselves!

Is it true?

“Sorry, child.” Feng Wei lightly purse one’s lip lip, complexion is a bit ugly, “I… not worthy of your grandfather.”

In a simple sentence, it tells everything.

Lin Feng watched Feng Qi’s emotional changes, the mind faintly understands a lot.

“What does not match!” Red Eyebrow replied, “You are this virtue, sentimental, indecisive. I only know that the heart is hard hearted. I didn’t change my mind to save the daughter.” curled one’s lip, red eyebrow ancestor The complexion is so heavy, “Say, my ancestors, I am really… Hey!~”

Watched two people, Lin Feng is also extremely complicated.

Although I don’t know what happened in the past, there is one thing that I know very well. That is the fact that the two people’s now true feelings are truly isn’t falsified.

In particular, this middle-aged man who is not angry and self-defeating, has a slight degree of wetness in his eyes, and such emotional fluctuations are enough to prove everything. He is Saint King Level, aloof and remote! Perhaps he did something wrong in the past, but there are no ones. The deepest blood between his loved ones and his loved ones is dissolved in water and will never change.

“Grandfather.” Lin Feng whispered softly.

No matter what he did wrong in the past, he didn’t need to say anything.

Because this is a true loved one.

“You, what do you call me?” Feng Wei finally recovered, and watched Lin Feng, the wet eyes, two tears inexplicable. Among them, there are many guilts, regrets, but more excitement is the joy that can’t be concealed.

Who said that men are not tearful!

It is the character of aloof and remote, such as Feng Wei, who also has his weakness.

Because everyone has Seven Emotions and Six Desires.

“Grandfather.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded. “Although I don’t know what happened in the past, but let it go so far.” Looking at all around, there have been many clansman gathering, and the eyes are falling with curiosity but not Close, Lin Feng’s heart is twilight, knowing that his grandfather’s identity is really isn’t idle.

“Let’s change places.” Lin Feng lightly said.

“Hahahaha!~” Red-browed ancestor laughed loudly, with a lot of smiles in his smile, and his emotions are completely stretched. “Good, good, this brat, I like it!” Patted the phoenix’s shoulders, the red-browed ancestors said, “disciple Ah, it seems that Ya Zhu’s eyes are really much better than you and me.”

“Yeah.” Feng Xiao lightened a smile, with a sense of distraction and happiness, “I am not qualified for this.”

Looking at Lin Feng, Feng Yan’s eyes are light and clear. “I hope there is still time to make up for it.” He said, Feng Xiao smiled gently. “It’s my feelings, let’s go, go back and say.” Pat Lin Feng shoulders, light Lin Feng’s head is a kind of love and kindness.

Lin Feng is also quiet, but smiles.

This feeling is deceiving people, and it is the true affection.

This trip to the ancient tribe has gone through many hardships, but it is still a life of death, but it is…

It’s really right.


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