Chapter 22—Sorrowful

“Good astonishing flame…” Lin Feng was more scared as he went forward.

As in the sense of your own, in the depths of this cave, the flame, regardless of density or intensity, is far ahead of the southern paleo-domain before the emergence, and the geometric coefficient climbs upward. Hey! Hey! ~Fire of Devour appears, the hunger-like devour is burning, but the speed is far behind.

Hey! Oh~! Fire of Rebirth guard, Lin Feng slowly moves forward.

At every moment, the Fire of Devour is upgraded in non-stop, the feeling is unparalleled, and the upgrade speed is far better than the consumed strength. In other words, as long as you are willing, here Fire of Devour can be ultivating without end, and then upgrade!

“Seven stars, really isn’t vertices.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

Perhaps the comprehend Seven Stars have reached the ‘Holy’ requirement, but this does not mean that the Seven Stars are the culmination.

At least, Fire of Devour and Fire of Rebirth are not.

“Fire of Devour arrives at Stars Seven, which is just the ‘seventh 10-layer’ that has just entered the Phoenix world.”

“Going up, there is the 18th layer and even the ninth 10-layer.”

“The same is true of Fire of Rebirth.”


Lin Feng is very clear in my heart.

The strength of the flame, far from the ‘vertex’, is like strength. In the eyes of ordinary Martial Artist, Saint Level is already unattainable, standing in the pyramid peak. When I arrived at Saint Level, I realized that the world above Saint Level was very vast and there was a ‘Saint King’ class.

In fact, above the Saint King Level, there is also the presence of ‘Starry Sky Expert’.

At one level, we will know the existence of another level.

Step by step.

I don’t know how long it took, passing through a layer of flame caves, turning and turning.

As if coming to another world, the surroundings are a fiery red. All the rocks and soils seem to be no longer there, leaving only the flame world. Xiong Ran’s flame is sprayed everywhere, in his own surroundings bind, it seems to be the center of the earth, so hot.

“Call~” Lin Feng snorted. Eyes bright.

“Amazing, not at the deepest point, it’s already awkward.”

In the heart of light mumble, Lin Feng is not expected to be more.

Gaze as if a torch, looking at the flame land in front, Lin Feng’s eyelids gently burning, “What is that?” The eyes gathered, it was a red grass with a flame flying, crystal clear. The flames passed, as if to burn the red grass, but it was ‘lightweight’ to avoid.

“Two, three, four…” Lin Feng is light.


“There are five such ‘flame grasses’.”

Min Feng in his heart, his eyes are bright.

Even if I don’t know what this ‘flame grass’ is, I feel completely able to get that strong life ability, and… can grow in such a harsh environment, how much magical!

“I don’t know if it’s Wood Spirit or Star Fruit.” Lin Feng scorned.

Like the Martian Artist’s path of martial artist and Heavenly God Cultivator, it becomes Wood Spirit or Star Fruit. It is a road and choice for plant life. If you become a Wood Spirit, it is like a monster. The road to heaven defying; if it becomes a star fruit, it will follow the heaven’s will as a normal avenue.

Resolving is very simple.

Look at aura!

Wood Spirit will have life aura early on, like ‘wing’, while star fruit is not. It has only Heaven and Earth Energy aura, and the fruits formed have great energy. Going by the sky, the star fruit does not need to be cultivating, but there will never be a real ‘smart’ existence. This is the difference.

just. It is now blocked by the blazing flame and it is not felt.

The flame aura here is very powerful!

“Go!” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up, deep like violent shout.

The Fire of Devour is mixed with great destructive power, combined with the energy of the star source, and instantly produces the severe blasting strength. This is different from the time of absorption. It was absorbed before, but it is an attack at the moment. The large-scale Fire of Devour is mad, and it is a hard way.

Lin Feng is like a gust of wind, guarded by the Fire of Rebirth, and sweeping everything.

“Hey!~” The figure flashed and Lin Feng suspended in midair.

At this point, there are already five more ‘flame grasses’ filled with energy aura.

It looks like a normal grass, just a little bigger, the branches are a little thicker, but… it has the power of a powerful fire to breed it, obviously unusual. There are two points, and there is a three-pointer, the most powerful.

“It seems that the more the tillers, the stronger the energy of the ‘flame grass’ and the more precious it is.”

“I don’t know what the fruit is, but it should be above ‘Saint Level’.”

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

As a tool refining division, I have also made up some knowledge.

Including various materials, Xingguo is also involved, but this is only limited to the following ‘Saint Level’, which is not covered by Saint Level, and most of them are not recorded in the book, because this is very The existence of ‘rareness’.

Five flame grasses!

“It’s a bit of a harvest.” Lin Feng smiled slightly, and the mood was very relaxed at the moment.

As if returning to the most primitive time, nothing to think about, nothing to consider, just… carefree exploration.

Go deeper.

carry on!

The flame is getting stronger.

The terrain is getting more and more down and opening up a lot.

It seems to have entered the lowermost zone of the southern ancient domain, and it is getting hotter and hotter.

“No,” Lin Feng sighed and sighed a little.

The earth’s core flame here is already the limit of its own, and the Fire of Devour consumes the severe. The Fire of Rebirth is even more resistant. I am afraid that I will be buried in the sea of ​​fire. When the eyelids lit up, Lin Feng hesitated a little, and there was a light illuminate in his hand.

Set the fire pearl!

Taken from the battle of the King of the Kings, the deepest peculiar treasure.

“Try it.” Lin Feng nodded.

The function of this fire pearl is not clear to you. The only thing that can be known is the application of the strength of the body. The flame can absorb the flame.

Absorption speed, quite terrifying!

“The flame of Saint Level strength…” Lin Feng whispered, watched the flame of the fire in his hand, but did not know if it really absorbed.

After all, here is far better than the flame strength of the King of the King.


Intuition tells myself that there is no problem.

“Hey!~” The flames of the flames are absorbed, and Lin Feng’s eyes are bright.

The flames that are hard to resist with Fire of Devour and Fire of Rebirth. In front of the fire flame pearl is completely ‘unbearable strike’, absorbed at a very fast speed, where the flame of the pearl passes, this earth’s core flame disappears without a shadow, and the light is more and more shining.

“It’s so strong.” Lin Feng’s heart was shocked.

Although I have imagined it, it is completely different from witnessing it.

The flame here. It is also unusual.

“Can absorb the Saint Level flame, this defensive pearl…” Lin Feng eyelid bright, twilight flickering.

Not by the general treasure!

With Fengming Pearl opening, Lin Feng galloped.

Wherever you go, you are invincible.

“Wow,” Lin Feng looked forward and saw many ‘flame grasses’, standing against the wind, and being tenacious, these precious stars that could not be seen from the outside world. It is quite a lot like ‘specialty’ here, and in fact, I have collected a lot.

However, it is far less dense than what you see at the moment.

There is no branching ‘flame grass’ everywhere, there are more than a dozen trees in two minutes, three minutes, four minutes, here…

There is even a ‘five-point’ flame grass. The strength of energy is far better than three minutes.

“Duo Duo is good.” Lin Feng smiled slightly.

In the hands of Fire of Devour, the eyes are deep and moving. I will not miss it.

These are almost certainly the ‘Saint Level’ star fruit, although there is no fruit, but only the energy contained in these flame grasses is extraordinary. Especially… the five-pointed flame grass, Lin Feng took it in his hand, and he was very moved. Can’t help but hold a point.

Wind and clouds!

Wherever passed, the inch ‘grass’ is not born.

Watched in the hands of harvest, Lin Feng could not help but pick up a smile, and then all of it was in the bag.

“It’s also a bitter fun.” Lin Feng laughed at himself, but it didn’t matter. Not at the last minute. I am not willing to give up my life easily. After all, there is only one body. Suicide is natural, but can you guarantee that the avatar will survive?

Moreover, suicide is a coward’s behavior.

“It’s weird.” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

Unspeakable weird!

I can’t figure out why the temple has to keep one’s life. What I can’t figure out is why I have locked myself in this place. Even if I wake up now and restore strength, but there is no reaction, are they really not afraid of their own luck, escape?

“Call!~” gently spit out a breath, Lin Feng.

Forget it.

It doesn’t matter if you think so much.

Today, only one step at a time.

and many more!

“What is that?” Lin Feng raised her eyes and looked into the distance.

Seeing from the gaze, there seems to be a ‘light spot’ in the flame. Although it is very subtle, it is faintly visible to you, and it is even more faint to feel a special aura. Lin Feng was very curious and moved forward.

Very fast ——

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

The light spot just seen has become slightly larger, and it seems to be transforming in the burning of the flame, changing, as if there is something that is ‘bound’, which is strange. With curiosity, Lin Feng looks directly at the light spot, but it is getting more and more intense.

After a while, ‘ka-cha! ‘It feels like the sound of broken eggshells, and the color of the light points gradually changes.

Lin Feng’s eyes wide open, watched in the light spot, a section of a worm-like thing actually climbed out, opened his mouth and swallowed the light spot into the belly, white soft, flashing bright luster, the body is vague You can also see the color of the flame.

this is……

“Silkworm?!” Lin Feng said blankly.

In the mind, the inexplicable word emerges, a little reaction.

I saw that the ‘silkworm’ didn’t devour the light spot for a while, and the original tiny body grew a circle. At this time, it was gently squirming, and it was completely idle in the flames. It’s like bathing in the sun and enjoying it all.

“It won’t…”

“This is the so-called ‘very fire silkworm’?”

Lin Feng dumbfounded.

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