The fourth episode of the 16th chapter of the catastrophe training base

Here is your future residence. Go out of the door, Bing Shuang pointed and said.

Lin Feng nodded, remembering that the room was not big, just a little more spacious than his home 6th floor Cultivation Room.

It is divided into two floors, the lower floor is the cultivation room and the upper floor is the lounge.

simple and clear.

Oh, this is the key. Bing Shuang handed over a thin metal card.

Lin Feng took it, and the faint gloss printed the ‘111’, a very interesting number, which immediately became a pocket.

Let’s go. Bing Shuang nodded and said.


Walk in the training base.

Beast herd riot, presumably you already know? Bing Shuang looked at him and saw Lin Feng nod, and then went on to say: Heavenly Martial Continent’s ending is destined, sooner or later, humans have no choice to struggle. Therefore, the round table conference determines the End Plan.

The four great influences have their own natural resources. The method of ‘Martial God Tempering’ is different, but the same is the same, the goal –

All are to cultivate more Titled Martial God!

Lin Feng nodded and understood.

This is why you joined ‘Martial God Tempering ‘plan.

Becoming a Titled Martial God, there is a chance!

This training base, which contains the ‘Energy Civilization Remnant’ of many ancient civilizations, is the most distinguished presence of ‘Hunting’. Bing Shuang coldly: For a long time, except for the specially trained Martial Artist of ‘Hunting’, the ordinary official member is not eligible to enter here.

Speaking, Bing Shuang couldn’t help but look at it. Lin Feng looked in his eyes and understood it.

Because many of the ‘training facilities’ here have a longevity. Bing Shuang indifferently said: For example, when you enter the ‘Dragon Spine Road’, the current frequency of use, ‘Long Wei’ will be exhausted within two years. Many ancient civilizations also have the limitation of remaining energy.

Lin Feng is awkward.

It seems to be an electric train. If there is no energy stone, it is scrap iron. [ shuhaige point org]

but now. Everything is all open! Bing Shuang blinks in the eyes, can cultivate a Titled Martial God, ‘Hunting’ can add a little strength!

Lin Feng nodded.

No matter how good the ancient civilization equipment. It’s all dead, it’s not taken away.

For example, this training base is even more precious and unique. But in the end… it’s empty.

When End is approaching, who cares about these things?

Here, the true genius of Heavenly Martial Continent is gathered. Bing Shuang looks coldly, but Martial Artist, who has no hope of promoting Martial God in a short time, has all been eliminated. All that is left is the Primary Martial Emperor 66. Intermediate Martial Emperor 31, Advanced Martial Emperor 12, and the only Advanced Great Martial Master.

Advanced Great Martial Master ?

Lin Feng startled, did you not hear it wrong?

Become the official member of ‘Hunting’, the minimum condition is not become a Martial Emperor? Lin Feng asked in confusion.

That’s right, but there are exceptions. Bing Shuang eyes flashed a different light. Huan Yao is a true wizard of Heavenly Martial Continent. It is a rare wizard who has seen a hundred years of age. Don’t think he is just the Advanced Great Martial Master. If it was a battle, Martial Artist of Martial Emperor level was not his opponent.

Soul variation, what is that? Lin Feng was shockedly said.

Is an innate talent, extremely terrifying strength. Bing Shuang said indifferently: You will understand it later.

Oh. Lin Feng responded.

Since Bing Shuang didn’t intend to talk about it, he couldn’t ask more questions. He wanted to decide that he had nothing to do with himself. So it is skipped directly.

The first condition to become Titled Martial God is soul power and body. The sound of Bing Shuang sounded slowly. Lin Feng suddenly looked good and listened carefully. It is necessary to exceeding the minimum standard to become a potential for Titled Martial God. As a Fire Spirit Master, you don’t lack soul power. In fact, the Heavenly Spirit Master’s breakthrough has always been stuck in the ‘body’ bottleneck.

Lin Feng complexion nodded solemnly, these ‘experience talks’ are quite important to themselves.

Perhaps, a little inspiration, it will allow him to take a lot of detours.

Man, is a whole, breakthrough Titled Martial God, is a sublimation of life.

**, the soul, will transform, change to the new Life Level.

Perhaps now your ability to cultivating the Fire Spirit Master will make your strength grow fast, but… Bing Shuang both eyes flashing a glimmer of light, coldly said: On the road for ‘Titled Martial God’, you will go further The farther, understand?

Yes, Teacher. Lin Feng nodded.

No matter how strong your Fire Spirit Master is, your body doesn’t reach standard, it’s useless!

Can’t make Titled Martial God, it’s empty.

I will temporarily give up all of the Fire Spirit Master’s cultivating, focus on physical improvement. Lin Feng has always been a very decisive person.

What to do, what to do, will never be indecisive!

Very good, correct attitude. Bing Shuang reveals a look of ‘scorpion can teach,’ has a with a smile: actually I have seen your ‘strength certification’ information, to be honest, Lin Feng your physical fitness … unexpectedly good, There are no obvious weaknesses, but the physical strength is quite prominent.

Lin Feng smiled lightly and did not explain.

Is it possible to tell Bing Shuang that he is swallowing the relationship of ‘dragon essence’?

Three physical fitness, the physical strength is the most difficult to improve! Bing Shuang Xu Xu said that strength and speed are much simpler. In addition to being able to improve quickly through the ‘ecological civilization’, the practice of the Weapon Secret Book and the movement technique also has significant effects.

No way? Lin Feng was surprised.

meeting. Bing Shuang’s eyelids, the sound is cold and firm, and the improvement of strength depends mostly on the muscles of the hands and the increase in cell activity; the increase in speed also depends on the growth of cell muscles in the muscles of the legs.

Spear move comprehend The more transparent, the stronger the skill, the faster the strength will be improved during practice!

The higher the level of the movement technique, the more the movement technique is practiced, and the faster the speed is improved!

It’s like a blade, the more sharp it will be, the sharper it will be!

Listening to the cold frost, Lin Feng suddenly realized.

Looking back now, each time my strength is improved, strength and speed are slowly approaching the strength of the body.

But because of the lack of practice time, the rapid growth of strength has covered everything, especially in the mysterious sea of ​​fire, when he almost gave up the practice of [Vault of Heaven Spear Art]. On the Fire Spirit Master cultivating.

Indeed, it is difficult to achieve the best of both worlds.

From tomorrow, 7-9 am and 7-9 pm daily, you can come to Spear Martial Field to find me. Bing Shuang said indifferently.

Yes, Teacher! Lin Feng is overjoyed.

This time, for the first time, I really shouted the word ‘Teacher’.

Bing Shuang’s words are like the sound of nature, you know, spear move is taught and no one teaches, efficiency –

That is a far cry!

Here is Spear Martial Field.

Here, it is the hall of fantasy.

Here is the gravity cultivation room.

Bing Shuang, with Lin Feng, is not too troublesome, and introduces the special place in the training base from one place. Walking in this Energy Civilization Remnant, Lin Feng is an eye-opener. It is like a new world. It is so strange but wonderful. Just listening to Bing Shuang’s description has already made his heart long.

The illusion room can improve temperament and concentration.

Gravity cultivation room, open the gravity mode, and enhance the physical fitness in all directions.

Too much too much!

Every ‘ancient civilization’ has a very prominent role.

As Bing Shuang said, if it is not End is approaching, such a valuable one-time ‘ancient civilization’ is indeed… not willing to use.

After all, it consumes energy and becomes a pile of scrap iron.

At the training base, there will be a ranking every month, depending on the level of points. Bing Shuang said indifferently, the higher the points, the higher the ranking, and the time to use the ‘ecological civilization’ based on the ranking.

Lin Feng nodded, but he could understand.

After all, these ‘ancient civilizations’ have no energy constraints and cannot be used indefinitely.

It is normal to give priority to those Martial Artists with high innate talent and strong strength.

If it is ranked in the top ten in the month, there will be a rich material reward, especially the top three, it is precious to the extreme! Bing Shuang watched Lin Feng That bright eyes, said indifferently: Don’t hold too much hope, Primary Martial Emperor Although the points coefficient is multiplied by 4, points are much more difficult to obtain than Advanced Martial Emperor.

Hey… Lin Feng is slightly disappointed.

Think about it, too, after all, Advanced Martial Emperor is only a line away from ‘Titled Martial God’.

A little ‘privilege’ and ‘convenience’ are also supposed to be.

With regard to points and rankings with the body, you can take a closer look. Bing Shuang’s voice was dull and he stopped.

Lin Feng snorted and looked up. He saw a flat tower-like behemoth, hugely erected there, emitting a different kind of bronze light, as if a small mountain was stacked up, one layer was more than One layer high.

Thirty Three Layer Heaven. Bing Shuang nodded, this is one of the points and the most important presence in the training base.

The most important existence!

Quite a weightful sentence.

Thirty Three Layer Heaven ……Lin Feng lightly mumble.

Looking at the eyes, I suddenly felt that this flat tower-like existence existed, mysteriously many!

Suddenly ——

A flash of light flashed out of a ‘weird’ figure from Thirty Three Layer Heaven.

Lin Feng looked at it and couldn’t help but be surprised.

The weird figure skeleton is extremely small, less than one meter tall, skinny like dead leaves, and the skin is solid and radiant. But the head is a big surprise, like a watermelon on the cross, quite uncoordinated, that feeling is tolerant.

With a slight stroke in his mouth, Lin Feng couldn’t help but look at the curious look.

But it is such a subtle movement, but it is instantaneously in the eyes of the ‘weird figure’, and suddenly –

Severe light radiate all around !

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