Chapter Twelve Southern Ancient Areas

Wild world.

In the huge Battle Spirit World, the human domain is only a small part, very small.

Strength, decide everything!

Human beings, regardless of individual strength, racial superiority and Martial Artist aptitude, human beings are only listed at the very end, inconspicuous existence. The only human beings who have surpassed the ancients and the witches, only the ‘quantity’, are far exceeding the number of ancient witches.

And this is the biggest reason why the witches keep humans.

Even if humans expert advanced Star Territory Level, Saint Level, Saint King Level, even the ancient witches 1% are not, but…

The base is great!

There are always some excellent aptitude Martial Artists that break the race restrictions and stand at the peak of Battle Spirit World. Saint Level is always better than the Star Territory Level, while Saint King Level is always better than Saint Level. The humans of Saint King Level, although not calling the wind and summon the rain, still have a certain status and self-esteem in front of the witches and the ancients.

For example, you can walk unimpeded into the ancient and witch fields.

And Saint Level is not qualified.

Hey! ~ Light flashing.

Lin Feng appeared slowly and his eyes burned.

“I didn’t expect it to be so simple.” Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought.

“This ‘Lu Yu pen’ is quite good to talk, the original thing will be very troublesome.”

Smile slightly, Lin Feng stepped out of the Transmission Array.

When Nangong Madam gave himself a ‘directed way’, he said that Lu Yibi might not sell her face to her. After all, to enter the ancient ethnic field, the strength of human expert must reach ‘Saint King Level’. Put yourself in, strictly speaking. Lu Hao’s calculation is a ‘violation’ rule.

“The face is really big.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

I understand in my heart that this matter can be so smooth. The biggest reason must be the Master Yan Qing or Nan Gong Madam to help.

After all, I met with Lu Hao and I didn’t have any friendship.

“I have a chance to thank him.” Lin Feng said lightly said, then gazing all around.

It’s hot!

It seems to be roasted like fire. The area here is full of the most intense elements of fire. Surrounded by a bright red, even the land seems to be cooked, the overwhelming heat of the assaults the senses, the poor strength of the Martial Artist can not resist.

“Southern ancient domain…”

“Sure enough, it’s one of the hottest areas of Battle Spirit World.”

Nodded slowly. Lin Feng closed his eyes. The elements of the fire are like a happy elf, and they are moving around. For themselves, these flames are nothing, even if they are not guarded by Fire of Rebirth, the physical strength alone is enough to resist.

The ancients, with the race of the inheritance Divine Beast blood. Therefore, it has a strong innate talent.

In the southern part of the country, it is one of the ancient tribes of the Divine Beast, which is not the inheritance of the ‘Fire’ system.

“I don’t know where.” Lin Feng was scornful.

Xu opened his eyes and saw a high Mountain Range in front of him.

The ancients are the same as the Divine Beast. Nature likes nature, and does not like to live in the area of ​​Energy Civilization like human beings. To some extent, the ancients, the witches and even the demon are the same. Not pursuing material life, just special cultivating. Looking for Heavenly Dao.

“Look for it.”

“As long as you find any ancient ethnic group, it is not difficult to find the ancient people of the Feng.”

Lin Feng nodded slowly.

When you are squatting, go away.

Vermilion Bird Union of Inkers.

“Hey!~” A figure appeared slowly, and the red eyes made people startled.

The ancient law enforcement chief, Akasaka!

“pay respects to the law enforcement chief.” Lu Hao pens hand respectfully.

“Where did you go?” Akasaka’s look was flat, and the right hand turned the faucet ring that symbolizes identity.

“禀 Law enforcement chief, is the southern ancient domain.” Lu Hao pen said resolutely.

Akasaka nodded lightly, and the red light in his eyes was slightly stunned. “Can anyone else accompany you?”

Lu Hao pen frowned, then shook his head, “No one else.” Micro-slightly bow, Lu Yan pen eyes stunned, “Law of law enforcement, Lin Feng really went to the southern ancient domain, just left, subordinate has been immediately known Will be the law enforcement chief.”

Akasaka said solemnly, “It’s done very well, there are rewards.”

Since the death of God, Akasaka has been waiting for the rabbit in Lin Clan, but has not waited.

In fact, he not only informed the Alliance of the Markers, but also informed the Alliance of Stars. As long as Lin Feng had a change, he wanted to enter the ancient area and went to the Fengfeng ancient family. Even killing his four men, not only reddening his own face, but also making the ancients shameful.

This time, God made his life, and Akasaka personally went out, so there is no loss.

“Many thanks Law Enforcement!” Lu Hao pen is overjoyed, this law enforcement chief is not ordinary people.

That is the peak of the saint’s expert, and it has a pivotal position in the ancient temple. He said that ‘reward’ is not an ordinary reward.

Akasaka nodded, and hesitated and asked, “Can you see the strength of Lin Feng?”

“This…” Lu Yan’s brow was lightly twisted. “I don’t know, but the rumor that Lin Feng’s strength is unfathomable. It should be in the high order of the Holy One or the peak of the Holy One.”

In the eyes of Akasaka, the red light flashed and he did not speak any more.

He was still confused about how the four men were killed.

Electric power does not mention, Lei Xiong’s strength is very clear, plus Lei Ba, eDonkey two Intermediate law enforcement is still being killed, this thing is obviously not simple. According to the rumors, Lin Feng was killed by one person, which is a bit unbelievable, but…

As Lu Yubi said, only the Lin Feng ancient people to Lin Feng.

“With the character of Feng Wei, I will definitely send people to protect this little bastard.” The red heart of the red heart, “but not enough to dispatch the Saint King Level other expert, it seems that it should be burned with the Lei Xiong three war.” Little bastard escaped a catastrophe, but there is no guardian next to him, so he even went to the ancient phoenix, to protect himself.”

“If not, how can I not go late, but go here at this time.”

“** is not separated from ten.”

The red eyes blinked, and very fast inferred the whole thing.

In fact, it is true that the Fengfeng ancients did send Fengming over, but what Akasaka could not think of. Feng Ming has been killed as early as the war. In fact, the Fengfeng ancients did not know that Lin Feng was being listed on the wanted list by the temple. If not, I will never send Feng Ming.

In fact, with the ingenuity of Akasaka, it is possible to estimate another possibility, but…

He is not willing to admit it.

“It is a dragon that is a snake. You will know when you test it.”

“If you really have the strength of Saint King Level, I will let you.”

“But if not…”

The red ray flashed through the thick killing, and the red scorpion stood on the Transmission Array with the fingers moving.

In a blink of time When the white light flashes, it disappears without a shadow.

Hey! Akasaka appears.

The eyelids flash red light bright clear. Xusense surroundings environment. Lin Feng’s departure, only after less than half a musk time, and here has always been to have people, aura’s fluctuations still have a bit of remnant. If the ordinary Martial Artist is not from the sense, but he is Akasaka!

With top grade eyelids, red 瞳 瞳.

“pā !” both pupils bright, red lips sneer.

“From the fluctuation of the star source force, it should be the high order of the saints, and sure enough, the other may be that I care more.”

If Lin Feng is going to be surprised at the meeting, it is true that his strength is guessed by his singularity, which is quite terrifying.

“If you hide, there may be a chance.”

“But enter here…” Akasaka made a fist. The whole body is full of intense light. “That’s the shackle, dead end!”

When –

“sōu!” rushed, and Akasaka was fast.

He is completely shining, and he has absolute confidence. Enough to kill Lin Feng!


Lin Feng eyes shines.

Galloping is only a musk time, aura’s sense very fast found many aura.

“Twenty. Fifty, one hundred…” Lin Feng’s heart is shocked. The front of the sense is like a ancient ethnic group. There are not many numbers of people, only a few hundred people. However, the shocked real isn’t number of people, after all, has seen the witch Tribe, dozens of people, hundreds of people are normal.

The ‘quantity’ of the Wu and the ancients and the Terran is completely incomparable.

What I am shocked by is the strength of this Tribe Middle Age expert, quite terrifying!

“There are fewer than three hundred people, but there are half of the Star King Star Territory Level!”

“Three Saint Levels exist!”

Lin Feng was shocked.

Although there is no Saint King Level, there are three saints!

Exaggerated proportion!

“This should be just a little Tribe.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

“The proportion of the Holy One is exceeding 1%, and the number of people of the ancients is calculated by 1%…”

Hard to estimate!

Lin Feng was shocked.

Guess that the ancients were strong, but did not expect the ancients to be so strong, no wonder the number of people is so small, but has the strength to beat the human Tribe. The quality is much more important than the amount. It is completely conceivable that the ancient saints add up, I am afraid that the excleding people do not know how many times.

“Women, but also stronger!” Lin Feng eyes narrow.

The estimate of the strength of the witches in the heart is clearer.

The sheer number of saints means that the Saint King Level has more experts, and the aptitude of the ancients and the witches achieves a different proportion of the Saint King Level, which is obviously better than the human race.

“Difficult strange person class Tribe has always been in a weak position.” Lin Feng said lightly said, but it is a sight to be true, and now fully understand that although only sense to a Tribe, but can fully understand a hundred, the ancients are strong Doubt, in Battle Spirit World, always be expert.

Lightly purse one’s lip Lip, Lin Feng feels more deeply responsible and pressure on her body.

“And go and count.” There is nothing too good, Lin Feng is a sigh of relief.

The tribe of human beings will say later, at the moment, it is more important to ask the location of the ancient phoenix.

Sōu! sōu! sōu! As a disease, Lin Feng very fast approached.

Looking at it, I can see a row of houses like stone castles. Many ancient people also feel their own aura, and they are curious and watched. Micro smiles, Lin Feng slowly slows down, is preparing to dive, suddenly ——

“Peng!” One of the hearts of the earthquake, Lin Feng complexion transient.

Behind a terrifying powerful aura, it is breathtaking with extreme speed.

The rich killing intent spreads rapidly and expands the entire area, and the terrifying strength feels far more than any Saint Level expert that has been seen.

who is it? !

Lin Feng suddenly makes a fist, eyes bright light radiate all around.

I can feel it completely, and the aura is firmly locked in, obviously it is prepared, the goal –

Point to yourself!

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