Chapter VIII Future Emperor

Four eyes are opposite.

Lin Feng watched This plain-looking man in front of his eyes felt a light aura.

There is a faintly discernable smile on his face, but the ordinary face brings a unique temperament, just like aloof and remote but it is so approachable. The eyes seemed to see through everything, as if they could talk. Even if it was only the first time I met, it seemed to be an old friend who had known each other for a long time.

It gives people a feeling of being very comfortable.

“Sui Emperor.” Lin Feng smiled slightly, nodded and said.

“Sit down.” He made a ‘please’ gesture, casually, “come with Lu Wang?”

“Yes.” Lin Feng sat down, separated from the raft by a small wooden table, and looked across the surroundings. Surrounded by mountains and waters, the air here is unique and fresh. Just like the name of ‘Taoyuan’, it seems to enter the paradise, emptying everything and putting all the troubles and worries down.

It’s chic and laughs. “There are only people who have managed my two Junior Brothers.”

“Governance?” Lin Feng slightly startled, said, “The Emperor’s remarks are heavy, and I and Lu Wang should be counted…friends.”

I didn’t answer, just smiled lightly, “has seen the heavenly Lord?”

“Yes.” Lin Feng’s eyes flashed lightly, and he met with the celestial lord, and completely clarified his original vague thoughts.

It can be said that let yourself know what to do next.

However, how can Sui Emperor know?

Lin Feng looked at him, and he seemed to know Lin Feng’s conjecture. He said, “In fact, everything I do is a sacred arrangement. There is no personal humiliation. If you can save humanity, let human race be here. The lich continues in the battle, I am dead and no regrets.”

The firmness in the eyes, before changing the appearance of the spring breeze, fell in the eyes of Lin Feng slightly sigh in one’s heart.

In fact, what is the situation of mankind. The celestial lord knows, knowing that he knows the same. In other words, it is entirely his uncertainty and worry about the future. Perhaps he has the determination to die. However, the situation is indeed not optimistic.

“What do people think about the situation at the moment?”

“In fact, Emperor Sui called I, Lin Feng, I am just an ordinary person, really isn’t emperor.” Lin Feng said softly, although according to the lord of heaven, he will become an adult in the future and become the biggest survival of the human race. The key, but right now… still not.

It’s always a bit uncomfortable to be shouted.

“Human Qianqian let.” He smiled slightly. “The heavenly lord will not look at the wrong person. In fact, the Emperor Sui had been observing you before, but I did not expect that in a few years, the strength of the Emperor is so Ascension is really unbelievable, but… this also proves that you are indeed Heavenly Fate.”

“Sui Emperor?” Lin Feng startled.

If you don’t mention it, you really don’t know.

He nodded slowly. “The master is not as proficient as the master of the heavenly master, but he has a lot of research on the astrology. The master once said that the strength of cultivating is from Starry Sky, then Starry Sky is inevitable. There is a great mystery. Therefore, the study of astrology is not the same. A few years ago, the old man once asserted that the third lich battle is about to open. The decision to finally win the scale of Libra will be the two emperors. Star.”

Lin Feng’s eyes are bright.

This point has been mentioned by the Lord of Heaven.

Oneself is one of the ‘Royal Stars’. It has the extraordinary life of the royal constellation ‘Great Bears’.

“In fact, the emperor must be thorns and thorns, and the more you can say, the more you pay. It is not easy to survive and have strong strength and strength.” In the past few years, the “Queen’s Star” of the Yaozu has been indomitable, and the Vietnam War has become stronger. Now it is completely blooming and truly stands on the top of the stars.”


The day is destined, the emperor has only one!

These words are still in the mind, Lin Feng scorned in the heart, and once again met with the celestial lord, although not mentioned, but the meaning is already very clear. This time the Battle of the Lich will no longer end in a draw. With the brightening of the two emperors’ stars, it means that the Terran and the Demon will decide the final life and death.

Both, only one!

The key point of the human race is on himself.

Responsibility is very important, but he has no choice 扛, in love, regardless of righteousness or small meaning, he must stand up. Looking at him, seeing his clear eyes, Lin Feng couldn’t help but smile. In fact, he was very clear. He said that the words were “deliberately” to himself.

If you are motivated, it will be worth mentioning. It is indeed worthy of being an Emperor.

“In fact, the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty does not need to do this. I promised to be the Lord of Heaven, and I will never let go of my words. I will go all out.” Lin Feng nodded.

Xiao Wei smiled. “I have a lot of heart. I still think that the Emperor is still confused and hesitant.”

“Really isn’t, just think… I’m not qualified enough now.” Lin Feng’s eyes turned and looked at him, slowly said, “In fact, I came here, it’s the Lord’s guidance, come to the Emperor. Help, discuss how to contribute to the human race.”

The celestial lord means giving himself a general direction.

However, there are many roads ahead, and you still need someone to point out the maze and do the best for every detail.

And this person is the Emperor!

“The emperor is too modest. If I really have the strength to save mankind, I don’t need to abdicate to let Yin.” 舜lightly sighed, shook his head. “The lord of heaven has given me life. Although I am the life of Emperor, it is the “Shengshizhi” Emperor’s, the king of non-disorderly worlds, must now have a new commander with great power, and the Terran has a chance.”

“That person, Lin Feng you!” 舜gaze as if a torch, there is a sound, “become a new emperor, to save the Terran in your way!”

“And now the first and foremost thing is to implement the position of the emperor, and the name is justified.”

“Take the emperor to compete for the hegemony, take power in the entire southern region!”

The sound is long and flowing, and it is gently circling in this open space.

Lin Feng is opposite to the four eyes. Each other’s eyes are filled with affirmation and perseverance. They stretch out their fists and touch each other.

it is more than words.

The emperor is fighting for the hegemony!

Leaving from Taoyuan, Lin Feng’s eyes are still bright.

As he said, this is a key opportunity for himself. He can take over the entire southern region justifiably. Just like the new demon king who won the ‘Commander Hegemony’ before, he suppresses all opposition voices with absolute strength. Expert is respect.

Everything, speak with a fist.

Whoever has the strength, whoever has status and power.

Decide fate!

“Yan Wang, Yu Wang, Lu Wang, the strength of the three is between the two.”

“According to what you said. These three people are determined to enter the battle for the ‘Imperial Competition’, but they are not as good as me.”

“As for the other saints, let alone.”

Lin Feng looks calm and has a deep understanding of his strength.

Not to mention the southern domain, it is to look at the human world, and you are enough to sweep all the saints!

It can be said that the Holy One is almost invincible.

The Wu and the ancients did not know, but the two big tribes apparently would not come to participate in the ‘Imperial Competition’, the only thing they had to face. It must also be faced, only –

Devil Lord!

“Call ~” sighed, Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

The brows are lightly clustered, but they don’t want to avoid the big devil. According to what he said, the demon lord is the old monster that survived in the second time of the Lich War. The strength of the saga is hard to predict. The strength of the sacred level alone is not something that you can resist.

The day was in Vermilion Bird. If it is not water, it has already been poisoned by its own hands.

The most troublesome thing at the moment is. Starting from the ‘Emperor’s Championship,’ time is running out. To be correct, it should be the opening of the third Lich battle. The time is getting closer and closer, and the bell is almost heard.

The first step to becoming a human being is also a necessary step.

First of all. To be ‘justified’!

“when the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current.”

” Anyway, this time, I have to go to the ancients first, maybe…”

“When it comes back, there is already a way.”

There was a faint smile on his face, and Lin Feng looked calm.

Somehow, even if it is so heavy. However, my heart is still surprisingly quiet, the greater the pressure, the greater the responsibility, the more I can exert my strength.

In this case, have you experienced less?

“He is the future emperor?” Yan Wang looked dumbfounded.

“Yes.” The look is calm, but it is resolute and decisive. “As the lord of heaven, this child will determine the future destiny of my race.”

The inflammation king complexion is uncertain, but it is difficult to accept for a while.

If it is the Big Senior Brother ‘舜’ he doesn’t care, but Lin Feng… a newly promoted Martial Artist who just emerged from the Vermilion Bird continent where he is in power, wants to be the emperor’s emperor, and he wants to listen to his instructions and think about it. This, Yan Wangdeng feels a mess, complexion is ugly.

Very unhappy!

“I know that you are not convinced.” Looking at Yan Wang, “Now the Terran is scattered, we must unite.”

“The King of Lu does not need to say that the king of the king is also playing with an abacus, and there are other kinds of complex reactions. Nowadays, the Southern Regions are dancing in a magical way. We must stand firm…”

Yan Wang raised his hand and interrupted. “The Big Senior Brother does not need to persuade.”

Looks proud, Yan Wang eyes burning, “If I want to be convinced, simple, if he can defeat me with a real strength, my wang Wang respects him, and he is a leader. If not…” Yan Wang looked to him, The complexion is gentle, “The big Senior Brother is no stranger.”

舜slightly smile, “That is natural.”

Absolute strength can make people absolutely surrender.

I know that the spleen of the spleen is spleen, and the iron and bones are said to be one, and the second is two.

“If the Senior Brother has nothing else, the Junior Brother will leave early.” Yan Wang arched.

“En, let’s go.” He took his hands and gently nodded, and watched Yan Wang leave, sighed, turned and walked slowly to the lake, watched the blue waters of the lake, his eyes clear. It is worry. Because he is very clear, this is just the beginning.

What the Terran is going to face will be a real catastrophe.

“Nine deaths, but only one fight.” 舜 eyes shining, lightly mumble, right hand lightly crossed a light.

A delicate kite blew through the breeze and slowly fell into the lake.

…. )

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