Chapter 2 Abnormal

The county of Shiluo is full of enthusiasm.

As Lin Feng returns again, there is a big deal.

Huge capital fell into Shiluo County, buying land, shops, auction houses, etc. at an average price of 30% above the market price. The establishment of the Chamber of Commerce of Qin, such as a spring thunder, and the name of the boss behind the scenes ‘Lin Feng’, is like thunder piercing the ear, even Vermilion Bird continent’s largest Roche Chamber of Commerce have no choice to avoid a point.

Today’s Lin Feng, who dares offended?

On the wedding day, the killing of the ancient three experts, Lin Feng’s deeds have long spread in Vermilion Bird, not to mention Lin Feng’s head is also wearing the tool refining division ‘Vice President’ hat, the background is hard. Very fast, Qin’s Chamber of Commerce was founded only a few days ago, countless large, medium and small influences came to discuss cooperation, including Lin Clan and appointed Qin’s Chamber of Commerce as a tool refining direct seller.

It is just closing the door to come to a family.

Today, Lin Feng is no longer in Shiluo County.

It is not easy to construct a long-distance transmission channel from Huanghezhou to Vermilion Bird, and to build a long-distance transmission channel from Vermilion Bird to the country of hunting. However, the wealth can be passed through the sky, with Lin Feng’s financial strength and face, through Yan Qing master, it has not been completed in two days.

At this time, I took Yu Mo and thousands of my wife back to my hometown.

Yi Jin returned to his hometown.

In fact, Lin Feng is the king of the country.

In Shilo County, in Vermilion Bird, Lin Feng is like a hero, Martial God-like existence, built on the reputation of strength. In the country of hunting, every Martial Artist is from the heart of Lin Feng, worshiping Lin Feng, like a godly worship.

Every city has a statue of Lin Feng. No matter the civilian population, the merchants are expensive, they are all devout.

Without Lin Feng, there is no country of hunting today.

Holy Lord!

“Wow.” “Beautiful!” Lin Yumo and Qin Qianqian are the first time to come to the country of hunting. The three turned into civilians, and Lin Feng wandered around the city with two women. See the purest terroir favor, followed by Wudong.

Under the jurisdiction of Lin Yun, the country of hunting, now the country and the people, is calm.

Everyone lives and works in joy, and can hear the sound of laughter everywhere.

“Big Brother Lin, what is that!” Qin Qianqian pointed straight ahead.

“A big golden statue!~” Lin Yumo beautiful eyes flash.

Lin Feng just raised his head. Looking forward, the two women had already run without a trace, and Udon also followed.

Showering, Lin Feng even keeps up.

“Hey!” Lin Feng flicked and came to the middle of the two women. At this time, Lin Yumo and Qin Qianqian just looked up and watched the huge golden eagle with hundreds of zhang high. A little glaring at the golden statue, the two beautiful eyes flowing light flashing, surprised open the small mouth.

at this time–

“Bold!” “impudent!”…in a blink of time. Surroundings sounded an extremely angry voice.

In front of the golden statue, bustling with activity thousands of people sincerely bowed, no one stood, only Lin Feng four people, but it is so embossed. The four people who saw it turned out to be innocent, suddenly causing public anger, and screaming like a wave.

Lin Yumo and Qin Qianqian were also shocked, but the two still clearly saw the golden statue.

Including Lin Feng has also been seen. Wry smile again and again.

“Big Brother Lin, this golden statue… How is it like you?” Qin Qianqian hesitated.

The sound is not heavy. But the surrounding peoples all heard it, as if they were igniting the fuse, it was added oil to the fire, and a thunder was furious.

“Don’t dare to insult the Holy Emperor!”

“Everyone, catch them!”

“Dare to be disrespectful to the Holy Emperor, it is a death sin!”


An angry temper. The flower of Qin Qianqian was eclipsed.

Lin Yumo’s beautiful eyes look forward to seeing the golden statue again, but Lin Feng is bitterly colored, seeing everyone like a mob, and entering is not a retreat. How can I not know. This golden statue is actually yourself?

Previously, Younger Brother Lin Yun mentioned it, but he did not care about it. In fact, this time it was the first time I saw it.

These violent civilians worshipped themselves as gods, and they were so pious that they had no reason to hurt them. But let them affect thousands, but they are even more reluctant. At the time, the sound of ‘peng’, Lin Feng Qi strength suddenly spread, using a soft force to isolate the people.


“Weird.” Lin Feng brows slightly wrinkle, one of the hearts moved.

In the sense, the strength that I have separated seems to have a separate existence.


Looking around to everyone, the strongest is just the Star River Level, and the angry look is really isn’t fake, all true feelings. But I always feel that something is wrong with my heart. It feels like there is a pair of invisible hands pushing them.

Quite strange!

“Let’s go.” Lin Feng looked at Yumo and Qian, lightly said.

Although there are doubts in my heart, when it is really isn’t doubtful, it is the best policy.

Even more unnecessary explanation, is it that and the surroundings of these Martial Artists say that they are Lin Feng, is the Holy Lord?

Will they believe?

Still go away, save the conflict.

Lin Yumo and Qin Qianqian have not yet returned, and Suddenly Lin Feng’s brows are slightly twisted, but they feel a very powerful aura coming in very fast. The heart was a little surprised, aura was quite familiar, Lin Feng lightly slammed, and then looked back, when he was –

Sōu! A fiery red figure came straight.

“Bold mad, dare to mess here!” The sound of Jiao drinking came from afar, it was a delicate and petite figure, a molar moth, aura is quite powerful. Wudong’s eyes are bright, and it is directly at the forefront, loyal to the Lord.

The strength of the comers is much stronger than these ordinary Martial Artists.

Star King Level!

“It is Qin Hunter King!”

“Everyone retreats, Hunter King is here!~”



The sound of surprise, everyone even retreated.

This fiery figure has an extreme high reputation here and is respected.

Qin Hunter King!

Lin Feng smiled lightly, knowing who the comer is, and since the establishment of the country of hunting, the hunting has changed greatly. Blue and Prison still bear the name ‘Hunter King’, but the appearance is very rare. Now the ‘Master’ is the new Hunter King.

Qin Rou !

It is also your own big mountain discipline.

“Don’t come innocent.” Lin Feng flashed slightly, keeping Udon behind him. It is to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Qin Rou’s figure is finally coming to see the arrivals, the beautiful eyes, the aura disappeared in no time, the beautiful goose egg face is astonished, but the moment is a deep surprise.

“Master!~” Qin Rou exclaimed excitedly.

This shouting astonishing heart, just like everyone in the wave, everyone is like a chicken. Unbelievably watched all this. Qin Rou They know each other, the name of Hunter King is not shouting. In today’s country of hunting, Qin Rou’s strength is second only to the owner Lin Yun.

And her master…

It is the famous sacred king of the legend!

Lin Feng.

An absolute silence.

Everyone saw the true face of Lin Feng at this time, and all the pupils were quickly protruding. Although they did not have seen the true face of the Holy Country, daily visits have already been printed. Lin Feng’s appearance is not exactly the same as the golden statue, but it is similar to eight or nine points, plus the call of Qin Rou. Suffice to say everything.

“Holy, Holy Lord!”

“Is it really the Holy One?”



Everyone’s complexion is stunned, scared to the ground, and squatting on the ground does not dare to move half a point.

It is simply sinful to remember that they dared to smash the Holy Lord just now! The cold sweat on the forehead is constantly emerging, and the head is low and directly attached to the ground. The black pressure is a mess, and it is regrettable but incomparable piety and excitement.

they. I saw the legendary Holy Emperor, the Holy Lord!


It is death. Also worth it.

Qin Qianqian finally reacted at this time, and in fact cleverness such as Lin Yumo and Wu Dong have already understood. The three people of Lin Feng were both amazed and delighted, and at this time, the arrival of Qin Rou slowly eased the atmosphere of this piece of condensed atmosphere.

“Master, you are finally back.” Qin Rou is like a bird homing. Joy is incomparable.

A pair of powerful eyes eyes sweeping Qin Qianqian and Lin Yumo, secretly marvel at this incredible beauty, bite the lips, “They should be the teacher?”

“En.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded, looking at Qin Qianqian and Lin Yumo. “She is my first, Qin Rou.” The voice has not yet fallen, but Udon is already eye-opening, even the bow, “has seen Big Sister!” but she has scared Qin Rou, I don’t know her. How did it become a big Senior Sister.

“Let’s go, go back and say.” Lin Feng looked at all around, nodded slightly, and a bright light flashed through her eyes.

Although not taking two women to go shopping, it is already a sensation, and it is impossible to think of a calm and quiet tour.

I believe that the news of my return will be very fast.


I should bring two women back to see her mother.

Thinking of this, I can’t help but smile and look at Qin Qianqian and Lin Yumo. The former is still a bit stunned, and Lin Yumo is already a pretty face.

A family reunion~

Is there anything more to be happy than this?

I was very happy to see my son return. Lin Wanqing came out of the kitchen, and now she is full of red face. However, Lin Yumo and Qin Qianqian were slightly startled, their eyes fell on the arm of the arm, and the eyes suddenly flashed a surprise light.

“Not yet called?” Lin Feng said to the two women with a smile.

“Mother!” “Mother! ~” two women said softly, pretty face ruddy.

“Good, good, good.” Lin Wanqing couldn’t help but nod, but it was already happy. I don’t know what to say. “Come on, go in and sit down, wait for the meal.” Watched two beautiful children Daughter-in-law, Lin Wanqing is laughing and laughing, and the heart is moving into the kitchen.

“Brother!” “Big Brother!~” Lin Yun and Lin Shui’er got the news and came home early to wait.

“Wow, the two big cockroaches are so beautiful.” Lin Shui’er both eyes illuminate, and even leaped and jumped over, pulling Lin Yumo and Qin Qianqian was talking, and at this time, Qin Rou The shelf of the big Senior Sister has been put up, and the U-turn ‘starting code’ has been taught. Only Lin Feng and Lin Yun are left in the blink of an eye.

“Is there something to say to me?” Lin Feng blinked lightly, but he couldn’t see it.

“En, brother.” Lin Yun nodded.

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