. Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 33 is too long

The absence of the Brown King did not produce too many variables.

The lineage of Lu Wang, in the final analysis, is still ‘Lu Wang’, although it is Three Giants, but everyone is only looking at the king of Lu. The second disciple of Emperor Sui, regardless of strength or network, or even the land of Jiuzhou in power, Lu Wang is one of the best.

The name of the Second Senior Brother, really isn’t white.

“What is the situation at the moment of the emperor’s hegemony?” Lu Wang complexion condensed.

“The King of Lulu, the Martial Artist of the Challenger has changed a lot, and there is no second qualifyer.” A young saint is arching.

“These challengers are not climate.” Han Wang shook his head. “In fact, there are many experts in the southern region. Everyone knows that the saints who have been seclusion for many years are stronger than the ordinary saints, but they are the strongest in the southern region. There are still gaps between several saints.”

Lu Wang nodded. “So, is there only one Yan Wang at the moment?”

Han Wang light ‘hmm’ sounded, “I can really threaten you to the Second Senior Brother, nothing more than the two kings of Yan and Yu, oh, maybe there is a thief ‘乩轲’ that was born a hundred years ago, but I don’t know He is dead or alive now, will not participate.”

Lu Wang blinked, said indifferently, “No hurry, most experts are still waiting to see, including the king, I am afraid that I will not see the real chapter until the last month.”

“Right, two Senior Brothers, I wonder if you have heard of a recent sensational thing?” Han Wang started talking.

“What is it?” Lu Wang Wei Wei.

“We are dead to the head of the ‘Inflammation King’ jurisdiction Vermilion Bird Continent, one thing happened.” Han Wang’s eyes flashed slightly.

“Hey? Let’s listen.” When he heard the words of Yan Wang, Lu Wang suddenly came to interest. The emperor retired to the sage, the entire southern domain really made him jealous, only the wang and the king, the king was always neutral. However, Yan Wang is one of the best, and he is completely different from him.

“I heard that there is a sudden rise of the saints, it seems to offend the ancients, causing the ancients to send a senior law enforcement and two Intermediate law enforcement to come.” Han Wang slowly said.

Advanced law enforcement! ?

Lu Wang complexion slightly changed, said with a faint smile, “Then he really did not know how to die. The ancient law enforcement of the ancients, that is, I did not know how to win.”

Hanwang said heavily, “No, the death is the three law enforcement of the ancients.” The voice fell, suddenly caused a crowd of inhalation, Lu Wang complexion transient, the eye bright light flashed, “a senior law enforcement, two Is the Intermediate Law Enforcement? Is the news true?”

Hanwang nodded and said: “I just learned that it should be in the air. There are so many people who have witnessed this.”

Lu Wang screamed, his brows wrinkled, muttered, “can kill a senior law enforcement of the ancients, two intermediate law enforcement, even luck is also good, the strength is at least the peak of Saint Level. These experts. It is impossible Suddenly popped up.”

“I can’t believe it.” Han Wang smiled and shook his head. “But I heard that. It is a youth who has not passed thirty.”

what? !

Lu Wang is a big man, and everyone is also awkward.

“What is his name?” Lu Wang said with a frown, “Can you know the teacher’s door, family history, history?”

Shaking his head, Han Wangran said, “I don’t know. After all, it is Vermilion Bird Island under the jurisdiction of Yan Wang. It is not easy to listen to the news.” When the time came, the surroundings were disappointed, but everyone was also lifted up curiosity. Lu Wang is Complexion dignified.

to him. This is really isn’t good news.


“King Lu, I know his origin!” In the crowd, a short man’s booth eyes flashed and stood up.

“Hey?” Everyone has a gaze, and Lu Wang and Han Wang are bright light.

“Because I have been paying more attention to the tool refining division.” Short man said, “this child was born Vermilion Bird zhou tool refining Shi family ‘Lin Clan ‘, but the real identity is a mystery, just won the Vermilion Bird continent tool refining division contest laurel “There was a bit of admiration in the eyes, and the short man couldn’t stop nodding. “But he didn’t want him to be more than a top grade tool refining division, but a top grade Martial Artist.”

Top grade tool refining division!

The peak of the saints? !

Everyone was wide open and surprised.

Individuals are very common, but they need to be both together… There is no one in the entire Battle Spirit World. And according to what Han Wang just said, it is still a person who is less than thirty. In the age of the saints, that is the smallest layer!

Heaven and the Wizards!

Lu’s breathing is already a slight rush. “What is his name?”

“It seems to be called…” The short Martial Artist brows up slightly, looking up and sinking as if thinking, his eyes are bright, “It’s called Lin… Right, Lin Feng!” Short Martial Artist clapped and ended I thought about it, joyfully said, “It’s called ‘Lin Feng’, that’s right!”

Lin Feng?!

The crowd nodded slowly and there was a lot of heated discussion.

Lu Wang is also a lightly thought in one’s heart, but it is a complex understanding of the complexion, and feels inexplicable familiarity, “Wait, where did the name I heard?” Looking around to everyone, you watched me, I watched you In an instant, Lu Wang’s eyes widened and he looked at the bell. “What did you say just now, who did Brown King go to find out?”

The crowd gathered, and Zhong Zhong stood up and stood up. “Yes, it is… Lin Feng.”

Hey! ~ A piece of 喧哗, Lu Wang complexion is extremely ugly.

Heming County.

Under the planning of the tool refining master Zhou Fan, mobilizing a large number of people, in just three days has been completely changed.

A sensational wedding in the city was held in the eyes of all the people of Heming County, and it was a big hit. For the wedding Lin Feng to cast hundreds of thousands of stars, it can be said that the Battle Spirit World is unprecedented.

Luxurious and extraordinary!

Pack all the shops, restaurants, swaying banquets, and banquet the entire Heminger County Martial Artist. Correctly speaking, it is every Martial Artist who comes to the wedding. Even in just three days, Lin Feng’s name has gradually spread in Huang Hezhou, like thunder piercing the ear.

It is gold, it will shine everywhere.

With the strength of Lin Feng, no matter which continent or region, it is the peak of the pyramid, the most striking existence.

“Look, isn’t that He Long master?”

“There are also peacock fairyes coming, wow, so beautiful!”

“Why stop, you see, even the president “Kun Master” and Vice President ‘Yu Master’ are coming with a gift!”


Everyone is not awkward.

It was Huang Hezhou’s tool refining division, a few highly respected tool refining divisions, all coming. Normally, Divine Dragon saw no end, the shelf was taller than one, but now it is full of laughter, and it is quite heavy. Gifts!

The amazement was repeated, and Lin Feng in the eyes of everyone added a mysterious aura.

“Wow, the saint ‘Gallo’!”

“There are silver moon saints ‘Xiao Jian’!”

“Heavens, there is also a strong aura!!”


The emergence of the saints brings true **.

In the eyes of these ordinary Martial Artists, the Holy One is an elusive existence, and it is extremely difficult to see one side.

But now, it is like a market, coming one after another.

Extremely shocking!

Lin Feng took Qin Qianqian and smiled and received one by one.

Perhaps these guests don’t know each other, but it doesn’t matter. Just like when you are married to Yumo, the person next to you is happy and happy, that is enough. For thousands of people, she owes her too much, and she waited for too long.

“Tired, Big Brother Lin?” Qin Qianqian asked softly, beautiful eyes flashing.

“How come?” Lin Feng smiled and shook the little hand that was soft and boneless. “It’s too late to be happy.”

“Thank you, Big Brother Lin.” Qin Qianqian smiled and smiled. His head was slightly close, and his eyes were filled with tears. “Thousands of today are really happy, very happy, can marry you, it is a thousand years. The most satisfying and luckiest thing.”

“Stupid girl.” Lin Feng squinted at the hair, said with a slight smile, “I am more fortunate to be able to meet you.”

The four eyes are opposite, and they are all in the air.

And at this time

“Oh?” Lin Feng’s eyes were slightly bright, and he turned his head halfway, but he felt the proximity of aura. It was a complexion cold, carrying a sword scabbard man, a bone pupils watched himself, no change of look. Obviously, the aura that I just made was specially distributed.

“Hello, Yue Jianzong ‘Xiao Jian’.” Comers are just the ‘Silver Moon Saints’ in the crowd, Xiaojian.

“Hello.” Lin Feng is also smiling smiled, reaching out.

“Congratulations on your wedding, happy marriage.” Xiaojian’s voice was dull, but there was no congratulatory tone. Watched Lin Feng’s eyes were bright. “But remind you, if you want to live now, take your wife right away. How far is it? Far, if it is not a fragrance, the wedding… will become a funeral.”

Qin Qianqian hearing this complexion suddenly white.

Lin Feng gently grips the light tremble’s little hand, watched Xiaojian, the young swordsman is not half hostile, the cold expression is born. Deliberately come to remind yourself that even if you are not a friend, at least it will not be an enemy. “Are you?”

Xiaojian said indifferently, “You are flattening Yinfu, today, I am coming back to you this favor.”

It turned out to be the case.

Lin Feng nodded lightly and said with a smile. “Is it Yin Zhiyuan?”

Xiaojian stared at Lin Feng and deep like nodded. “He can’t help him with his helper. Let’s go, I can only tell you so much.”

“Many thanks Xiao brother told me, I have a heart.” Lin Feng slightly smile.

“You don’t believe?” Xiaojian brows slightly wrinkle.

“No.” Lin Feng shook his head indifferently. “It’s not necessary.” Qin Qianqian, who looked to the side, revealed a warm smile. “Today is a big day, only one time in my life. I promised. How can I renege on her to give her the grandest and most memorable wedding?”

“Big Brother Lin!” Qin Qianqian bites his lips and complexion is white.

“Reassured, nothing.” Lin Feng scorned that little head, but the calm movement transmitted a confidence.

Xiaojian stared at Lin Feng for three seconds and screamed. “You will regret it.” Stopped talking is no longer more persuasion, it is turning away. Qin Qianqian, who is full of worried faces, and Lin Feng, who still looks calm, seems to have never happened.

However, there is a bright light in the eye.

If Yin Zhiyuan is really daring and dares to come to his wedding, then he is really hanging on the old birthday star.

It’s too long.

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