Chapter 30: poor brat

Inner Court Garden Pavilion.

The flowers bloom, the charming floral fragrance is floating, and the scenery is very pleasant.

Ji Xia sat at the stone table and chatted with Wu Dong casually. He made a few chuckles from time to time, but now the major event is over, and there is no burden. The two are in a good mood and can follow Lin Feng cultivating. It is a great opportunity and I can’t hope for it.

Only Qin Qianqian sat in front of the stone table, light purse one’s lip lips, and the eyebrows were light.

“Let’s relax, Junior Sister, with the strength of Lin Feng, trifling Lu Jun can’t turn his hand.” Ji Xia said with a slight smile.

“Well ~” whispered, but Qin Qianqian still feels restless.

Ji Xia showed a smile and did not persuade himself to know the character of Junior Sister.

Of course, Lu Jun is the first person in the Chamber of Commerce of Qin, and strength is extremely strong, and Qian did not really ‘see’ Lin Feng make a move, no wonder she will worry. But in fact, with the strength of Lin Feng, let alone Lu Jun, that is, the entire Jin Jianmen is nothing.

Eyes shimmered, thinking of Lin Feng in the Yinfu that Wanfu is powerful, and Ji Xia feels trembling with fear.

He is truly witnessing the terrifying strength of Lin Feng.

In the heart of the heart, Ji Xia鈥檚 ears squatted.

There was a slight break in the back, and Ji Xia turned his head and stood up. The familiar black figure flashed past and appeared in front of it, still like that calm, like a blue lake, but no one knows how strong his strength is in his body!

“Big Brother Lin!~” Qin Qianqian shouted, and saw Lin Feng returning safely, and suddenly flew like a bird.

Slightly smile, Lin Feng hugged Qin Qianqian.

Feeling that the beautiful woman in her arms is thinking and loving her, she is even more pity.

“Nothing, I brought people.” Lin Feng scorned Qin Qianqian’s small head, said with a slight smile. Said in between, a red figure appeared in the back. It seems to be a fire, and the red scales reflect the perfect sexy figure, which is the red dragonfly.

One hand carries a person, as the eagle grabs the chicken and throws it on the ground.

Peng! Peng! Lu Jun, full of blood, red complex body complexion is pale, and Lu Yulian, who is also red body, is full of redness. I don鈥檛 dare to see people at all. Qin Qianqian was shocked by the small mouth, with a bit of incredible surprise, his eyes changed sharply, while Ji Xia and Wu Dong looked indifferent, as early as guessed.

“Big Brother Lin, they…” Qin Qianqian pretty face is white.

“This pair of dogs man and female, doing a lot of unspeakable things in the back, colluding with Yin Cong to take you away, even put your father in house arrest. This threatens you.” Lin Feng deep like, look watched Lu Jun and Lu Yulian, icy, screaming, “just now, they have all confessed.”

It is much easier than imagined. In order to protect themselves, the two are almost vying to push responsibility to each other. Greed is afraid of death.

This is the combination of interest and sensuality. Nowadays, the big troubles are flying on their own.

“Ah!” Qin Qianqian鈥檚 tears suddenly came out.

I thought that she was suffering alone. I did not expect that even the mother-in-law was tired.

“Nothing, my uncle is safe.” Lin Feng said softly, vision gaze towards Lu Jun and Lu Yulian. “When the dog man and female are dealt with, we will save the uncle and aunt.”

“Kill them!” In the eyes of Ji Xia, cold light 绮肩布.

“It鈥檚 too cheap to kill them.” Udon鈥檚 booth eyes flashed. 鈥淗ang them up. Show the streets!鈥?/p>

Lu Jun and Lu Yulian suddenly became white and trembled.

“You, you dare!” Lu Jun complexion fierce.

“My father will not let you go!” Lu Yulian shouted in the hysteria.

She is the daughter of Sword Master of Jin Jianmen. From childhood, she is very spoiled. Even if she marries Qin Ren, she has great power. He has been treated like this.

Lin Feng’s brow wrinkled and snorted, “nonsense.”

Peng! Peng! No need for the command, the red dragonfly is already make a move, grab a head in one hand, press hard to the ground, a bloody glow in all directions, the noisy sound disappears. That decisive and decisive, the cold means that Ji Xia and Wu Dong can not help but tremble, the first of the Chamber of Commerce, the Star Territory Level, the nine-order Lu Jun in front of the red-scale woman, it is like a child There is no resistance.

“Or do you… forget it, Big Brother Lin?” Qin Qianqian couldn’t bear.

“You are still the same, kind hearted.” Lin Feng smiled and blamed, squinting at the small head of the melon leaning on his chest, lightly said, “Don’t worry, this matter is handed over to me, you will be safe and so on.” Marry, be a beautiful bride.”

“Well ~” Qin Qianqian whispered, his face showed a happy smile.

For Lin Feng, she has always been obedient.

“What are you going to do, Lin Feng?” asked Ji Xia.

Lin Feng’s faint light light flashed away, with a deep chill, and slowly opened, “Take the person’s way to cure his own body!”

Inside the hall.

Qin Ren and Roche drink a set of tea, and look stunned.

The two men were a little worried about the watched Lin Feng in front, and looked at Qin Qianqian and Ji Xia, feeling extremely sudden. Inexplicable coma, I saw three people when I woke up, and still do not know what happened. Especially… suddenly a ‘female girl’ emerges.

Roche kept looking at Lin Feng up and down, and saw Lin Feng’s black clothed plain appearance. There was some ambiguity in his eyes, but he did not speak, just looking at Qin Ren.

She is a traditional woman, and her husband is expensive. No matter what the size is, Qin Ren is the master.

“Lin Feng is right.” Qin Ren was drinking a cup of tea again, feeling his head sober, and nodded thoughtfully, “You and Ji Xia, from Yanling House?”

“Yes, uncle.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Affirmative answers, Qin Ren brow is a wrinkle.

As the Chamber of Commerce Patriarch, the entire Goose House is in the Box of Commerce of the Qin family. Although he knows that daughter seems to have a ‘friend’ when he is in Yancheng, he is not too concerned. Then thousands of thousands of people returned to him for several years and have been cultivating, but they have forgotten about it.

I don’t want to, it suddenly popped up now.

“What about your parents?” Qin Ren asked hesitantly.

Lin Feng shaking one’s head and said, “It’s still alive and dead.”

Life and death are still unknown?

What is the answer?

Qin Ren looked at the three Madan Roche and could not help but scratch his head.

As for Lin Feng’s family history, he did not ask, Yan Yanfu was born, from the wilderness, there is no backstage. The eyes of the two people communicated quite awkwardly. It is obvious that the daughter and the Lin Feng have a very good relationship. As parents, they can鈥檛 bear to break them up, but…

Thousands, good is also a famous door, Chamber of Commerce.

Just marry a poor brat with no power or no power?

“Thousands, do you really like him?” Roche asked softly.

“En, Niang.” Qin Qianqianmei smiled and held Lin Feng in his hand to show the sweet color.

“Do not regret?” Qin Ren’s expression is more ugly than laughing.

Head shaking with the rattle, Qin Qianqian said resolutely, “Hey, daughter is not married to Big Brother Lin.”

Lin Feng smiled slightly, clenching Qin Qianqian鈥檚 little hand, lightly said, 鈥淯ncle鈥檚 aunt, rest assured, I will never let thousands suffer, I will take good care of her.鈥?The four eyes are opposite each other. Next to others, Ji Xia鈥檚 face also smiled.

“The female university is not staying.” Qin Ren shook his head.

Although there are many unwillingness, but in the current situation of the Chamber of Commerce, Qin Ren also has a decision.

Instead of letting the daughter marry to Yinfu, being insulted by the notoriously popular actress, it would be better to marry her who really wants to be, even if she lived a dull life, it was a happy thing. Thinking of this, Qin Ren couldn’t help but look forward to Roche. Why didn’t he want to live that kind of life?

Just being involuntarily.

But daughter, but there is still a way to choose.

“Okay.” Qin Ren lightly sighed and looked at Lin Feng. “Then I can give you the daughter. You have to dare to bully thousands. I can’t spare you!”

When the voice fell, everyone suddenly smiled and laughed, especially thousands, and even more laughter like flowers in full bloom. What could be better than the heartfelt blessings of parents? In the laughter, Ji Xiayi played with said with a smile, “Patriarch, you can beat Lin Feng.”

Qin Ren patted the chest, “I can’t beat the Chamber of Commerce brother! Who dares to bully me daughter, I Qinren is fighting this old life and fighting with him!”

A good father.

Lin Feng watched Qin Ren, the heart of the evaluation.

No matter what happens, he will put the daughter in the first place.

This kind of family love is hard to buy.

“Right, when are you going to hold a wedding?” Qin Ren started talking, “A year, two years or three years? I think after two years, more time to prepare…”

“No, uncle, we are going to have a wedding three days later.” Lin Feng smiled and interrupted.

P膩 t脿 ! Roche鈥檚 cup was not stable, and Qin Ren was even more stunned.

“What a joke, three Heavens?!” Qin Ren brows together.

鈥淓n.鈥?Lin Feng nodded lightly, and when the light flashed, the whole hall was dazzling. Large pieces of star crystals fell on the ground, dense and dense, so that the entire hall was radiant, but Qin Ren and Roche were scared.

Really stunned.

Rao is Qin Ren for the Chamber of Commerce Patriarch, and he has never seen so many stars.

“Sorry, uncle, suddenly, did not prepare too much dowry.” Lin Feng smiled lightly said, “This 800,000 star crystal right is a little care, I hope you don’t mind.” Money, a lot, For Lin Feng, money is now just a quantity.

Not to mention the refinement of a ‘Fengyi Tianxiang’ can earn hundreds of thousands of stars.

This time, killing the ancient three saints, the first heavenly treasure, you will make a big profit.

In particular, the high-level law enforcement makes the purple brilliance of ‘Lei Xiong’, although it is damaged, it is quite impressive regardless of the commemorative value or the research value. Before coming to Huang Hezhou, he sold the ‘chicken rib’ friendship price to the same tool refining division, which was worth not less than 30 million stars.

Trifling is 800,000 and is simply ignored.


Qin Ren is completely shocked.

On property, Qin’s Chamber of Commerce is not even as good as the earliest Lin Clan. Not to mention 800,000 stars, or 80,000 stars are already sky-high. Watched This ugly Lin Feng, Qin Ren and Roche only felt a soft body.

Poor brat?

Who is the poor brat…


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