The twenty-third chapter

Who is the guest?

Rao is a big scene of war and can’t help but dumbfounded.

Surroundings, Martial Artist is more completely responsive, but now it seems to be the upper hand? A single bite is enough to drown Lin Feng, not to mention that Patriarch is more than one, and there are two more powerful people who seem to be stronger than Patriarch!

In front of this Lin Feng, it is like a shackle.


How could things become like this?

Ji Xia is even more jaw-dropping, and the heartbeat that is threatened by Lin Feng’s domineering threat is stopped. He has already seen Lin Feng’s ‘madness’, but he did not expect Lin Feng to be so mad. In this way, Yin Family Patriarch is not in the eye. Right now, even the three great saints are Not in the eyes!

Naked threat!

Dangping Yinfu!

This sentence, what does he say about the export?

Ji Xia feels that a head is not enough, and Lin Feng seems to…

It’s not just a threat.

“Three.” Lin Feng said quietly.

Silence and silence, everyone is in a state of shock.

The head also recalls Lin Feng’s domineering sound that has just fallen like a thousand miles. At this time, the cold voice is ringing again: “Two.”

No hesitation, clean and decisive.

Even the look of Lin Feng from beginning to end has not changed.

The mind is extremely firm.

This time, the sound of the sound has already awakened most people. Lin Feng’s two fingers are enough to prove that they are not dreaming, but really –

Being threatened.


“courting death!” Like a lion-like roar, the aura broke out at the moment of the battle.

I can’t bear it, I can’t bear it!

This is the temper tantrum. He has already endured enough this time. After all, this is the matter of Yinfu. The Hongzhan book does not want to cause trouble. Whoever wants to get his forbearance actually makes the other party insatiable, and does not put him in the eye! Just kidding, who is he?

Hercules ‘Hong War’!

It is to look at the entire Yellow Crane Island is famous.

The fifth disce of the Brown King, although a middle-aged saint, has the strength of a high-ranking saint. How many saints saw him shouting “Hong Ge”!

This copper-clad iron bone, which was honed from the battle.

Why have you been afraid of people!

Behind him, the bright eyes are also bright clear.

He and the Hong war killed not to kiss Brother, a major in War God, very close to the battle; another major in the Heavenly Spirit Master, good at long-range attacks, containment. In Huanghezhou, it is a well-known gold combination. When the two join hands, the high-ranking saints must temporarily avoid the edge.

Trifling smell of mother’s milk not yet dried brat, so crazy!

Yu Ming has also come to the fire, aura slowly spread out, strength agglutination.

at this time. Black starlight shines in the body of the battle. With the sound of drinking. In the eyes of the Hong Kong war, it was completely covered by bright light. Behind him, the Indian star was blurred and shining, with a sacred and tall. Pā tà ! Pā tà ! Muscles instantly violently violently. The war is more than the arm, the muscles of the whole body are exploding, and the blue veins are exposed.

“Mystery, Indian Ghost!” Hong Kong clanging angered.

It is the real anger, and when it is shot, it is the strongest strength.

In the black starlight envelope, there is a kind of extreme terrifying feeling, and the astonishing strength broke out, and the Martial artist Martial Artist was bounced off. Behind him, the fascinating booth eyes shine. Starlight flashes in the hands, and the brilliance of the road, accompanied by gestures, makes the entire space slightly turbulent.

Behind him, starlight is also slightly blurred. Sacred and inviolable.

The ruler seat, the middle-aged saint!

Ji Xia was completely scared, he was the first time to see the Holy One make a move, and more than one!


Lin Feng still has no change in expression.

It doesn’t move like a mountain. There isn’t even a point in the body, Aura reveals, just slowly extending a finger, “One.”

The clear sound, in this aura bursting completely, the strong atmosphere of the intent of intent and killing intent is so unique, such as the emptiness of the empty valley, straight into the mouth of every Martial artist in Yinfu, it seems to be like It is the judgment of death, even if there is no additional energy, it makes people feel awkward.

“One of your moms #%!” The Hong war was completely irritated and even sweared.

The seven-foot body has long been exceeding a foot, terrifying muscles filled with thrilling blasting strength.

The arm alone is thicker than Lin Feng’s body, and the black qi flow circulates like a Black Bear. The huge body did not affect the speed at all, and there was a feeling of bursting out of the air, causing a huge earthquake in the entire space.

It is hard to imagine what it would be like to be hit by such a terrifying arm strength.

At this time, the sound of the faint voice is also sounding, “Star Technology, Wood Forest.”

The rich starlight is bright, the space is slightly turbulent, and large trees appear in the cluster, towering into the sky. The light green light shrouds the entire space, and Lin Feng is trapped in it, like entering a thick forest, surrounded by green or green.

Azure Wood revolves around the non-stop changes in the singular gestures.

Under the current situation that Lin Feng’s strength is unclear, it is undoubtedly the best strategy to control the Lin Feng with control technology.

“哗!~”surroundings Yin Yuan Martial Artist is awkward.

When the Holy One takes a shot, he knows if there is any.

That is the strength of the truly distant Star Territory Level, the sturdy way of the saints, coupled with the richest ‘domain’ sense, the combination of astrology and star power, playing a strong strength. The black light shrouded the flood like a giant spirit, and Lin Feng was completely trapped in the green light.

It’s like a smash!

“it is good!”


“Too strong!”


Everyone in the heart instantly stunned and admired, everyone is very eye-catching, do not want to miss any detail.

That’s the true Saint Level, the ultimate strength of Battle Spirit World! Everyone is full of expectation, eager to see, how to see the arrogant sacred ‘Lin Feng’, how to die, a resentful resentment. Only Ji Xia, even the heart is entangled.

However, the light voice sounded again.

“0.” A single voice, but it sounds like the bell of hell.

Hey! ~ An ultimate fire, blooming color.

It is like a fire of the stars, and when everyone is horrified, it is an instant of unparalleled expansion speed, such as a huge fire ring. Surrounded by the rich green light, the impenetrable forest is like a paper-like defense in front of this fire ring.

The moment when the fire shines, it instantly disappears.

A glimpse of complexion. ‘噗’ spit out a blood, but it is a collection of his star power and part of the soul of the strength of the containment.

But it is completely unbearable strike!

At this time, the extreme explode power of the flood war has entered the range of attacking Lin Feng in this instant. The pair of bright light radiate all around the proud eyes of the eyes, did not panic because of the broken star technology was a little bit of panic, the two have long been not a day or two, what kind of situation has not encountered!

“Giant impact!”

The rich black light is attached to the outside of the body, forming a sharp destruction of strength.

The war was half-sided and the right elbow replaced the fist to become the first attack. The black light penetrates the space like a sharp arrow. Severe impulses are mixed with star power. It is like a black sand wave that rushes in, and the combination of speed and momentum is wonderful.

With his terrifying figure, once it was hit, the consequences are hard to imagine!

The fire ring completely destroyed the green forest. But it can’t stop this black light, such as the tens of millions of elephants running, not only let the earth shake, but also let the space have a huge earthquake. In the battle of Dao of Strength, the space is shaken, which shows that this battle is strong!

Go all out!

幽明和殷之远both eyes are all shining.

Every Martial Artist in Yinfu is holding his breath and his eyes are gathering.

They are waiting.

Waiting for the flood to give the arrogant Lin Feng the most deadly strike, to vent your hatred!

but. They don’t know.

The war is stronger, and it is only the middle of the human saints.

There is no special bones, no aptitude, and only the strength of fighting strength can play 100% or even 120%. It is also far from the day when the Lin Feng wedding of the Intermediate Law Enforcement made the eDonkey and Lei Pa, not to mention the tyrannical high-level law enforcement to make ‘Lei Xiong’.

If the Hong war is against Lei Xiong, there is no need for three moves, and Lei Xiong will be able to destroy his smog.

And Lin Feng…

On the same day, Lei Xiong, in front of Lin Feng, was as small as an ant, so unsightly. Even if Lei Xiong exhibited the strongest unique skill, he was able to make a big battle with the star source, but in the face of Lin Feng, he did not even support it for ten seconds.

One face is the thoroughness of death.

In that scene, every guest present on the day will never forget.

Here, everyone is eager to see that Hong Feng has smashed Lin Feng into a bolognese, but I don’t know that in the eyes of Lin Feng, the war is so small, it’s like a frog in the well, no matter how it is. That well, see the real sky.

I can’t see my own ‘fragility’.

“Hey!” Lin Feng eyes lit up slightly.

Figure Instantly becomes a ghost, and Yunyun step is free to display, and instantly breaks the shackles of the battlefield.

The space that is forbidden by mystery is a joke in the face of Lin Feng, who is proficient in the space’s strength. Physical fitness is even more incomparable. Even if Lin Feng is just an ontology, it is far from the imagining of the battle. It is like a teleportation. Only a residual light flashes, and Lin Feng appears in time.

Everyone is stunned.

At this moment, time seems to stop.

Even the battle between the saints is still at this second.

Everyone has only one picture in front of him, one moment, the only existence. Lin Feng hit a black clothed, appearing behind the flood, expressionless, just a palm outstretched, like a slow motion, on the waist side of the flood. One big and one small, the two are in stark contrast.

Time, like a frame of one frame, slowly beating.

“Hey!” With the dawn of Lin Feng both eyes, the flame of fiery red in the palm of his hand emerged like a demon.

Blinking, from one to ten thousand, from the flame to a huge fire curtain, such as a Fire Dragon opened his mouth and instantly swallowed the flood.

Pā ! The fly is gone.

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