Chapter 12: The gap

Firmament Yang Town , Hunter Mission Hall .

Have you heard that? Vast Fire Town has a ‘Battlefield Hero’! ?

Dad, your message is too slow. Who knows this? Tell you that it is an Advanced Martial Emperor level Fire Spirit Master, amazing! ?

My god, no wonder so powerful! ?

Listening to the words of everyone, Lin Feng walked into it.

It’s really fast. Lin Feng’s mouth is slightly scratched, but it doesn’t matter. Anyway, no one knows himself.

This is rumored to be passed down, but it is exaggerated. Lin Feng smiles helplessly, but his strength is only ‘Primary Martial Emperor’, but it is rendered as ‘Advanced Martial Emperor’. I think it is because of the strength of ‘Azure Wood Turtle-Dove’, so I have this. Said.

It is also good, but it saves a lot of trouble. Lin Feng pondered in one’s heart .

The stronger the strength, the higher the position in Heavenly Martial Continent and the more you get.

This point, I have a deep understanding.

Going to the nearest ‘Mission Window’ is different from the ‘Light Curtain’ and ‘Star Screen’ in the lobby, which is the sole responsibility of the Hunter Organization staff. Including publishing commissions, accepting rewards, receiving tasks, etc., are all done here separately.

And to upgrade the Hunter Star-level, it is also impossible to operate by yourself.

Lin Feng is waiting to take out the hunter card, squatting, six domineering and overbearing in front of him, full of bloody burly roub man, hard to squeeze in.

Step aside! Lin Feng frowned , shouted .

What are you talking about, brat? Headed bald headed big man with a look of fierceness, the sound suddenly magnified once.

roll! Lin Feng eyes suddenly cold light radiate all around .

Pitch-black’s booth pupils have light, like a secluded black hole, terrifying aura puff like, not to mention the bald headed big man, even the other people around him feel the soul seems to be shaking.

Pu tōng ! Bald headed big man fell to the ground.

Extremely terrifying suffocation! ?

Lin Feng crossed directly, and the expression of calmness seemed to have happened nothing.

Hello, I want to upgrade the Hunter Star-level. Lin Feng handed over the hunter card.

Every ‘Mission Window’ will have a dedicated staff, and the ‘short haired beautiful woman’ in front of her seems to be scared.

Watched that short haired beautiful woman , Lin Feng slightly smiled. When it’s time, it’s like opening the sun and letting the snow melt.

okay. Short haired beautiful woman recovered . Even nodded.

Insert the hunter card, suddenly –

Before the ‘Mission Window’, the triangle consisting of ten faint stars illuminates a star.

1-star Hunter? Not only the short haired beautiful woman, but even the six burly robots are bowed. A bit dumbfounded, and the bald headed big man who was scared by Lin Feng was suddenly white, as if he felt extremely humiliating, even climbed up and showed ominous light.

3000. 3000 million points ‘upgrade points? ‘! Short haired beautiful woman is a little lost.

Even shook his head, short haired beautiful woman blinked his eyes, for fear that he was wrong, the booth eyes were very big.

Indeed, it is 3000 million! ?

Heavens! Bald headed big man only feels a soft leg, weak body.

All the people around me opened their mouths, as if they had turned into petrified sculptures, and looked at Lin Feng’s eyes full of horror.

Help me to upgrade directly to 8-star Hunter. Lin Feng said indifferently .

From 1-star Hunter. Upgrade directly to 8-star Hunter. The ‘upgrade points’ that are spent are – 11111110 points.

Just pay for yourself, just spend a third.

Hurry up. Lin Feng watched that short haired beautiful woman ,said with a slight smile .

Oh… well, good. Short haired beautiful woman face is a bit red.

Suddenly –

The elliptical triangles formed by the ten faint stars are illuminate one by one.

This huge movement suddenly attracted many of the Martial Artists aroundings.

When I saw the seventh star lit up. Everyone can’t help but burst into amazement, which represents the Martial Artist. Already the strength of the Primary Martial Emperor! ?

Pā ! 8th Star lights up.

All around Martial Artist suddenly stuck in a breath of cold air in Firmament Yang Town. There may be several Martial Artists with 7-star Hunter strength, but Martial Artist with 8-star Hunter strength…?

But it is unique! ?

Heavens, who is he? ?

Very awful strength! Where did he come from? ?

The six burly robots just now showed the earthy color, and the bald headed big man headed by him was even more regrettable.

Who is not tempted to offend a ‘8-star Hunter’? The people are lame, and the entire Firmament Yang Town is shocked! ?

Want to play dead? ?

It’s just too easy! ?

Ok, ok. Short haired beautiful woman take care to return the hunter card to Lin Feng .

She has been working here for so many years, and has never had seen even an 8-star Hunter, and this seemingly inconspicuous thing, actually…?

Lightly licking his lips, short haired beautiful woman’s heart can’t help but slam.

Thank you. Lin Feng took over the hunter card , smiling smiled .

Did not make more stays, even if it turned and left.

Watched Lin Feng, the back of the back, six burly robots can not help but grow a tone, secretly thought is okay.

The headed bald headed big man shook his head, and his mouth showed a bitter smile. It turned out that he was like a dust in the eyes of others, and he couldn’t see it.

It seems that even teaching him is too troublesome…?

This discouragement is the real expert! Bald headed big man secretly thought .

And at this time –

Will he be that ‘Battlefield Hero’? ! A Firmament Yang Martial Sect disciple suddenly both eyes are excited, excitedly said.

In a blink of time, the pot was blown up in the hall.

Right,right Right! I heard from Brother, ‘Battlefield Hero’ is a youth about twenty years old, very like! ?

Yes, yes, how else would there be so many upgrade points? ?

Definitely ‘Battlefield Hero’, that’s right! ?

Everyone said a word to me, and there was an expression of excitement and excitement on his face.

Unexpectedly, I can witness the true face of ‘Battlefield Hero’.

However, Lin Feng has long gone.

6-layer, Martial Artist Gate.

The Hunter Organization is the only place where Heavenly Martial Continent evaluates the Martial Artist level.

Entering 6-layer is a wide hall with a lot of Martial Artists. It is also very lively. On the outermost side of the hall, nine doors are sorted in turn, with different colors representing different ‘Martial Artist level’. Rising like order .

For example, to rate Intermediate Martial Warrior, enter 2nd path ‘Orange Gate’; to rate Advanced Great Martial Master, enter 6th path ‘Indigo Gate’.

Martial Artist Gate, it is the result.

I am going. Is 7th path ‘Purple Gate’. Lin Feng is lightly mumble, through testing, I can be a veritable ‘Primary Martial Emperor’.

7-star Hunter, Primary Martial Emperor…Lin Feng can’t help but smile.

I can’t wait for myself.

Walk indifferently to ‘Purple Gate’ to take the sight of Lin Feng. The old man has seen the purple door that is ten meters high.

And at this time –

Oh? Lin Feng was surprised.

Lin Feng??

Lin Feng ! ! ?

Not far away, two guests also saw Lin Feng, revealing the color of surprise.

Lin Feng slightly smiled, it is gone, since it has met, it is going to say hello.

Moreover, speaking, the two have also ‘guided’ themselves.

Xiong Lie. Wang Aolong. Long time no see . Lin Feng laughs watched two people.

At first they were hostile to each other, but they couldn’t think of it now.

It’s not that the family doesn’t gather.

Long time no see , Lin Feng. Wang Aolong nodded, and the voice was as cold as ever.

Lin Feng, the last Martial Artist Assessment lost to you. I am very reluctant. Xiong Lie patted the chest and showed a bit of intent intent. How, when are you free to discuss? ?

Lin Feng shook his head with a smile. I still have something.

Hey, really small, not timid. Xiong Lie’s mouth is very disappointing.

The loss of the Martial Artist Assessment half a year ago, he has always been worried.

Wang Aolong looks at Lin Feng, booth eyes bright, Lin Feng, you don’t care, sooner or later I will catch up with you! ?

great, good luck. Lin Feng said with a smile .

See you again after half a year, still the same, the character has not changed.

Speaking of it, I also miss some of my own… In the Martial Artist Actual Combat Assessment, I competed with each other.

Benign competition makes people progress.

Say goodbye to the two, and immediately, Lin Feng turned and left.

I have a relationship with Wang Aolong and Xiong Lie. After all, there is too much discourse.

Not only are we making progress, Lin Feng is already the Primary Great Martial Master. Watched Lin Feng ‘s back , watching Blazing Iron Soaring Dragon Spear , Wang Aolong lightly said .

so what? Xiong Lie turned his head, his nose was rough, and he didn’t even dare to learn. It was useless.

Maybe he really has something. Wang Aolong whispered, saying, as if thinking of something, eyes reveal a touch of startled, right, come to Martial Artist Gate to assess ‘strength grade’, Lin Feng, he… can already assess ‘Intermediate Great Martial Master’ ? ?

No way? Xiong Lie frowned, but the voice seemed a bit unconfidence.

After all, as you have just seen, Lin Feng is already the Primary Great Martial Master.

If not for the ‘strength grade’, what does he come to at ‘Martial Artist Gate’? ?

Obviously, the answer is coming out.

The two turned around and looked at Lin Feng’s back, but he saw that he passed the fifth ‘Blue Door’, then passed the 6th path ‘Indigo Gate’, and finally walked into the 7th path. Purple Gate’, the two suddenly ‘咕噜’ swallowed, scared eyes will fall.

I am not wrong, right? Wang Aolong feels soft and his body is light tremble.

Enter, into the Purple Gate … Lin Feng, he entered the Purple Gate. Xiong Lie looked stunned and the whole person was dumbfounded.

The two look at each other in dismay, all seeing the horror and stunned in the other’s eyes.

This is only half a year! ?


After a musk time.

Lin Feng smiled lightly and stepped out of ‘Purple Gate’.

Easy to pass! ?

Speed ​​- 2390 meters.

Strength – 3988钧, equivalent to 119640 kg, close to 12 million! ?

Body strength – 369Taiji! ?

The effect of dragon essence is really powerful… Lin Feng tsk’ed and sigh, although the speed is not much, but the strength and physical strength are a rapid leap! ?

Originally, the weakest strength of his own, swallowing ‘dragon essence’ before 75,000 jin, one step away from the standard 80,000 jin of Primary Martial Emperor. But now, directly grow more than one and a half times, close to 12 million pounds of strength, compared to the speed is not inferior.

Strength, finally no longer my elbows and weakness. Lin Feng is very satisfied.

Every time the strength is improved, my strength is a ‘death’ in the hind legs, even a headache.

The most outrageous is undoubtedly physical strength.

Before devour ‘dragon essence ‘, my body strength is around 200 Taiji, but now…?

Days, directly breaking through the Intermediate Martial Emperor body standard ‘256 Taiji ‘, reached the value of 369Taiji such an astonishing terrifying.

My strength has not only become the Primary Martial Emperor, but also the average level of exceeding! Lin Feng shook his fist and his eyes radiant all around.

Finally… it’s time. Lin Feng nodded and smiled and immediately opened the Fluorescent Compass.

Finding the familiar communication information, Lin Feng without the slightest hesitation dialed the past…?

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