Chapter 15 Qin’s Chamber of Commerce

?Huang Hezhou, Heming County.

The same is the southern region of the nine continents, located in the same hot zone, Huang Hezhou and Vermilion Bird continent is not much different, but the terroir favor, the influence structure is slightly different. For example, Chamber of Commerce, Huang Hezhou does not have the monopoly advantage of Vermilion Bird Island, the Chamber of Commerce, but the three Chamber of Commerce form a foothold and compete with each other.

Behind every Chamber of Commerce, there is the support of the great influence of force, which complements Vermilion Bird.

In Heming County, the battle is particularly powerful. Unlike the calmness of Shiluo County, the Martial Artist of Heming County is a better place to fight, and there are many areas where there is no limit to killing, just like the jungle world. Whose fist is big, who is the boss.

Expert is respect.

In fact, the ‘rules’ of each continent are formulated by the rulers, such as the king of Vermilion Bird, who is a temperamental temperament, but has a strong temperament, but the Vermilion Bird continent is calm and occasional. Friction, but the whole situation is stable.

The leader of Huang Hezhou, ‘Brown King’, is one of the juniors in the southern region of Jiuzhou, and his strength is weak.

Therefore, the second Senior Brother Luke lineage, and this “competition” mechanism to accelerate the development of the entire continent, and Vermilion Bird Chau is two development models.

But in fact, it is not a smart approach.

Qin’s Chamber of Commerce.

“There is only one way left today, Patriarch.”

“Yeah, as long as you marry thousands, you can solve any troubles.”


In the hall, everyone started talking, and there was a focus on the face, non-stop. Sitting in the upper position is a two-year-old pale middle-aged man. The complexion is pale and seems to be sick. It is the Patriarch ‘Qin Ren’ of the Chamber of Commerce of Qin.

Starting from the filming, Qin Ren roared, “Enough, all give me a voice, saying that I will not sell daughter!”

An absolute silence, everyone look at each other in dismay. However, there was no fear in his face, but his eyes glared at the luxurious woman sitting next to Qin Ren, the great Madam Lu Yulian. Although it was middle-aged, it was still well-maintained. In the face of Qin Ren’s anger, Lu Yulian did not even split the complexion, and said quietly, “voting.”

She is not just Qin Renda Madam. It is the daughter of the ‘Golden Swordman’ Sect Master behind the Chamber of Commerce, and now the Speaker of the Chamber of Commerce.

Everyone knows that the main thing in the family is Patriarch ‘Qin Ren’, but Lu Yulian is the one who really enjoys the most power. Chamber of Commerce, may be able to make money, but in this strength-oriented Heming County, without the support of Jin Jianmen, the ruin is only a matter of time.

“I agree.” “I agree.” “I abstain.” ……

The Chamber of Commerce agendas are all in one place. A total of seven Chamber of Commerce proceedings are made up of the backbone of the Chamber of Commerce. Responsible for dealing with matters that Chamber of Commerce can’t decide, in a sense, Chamber of Commerce is even more powerful than Patriarch ‘Qin Ren’.

Six Chamber of Commerce deliberations, counted Lu Yulian, four agreed, and two abstained.

“The results needless to say.” Lu Yulian looked at Qin Ren with a sneer. The combination of the two is purely of interest, and there is not much feeling. Qin Ren’s complexion is extremely ugly. Although he is also one of the Chamber of Commerce’s deliberations, his vote does not play a role at present.

“I strongly disagree!” Qin Ren clench one’s teeth, the voice is a little trembling.

Lu Yulian looked at her eyes. Said with displeasure, “As Patriarch, when the interests of Chamber of Commerce are first, sentimental like what man!” Hand pressed chest, Lu Yulian shouted, “Do you think I don’t feel sad, although thousands of really isn’t my parents But I have always come when she is personally daughter.”

“To take a step back, even if you don’t involve the interests of Chamber of Commerce, it’s a wonderful thing to be in front of thousands of people. It’s rare to see thousands of us, it’s our blessing!” Fly, face full of light.

“Yeah, brother-in-law, Yin Shao thought about us thousands of thoughts, melancholic and suffering, has sent people to mention several times.” Talking is a white-faced man, Lu Yulian’s cousin, Yu face Young Master ‘Lu Jun’, also born in Jinjianmen, has the strength of the Star Territory Level and is now the pillar of the Chamber of Commerce.

“No, this will ruin thousands of lives!” Qin Ren is at a disadvantage, but his belief is firm, burning like gaze, “Yin Shaohua is outside, although Yin Family tries to cover up, but who does not know Yin Cong people as their name is a downright ‘Admigrants’, ridiculous, not learning, no matter how many girls’ whites are buried in his hands.”

“That’s just a rumor, brother-in-law.” Lu Jun seems to laugh with non-said with a smile, “Even if Yin Shao is just playing on the spot, you know, this kind of thing is inevitable for men. But this time Yin Shao really moved the truth. Even the dowry is gone, it will never be fun.”

“Hey.” Qin Ren disdained coldly snorted, did not speak.

Lu Jun, a few pounds, how can he not know, obviously it is the income of people.

“Well, no need to say anything, this is the case.” Lu Yulian waved her hand, and did not care about Qin Ren’s face. The eyes of the eyes were a ray of light. “Yin Family influence is huge, and the influence spreads throughout Huanghezhou. There is no one in the county that can match it. Yin Family Patriarch ‘Yin Zhiyuan’ is only the only son of Yin Cong. If my Qin Chamber of Commerce can marry Yin Family, within three years, my Qin Chamber of Commerce can enter Huang Hezhou. The Big Chamber of Commerce is no less than ten years old, and it is comparable to the three Chamber of Commerce!

There is a ambition in the eyes, and Lu Yulian’s blueprint for the painting makes the Qin Chamber of Commerce all excited.

Compared to the stagnation of the Chamber of Commerce in the Qin Dynasty, there is no way to go, it is a real road, and now…

Only owe the last step!

“Peng!” The jade table is completely shattered.

The sound of the burst, let everyone return to reality, and see a Qin En, full of anger.

He seems to be telling everyone that there is no room for easing, and then force him, that is the jade and the burning of the bureau.

“She is my daughter, as long as I am alive for a day, no one can move her a hair!” Qin Ren’s eyes in the fire all over, anger puff like eyes sweeping across the Chamber of Commerce, everyone bowed their heads and dared to look straight Only Lu Yulian and Lu Jun don’t care a little, looking directly at Qin Ren.

Get angry?

What about the fire?

What can be changed by a toothless tiger?

Lu Jun’s face is like a smile, and the Chamber of Commerce’s principal has always been her and cousin Lu Yulian. As for Qin Ren? It’s just a ‘傀儡’. Lu Yulian’s smile, disdained said, “I tell you, Qin Ren, as long as you are still Patriarch, you don’t agree to this thing…”

Pā ! The sound of heavy ground slamming, the voice of Lu Yulian stopped.

It is a pure gold metal token, and the ray of light symbolizes wealth and glory. It is the logo and symbol of the Chamber of Commerce Patriarch.

“This Patriarch is not right.” Qin Ren’s eyes wide open, watched Lu Yulian, “Whoever you love to be when you go, I tell you, I want to sell women for glory, can’t do it!” The last three words are completely from Extrusion in the teeth, Qin Ren coldly snorted, look back, leaving a strange face of everyone, and complexion green and white Lu Yulian.

“What should I do?” Lu Yulian raised her brow.

“I have a way, sister.” Lu Jun’s pretty white face flashed with a sinister poison.

“Quickly say!” Lu Yulian said hurriedly.

“In fact, it is very simple. There are a few small beggars beside Qin Ren. I can do it with half of my hands.” Lu Jun sneered and confidently.

“So?” Lu Yulian blinked a bright light in her eyes.

“Killed those few cockroaches, and then tied Qinren.” Lu Jun smiled smugly. “There are Qin Qianqian, this orphan and widowed mother is simple. We can subdue Qin Qianqian and feed her. The special extremely strong love medicine ‘Spring Breeze and Fire-Fighting’, the niece who has her anger is turned into a slut, and sent to the Yin Shao room, when the rice is cooked and cooked, oh!~”

Lu Yulian nodded slowly, and he was hesitant. “It’s good, I’m afraid that her temperament is strong, and when she breaks herself, isn’t it a waste of skill?”

“Of course not.” Lu Jun’s proud with a smile, “Women I know best, you just take her body to take care of her and die to you, and then we have a ace in hand, not afraid of Qin Qianqian little Girl does not come.”

Lu Yulian’s eyes lit up. “You mean Qin Ren?”

“Yes!” Lu Jun looked sinister, slowly said, “Since the feelings of the two fathers and daughters are so good, we have to marry Qin Qianqian. Anyway, she must be utterly disillusioned at the time, and the same dead body, with Qin Ren’s life to marry her at least 80 % Grasp. At that time, she will be sent to the sedan chair and married, and everything will be a foregone conclusion.”

Slightly sinking, Lu Yulian’s mouth smacked a smile. “My good younger brother, you are really bad.”

Lu Jun’s eyes were full of obscenity, and he grabbed Lu Yulian. The big hand had already stretched in. “There are more bad points. I don’t say anything, women, I know best~”

The sturdy aura, mixed with the breath of man and female, wanders around in this large bedroom.

Hey! ~ Heming County Transmission Array shines.

Lin Feng appeared slowly, watched all around the scenery, and a faint smile on his lips.

I think that I will see thousands of people soon, and I think of the scene of the two people in Yanling House, I feel a happy and satisfied heart. Xiaobie wins a new marriage, and his feelings for thousands, though they come together because of responsibility, but people are ruthless, but slowly but also sparked, with real feelings.

In his own heart, he has already regarded thousands as his wife.

“Here is Huang Hezhou.” Lin Feng gently whispered, his face was flat.

When I first set foot on the land of Huanghezhou, there was nothing to adapt to. There is almost no difference between this and Vermilion Bird, but there are more factors in the air that seem to be aggressive. Lin Feng suddenly laughed, watched around the filming platform, the ring, and the various giant Martial Arts Field built on the street, you can guess one or two.

Here, quite ‘Chongwu’.

“Chamber of Commerce should be easy to find, ask people.” Lin Feng nodded and said.

Perhaps it is a bit curious to come here for the first time, but the first priority is to find thousands.

As for the rest, I will talk about it later.


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