Chapter IX Saints High Order

the first time!

It shows the true strength of the body.

The Phoenix star print on the forehead is completely open. With the ‘Star Print’ you can hide the aura. Even if there is no special ability in the Saint King Level, it is difficult to detect the true strength of the Martial Artist. The existence of Star Print has many ‘secrets’.

Today, it is not just a symbolic meaning.

It also represents the potential of Martial Artist, as well as its true strength!

“Boom!” The arrogance puff like, Lin Feng aura broke out instantly, letting the Martial artists who were hiding in the dark to peek into this terrifying battle are all in ones heart trembled, which is an extremely terrifying strength, like a look up Unreachable mountains are heartbreaking.

Including those saints, they feel deep pressure.

“It’s so strong…” Shakya’s eyes were full of bright light, and at this moment he finally knew that Lin Feng really isn’t swearing.

But really, have the strength to challenge the ancient expert!

This aura alone is much stronger than him, and it is incredible!

“How did he cultivating in the end?!” Shakya Luo was completely shocked at this time.

Because he is watching Lin Feng grow step by step.

Today, Lin Feng will surpass him!

This is broken 70% St.

In addition to the special eyesight ability and the promotion, 70% St. as the legendary breakthrough Saint Level avenue, has an endless strength, it can motivate the world to strengthen Martial Artist itself in the most limitive way.

Different ways of the saints, the martial artist’s strength is different after promotion.

The Martial Artist, which tends to War God’s way, will have a great increase in physique and strength; and the Martial Artist, which tends to the Heavenly Spirit Master, is in the constellation. Source Energy’s cultivating aspect has increased dramatically; all of this depends on three major areas.

First, the Martial Artist itself, if you compare the power of heaven and earth to a coefficient, then the Martial God foundation is stronger. The increase is greater.

Second, the strong or weak way of the saints, the more powerful the way of the saints, the greater the ‘coefficient’ of the power of the heavens and the earth, and the more 70% holy, the crown of all saints.

The third. The body’s ability to withstand the body, like the width, width, toughness, etc., the breakthrough Saint Level will improve. The same broken 70% St. happened to different people, each is different, such as the thousand love king, her body capacity is far from Lin Feng.

If the way of the saint is the lower limit of the breakthrough, then the body’s ability to withstand is the upper limit after the breakthrough!

The body of Lin Feng, proficient in fire Martial God. Together with the Fire Spirit Master, the body has already existed at its peak, although it is not as enchanting as terrifying, but looking at the entire human world, it is the genius that thousands of years of rare love, which are inferior.

The body, the limit is improved.

Today’s Lin Feng, the body is walking the Heavenly God Cultivator route, but the body is also the most powerful of all human world saints, deservedly the strongest!

The Heavenly Spirit Master is more terrifying. The star repairs of the seven main stars are all full and heavy, and the star repair is related to the main star’s sensitivity, which is the foundation and foundation of the Martial Artist itself. Breaking 70% St. is to make this foundation instantly a tall building, regardless of the Special type, Attack type, defense type…

Complete transformation.

The Life Soul originally stored Star Force more than a hundred times more than other Martial Artists. The strength that consumes a lot of effort is full, and with the destruction of 70%, it is turned into a ‘star source’, the strength of the true constellation origin, stored in the new Life Soul, and today’s Life Soul is no longer the previous seven Light spot, but…

The ‘small Starry Sky’ of the true self-contained system.

Except for the dazzling seven main stars, the rest of the thousands of tiny stars are shining.

The most fundamental thing is that the ‘essence’ of Starry Sky has changed. From Star Force to true Starry Sky’s ‘Star Source’, even if these stars are so insignificant compared to the real Starry Sky, but the sparrow is small and complete, after becoming a saint, not only the strength is greatly improved, cultivating speed Nor can it be the same.

Turning on its own ‘Starry Sky’, with the existence of ‘Xingyuan Power’, is really a step on the path of the Holy One.

“Hey?” Slightly shocked, Lei Xiong’s eyes burned and put away that pride.

In his experience, he can see how Lin Feng’s strength is better than that of Lei Pa and eDonkey.

Lin Feng is the high order of the saints.

It is exactly the same as his rank.

Although at the same level, Lei Xiong has absolute confidence to defeat other ancient folks of the same age, not to mention the weak human beings. But intuition tells him that Lin Feng is not simple, especially here, there is no aura of the Fengfeng ancients expert, plus the strength of Lin Feng today, so that it can be fully calculated –

Electric eel, Killed by Lin Feng!

The same as the Holy Media Intermediate, it is not easy to kill the electric power, and Lei Feng has done it.

“Although it is a hybrid, but after all, there is still half of the blood of the ancients.” Lei Xiong clanging, secretly thought, immediately put away the contempt. Thunder light is everywhere, and both hands instantly take out two short sticks like a thorny spine, flashing a bright purple glow.

It was also a surprise that Lei Ba and the embarrassed eyes passed.

This is Lei Xiong’s strongest first heavenly treasure, purple smoke Jin Lei, the ground level purple Guangwu!


Sōu! sōu! Very tacit understanding, Lei Pa and eDonkey suddenly flew to the sides, aura blasting, killing intent Bilu. Lin Feng nodded slowly, and the water and the red dragonfly flew out from each other. They met the two people and blinked, leaving only Lin Feng and Lei Xiong one-on-one.

The fairest duel.

There are no unnecessary words, and there is no unnecessary etiquette.

This war is a battle of life and death!

“Boom!” thunder light and the fire of the moment bloom, the battle broke out completely at this moment. Shuiyumei welcomes the more powerful Leiba, the red dragonfly welcomes the eDonkey, and Lin Feng, the strongest ‘Thundering’, the Thunder Dragon of the inheritance Thunder Dragon bloodline!

“Hey!” “Hey!” Lei Xiong screamed wildly, and the purple smoke in his hand was completely dazzling.

The terrifying thunder light seems to be motivated from the body, and the strong star power is attached to the thunder light, such as a Thunder Dragon, and the Thunder Dragon Star Mark on Lei Xiong’s forehead is completely shining. One by one, all over the sky, plus the irregular changes of the mine, it is the entire space is covered.

There is no dead end at all!

“Silk!~” “Hey!~” A burst of inspiration, the Martial Artists hiding in the dark all felt deeply shocked. Most of them are the first to see the Holy Strength, especially the presence of such a terrifying power in the Holy One.

Although Lei Xiong is a high-ranking saint, but because of the bloodline of the ancients, compared to the Martial Artist, the peak of the human world, it is still there.

The advanced law enforcement of the ancients made the strength extraordinary!


Today’s Lin Feng is also unfathomable.

“Fast speed quick fix.” In the face of such a terrifying strength attack, Lin Feng looks calm.

The Fire of Devour instantly picks up, mixed in the hands like a soul beating, now driven by the way of the Holy One, supplemented by the increase in the power of the Star, the Fire of Devour might not be compared to the past. Coupled with the enhancement of constellation sensitivity, the Fire of Devour instantly embodies more than ten times more than before, and the control of the flame –

More freely.

“Get up!” Lin Feng’s eyes burned.

In the face of the terrifying thunder light dazzling, not only did not escape, but against the waves.

Attack and attack!

Fire Spirit Master’s attack style is a positive battle!

Because I don’t have time to waste, I may be able to withstand the strength of the water, but the red dragonfly is only the first step in the Saint Level, perhaps she has the innate talent of the ancients, but the difference in strength is not able to make up for a short time. She can only rely on the tyrannical body to resist.

The main attack point must be yourself!

“Give me a break!” Lin Feng shouted, the flames of the sky open, the Fire of Devour exploding, experienced a real baptism transformation, in contact with the thunder light. The fire of the madness devouring everything, Lin Feng’s flame is obviously better than the thundering thunder light.

“How is it possible?” Lei Xiong complexion greatly changed, the situation was completely unexpected.

With the ‘Ziyan Jinlei’ urging the display of the Lei’s strength, both in quality and quantity, there is a tremendous increase, and the sole view is absolutely aggressive. Therefore, he unscrupulously launched an offensive in this attack style.

But this time…

He is miscalculated.

Lin Feng in front of him is far more abnormal than he imagined!

“Hey!” “Hey!” 滔Heavenly Fire flames, Lin Feng galloping, Yunyun step instantly. Ghostly movement technique seems to break through the space, in this area, even if the thunder light changes, control the entire area, but the area covered is controlled by Lei Xiong.

When Lei Xiong can’t keep up with his own rhythm speed, thunder light controls only the area where 10% is not available.

And this, Lin Feng is very clear.

“Battle is to use its own advantages to attack the enemy’s disadvantages.” Lin Feng’s mouth smacked a meaningful smile.

At this point, Lei Xiong has already put away all the contempt, the face is full of dignity. The hands are changing rapidly, the peace of mind, in a blink of time, the eyes are bright, cold and drink, “mystery, thunder smoke, purple smoke, gold, start!”

It is indeed innocent for senior law enforcement, and Rayon is very fast and calm, ready to reverse the situation.

Since one surgery is not successful, another surgery will be performed.

The purple light is dazzling and bright, and the thick smoke is accompanied by the thunder light flashing, forming a dense fog, and the mastery of the space is extremely wonderful. The arrangement of the array method is very quick and decisive. The first is the heavenly treasure object ‘Ziyan Jinlei’, supplemented by the power of the star source force, Lei Xiong arranged a small array in a short time.

Confidence still flashed in his eyes, and Lei Xiong’s mouth sneered.

Thunder smoke is his unique skill!

“In the midst of the battle, I will let you survive, you can’t die.” Lei Xiong’s eyes are bright light.

Of course…

He slammed Lin Feng.

In the King of the Kings, even in such a large array, the array of battles came over, and it was difficult to get Lin Feng. What’s more, the formation of Dao of Space is difficult for Martial Artist who is not proficient in spatial strength, but for Lin Feng –

Too easy.

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