The third chapter is one foot and one foot, the water of Jinghe

Just at this time.

“Hey!~”within the sky, a water-light waterfall crossed like a rainbow, and time flies.

The energy of the extremely rich water is like a clear stream, which dilutes the original murderous aura between. It was standing on the top floor of the Vermilion Bird building, and there was a doubt in the eyes of the demon sacred condense claws. The instant eyebrow jumped, showing the taboo color, and the bright light flashed.

In the midair, Lin Feng and Lin Biao, who are still standing, have a slight change in their looks.

Saint Level’s aura!

Moreover, really isn’t ordinary saint.

The brows are clustered, and Lin Biao’s clenched fists are loosened a little, still sharply but they hide the murderous aura. Although he is not afraid of making things big and even killing Lin Feng in this Vermilion Bird environment, it is not the time. The comer Aura burst out and is not inferior to him.

It was a kind of ‘deterrent’, as if telling him that as long as you dare make a move, it is an enemy.

Both eyes cold, Lin Biao half-headed, watched the water curtain brilliance, a beautiful shadow gradually appeared, the afterglow was squatting behind, waiting for the master’s position. As long as the demon Lord is willing to take it, no one can stop it here.

Even the blood slaughter throughout Vermilion Bird, with no difficulty!

“Is she?” Lin Feng slightly startled.

Unbelievably watched in the air, the figure of Qian Li is like a deja vu, and has had a relationship with himself.

As if walking from the waterfall and crossing the rainbow ladder, it is a woman like a lotus flower, standing lightly, like a fireworks. A pair of beautiful eyes, sparkling, her beauty, a bit suffocating.

The big Sister ‘Water 莜美’ of Shuilian Cave!

In contrast, the watched Lin Feng did not speak, only a slight behead.

Such as a slippery water flow. The figure flashed and moved, right in front of Lin Feng, just blocking him.

“This is…” Lin Feng showed a doubt in his eyes.

She and her only had seen once, in the hundred waterfalls, she was told by the master, telling her that there will be a catastrophe after half a year. Although she does not know her, she is behaving from her words and deeds. Looking at the look of the gods, no matter what, it will not be a general generation.

In the water curtain hole, it has a fairly high status.

This point can be seen from the strength alone.

Very strong!

There is a more unfathomable taste.


“A weird strength.”

“She’s strong, it seems to have a different factor, it feels very strange, it seems not her own strength.”

“Battle Spirit World is really crouching tigers, hidden dragons.” Lin Feng’s inwardly shiver, thought he was strong enough, at least below the human world. I can definitely walk sideways, but the white clothed female who meets this second time, the strength is not much weaker than myself, and…

Lin Feng’s eyes passed through the water and rose, not falling on the forest, but looking out to the Vermilion Bird building not far away.

Intuition tells myself that there seems to be a fairly terrifying strength, although it seems like a flash in the pan. but……

Your feelings are definitely not wrong.

“Who are you?” Lin Biao took the lead. Break the silence, the bright light in the eyes.

“Water curtain hole, water 莜 。.” The sound is clear, the water 莜 轻 轻 启 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 , , , , , 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 朱 Including Lin Feng is also a sight to watch.

“Water 莜 。.” Lin Feng lightly said, remember the name.

Like Shui Linglong, it is the name ‘water’, but I don’t know if it is the rule of the water curtain hole or…

what is the relationship?

“You… is it with him?” Lin Biao’s eyes deep pond, ice-cold voice dull.

Despite extreme hatred and anger. However, Lin Biaodi is deeply in the depths of his heart, and he can control his emotions in a short period of time, which shows his deep heart.

Indifferently, Shui Shuimei did not answer, beautiful eyes looked out to the Vermilion Bird Building not far away, the first slogan, “junior came from the life of the master, brought a word.” Shui Shui Mei flashed faintly The light of the discernable, gently open, “one foot and one foot, the water of the well.”

One foot and one foot, the water of the well river?

Surrounded by everyone, the inexplicable reason is that Lin Biaodi is also a brow.

Lin Feng thoughtfully, watched water 莜 light lightly exclaimed, pondered in one’s heart, “Water 莜 她 she seems really isn’t for Lin Biao land, from her tone, expression, here in addition to Lin Biao Besides, there seems to be another hidden in the depths…”


One of the hearts, Lin Feng purse one’s lip.

Very danger!

You can’t be wrong with your own feelings, and the water is shining on the top floor of the Vermilion Bird building. It seems that the same line with Lin Biao, to set himself to death, and the strength is extremely discover unpredictable, with his current sense of ability even his half aura is not enough.

How shocking!

“Crap!” Lin Biao’s clench one’s teeth, the sound seems to come from the hail.

His eyes were slanting, but he still couldn’t feel the teacher’s half-make a move sign. Lin Biaodi’s heart was impatient. If Lin Feng escapes this time, the next time I don’t know when I can find him again, Lin Feng is now a sanctified person, the danger has increased dramatically, and every minute has more points!

This point, Lin Biaodi has a deep understanding.

No matter, make a move!

Lin Biao can no longer control three or seventy-one at this time, even if the master does not make a move, it does not matter, can kill Lin Feng to kill, if he encounters danger, he does not believe that the master will not give help. “Boom!” The flaming flame burst, and the intense flames boiled out.

The Phoenix astrology behind Lin Biao’s body is soaring, and the strongest strength gives it a strong vitality.

And those eyes are more like starlight 璀璨, abnormal terrifying!

Lin Biaodi, innate talent ‘Star Cangwu’!

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s look changed slightly, and he immediately clenched his fists, aura puff like.

Despite the emergence of Shui Meimei, he has been in a state of combat and has not been relaxed. Although Lin Biao’s strength is strong, he is not afraid of him with his current strength. He wants to kill himself, and he can’t wait to kill him!

eye for eye!


Suddenly ——

“Hey!~” Inexplicable, an astonishing terrifying aura is like heaven’s might come, Lin Feng complexion suddenly changes, but Lin Biaodi reveals a point of joy, but the water is still pale, as if the sky is not falling There will be a little bit of movement.

“This strength?!” Lin Feng was deeply shocked.

At this moment, I finally knew where the ‘danger’ heartbeat acceleration harbinger came from.

Too terrifying!

Can you stand it yourself?

This question only stays in the mind for half a moment, and the moment is gone. Lin Feng slightly startled, at the same time, the joy of Lin Biao’s face turned into horror, shocked and puzzled, incomparably complex emotions emerged, the body trembled.

“What do you mean?” Lin Feng’s head was in chaos.

This huge strength, do not attack yourself, counterattack to Lin Biao?

Are they not a group?

There are all kinds of doubts in my heart, and Lin Feng is confused by the situation in front of her eyes. At this time, a vision gaze towards himself, Lin Feng immediately raised his head, opposite to the water scorpion, the latter figure suddenly flashed, appeared in front of the eyes.

“Let’s go, there is nothing to be said later.” Shui 莜 rose said indifferently.

Watched In front of the beautiful woman, Lin Feng’s eyes are again smashed through the forest, gently flashing, the moment is skipped, nodded to the water, “good.” Although it is a pity, such a good opportunity can not kill Lin Biao The ground, but the situation is too chaotic, the appearance of the water scent, with the command of the old man, and Lin Biao behind, there is an expert to let his heart tremble, but did not help Lin Biao.

It’s a mess.

In the game, you can’t be impulsive at the moment.

Lin Feng’s eyes are deep, and he can see the water and the sorrows, and he is still hesitating to keep up.

In the void, Lin Biao is completely bound!

Like an invisible rope to tie him, Lin Biao’s complexion is green and white, but he did not expect that the master not only did not help him, but stopped him! But he just dared to anger and dare not speak, but nowadays, under the eyes of the public, it is extremely shameful.

Watching Lin Feng leave, but it is powerless, Lin Biao can not wait to roar and roar.

Of course, I have to press it in my heart!



The crazy screams in the depths of my heart, Lin Biao’s eyes and fierce.

With the traces of Lin Feng and Shui Meimei leaving, there are no traces, hehe! The body, like a tight string, loosens, and the majestic pressure suddenly dissipates. Lin Biao’s look was a little bit normal, and looking forward, there is still a trace of Lin Feng.

Groaned, the heart is extremely depressed, Lin Biao’s breathing is a little rush, the chest is constantly ups and downs, obviously unwilling.

But what is the solution?

With his strength, it is far less than the time of rebellion against the Lord.

the other side.

Lin Feng and Shui Weimei are flying fast, like two broken lightning, speed astonishing.

Although they have just entered the Saint Level, they are among the best. They are far superior to the ordinary Saint Level and are quite powerful.

“Can you say it now?” Lin Feng looked at the water and rose, his eyes flashing.

Didn’t stop, Shui Meimei was only half-sided, and passed Lin Feng. “Do you know how many dangers you have?”

“You mean the mysterious man hiding in the top floor of the Vermilion Bird building?” Lin Feng spoke openly.

“Yes.” Shuiyumei complexion dignified, but helplessly sighed, “If he is desperate to fight, don’t say you, even I am afraid that this is hard to escape. Although there is a strength that the master gave me, but this is only enough In the face of the existence of Saint Level, there is no role in front of him.”

Peng! Lin Feng’s head is like a bomb.

Although Shui Meimei did not say it clearly, the meaning between her lines is…

“The mysterious man is the Saint King Level other expert?!” Lin Feng turn pale with fright.

Shui-Yi rose gently nodded. “And, it is not the ordinary Saint King Level. If you are a master of the peak state, you should be slightly less powerful.”

boom! boom! boom! Heartbeat incomparable severe, Lin Feng deep gaze water 莜 莜, the latter’s eyes, with a bright light, lightly said, “Lin Feng you have heard… human thirteenth lord Lord?”

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