The fourth episode of the Great Disaster Chapter 10 Battlefield Hero

“Gather fire, simply integrate the Origin Fire on the punch, the Origin Fire Control Ability 2nd rank segment!”

“And my Origin Fire Control Ability has now reached the 4th rank section – ‘Attaching Fire’!”

In the eyes of Lin Feng, the bright glow flashes.

There is a way!

“Hey!” Blazing Iron Soaring Dragon Spear was lightning-fastened. At once, the Origin Fire suddenly ignited. The original Blazing Iron Soaring Dragon Spear was like a fire spear. The Origin Fire was densely covered densely and astonishing.

Attaching Fire allows Origin Fire to be attached to weapons such as spears, arrows, flying blades, and more.

In Lin Family Village, Lin Feng can even attach the Origin Fire to small stones, not to mention Blazing Iron Soaring Dragon Spear?

“No!” Azure Wood Turtle-Dove looked terrified, “Impossible…”

The galloping figure inexplicably paused. Azure Wood Turtle-Dove stared and couldn’t believe it. “Attaching Fire… How could he get to ‘Attaching Fire’ Realm!”

Others may not understand what ‘Attaching Fire’ is, but Azure Wood Turtle-Dove is clear, ‘Origin Wood control strength’ and ‘Origin Fire Control Ability’ have the same effect! After several cultivating, with the Wood Spirit Master weapon, he is very reluctant to use his hands to condense ‘Azure Wood’!

But Lin Feng…

Simply incredible!

One point of pause, one point of jealousy, but it is –

A flaw!

In the battle, where come so many distractions!

“Opportunity!” Lin Feng did not retreat for the first time, and he was walking on the Cloud Shuttle, as if the Heavenly Soldier was coming!

Both pupils flashing the cold-spot of the pitch-black, like a secluded black hole, riding the Azure Wood Turtle-Dove in a moment of disappointment, Lin Feng all soul power all concentrated. It’s like a straight arrow coming out!

“Boom!” The brainstorm is like a heartbreaking pain.

Lin Feng greatly startled, this time the soul power attack is bigger than any previous reaction!


I have no way out!

Bite the tip of the tongue. There is a Fire Spirit Core in the hand, with a hint of luster.

Take a bite!

“Peng!” Azure Wood Turtle-Dove looks great.

When he was, he seemed to fall into a bottomless abyss, a dark, terrifying pressure coming from all directions, wrapping him tightly!

Full body squirting, Azure Wood Turtle-Dove both eyes, crazy Indian Wood burst!

“hong” in front of Illusory Realm. Suddenly broken.

And at this time –

In front of you, a swallowing fire is mixed with spear shadow.

“No!!!” Azure Wood Turtle-Dove Bloody, hysterical, crazy punches.


One inch long. One inch is short.

Azure Wood Turtle-Dove’s dying punch is just a hit on Blazing Iron Soaring Dragon Spear.

“Chi!” With the Origin Fire of fierce, Blazing Iron Soaring Dragon Spear penetrates the defense of Azure Wood Turtle-Dove and penetrates the heart. At the same time, the terrifying cyan ray is completely wrapped in Blazing Iron Soaring Dragon Spear, in a blink of time devour. The rest of the violent strength is all played on Lin Feng.

Peng! !

Fiery red scales severe shock, Azure Wood Turtle-Dove dying before the death of the striker how its astonishing terrifying.

The strength of Wood Spirit Master is completely out!

Lin Feng felt a landslide and tsunami-like strength through the fiery red scales, and his eyes completely covered his body!

“Hey!” is like being hit by a terrifying large force.

The fiery red scales were cracked a few points. At that moment, Lin Feng felt that he was suffocating. Crazy Origin Wood goes straight through the body, but…

“I want to pull me to die…” Lin Feng’s eyes were filled with blood. Tightly clench one’s teeth, “Don’t dream!”

The hot Origin Fire spreading body, against the invasive Origin Wood, slowly offset… Lin Feng’s willpower is extremely powerful, although the whole body is no a little bit of strength, but Lin Feng’s last guardian defense is hard. Bring yourself back from the edge of death!

“Hey!” Falling one after another in the air.

Lin Feng is extremely serious, but at least it is still alive.

Everyone is shocked, absolute silence.

Wood Spirit Master’s sensational battle against the Fire Spirit Master came to an end.

“Fast, save him!” General ‘Gu Wan’ is even shouted!

Behind the sergeants, Jiang Luo is the leader, and he is not the best. The powerful ‘Fire Spirit Master’ is the powerful ‘Battlefield Hero’!

Falling in the middle of beast herd, Lin Feng lay on the ground and couldn’t move.


In front of you, a huge mountain-like figure is coming –

Primary Behemoth Lord ‘Golden Horned Thunder Beast ‘.

Bare one’s fang , Golden Horned Thunder Beast Raised his foot and wanted to step on Lin Feng.


Even if the injury is heavy, Lin Feng is a one hundred percent Fire Spirit Master!

A starved camel is still bigger than a horse !

The right hand barely clustered an Origin Fire, and the light was faint, but it was more than enough to deal with a Golden Horned Thunder Beast.

“hong” The huge Golden Horned Thunder Beast is directly devour.

Pā ! The right hand is unable to fall, Lin Feng laughed bitterly, this time, I really don’t have a little bit of strength, let alone condense the Fireball, it is impossible to raise your hand.

The bones are already broken and the injuries are extremely serious.

At this time –

A hand holding a war blade is coming, ‘Roaring Tiger Blade ‘Hu Yanming !

“Hey!” A fierce blade qi crosses, and Lin Feng surroundings demon beast will be cut off. Burning’s booth eyes nodded heavily on Lin Feng, with respect and admiration in his eyes. It meant to say, “I am, rest assured!”

Lin Feng smiled tiredly.

Although he had no friendship with the ‘Roaring Tiger Blade’ Hu Yanming, his eyes told himself.

He is trustworthy.

With a large number of ‘helpers’ joining, very fast, ‘beast herd riot’ was calmed down.

The general army of the General ‘Gu Wan’ is the true elite of the Heavenly Martial Army. The weakest is the Major General level. Among them, there are as many as ten of the mediators of the Intermediate Martial Emperor.

In this campaign, the human Martial Artist has thousands of deaths and injuries.

However, in terms of nine-degree danger, this is a very ‘normal’ value.

Even, it is a ‘big win’.

How can war not die?

And if not Lin Feng exists. Turning the tide, killing an Advanced Behemoth Lord alone, three Intermediates Behemoth Lord, I am afraid that the number of people will be doubled…

This campaign. Everyone remembers a loud name –

Lin Feng.

As if in a warm embrace, every inch of the body feels warm and nourishing.

“Hey!” Lin Feng opened his eyes. In front of him was a closed pool space. Gently remove the breathing mask and push open the ‘valve’. Lin Feng stepped out from the ‘closed pool’.

“My body seems to be better than half.” Lin Feng was surprised to watch his hands.

Awkward –

Hey! Hey!

Two clusters of Origin Fire are burning and emitting orange light.

Lin Feng had a faint smile on his mouth. Although the body is still a bit tired, it has already restored the fighting strength.

“This treatment cabin is quite good.” Lin Feng glanced at the ‘closed pool’, his eyes lit up and he took time. Origin Fire cover densely whole body, evaporating the remaining ‘therapeutic fluid’ on the body.

Immediately, Lin Feng stepped out and stepped out.

“Sit, Brother Lin Feng.” Gu Wan greeted with enthusiasm.

“Many thanks General, help.” Lin Feng nodded. Said with a slight smile.

It’s a thousand years, and this time, it’s really thanks to General ‘Gu Wan’ and Roaring Tiger Blade ‘Hu Yanming’ to save themselves.

If not, I am afraid I will die under the demon beast.

“This is what I should do.” Gu Wan smiled and nodded. “If even ‘Battlefield Hero’ is not saved, how can I afford it?” said. Gu Wan can’t help but point to the three gold stars in the shoulders, the purpose of the Heavenly Martial Army. It is to maintain the law and protect Heavenly Martial Continent!

Lin Feng, indeed, is the ‘Battlefield Hero’ of this beast herd riot.


“No matter what, or happy thanks.” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

“Brother Lin Feng is too polite.” Gu Wan has a good impression on this.

A Fire Spirit Master with Advanced Martial Emperor strength can still maintain a pure and innocent like the heart of a newborn.

Daddy, Gu Wan took the ‘flying disc’ from his arms and placed it on the table. “Brother Lin Feng, do you know the origin?”

Lin Feng shook his head and immediately took out the ‘flying disc’ from his arms. The two ‘flying disc’s were exactly the same regardless of shape, format and appearance.

“platinum disc aircraft.” Gu Wan complexion is slightly dignified. “The manufacturing process is unique to the ‘Hunter Alliance’.”

Hunter Alliance ?

Lin Feng’s eyes burned, and the heart vaguely understood a few points.

“This is a huge underground influence.” Gu Wan nodded, and both eyes stared at Lin Feng. “They gathered a bunch of real experts whose official members all have the strength of ‘Martial Emperor level’, Primary Martial Emperor only However, it is ‘small 喽喽’.”

“Primary Martial Emperor … is it?” Lin Feng shook his head.

This Hunter Alliance is really powerful!

“Wood Spirit Master, like the one you just fought, is Captain level.” Gu Wan looks dignified. “Only the strength to reach Advanced Martial Emperor’s ‘Heavenly Spirit Master’ is qualified to be the captain, the average Advanced Martial Emperor expert. Not qualified.”

Captain level ?

Lin Feng startled, obviously, listening to Gu Wan’s tone…

Above the Captain level, there is more terrifying presence!

“The Hunter Alliance’s Martial Artist is completely confidential.” Gu Wan shook his head slightly. “Four great influences are all infiltrated, just like the ‘Wood Spirit Master’, nickname Azure Wood Turtle-Dove, one of the Five One of the Deacons of Great Sect Wood Forest Sect.”

“Azure Wood Turtle-Dove…” Lin Feng remembered the name.

“Hunter Alliance, as the name implies, is the word ‘hunting’, but the objects that can be hunted, if they have the task, will be completed.” Gu Wan gnashing one’s teeth said : “Especially Five Elements” Heavenly Spirit Master ‘, is their primary hunt.”

“In order to get Origin Seed.” Lin Feng both eyes 粼粼.

As Father said, an Origin Seed can create a ‘Heavenly Spirit Master’, although the danger is great, but in order to become stronger –

Everyone is willing to take risks!

“They rarely miss, but…” Gu Wan looked at Lin Feng, sneered. “It seems that they are on Brother Lin Feng, but it is repeated again and again. This time Azure Wood Turtle-Dove The exposure of identity will definitely cause an uproar, and the Hunter Alliance may be silent for some time.”

Lin Feng smiled, but he didn’t worry.

It won’t take long for you to officially enter ‘Hunting’ and become one of them.

With the Hunter Organization ‘Hunting’ support, what else is it?

“Right, I don’t know how much of my ‘upgrade points’ this time?” Lin Feng lights up when he looks

Now, for him, this is the key!


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