Episode 30 of the sixth episode is abnormal

How precious is it?

Eyes, watched This ordinary pearl, Lin Feng is difficult to calm down.

This kind of speculation, even I feel shocked, if this ‘fire pearl’ is really the treasure hidden in the array, its value is absolutely difficult to estimate. I may not understand in the game, but when I jump out of the game, I can clearly see that the entire King of the Kings is like a pyramid structure, one layer after another.

The bottom and the outermost are the inexhaustible ‘Prison of the Birds’.

And up, the next level is ‘King’s prison’; go up, is the 3rd layer where I am now and Qianshuanghuang!

The first layer contains a layer. If there is a matrix in existence, it must exist within the 3rd layer. As you have just seen, form a framework cycle. And in this hand, this ‘fixed fire pearl’ is the peak of this pyramid!

“Call!~” sighed and Lin Feng calmed down.

This is just a guess of my own. How to deal with it is still a matter of time. Really isn’t obsessed with this.

The gaze falling into the distance is still the flame mountain of the loudly burst. At this time, as the space retaining wall disappears, the Fireball and the magma shed a thousand miles, and the elements of the fire are madly moved. The entire cycle system has been shattered and no longer exists. In other words, this seat Flame Mountain will run out of energy sooner or later.

“There has been a bright pearl, this flame mountain is in addition to the flame or the flame.”

“There is no secret, no need to waste time waiting.”

“Go to other places to see.”

Lin Feng is lightly said.

Although the architecture cycle of this Flame Mountain was cracked, the entire semi-independent space has not changed.

And this confirms my own guess.

Xiu! xiu!

As the clouds flow, lightning strikes.

Lin Feng sat on the beautiful and solid red scales of Hung Hom and carefully observed the flames. Very careful. The mount with the strength of the saints, in the human world Lin Feng can be said to be unique, demon beast’s contract is capable of limiting, the Saint Dede beast is useless.

However, red 绫 is really isn’t ordinary demon beast, but a kind of ‘war snake’. In the Thousand Snake Cave, the War Snake is very special.

It is also a teacher and a friend. It is also controlled by the rider. There is an inseparable connection between the war snake and the war snake, and the continuation of the snake race. It is a clear vein of the constellation.

Moreover, Lin Feng has a different meaning for Hung Hom.

That is like a loved one.

Hung Hom, it can be said that Lin Feng raised his hand.

From the beginning, I followed Lin Feng and grew up. As a child, Lin Feng was deeply rooted in the importance of Hung Hom, plus the ‘surrender’ of the snake itself. Therefore, Hung Hom is in the breakthrough of the Holy One, with the first sentence of complete intelligence –

It is the honorary name of Lin Feng.

Master word, do everything.

“It’s really strange to set the flame.”

“Really isn’t first heavenly treasure, and there is absolutely no energy aura at all.”

Lin Feng frowned and frowned.

Looking left and right, I can’t find the secret of this ordinary singular pearl.

However, it does have ‘strength’. The flame in the Flame Mountain is almost invisible to it, just like an Emperor of aloof and remote. Moreover, you can safely stay at the bottom of the flame of the elements of the fire, and see the material of this fixed flame pearl.

But it does not have any energy response, just like a dead thing.

Just like ordinary ore in the veins.

“Is it just like this?” Lin Feng picked up the flame, and raised it, laughed bitterly.

Indeed, if it is really repressive to the flames, then the attack of any of the fire’s strength will not work for itself.

However, this uncertainty is too great!

In the battle, especially the battle between life and death. Is it impossible to play with fire like this?

“When you explore this place, go out and try it with Qianshuang.” Lin Feng feels helpless, but he has been studying for a whole day, and he has no conclusion. After leaving the Flame Mountain, this set fire to the Pearl of Peace. I ignored myself a little.

“Maybe, my strength is still not enough.” Lin Feng smiled.

Put away the pearl of the fire, Lin Feng immediately stood and looked around all around.

After swinging for a day in the back of the red dragonfly, I did not observe the whole environment. In fact, the harvest of this day is indeed zero.

Volcanic, land, or volcanoes, land, this semi-independent space is very monotonous, even if there are not even half of the flies, such as birds do not lay eggs.

“What did you find, red dragonfly?” Lin Feng asked slyly.

“No, Master.” Hung Hom’s answer was short and powerful.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and he did not doubt the judgment of Hung Hom.

Hung Hom is now a saint, and the sense is quite strong. With a special sense on ‘Fire’, if she doesn’t notice anything, she can hardly find it.

But here, is there really no other secret?

Lin Feng’s brow is deep.

Always feeling that after the flame mountain broke out, here… seems to be different.

what is it then?

“En.” Lin Feng was indulging and his eyes were bright. “Right, the volcano erupted! I haven’t seen the volcanic eruption all day.” Looking around all around, the volcanoes here seem to suddenly fall asleep. Very abnormal.

“From the time I entered, I broke out six times in a short period of time, and the frequency is quite high.”

“There is no reason to be silent for a whole day.”

Lin Feng is thoughtful.

Obviously, these abnormalities and the cycle structure of the Flame Mountain are destroyed by themselves and have the most direct connection.

Other than that, there is no other reason.

“Is it that I guess the error?”

“The flame mountain is really isn’t in the array, but a special existence in a semi-independent space?”

“So, this ‘fire pearl” is the treasure here.”


Constantly thinking and calculating.

But Lin Feng’s brow is getting deeper and deeper.

Feeling, very wrong.

The architectural space of the Flame Mountain, and the semi-independent space here, are completely two levels. It is unreasonable to pull them together. Too far-fetched. These two possibilities, I am more inclined to the existence of ‘the array in the array’, and …

This Flame Mountain is too difficult!

I am almost taking my life.

Not to mention how complicated the ‘regular’ crack between the large cycle and the small cycle is. If you don’t have the whole pupils of self-memory, it is impossible to crack the secret. Just entering is a big problem.

Even if you know the rules, how about knowing the secret?

Ten seconds!

From the flame mountain peak straight down, it takes six seconds for the body strength and speed of such a terrifying.

What concept?

Let alone the ordinary Star Territory Level expert. It is the body that enters itself, and it is impossible to fall to the deepest part of the Flame Mountain in just ten seconds, and to obtain the ‘Dinghuo Pearl’. If it is difficult to set a task for each task, it is not the ability to exceed the Star Territory Level Martial Artist, but rather

Far exceeding the ability of the saints!

A semi-independent space that requires twelve flame feathers to enter. There are twelve full.

In theory, the difficulty is the same. Even if there is a difference, it will not be too ridiculous. The Qianghuang Emperor once entered it once. Although the process experience is rough, it is a different kind of ants and elephants than the difficulty of the Flame Mountain. , not at all levels.

“No need to doubt.” Lin Feng blinked.

“Assume that the Flame Mountain is in the middle of the battle. In other words, I still have nothing in this semi-independent space.”

“So, there are still secrets here!”

Lin Feng eyes deep pond, the heart is sure.

Jumping out of the game to see the whole situation, the more clear.

“Do not mention the flame mountain, six volcanic eruptions in a short time, but now it is dying, there is a big problem!”

“The entire semi-independent space is not a volcano but a volcano. The ‘opportunity’ or ‘treasure’ here is not directly related to the volcano group, at least there will be a close connection.”

Lin Feng’s eyes are completely bright.

Around a big circle. Go back to the origin.

Return to the source, the secret of the entire semi-independent space, among these volcanoes!

“Go, red.” Lin Feng eyes.

“Where?” Red suspicion.

“One by one, explore these volcanoes.” Lin Feng has a strong eye. Light smile.

Bold assumptions, take care for proof.

Instead of wasting time thinking about it, it is not as good as it is!

Enter the first big volcano.

With a fixed flame, Lin Feng looks calm.

Chi! Chi! Chi! In the volcano, the flames continue to rise, and the magma boils around.

However, regardless of temperature or energy, it is a far cry from Flame Mountain. These flame red dragonfly can be easily absorbed. In fact, at this time, the red dragonfly is also swallowing the flames of these ordinary volcanoes, just like eating.

With her current strength, these ordinary flames can only be enjoyed as ‘food’.

Saint Level, and the Star Territory Level are completely different levels.

“pā !” “pā !” In the volcano, the magma fell and was burned by the Fire of Rebirth without being contaminated. And the hot magma fell to the body, Lin Feng believes that the flame will be raised, and the magma will be as quiet as a baby.

“It’s convenient.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

I am now completely in the volcano, and there is nothing to fear.

Even if the volcano erupted, he had a fixed flame to protect himself.

Moreover, there are still red dragonflies, even if the flames of the Mingzhu lose their function, with the strength of the current red dragonfly, in a short period of time can completely withstand the eruption of a volcano, let yourself escape safely. As long as the ‘flame’ energy is not exceeding the load of the red dragonfly, even the amount is useless.

Very fast ——

Lin Feng has fallen to the bottom of the big volcano.

“Nothing special.” Lin Feng nodded and looked for it completely, and there was nothing to pay attention to.

Of course, this is also expected.

If the first big volcano can find a secret crack, it is too easy.

“Take it easy.”

“I don’t believe it, you can hide it.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly and confidence.

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