Chapter 28—The opportunity to piece together

Although I don’t understand the law.

But careful observation, according to various environmental details, aura changes can also find a lot of ‘secret’.

In the self state, the sense is extremely sharp.

“The explosion of the flame is regular.”

“Since the cycle is formed by the force of the array, then this cycle must be fixed.”

“Maybe the cycle process is very long, but the longer cycle will be wound into a circle, which will be a ‘repetitive’ process, such as machinery.”

Lin Feng is contemptuous.

All doubts are completely dispelled at this moment.

Grasp the victory!

Two hours.

8 hours.

Six hours.


Time, a little passing.

However, Lin Feng was not in a hurry, but patiently observed and recorded every detail of the flame mountain explosion.

Any details are probably the most critical!

“Slip!” “Slip!” is as muddy and flexible. The power of the red dragon’s fire is extremely sharp, and it is light and avoids one after another. Even the most dense flame burst like Meteor Shower can’t hurt it.

“many thanks.” Lin Feng slightly smiled.

If there is no red dragonfly, I can’t find the flaws wholeheartedly.

And I am afraid to resist the explosion of this fire, it will consume its own great strength, to find ‘cycle’, find the law, ten times more difficult than now.

Watching the flame burst over and over again, each small cycle will have subtle differences, perhaps very similar, but this is really what you want. What I want is a real ‘large cycle’. Cover the entire small cycle, one of the largest circles, a completely fixed presence!

One day, it has passed.

Two days. It’s gone.

On the third day of the third day, Lin Feng was finally affirmed.

“The explosion of the Flame Mountain, the time of the explosion is uncertain. The interval is more uncertain.”

“Based on the beat of the flame, a certain proportion of effects and eruption intervals are formed.”

“These subtle changes are easily confused. It’s the illusion of ‘random’, but it’s really regular.”

Lin Feng secretly thought.

After observing for two days, I waited for more than half of the third day, and I dared to make a certain speculation.

The entire cycle, each hour is a small cycle, the small cycle gap is very subtle, but it is fixed. And twelve small cycles. Form a large cycle, that is, the perfect circle, the cycle of the cycle, the completely fixed ‘circle’.

indeed. On the first day and the second day, the flames broke out very differently.

But it is a small cycle, really isn’t large cycle is different.

“Every big cycle is actually the same.”

“The difference is that every single cycle every day. The order of the small cycles is completely disrupted.”

“The first cycle of the second day is exactly the same as the third cycle of the first day; the seventh cycle of the next day is exactly the same as the tenth cycle of the first day; the second day Twelve cycle hours, exactly the same as the fifth cycle on the first day…”

“But no matter how it changes, the composition of the large cycle has not changed.”

Lin Feng nodded.

It is like twelve people in a space. Perhaps the position of standing, the direction will change, but still the twelve people.

Fortunately, my eyes can fully remember, this is understood.

If not, don’t say two days, that is, ten days, one hundred days, you may not be able to find this law.

Today, the third day is the last ten hours!

I am completely sure.

Because of these ten hours, ten small cycles have appeared on the first day and the second day, and they are exactly the same.

Clearly distinguished, watched Lin Feng in front of the eye slightly bright clear.

The eleventh small cycle, start!

“Sure enough.” Lin Feng observed carefully, and the corner of his mouth was drawn with a slight curvature.

Regardless of the timing of the volcanic eruption, the interval is the same as the tenth cycle hour on the first day and the seventh cycle time on the second day. I don’t have to look at it anymore, what will happen afterwards, and my heart is very clear.

“The opportunity is coming.” Lin Feng nodded slowly.

The eyelids are slightly closed, the picture in the mind is continuously played back, and all the details of the eleventh small cycle are clear.

It’s like a movie that constantly replays and looks for opportunities to break.

for a long time……


Lin Feng’s brow slightly wrinkled.

Even if you can find the law, you don’t necessarily find a good chance.

Of course, this is not over.

“There is still a twelfth small cycle.” Lin Feng closed his eyes again, although the twelfth small cycle has not yet begun, but by exclusion, 11 small cycles that have been opened have been removed, only The only small cycle left.

Where is the flaw?

“There must be.” Lin Feng complexion dignified and clenched his fist.

Constantly replayed, constantly thinking, time lapses, sweat drops on the forehead.


It seems that you still can’t find the flaws that are truly perfect, and you can use them 100%.

Regardless of the eleventh small cycle or the twelfth small cycle, the timing of each flame mountain explosion is very subtle. Even if you find the gap, the chance is very small, you need to take a big risk, but it is really isn’ t Your own wishes.

Because of this opportunity, the danger is too great.

If you fail, you will hate it.

Really not?

Lin Feng is close to her lips, feeling the passage of time, and the opportunities left for herself are getting less and less…

and many more!

“How did I forget this!” Lin Feng blinked.

There is a buffer period between the eleventh small cycle and the twelfth small cycle!

It is a great opportunity!


In the mind, constantly simulating the scene, simulating what might happen.

Lin Feng has to seize all the time, and the opportunity can never be repeated. Just the end of the eleventh small cycle, plus the beginning of the twelfth small cycle, put together an opportunity, if it is between other small cycles, may not form this buffer period.

Opportunities are not always there.

At this time, the eleventh small cycle. It is already coming to an end.

“Boom!” The flame mountain broke out again, screaming, and the crazy strength formed a meteor shower. Exploded towards all things in all directions, annihilating the ear.

“Come.” Lin Feng opened his eyes. Bright light flashes.

This explosion is the last eruption of the eleventh small cycle, and it is also the biggest outbreak of the might.

It is precisely because its outbreak is too severe, all causing the final tempering period to be particularly long; and just the first eruption of the twelfth small cycle is the most extreme of the might, the early buffering and gathering easing period is smaller than others The cycle is long.

Two big outbreaks. Just like a piece of jigsaw puzzle piece together, it will not be an opportunity for opportunity, and it will be a perfect opportunity for hard work!

The sharper the blade, the easier it is to break.

“Boom!” “hōng lóng! ~” The explosion of the Flame Mountain. Intensely abnormal.

The feeling of a catastrophe is disappointing, but at this moment Lin Feng is an eye.

“Red, go!” Lin Feng shouted.

Without hesitation, the red dragonfly came out. It is like lightning.

The previous dodge was nothing to her, and now is the real explosion of strength. The clouds are flowing, the perfect fire sense makes the red dragonfly in the sea of ​​fire like a flat, fast approaching the flame mountain.

The energy of fire is getting stronger and stronger.

temperature. It is also getting higher and higher, and it is extremely hot.

“Peng!” “Peng!” Red 绫 furiously shouted, but the closer to the flame mountain to avoid the more difficult, have no choice hard fire resistance. This exceeding the flame outside her strength is completely unabsorbable. She can only resist the body of the saint. After the breakthrough, her physique is greatly improved. It was already very strong. Now…

More terrifying!

But the more pressure there is, the more physique of the red dragonfly is not so strong.

At this time, Lin Feng’s aura has been slowly agglutinated, and the thunder light flashes on his forehead, his body suddenly changes.


Physical strength is extremely abnormal.

Although it is a human figure, it is more than the body of Hung Hom.

“It’s hard for you, red dragonfly.” Lin Feng lightly said, the heart of the move, the moment the red dragonfly income within the body. Like the wing, the same as Contracted Demon Beast, the disappearance of the red dragonfly Lin Feng aura suddenly erupted, measuring the time in the heart, such as thunder light, and attacked.

“xiu!” is like a sharp arrow swiftly shot, Lin Feng is extremely fast.

In the hands of the amethyst spear glare, facing the fireball that came from the blast, do not evade, turned into a thunder light straight out.

Groaned, Lin Feng’s brows are slightly twisted, but the chest is slightly hurt, but this does not hinder any pace. The flaming mountain light in front of the eyes gradually dimmed, entering the end of the eleventh small cycle, and the rupture period erupted, and the jet of flame fell to the bottom of the valley regardless of speed or volume.

“Hey!” Lin Feng instantly landed directly above the Flame Mountain.

Overlooking the bottom, I only saw a strong fire, and the energy in the Flame Mountain was a surprise.

Once the flame mountain erupts, you will have no way to escape, die without a burial site.

Of course, there is no fear at all.

“treasure, just inside.” Lin Feng eyes is full of light and has absolute confidence in his judgment.

At this point, just entering the junction of the eleventh small cycle and the twelfth small cycle, the flame injection is almost zero. As I have simulated in the mind before, this time point is completely accurate and half-baked.

“Ten seconds!” Lin Feng’s eyes are extremely moving.

“Up to ten seconds, only ten seconds.”

Sōu! Lin Feng swooped down.

Even if you know that there is no danger, you dare to rush like this, and it really takes great courage.

Of course, Lin Feng did it.

If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, you won’t get a tiger.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” The feeling of heartbeat is extremely severe.

Lin Feng eyes light light radiate all around, that really isn’t nervous heartbeat, today is very calm. The sharpness of heartbeat is because at this moment, I finally feel the powerful energy, and Hung Hom said that it has the existence of ‘extreme energy’!

His eyes were deep, and at full speed, Lin Feng had already seen the bright pearl that fell in the deepest part of the Flame Mountain, lying there quietly.

The heart is moving, full of excitement.

that’s it!

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