Chapter 21—The Great Project

The text on the paper!

A kind of singular text that I don’t know.

Not only on the paper, but also in this large array of 10,8 light spots! Just compared to the size of the paper, the printed characters on the light spot are extremely small, even if the maximum light is like a button, the text above is also extremely fine.

“Think of what?” Thousands of love beautiful eyes flash.

Hesitated a moment, Lin Feng nodded and said, “just a thought.”

“Speak and listen.” Thousands of love is said with a slight smile.

One person is short and two are skilled.

What’s more, now that they are companions, they should be guarded by each other.

The adventures of the King of the Kings, the life and death of each other, have long established a deep friendship.

“The text on each spot is different?” Qianlianhuang lightly mumble.

“Not completely sure, but…” Lin Feng eyes 粼粼, 冉冉 ,, “At least the twelve biggest spots, the text above is different.” My space aura has been locked, and several times broken The power of the light has not been seen all over the light, but it is also a lot of glimpses.

Even if you have a small text, you can remember it clearly!

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it.

“Can you draw all of it?”

“No problem.” Lin Feng smiled lightly, which is not a big problem for himself.

Very fast ——

Lin Feng started to draw.

Although it takes all the paintings to draw, it not only consumes strength, but also consumes a lot of time, but now the time is abundant. On the contrary, the opportunity is very rare, leaving only one hundred and eight flame feathers, and no more unnecessary consumption.

There is only one chance!

You must increase the chance of this opportunity, using any method!

“chi!” “chi!” “chi! ~” Amethyst spear is used as a pen, and Lin Feng’s eyes are shiny and shiny. In the mind Clearly engraved the text on the light spot, zoomed in a little bit, revealing a clearly visible structure, perfect for copying.

Not difficult.

It is much simpler than the drawing of the engraved array.

The Qianghuang Emperor squinted at his lips and looked at it with care. I want to break the mystery of these words.

Of course, easier said than done !

After an hour.

Pā ! Lin Feng received the spear and the eyes were bright clear.

There are four rows and four columns in front, which perfectly reflects twelve texts like book pages. Although the number is much less than the text on paper, it is exactly the same type of text and structure.

“Can you find out?” Lin Feng looked at Qianshuanghuang.

The latter shook his head gently, and the beautiful face was as calm as the lake, and Lin Feng smiled. Also don’t care.

If you can easily crack the mystery of this text, you don’t need to spend so many skills.

“If I can read these words, the secret of the big battle will be solved.”


Lin Feng lightly said, his eyes swept through the twelve words.

It’s like watching a bunch of symbols, completely unpredictable, and even a little Lenovo does not.

However, there is only this method left.

“Look, is there anything special?” Lin Feng lightly said.

“68个。70个,63个……”Lin Feng 手指轻点。百无聊赖的数着数,刚才画的时候自己便已知晓,如今仔细看确实‘字’的数目有着细微差距,十二篇文字,最少60个字,最多则是75个字。

There are less than twenty differences.

Of course. The number of no words is repeated.

“But there are many ‘words’ exactly the same.” Lin Feng looked at the first and second articles, three of which were the same, and then the second and third, and the same three words. The first and third articles have the same four words and the same place is different!

The most are the tenth and twelfth.

There are a total of eleven words identical!

Moreover, eight of the words are connected together.

“Well…” Lin Feng’s brows were light and clustered, and he seemed to find something in the vagueness, but he couldn’t say it.

This ‘law’ does not seem to have any effect, but it means something.

Will it… What is the relationship with this sheepskin paper?

Oh? !

Lin Feng’s eyelids flashed instantly, even after removing the sheepskin paper, and then looking at the ninth text again. The light spot represented by the ninth text, it is this sheepskin paper that I got after the entrance of Qianshouhuang! At this time, Qianshuanghuang also seemed to comprehend something, looked up, watched Lin Feng beautiful eyes.


Lin Feng looks calm.

Although I can’t understand these words, there is nothing wrong with the simple ‘match’.

The first line of sheepskin paper, six words!

“Found it!” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up and I was pleasantly surprised. Very fast was found in the ninth text, exactly the same as the six words in the first line of sheepskin paper! As if I found hope, I even looked down and concentrated.

A full 18 words are the same!

Almost the ninth text 30% ratio.

“I understand.” Lin Feng was completely at a loss, and Sensing looked at himself with a fascinating gaze, and suddenly looked up.

“This text should be an introduction.” Qian Lianhuang lightly said.

Lin Feng said with a smile, “How did you find out?”

“In the beginning, I also misstepped the direction and wanted to crack the mystery of this text, but…” Qian Lihuang watched Lin Feng smiled. “I saw you comparing the number of words, suddenly found misstep, and then I Just think, if this text is what I know, what will it write?”

Lin Feng nodded lightly. “It should be written in every semi-independent space, such as a treasure, such as Land of Cultivation.”

“The way of the king of the king.” Thousands of love beautiful eyes tilted.

Four eyes look at each other, the two look at each other and laugh.

The idea is coincident.

“This kind of text should be more complicated than ours.” Lin Feng spoke openly.

“Or it should be said that ‘fine.'” Thousands of loves of the hand, lightly said, “If you introduce the words of Battle Spirit World, each piece can be explained by only about half of the ‘word’.” Paused, Thousands of love kings fingered the tenth and twelfth articles. “There are eight consecutive words repeated here, which is equivalent to a sentence in Battle Spirit World.”

“But here… I am afraid it is just a noun, such as a heavenly treasure. For example, Land of Cultivation, etc.”

“And one or two repeated ‘words’ should be the more commonly used words.” Lin Feng slowly said, “Fortunately, we are looking for a semi-independent space with the king’s way.”

“En, just use the exclusion method.” Qianlianhuang smiled softly.

Tacit understanding, excellent.

“This is a big project.” Lin Feng eyes. Looking at the light spots that are moving like lightning, I have no choice but to smile.

But for now, it is the only way.

Even if ‘Yugong Yishan’, I have to try.

“Trouble.” Thousands of love apology, I am embarrassed.

Although her space energy can lock the light spot, she can’t see the text above, let alone ‘memory’.

This matter can only be done by Lin Feng.

“It doesn’t matter.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

big project!

It is indeed a big project.

Because you don’t understand what the text says, you can only do it. What is needed for comparison is ample ‘material’.

“Hey!” “Hey!” Lin Feng both pupils are bright and keep their self. While clearly remembering, both hands slashed in the open space to ‘draw’ the text. One after another of the text was portrayed, and the beautiful eyes of the thousand loves were constantly flashing, and they were carefully compared word by word, and they were not sloppy.

The division of labor and cooperation, the cooperation is seamless.

There is no need to explain at all, and two people trust each other.



Fifty! !


“Call!~” Lin Feng sighed. Stopped.

Continuously exerting self-state, both pupils are now slightly tired. The drawing of fifty words is not an easy task. The eyes swept over the dense scorpion symbol, and Lin Feng felt dizzy, but the ‘material’ was too rich and the amount of work was enormous.

On the forehead of Qianlianhuang, there is a vaguely visible sweat.

However, she did not stop the comparison. A pair of starlight’s mighty pupil pupils continually glanced and thought, whispering from time to time.

Quite serious.

After a while.

“Can you harvest?” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

Light ‘hmm’, a thousand love kings micro-finger, “the tenth and twelfth repeated eight consecutive words. In the fifty comparison materials, find five identical, can be ruled out first.” With a sneer, Qianshuang Huangdao, “I don’t understand this essay, but the nine words are similar to the common existence of ‘first heavenly treasure’.”

Lin Feng also smiled and nodded.

Very simple reasoning.

“And in the sixth and eighth articles, there are also six repeated words, and three are found in the comparison material, so the same is excluded.”

“The third, there are seven words, two in the comparison material…”


Kaikai talked about the head of Qian’s analysis.

Lin Feng listened carefully and nodded from time to time, more thoughtful and detailed than his own consideration.

There are no mistakes.

“In other words, today only the first, sixth, ninth and eleven have the greatest chances?” After listening to all the analysis of the thousand love, Lin Feng thought of the opening.

“The ninth?” Qianlianhuang slightly stunned and blinked.

“Hey!” Lin Feng smirked at the forehead, and the ninth was the origin of the sheepskin paper. Naturally, it was impossible to have the ‘King of the King’. In the ten thousand and eight semi-independent spaces, the king’s way must be the existence of ‘unique’.

“First, sixth, and eleventh.” Lin Feng eyes is shining.

Only the last three articles are the most likely!

Nowadays, there are 108 flame feathers left. According to the current situation, you can enter ‘four times’, just right!

After all, if you can find the ‘King of the Kings’, you and the thousand love kings will repeat.

“If it is okay, it is best to rule out one of them.” Lin Feng looked at Qianshuanghuang, thoughtfully. Plan can’t keep up with the change. Since the windmill brand will change before, it will be difficult to make changes again, then it will be troublesome.

Be cautious, the more you exclude, the better!

Thousands of lovers nodded gently. “If you can, try again and again for about 20 times, which is more insurance.”

“Good.” Lin Feng blinked.

Although it is a little tired, it is no big problem to draw another twenty times.

Very fast, drawing is done.

Luck is obviously quite good. Of the 20 times, the sixth is also excluded.

There are only the first and eleventh remaining!

“I hope we didn’t guess wrong.” Lin Feng looked at Qianshuanghuang and nodded slowly.

“There should be an understanding of exclusive 90%.” Qianghuanghuang smiled, apparently in a good mood, “good luck.”

“En, good luck.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.


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