Chapter 18 Discovery

The first clue is already perfect.

However, the two did not have any surprises.

Because this is just the beginning.

“10,800 semi-independent spaces.”

“I am afraid there is only one, and there is a hidden ‘King of the Kings.'”

Lin Feng looks to Qianshuanghuang, said resolutely, “take a chance to be really isn’t the right way, we must find out the rules and simplify the screening.”

Qian Aihuang gently nodded. “The semi-independent space that owns the way of the King of the Kings must be unique.”

The eyelids flashed, Lin Feng watched the white light shining like lightning, and the brows were lightly twisted. “But the aura of each space is completely locked and can’t tell each other. What’s more, the existence of the king’s way is We don’t know about aura.”

Qianshuanghuang was also helpless and shrugged.

Both of them are ignorant of the ‘King of the Kings’, only knowing that there is such a existence.

But what is really, but I don’t know.

Slightly sinking, watched the white light spot that flashed in front of him, Lin Feng lightly said, “Try it anyway, see if this flame feather is really the key, you can enter a semi-independent space.” This must be affirmed, If there are other obstacles after the Space Barrier…

After thinking about it, isn’t it a waste of time?

Most importantly, I hope to get some ‘information’ from the trial.

Perhaps, you can find out the secrets of the ‘King of the Kings’.

“break!” Lin Feng deep like and drink.

The force of the array was instantly broken, and the space that flashed rapidly was completely locked.

Lin Feng blinked. The three flame feathers are set in the windmill brand with lightning speed, just right! Perfectly embedded in it. It is like tailor-made, in a blink of time, the originally closed aura is turned on, and the strong Qi strength is scattered.

“Hey?” Lin Feng’s eyes were light.

The windmill is branded and turned on.

The flame feathers are like a brand, so that the entire windmill changes dramatically.

The Space Barrier is instantly cracked and cracks like a broken mirror. The sound of nourishment and sorrow falls into the ear. Lin Feng and Qiansonghuang eyes shining bright, I can’t help but expect that the aura in the sense is getting stronger and stronger.

Time –

“Hey!” The fire was shining.

A strong suction appeared, and Lin Feng had a bang.

Inhaled in an instant, this powerful strength can’t be stopped.

Hey! ~

Lin Feng’s eyes were slightly brighter.

The aura of the surroundings is very different from the one just now. There is no trace of the thousand love emperors by his side. There is no white spot that flashes rapidly. It feels like entering the 1st layer space, the difference is that there is no fire aura.

“Sure enough, the flame feathers are indeed the ‘key’ to open the space.” Lin Feng nodded.

This time, you can be sure.

This semi-independent space. It is the smallest ‘light spot’, and it is also the least required for the flame feathers. It only consumes three.

As an experiment.

“I don’t know what will happen?” Lin Feng was curious.

Gazing all around is a vast grassland with green grass. Broad and innocent.

The entrance to my own entry disappeared, apparently the same as the 1st layer. If you want to go out, you must find ‘export’. Or… like yourself, with instant movement skills like ‘the door to space’.

“Let’s look around.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

When it comes, it is safe, the aura here is calm, it seems that there is no danger.


“The space has not disappeared.”

“Rather, the Space Barrier is like a lock on the door and can’t be entered again.”

“It seems that only one person is allowed to enter at the same time.”

Thousands of love kings lightly read.

She also locks the space, and she can feel what happened.

It’s just that compared to the bone pupils owned by Lin Feng, her millennium belongs to the Attack type. She is good at array and illusion cracking. It is just stronger than the normal Martial Artist, but the special ability is lacking. For example, the ‘windmill branding’ on the Space Barrier, she could not see.


“At least it is good news.”

Waiting for a while, seeing Lin Feng did not appear, the thousand love queen clear like smile.

This situation shows that there is only one layer in this Space Barrier, and Lin Feng is already safely entering.

“Every space is an independent world.”

“Now, just look for the ‘King of the Kings’ and the rest is unimpeded.”

Eyelid flickering, thousand love emperor lightly purse one’s lip lip.

Feeling, breaking 70% St. is a lot closer to her.

Hope is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, Lin Feng is very freehand.

This piece of infinite savannah, even some strange animals are out, but the strength is not too strong.

There is no one-of-a-kind exceeding Saint Level, just for me to die, not to mention the existence of the aliens is quite scattered, it is difficult to gather shocking might. Along the way, Lin Feng’s eyes flashed, and Aura continued to spread. “No treasures are not falling, and there are specialities in the dense parts of the beasts.”

This situation has already experienced many times.

The strange beast absorbs the heavens and the earth grows, so the more the spiritual qi is dense, the more the beasts will be.

Similarly, treasure is mostly found in the field of spiritual qi.

Complement each other.

“This side!” Lin Feng’s heart was moving.

The corners of the mouth faintly drawn, and the figure instantly burst into the air.

The existence of different animals not only does not bring any trouble to themselves, but has many advantages and no disadvantages. Like a lightning bolt, with a strong fire of strength, despite the rapid progress, then Lin Feng still take care cautious, Fire of Rebirth covered with the body, bright.

More and more beasts.

However, for yourself, it is just an ordinary obstacle.

There is no need to mobilize the body, and the flame release of the body alone is enough to burn these alien animals.

A very easy ‘travel’.

Keep moving forward.

“Spiritual qi, it is getting richer and stronger.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

I don’t know how long it took. I don’t even know how many different animals are killed, but it is getting deeper and deeper. Your own aura’s sense is getting stronger and stronger.

“Hey?” Lin Feng eyes lit up.

In front, the dense beasts surround a woman’s light armor.

The light orange glow shines with a fascinating luster, and the strength of the aura is also the Star Territory Level energy. Obviously, this is a first heavenly treasure, a geologic orange level of treasure. Among the beasts, the strongest beast has a unique angle on the forehead. The four hooves are thick and strong, and the whole body exudes a strong killing aura.

“Strength is similar to the thorns of the day.” Lin Feng analyzed in his heart and looked around.

Surrounded by hundreds of different animals, it is clear that in order to get this orange inborn star, you must first kill them.

For the regular Star Territory Level expert. Perhaps this is a difficult task.

But for yourself, it’s too easy.

“Come on!” Lin Feng looked calm.

In the hands of the Fire of Devour, the whistling flashes, shocking the space.

Hey! ~ The light flashes.

“Oh?” Qianshuanghuang sneaked a bit and couldn’t help but turn his head.

The purpose is to familiarize yourself with the figure, with a faintly discernable smile, it is Lin Feng.

“Your.” Lin Feng smiled lightly. The orange light flashed in the hand, and the thin orange women’s light armor suddenly fell to the thousand love king, the latter’s face was contemptuous. I reached out and took it, but it was a slight glimpse. I don’t know what it means.

“This is the treasure of the semi-independent space.” Lin Feng said quietly.

Thousands of lovers nodded awkwardly. Understand, then the orange lady light hand back. “This is too heavy, I can’t accept it.”

Didn’t pick up, Lin Feng’s eyes are light, said with a smile, “You and I are now both companions, and you are blessed to share, not to mention this is a women’s light armor, I can’t wear it.” Light smile, Lin Feng said, “Three flame feathers, you can change a congenital star of the orange level, but it is worth it.”

Hesitated for a moment, Qian Aihuang gently smiled, and then the first starry A.

Getting along, Lin Feng’s character is also known, and she understands that he is a person, if she is too careless, it seems stingy.

What’s more, she owes Lin Feng too much, and what more is the level of the treasure?

“I just thought about the space in which the King of the Kings will be in the space.” Qianlian Huang looked at Lin Feng, beautiful eyes.

“There is a result?” Lin Feng snorted.

Shaking his head, Qianshuanghuang paused, lightly open the lips, “I thought for a long time, to figure out one of the most likely rules, the king of the king is the biggest secret of the 3rd layer, must be hidden in the largest independent space. “”

“Lin Feng, you have just confirmed that the bigger the light spot, the more flame feathers you need.”

“I think this is the key!”

The light voice falls in the ear, and Lin Feng eyes flashes.

The meaning of the thousand love emperor, I am very clear.

What she is referring to is that the larger the semi-independent space, the more precious it is, the more precious it is. And the way of the King of the Kings, nine out of ten exist in the semi-independent space that needs the most ‘flame feathers’!

Presumably, it is reasonable.

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

“What do you think?” The beautiful eyes of the thousand loves are flashing, and it looks like a discipline that hopes to get the master’s affirmation.

Unconsciously, she has regarded Lin Feng as a ‘leader’, just like a squad, the average team member feels the same for the captain.

This is a shock of strength.

“There is a great possibility.” Lin Feng lightly said, the eyes flashed with luster, said resolutely, “the greater the demand, the greater the cost, the more you get. In other words, even if you need ‘flame feathers The really isn’t ‘the way of the king of the king’ hidden in the semi-independent space is also the most precious existence, even…”

“More than the king of the king!”

The two eyes look at each other, flashing shining bright light.

The answer to the puzzle is getting clearer and clearer.

“Give it to me.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

I know that although Qian Youhuang can lock the space, she can’t see it.

This task can only be completed by oneself, not only to observe the size of the recorded light spot, but also to take too much effort, the ability to self-state, very fast ——

It can be done perfectly!

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