The fourth episode of the catastrophe eighth is good

“The rumored Behemoth Lord is already the intelligence of an ordinary child, and sure enough?

The foot of the Cloud Shuttle, Lin Feng’s indifferent watched eyes, the body of the 300-meter-long ‘Blue-White Winged Condor’ is a desperate escape. The eagle mouth non-stop gives a sharp sound with a feeling of shock and dizziness, but to yourself –


With a strong soul power, this sound can’t shake Lin Feng half a point.

“Escape? Can you escape?” Lin Feng’s right hand faintly revealed a touch of orange light.

When you are, condense into a Fireball.

As if the sense reached the deadly danger, ‘Blue-White Winged Condor’ desperately flapped that huge blue and white wings, the wind pressure is as strong as a hurricane, but I don’t know if I want to fly faster or block the Lin Feng behind me. And suppress.


Everything is just final struggle .

Behind him, Lin Feng pedaled to the Cloud Shuttle, which appeared like a teleport, and the Thunder came.

Orange flare, all colors are covered.

“Dead.” Lin Feng said indifferently.

boom! ! ! ?

Feet on the Cloud Shuttle, Lin Feng has a satisfied smile on his face.

“Two months ago, my Origin Fire might only be able to kill Intermediate Behemoth Lord.

“But now, my strength grade breakthrough to Primary Martial Emperor, has been able to kill Advanced Behemoth Lord.

Lightly exhaled, Lin Feng can’t help but look at the battlefield for the call for a truce. The human Martial Artist is a small enemy, but all of them are elites and morale is like a rainbow. Under the leadership of the Roaring Tiger Blade ‘Hu Yanming’, it looks like a sharp pointed blade. Piercing the heart of the beast herd.

“Chi!” “peng!!” There are fierce battles everywhere.

The war is exactly the Heat towards Heavens! ?

Overlooking this beast herd’s battle with humans, Lin Feng’s eyes flashed a glimpse.

In an instant, I saw it as a year later. Two years later…?

In order to protect the home, the human Martial Artist will launch a real life and death call for a truce with demon beast! ?

“In less than nine months, the beast herd riot will enter the mid-term, and there will be a small amount of King level Demon Beast go to war.

“Early one year and nine months, and two years and nine months later, the beast herd riot will enter the later stage, and many powerful Beast Generals appear in the wild. A lot of King level Demon Beast, and rare have dragon Type demon beast ……demon beast’s attack power degree, comparable to level 7 beast herd riot total attack.

“At that time, Heavenly Martial Continent. The disaster will come!

Lin Feng softly sighed, the history of the wheel is rolling, really isn’t a “weak” Martial Artist can change.

What you can do, only to adapt, in this desperate situation –

Get a chance! ?

“Demon beast!” Lin Feng showed a thick killing intent in his eyes.

In the hand, two sets of Fireballs were suddenly condensed. It seems to be exploded towards two primary Behemoth Lords.

“Peng” Two glowing fires shrouded! ?

The hot and hot aura enveloped the entire battlefield, and the beast herd showed a lose one’s head out of fear, and the Primary Behemoth Lord all felt fear again and again; at this time, the human Martial Artist seems to have the main heart, morale largely Shaken .

Have a strong ‘Fire Spirit Master’ to sit in. What else is scared! ?

The scale of victory, gradually leaning toward the human Martial Artist.

Desolation –

“Hey?” Lin Feng glanced at a familiar figure.

County City hand held long sword. The heroic, cool, tall figure. The beautiful face is very eye-catching in this battlefield.

“Is she?” Lin Feng lightly oh’ed, eyes as seen, at this time County City is trapped in the beast herd, at stake. The wounds in many parts of the body bleed, but they are still tenacious fighting, and there are unyielding fighting spirits in the big eyes.

Lightly watched , Lin Feng ‘s bright light flickering .

At this time, it was a Primary Behemoth Lord join battle group, and County City was besieged and faltered! ?



In front of me, the purple shadow is getting clearer and clearer.

At the time, Lin Feng’s hands were pinched into a fist, and the orange light was attached to the hand. The ‘嗤’ burst into the air, and Scarlet Refining Gloves seemed to be on fire. In front of it, an Advanced Beast General ‘Rhino Horn Thunder Beast ‘ is the one of the bare one’s fang, and the thunder on the forehead is shining.

However, Lin Feng is not hiding even if he is hiding –

“Boom!” Swing out.

After the first arrival, the violent Origin Fire will drown the ‘Rhino Horn Thunder Beast’.

Direct devour! ?

“Origin Fire’s might attached to the box seems to be slightly inferior to the Fireball.” Lin Feng mumbled inwardly.

“Fireball is the concentration of the Origin Fire, and the Origin Fire is attached to the boxing, which is an extra layer of energy transfer.

Said with a thought in one’s heart, thinking, but Lin Feng is not slow at all, distracted, body rotation, and two Advanced Beast General died.

Start, fast and awkward! ?

“Fire Martial Artist ……” Lin Feng laugh indifferently, when I suddenly remembered my first fire martial artist’s strength, “At that time I controlled a small cluster of Origin Fire might have been the limit, now… controlled the Origin Fire might count to ten Double, but effortless.

This is the soul power upgrade! ?

Controling Origin Fire, in the final analysis, depends on the strong or weak of soul power.

The soul is, the Origin Fire… is the soldier.

Think of this –

Daddy, Lin Feng eyes is big, “Right, how can I be so confused, when the soul power is weak, now…”?

This is not the same as before?


The Origin Fire of the fist 一 time deep pond one point, even the height of the pick-up is steeply increased, just like the ‘Origin Fire Limit Control’ training, Lin Feng eyes burst into a bright light.

Self, subconsciously entered a misunderstanding! ?

At that time, the Origin Fire sensitivity extremely high, the instantly exploded Origin might have reached the limit controlled by soul power.

but now……?

The improvement of soul power has already exceeded the limit of the instantaneous explosion of Origin Fire sensitivity! ?

“Sure enough, as the “Fire Spirit Master Foundation” cloud, the Fire Spirit Master three factions, there is no distinction between high and low, there is no dividing line, the key is –“?

“How much emphasis does it have on its own, how many might can be played!

I am thinking in my heart. Lin Feng started to be unambiguous. The orange light flashed everywhere, and the demon beast was all done, and even the bones were gone. Between. Like a sharp long spear piercing the enemy, the number of demon beasts near County City plummeted, and the pressure dropped.

Very fast ——

Lin Feng will target the attack, one of which is Primary Behemoth Lord ‘Silver Ridge Lion ‘! ?

The huge figure that is nearly 100 meters long is very eye-catching. The sound of roaring seems to shock the ears. The fierce giant claw swings, and the wind is terrifying to the extreme.

However, this time. It is facing Lin Feng.

Even the Advanced Behemoth Lord ‘Golden Winged Heaven Roaring Tiger’ can be easily hunted, not to mention the trifling Primary Behemoth Lord? ?

“Dead!” Lin Feng’s expression was light.

The orange flame is radiant all around, and the ‘Silver Ridge Lion’ has not even screamed, it has been completely devour.

“Fire Martial Artist focuses on Origin Fire. My aptitude is not good, but…” Lin Feng nodded at the corner of his mouth and nodded. “My soul power is extremely high. It can also play out.” Fire Martial Artist’s strength.

Road, more than one.

The key is how strong and how it is. To maximize the play! ?

And at this time –

The injured County City has added a wound, and a very long blood mark appears on the smooth back. County City screamed and vomited blood. Body falling one after another. Between , the Primary Behemoth Lord ‘Three Eyed Gamma Cat ‘ sharp screaming, the eyes in the eyes of the cool glow.

Great opportunity! ?

A severe light coldly, take the life of County City.

“Roll!” Lin Feng is like a thunder lightning.

In the hands of the orange Origin Fire suddenly broke out, ‘Three Eyed Gamma Cat’ was thundered, ‘Oh,’ screamed, suddenly –

The claws are devour by Origin Fire.

At this time, Lin Feng’s right foot is already on the ground. The body completely separates the ‘Three Eyed Gamma Cat’ from the County City. The left foot is suddenlyd forward and the left fist is swayed.

Orange Origin Fire broke out! ?

In the face of that terrifying Original Fire might, ‘Three Eyed Gamma Cat’ couldn’t resist it, showing the horror of the horror, the hoarse of fear. However, behind Lin Feng, County City did not know when it was standing up, in the eyes of cold light radiate all around ……?

“chi!” The sword in his hand was swept away, like a hazy snake that bite to Lin Feng.

Fast, accurate, hey! ?

From the speed of the sword, you can judge that the strength of County City is definitely above the Intermediate Martial Emperor, no less than the Roaring Tiger Blade ‘Hu Yanming’! ?

Play the pig to eat the tiger, only for this moment! ?

Real name ‘Zi Luan ‘! ?

In a short distance, there is no way to dodge. In order to create this game, Zi Luan will not hesitate to make a ‘bitter plan’.

A hazy assassin is the best way to achieve it! ?


“Childish tricks.” The voice of indifference came out, Zi Luan transient complex greatly changed.

Lin Feng, who originally had an empty back, but seemed to have expected the general, almost impossible rotation of the body, that is the left fist of the exploded towards ‘Three Eyed Gamma Cat ‘, the blooming of the Origin Fire, instant and Zi Luan The blend of swords.

Great work! ?

“hong” orange light radiate all around .

“pū! !” Zi Luan violently spits blood, flies away.

The five internal organs were burned, and Zi Luan’s eyes showed an incomparable horror. The body no longer had a little bit of strength, and fell heavily on the ground.

This time, it is really serious injury! ?

Lin Feng’s footsteps are a front cross, appearing like a teleport in front of Zi Luan, straight light flickering’s eyes straight watched Zi Luan, the sound is dull, “The fox tail is finally exposed.

learn from mistakes.

Last time Lin Jianglong concealed Lin Feng is still fresh in one’s memory, almost died.

How can you fall again in a pit! ?

“You, you…” Zi Luan biting one’s lips , complexion is incredibly white.

“The acting is good, but… the same move is useless to me.” Lin Feng coldly smiled, and the Origin Fire in his hands turned into a hot Fireball.

Own, it’s just a matter of counting.

Zi Luan is unwilling to show up, although she does not understand Lin Feng, she knows herself –


And the result of failure is only one.

“Death.” Lin Feng’s in one’s eyes revealed an extreme killing intent.

For the enemy, never be merciful! ?

At this time, behind the ‘Three Eyed Gamma Cat’ screamed to arrive, the sharp claws hit the back, Lin Feng is half-pointed.

But suddenly ——

A terrifying green man is emerging! ?

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