Chapter 4 new strength

When the king said this, he suddenly caused a severe **.

The king of Jiuzhou is complexion, but this is determined by them and the emperor. However, other saints are just ‘executing’. They are not aware of the specifics of the matter.

“Hey, is this true?” Qin Wang complexion dignified.

“Yes.” 钜王said resolutely, “We know that things are beginning and end, but Martial Artist does not know, but now the Witch is headed by, the ancient eight-domain alliance of the ancients and the human beings complements the demon. Only my southern domain seclusion Lock domain, isolated autonomy, indeed… it’s inevitable that everyone thinks this way.”

Yan Wang burns like gaze, gaze at everyone, “I’m afraid, isn’t that just ordinary people?”

Lu Wang complexion slightly changed, “What do you mean by this, Yan Wang!”

Coldly snorted, Yan Wang reveals a scornful color.

“Yeah, King, make it clear!” The brown king complexion is not good.

“Everyone is a smart person, don’t you break my face?” Yan Wang is not salty and not ready to start talking.

In a blink of time, the scene was a mess.

舜皇lightly sigh in one’s heart, how can he not know?

Everyone has a desire for selfishness, even if the Holy One is no exception. It should be said that especially those who are more capable, the stronger their desires. Although he is a big Senior Brother, the strength is only a saint, and he can hold everyone back because of the name of the ‘Great Senior Brother’. Really isn’t like the Emperor, no matter the reputation or strength, it overlooks the small people.

When you are peaceful, everyone can live together in peace.

However, if it is really messed up, the situation will be as unpredictable as it is now.

He may be able to suppress it, but what happens next? It is like a spring, the more it rebounds, the stronger the rebound force! He does not care about himself, but the people who suffer from the loss are the people of the entire southern region, those ordinary people who are unarmed.

What should he do?

I sighed with a long sigh and felt helpless.

The strongest fortress is often cracked from the inside.

The decision of the Emperor’s day was not wrong. After the Southeast and Northwest Territories were forced to join the six major leagues, very fast was overhead. Although it is called the ‘eight big domain alliances’, but the real masters are just a few high-ranking people who speak the saints.

Basically the entire human family influence, in the hands of two people.

Alliance lord left out of the ordinary, the northern region first expert; deputy alliance lord Liu Lao, the most prestigious saint in the East.

Especially left out of the ordinary. It is not only the first expert in the northern region, but also the ‘strongest saint’ recognized by the nine major human domains.

Strength, decide everything!

When the nine twelve saints of the human beings are missing, the three seclusions do not ask the world, and the left out of the ordinary becomes the strongest of the human world. This man who controls the mysterious influence, has the influence and strength. Surpass is often imagined.

“Do it well.” It was a man with a Shura mask, and the low voice was a little magnetic.

“Yes, righteous father.” The voice is cold, it is a black clothed youth, shrouded in a black cloak, giving the impression of killing intent.

It’s exactly at Vermilion Bird, right now. The entire southern region has set off a blade of great waves.

“Continue to execute the plan.” The Shura mask man nodded and said, “When the achievement is achieved, you will be on the day when the white clothed will be on the rudder.”

In the eyes of the sharp light, the bright light is fleeting, “child is doing everything he can.”

The land of miracles, the domain of King.

“It’s very similar to the strength of the master.”

“It’s like a part of it, the body sense is extremely strong.”

“This feeling……”

Lin Feng lightly closed his eyes and looked good.

Entering the full comprehend state, standing has been full for half a month.

Silk does not move!

Deep insights again and again. The body is becoming more and more familiar with this strength, as if entering the body in the subconscious, within the blood. With every inch of skin and every cell, the insight is getting deeper and deeper.

“Hey!” A wave of hands, shaking up the space.

“It’s this feeling.” Lin Feng’s heart was moving, and the right hand suddenly became a fist. The qi flow of the surroundings seems to condense on the right hand in an instant.

Bang! Swing out.

Like a penetrating space, Lin Feng opens his eyes, “Ha!”

The sound of deep like, with the right fist hit. Make the space vibrate sharply. The body is perfectly opposite to the surrounding qi flow, which seems to have a resonance. It’s just an ordinary punch, but it has a tearing strength that has a strong destructive power.

“pā lā !” seems to tear the space apart.

The layers of the barrier were instantly lost, and Lin Feng’s eyes sparkled.

It is this feeling!


What’s worse?

The ‘Dao of Strength’ from comprehend is still a key link.

Lin Feng shook his fists and raised his brows gently into the area. There was something in his heart that couldn’t be said. Own, it seems to come from a small space to a large space, surroundings everything pitch-black, can not tell the strange.

The nose is lightly sniffed, as if it has a light and bloody taste.

“Hey! Hey!” heartbeat inexplicably speeds up, and the back spine has a cold feeling that permeates.

What is it?

What is this feeling? !

Lin Feng both eyes flashing, looking forward, in the darkness, as if something is quietly approaching himself. One point, another point, one piece, another piece, the sense is getting deeper and deeper and clearer. The qi flow in the air is filled with all kinds of complicated aura, and the tip of the nose seems to be more and more profound.

Very rich!


“Hey!!” The sound of the cymbal came from afar, and Lin Feng’s eyes suddenly brightened.

This is the beast of the beast!

No, it’s the sound of a beastly beast. It seems like a pair of bloody bone pupils, cold light. That fierce’s face, Zhang big bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, 獠 铮铮. Behind it, there is a severe spike in the cold bloody glow, and the smell of open mouth is stinking, and the spit is extremely disgusting.

Blood wolf!

Different animals, blood wolves!

Lin Feng eyes suddenly became big, and at this time, the surrounds 嘶roar sound became more intense.

in all directions!

Own, as if surrounded by blood wolves, bloody feelings horrified into the nose. Astonishing aura covers everything, the red-eyed wolf eyes illuminate in the surroundings like a lantern, symbolizing horror and terrifying, the disgusting aura is approaching crazy.



still is……

In an instant, Lin Feng’s mind has seen countless thoughts.

However, it is impossible to know. This King domain has infinite secrets, completely different from the previous 1st layer.

“Hey!” “Hey!!”… Hey voice. It sounded one after another. “Tread!” “Tread!” The sound of rushing to the ground, accompanied by the fierce wind, surroundingings bloody glow covering all, blood wolves in all directions, the blood is not full of emotions filled with cold extreme killing intent.

At the moment, everything is useless.


There is no second way.

“Just give it a try.”

“The new comprehend’s ‘strength’.”

Lin Feng eyes bright, did not dodge.

perhaps. Dodge can make it easy for you to avoid the biting of these blood wolves, but…

Efficiency will be much lower.

“Come on.” Lin Feng high and steep stood and held his fists.

Did not use Amethyst spear, the first palm of this strength, only the double fist is the best insight and hone. As long as the fists gradually adapt to this strength, master this ‘Dao of Strength’. At that time, Amethyst spear can be played at will, and the use of Amethyst spear is definitely to reduce ‘efficiency’, just like dodge.

No need.

“Boom!” Lin Feng blinked and punched.

With the wind and the sound, he is in contact with the most fierce bloody wolf.

“bang!” punched the wolf claws into pieces, even with the forelegs. The head is completely smashed into slag.

Even if there is no Star Force giving, even if there is no star technology, just the strength of the fleshly body, just instilling a part of the new comprehend ‘force’, the might is terrifying. At this time, the left fist swayed out, and once again in close contact with the bloody wolf on the left side of the body.

The punch and the fangs collide.

Bang! The bloody wolf’s sharpest fangs shattered.

Extremely aggressive, Lin Feng’s left fist instantly penetrated the throat. Along with the sound of snoring, another blood wolf was killed.

But at this time, Lin Feng has no way to dodge.

The coming of the blood wolf group is fast, sturdy and dense.

“Oh!!” A bloody wolf, the claws fell on the back of Lin Feng.

“Hey!” Another bloody wolf, sharp fangs on the waist side of Lin Feng. Bloody taste spreading and soaring.


Two fierce 嘶roar sounded.

These two blood spears who succeeded in ‘sneak attack’ as if they had caught the bite of the unbreakable rock, the claws broke and the cavities were broken. It is trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off. At this time, Lin Feng eyes bright, left and right fists at the same time.

Bang! Bang! The two blood wolves were killed in an instant and there was no effort to fight back.

Fast, accurate, hey!

“The King of the Prison, after all, is the Star Territory Level.” Lin Feng lightly said.

As early as just now, I have sensed the strength of these blood wolves, which is much lower than myself.

It’s just the peak of the Star Territory Level.

Perhaps, his own body can not be so unscrupulous hard anti-blood attack, but the body, but inheritance of the blood of the ancient Divine Beast, Starry Sky Expert’s fleshly body and condense! I am afraid that it is thousands of times stronger than the ordinary saints. It is a pediatrics to resist these blood wolf attacks.

Even if they stand still and do not let these blood wolves attack, they will not hurt even one inch of skin.

“ci luo” naked gap!

“Boom!” “Boom!” In a short moment, Lin Feng was thrown out more than ten times.

Every time you throw a punch, you can take away the life of a blood wolf. However, it is strange that these blood wolves do not have ‘corpse’, and each time they are killed, they disappear without a shadow.


“No, this is true.”

Lin Feng knows very well, but what he sees is undoubtedly true.

Can these blood wolves not kill?

I don’t know.

But at least for now, you can feel the blood wolf aura, there are tens of thousands!

“I want to do so much.”

“No matter how much.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Own, really isn’t Star Territory Level The essence of the peak.

Mastering ‘Dao of Strength’ with the strength of the saints will undoubtedly save a lot of scruples and dangers. You don’t have to worry about the strength of these blood wolves. You don’t need to care if you will get hurt. Just concentrate on honing your skills and master strength.

To kill the blood wolf and comprehend ——

Dao of Strength !

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