Chapter 28—Galo Real Body

puff! ~ Blood violently spits.

As a thunder, Lin Feng’s head slammed.

As if hit by a heavy hammer, terrifying qi flow rushed to bounce off himself, as if he had been punched. Lightning arc madness, completely suppressing the flame, not only yourself, Feng Ming is seriously injured and seriously injured, first heavenly treasure purple double ring is completely cracked!

Scar man, strong terrifying!


In Lin Feng’s heart, he felt a sense of powerlessness.

Joining himself with Feng Ming, they are far from the opponents of the scar man. He is like a big mountain, a road without end. When I thought I was about to reach the top of the mountain and approached the end, I suddenly found that it was still far away, quite far away.

The huge power gap is lost.

There has never been a downturn.

Want to lose?

I really want to lose myself…

Lin Feng’s heart is mixed, tightly twisted together, and the brain is in a disorder.

at this time–

Pā ! A gentle Qi strength flashes behind him.

“pā!” Lin Feng’s eyes narrowed, and the retired figure suddenly stopped. The strong momentum was offset, and it seemed to fall on the soft sponge, behind, which was a familiar aura. Lin Feng’s heart was lightly shocked, and suddenly looked back and saw the burning eyes of the thorns.

Hold the right fist, the inferior eye in the battle intent, and nod to yourself.


Is this me?

How can I give up easily!

Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth, the moment of loss completely left behind. At this moment, the heart is clear, and the appearance of the thorns is like a clear stream, slowly flowing through the disordered mind. From now on, hatred, pressure, responsibility, everything is crazy on himself, breathless.

All the negative factors are transformed into the strength of the explosion, but it is like ‘overdraft’. When this strength is exhausted, it is trapped in ‘weakness’.

Really isn’t physical weakness. It is the weakness of the heart.

There is no fighting spirit.

But now…

“I am still alive!”

“As long as I have a sigh of relief, I haven’t lost yet!”

Lin Feng suddenly bites the tip of the tongue, and the strong bloody smell makes him wake up instantly.

The heart flashed through the thick fighting spirit, and the eyes were even more unwilling, and the bloody seas and deep hatred came to mind. The violent aura is emerging wildly.

Yourself. How can I give up!

To win!

Be sure to win!

To kill the bastard that killed this day, the murderer who killed his own family!

“Boom!” The mind is like a burst. The intense violent aura covers the whole body, in a blink of time. Lin Feng’s eyes wide open, and the body seems to be in a state of emptiness in the state of self. Surroundings everything seems to disappear, and then nothing can be seen, and nothing can be heard.

The world seems to have only one person left.

boom! boom! boom! Only the sound of heartbeat.

“Hey!” In front of a blink of time, there was a huge Phoenix, soaring, and the bind was full of flames.

Quite familiar picture!

That is the light spot of the seven main stars, shining in front of you. At this moment, the seven spots are not equal to a shining star. Eye watched all this, Lin Feng is like a suffocation, consciousness in the moment did not enter the star, the familiar feeling filled the whole body.

Galo real body!

It is the mystery of your own comprehend.

At the moment, it seems to be a fusion of the feeling that I felt before. At this moment, it seems to be turned into reality and turned into reality.

In the mind There is a vague shadow that sits in the flames, a strong smoldering flash, and a violent aura, how similar to himself. feel. So close, I watched the group of ghosts, as if I saw my shadow from the shadow, like a mirror.

Hey! Hey! The moment with the shadow of the group seems to merge, the body seems to enter the flame, the heart is abnormal and perfect.

at this time–

“pā !” “pā tà !!” Lin Feng’s body, which has undergone dramatic changes.

Below the figure, it is like a flame burning, the body is shining with a bright glow, the whole person seems to be awkward, but there is a strong aura boiling. The body has become stronger and stronger, just like wearing a strange battle suit, but the virtual image flashing behind it is completely reflected.

“Mystery ‘first glimpse’?!” 靳 靳 瞪 big eyes, shocking.

“Galo real body!” Complexion pale white Feng Ming, startled and said.

Strength, constantly emerging!

Lin Feng’s big eyes are completely shocking.

This strong strength is your own?

At this moment, I really felt the ‘combat power’ and felt the strength similar to that of Feng Ming just now. Vision gaze towards Not far away, the astonishing electric mans burst, and there is no fear of the heart, as if you have stepped into the ranks of the saints.

Really isn’t body, but –

Fighting power.

“Mystery, it really does not deserve to be a sacred strength.” Lin Feng’s secret thought.

There was a strong flash of light in his eyes, and the bright light slammed, but he drunk like a meteor.

Very good condition!


“Damn!” Feng Ming tightly clench one’s teeth, blood oozing from the teeth.

Holding a fist lightly tremble body, aura is extremely weak, but it is obvious power.

He hates!

Just a little bit.

If you have the best strength today, you can fight alongside Lin Feng, maybe…

Really hope to win!

However, it is seriously injured.

The thorns are not far from Fengming, watching the proud and angry face of this proud ancient man, his heart can vaguely understand his feelings. It is a kind of powerlessness, a kind of incompetence that wants to fight but can’t do anything, can only watch it, and can’t control its own destiny.

“Don’t worry, maybe Lin Feng can win.”

Feng Ming turned his head halfway and took a look at the thorns, said solemnly, “naive.”

The brows and brows were wrinkled and just wanted to refute. Feng Ming had a hoarse voice. “The other party is an Intermediate electric ambassador. No matter the rank or the strength, it wins me. Do you think that Lin Feng is the first to see the mystery? The strength reaches the Intermediate electrician. It must have begun to glimpse one of the mysteries of ‘Electricity.'”

The thorns startled, Feng Ming’s voice has not yet fallen –

The situation suddenly changed suddenly.

The scarred man’s arrogance skyrocketed in an instant, and the outer body also flashed the ultimate luster. The ominous light appeared, and there was a huge demon Divine Beast behind him. The lightning possession, the thick tail flashed the thick scales, the forehead. The imprint shines brightly.

Peng! Lin Feng was violently vomited by a powerful attack.

Complexion greatly change.

“Unfortunately.” Feng Ming complexion is cold. Gnashing teeth.

“If I haven’t been injured, or Lin Feng is now a saint, maybe… still war.”

In the words, the transmission is thick and unwilling.

The technique is worse.

In the eyes, there is still a point of pride. Feng Ming stood upright.

Despite serious injuries. But still strong to keep from falling, perhaps for him, this is self-esteem.

It is death. Also stand dead!

In a way, Lin Feng and Feng Ming are actually the same.

Ning died unyielding!

The same blood flows through the body.

That’s Phoenix’s pride, and among the Divine Beast, Phoenix is ​​a top-notch presence, and it’s arrogant.


“Or not.”

Lin Feng and the war retreat, feeling a deep weakness.

Obviously this hateful murderer is in front of him, but he can’t kill him!

Close, his body can’t load the terrifying mystery power, and the body is completely paralyzed. The attack was frustrated. However, far away, I am not the opponent of this scar man, that lightning is better than Feng Ming’s Fireball, not only might tyrannical, faster than lightning!

Avoid it!

Despite his comprehend and successful display of ‘Galo True Body’, then…

Completely restrained!

“Galro Shield!” Lin Feng shouted step backwards.

The shining Galois Shield appears in front of you. The use of Galois is not only very low consumption, but the might is much more enhanced.

Again, the Galo Fireball is the same. Based on the Three Ways of the Holy One, you can cultivating the comprehend’s true body, once it is displayed. There are different degrees of increase in the three, but the effect is minimal at the moment.

Galois body surgery itself is a strengthening system that collides with Galo.

The Galois Shield is a pure defense. As for the Galo Fireball, it is an amount of attack power, but at the moment its Fire of Devour has already been exhausted. Fire of Rebirth might not much more than the Fire of Devour. The ‘Sacred Way’ is not comprehend Fire of Rebirth. It is only driven by Star Force, and it is a little bit worse than the scar man’s electric might.

Resistance to Fire of Rebirth, simply courting death.

“It’s too fast.” Lin Feng complexion is dignified, even if he is using his cloud to escape the chain lightning attack.

Can only use the Galois shield to resist, but how long can it be blocked?

Lin Feng can’t stop back!

The scar man approached step by step.

This huge power gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Lin Feng insisted on his teeth, but as time passed, the glory of the Galois Shield became more and more bleak, and the virtual light flashing outside the body gradually exhausted energy.

At the moment, there is only a negative resistance.

Galo’s real body also needs to be consumed.

Moreover, it is very expensive!

Even if Lin Feng’s Star Force is more than a hundred times more than the normal Star Territory Level Martial Artist, it can’t stand the crazy consumption.

After all, Galois is the strength of the Holy Spirit!

It is a real mystery.

“Peng!” “Peng!” “Peng!” Scar man bright eyes radiate all around, the hand is still sharp.

The body, without a little scar, for him, this is just an ordinary battle. It’s just that he wants to solve the opponent quickly by being hurt by the injury, or to complete the task as easily as “destructive”.

“End it.” Scarred men’s eyes are shining.

The hands and the electric mans are emerging wildly, like a snake-like bite to the shield that is already weak to the extreme.

“Zi! Zizi!~” lightning, bite the last line of defense.

boom! ! Galois, divided by four.

Fierce’s electric snake, breaking the defense against the yellow dragon, instantly –

Penetrate Lin Feng’s chest.

“Ah!!!” was shocking, and Lin Feng’s pupil was fully enlarged.

The heart, at this moment, seems to stop beating. After the body pain, all that remains is endless numbness, and the head is roaring. Lifting his head, the whole person is in a state of emptyness. In a blink of time, the head is like a snake bite by the electric snake. The consciousness is on the verge of collapse. The whole person seems to be torn apart.

I am going to die?

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