The twenty-fifth chapter is unsuccessful, then Chengren!

Really isn’t illusion.

Ghostfire is the Control type star of Lin Feng comprehend cultivating.

The flame that condenses with both hands quickly forms a disturbing mind, like a ‘confusing’ means. Unlike illusion, this is based on the flame, based on Star Force, is the strength of Heavenly Spirit Master’s strength, really isn’t Heavenly Soul Master, but…

Driven by the way of the Holy One, Lin Feng will bring up the level of the ghostly fire!

Self-state, the portal pupils change.

Double-layered attack!

After the ghosts, there is a hidden jade. Although the jade is only the human first treasure, but Lin Feng needs the truly isn’t the own strength of the jade, but its ‘ability’, attack with it, because whether it is star or star Oh, it’s just an auxiliary eye, even if it’s the same.


Lin Feng both pupils is completely bright, 6-layer’s self-state is equivalent to an eight-layered eyelid.

This is the strength of the true saint!

Hidden behind the wildfire, for a real killing move.

The same as the flame master, on the ability of Heavenly Spirit Master, Feng Ming far out of Lin Feng.

Ghost fires are stronger and stronger, just the strength of the first entry into Saint Level, how can you control Feng Ming? However, the double-layered attack was hidden behind the ghostly fire, but the Feng Ming was caught off guard, and his head was broken. It was naturally furious!

“Give me a break!” Feng Ming violent shout, the mark of Phoenix on the forehead bright.

A pair of eyelids exudes 璀shining Ze, a handsome face with a slight anger, a illusion of illusion, but Lin Feng is not surprising, but Feng Ming is still cracked in a very short time. However, this extremely short time is not “short” in these levels of competition.

“Well!” Lost Lin Feng’s trace in front of him, Feng Ming’s heart twisted. The two-legged tap is almost a withdrawal from the slightest hesitation.

Prejudgment, reaction!

This is the experience of the battlefield Martial Artist.

At this time Feng Ming face. The relaxed state has long since disappeared. In addition to the anger of Lin Feng’s ‘daring’ move, it was more awesome and positive. The flames of both hands burst. Sudden shouted in the strong flames as the aura blasted, completely not sense Lin Feng now traces, Feng Ming back in the hands of the fire all over, instantaneous launch extreme attack.

boom! boom! boom!

Like the organ spear, Fengming eyes light, but the complexion greatly change.

Neither Fireball nor Halo hit any targets. Feng Ming in ones heart trembled. In the retire, I felt a savage sensation. The back of the spine was cold, and suddenly I was shocked. “Not good. Zhongji!”

Not far away, the thorny eyes bloom and shine, and the eyes are shocked.

The intense fire broke out instantly.

That is the strength of devouring everything!

Lin Feng is like a ghost, and he actually smashed out from behind Feng Ming.

Purple light. Very bright!

Farther away from the distance, Lin Feng took a long road, but it was completely estimated to Feng Ming’s actions. Like the chess-like pre-entitlement, the footsteps are swaying, and the subtle steps break out the astonishing strength. Lin Feng eyes exudes a strong killing intent, amethyst spear thunder light.

Fire, killing intent, spear art, complete fusion, new amethyst spear clanging cry 铿锵, Lin Feng such as Shura regeneration, igniting Heavenly Thunder.

This strike, instilled all the strength, the right hand to demon ring is more full attack.

If you are unsuccessful, you will be married!

“Zhenlong spear art!” Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth, deep like violent shout.

In the mind, the scene of the father holding himself and the younger brother, the scene of the terrible pursuit, the heart of the violent gas will be the ultimate in the battle intent. At this moment, Lin Feng slammed into the ground, and his heart seemed to pick up an inexplicable feeling. What seemed to be clear in the faint.

But now, it is instantly submerged in an attack.

Nothing can stop this spear!

Killing intent

“Boom!” Instill all the strength, the ultimate crazy one spear.

World-shaking, the new amethyst spear, the attack itself is also the ultimate, the fire dragon spear art fire, affecting the surrounding elements of all fire elements, sweeping everything, the imaginary dragon in the void completely broke out, with the momentum of the sky Open bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

Terrifying Extreme!

“Good and strong…”

Lin Feng this spear, let his heart tremble, unconsciously took a step back.

It is not a tall figure. It has the power to kill God and kill the Buddha. Behind the Phoenix astrology, the amount of attack power is no different from the Holy One. At this moment, the feeling of the thorns, Lin Feng this spear can really kill the arrogant ancient saints!


Just feeling it.

“Ah!” “Ah!!” “Ah!!!” Hysterical shouting, a huge Phoenix is ​​completely exposed, soaring wings covered with blood, wounded and angry. The roaring arrogance burst, the fire was boiling, and the two figures were disappointing. Lin Feng couldn’t stop pulling back, and there was a blood stain on the corner of his mouth. On the other side, Feng Ming flew out like a cannonball, apparently hurting a little more.

Of course, his aura is still strong.

Only injured and not dead.

“It’s bad.” The brows frowned.

Bystanders clear, he is very clear that Lin Feng can only gain the upper hand, just because of the application of ‘skills’, playing Feng Ming is caught off guard, really isn’t real strength over Feng Ming. On the contrary, Feng Ming has not been fatally hurt in such a contrarian situation, which shows that the foundation is profound and powerful.

It is indeed worthy of being holy!

“The ancients, very awful.”

So strong!

Lin Feng feels it, and Lin Feng feels the same.

The situation is worse than expected. Just like this, the ordinary saint has already been killed, but… Lin Feng brows tightly, but feels weak, Feng Ming that astonishing explosive power, as if Phoenix is ​​with him, how to fight Not dead, his own attack only exchanged for the advantage but did not lay the victory.

However, there is no way out!

Lin Feng fierce clench one’s teeth, eyelids drastically changed.

“Galro Inflammation!” The familiar strength instantly condenses, Lin Feng strengthens his body, and the Saint Level’s way to perform the starry might completely breaks out. Feeling the boiling and familiarity of the flames, the changes in the body caused Lin Feng to suddenly rise sharply at this moment, and the Fire of Devour burst appeared, with the sense of the body Fire Fate Star Chart coming as expected.

The strength of the fire, the ultimate increase!

“Galro Fireball, tens of millions!” Lin Feng violent shout.

At this time, no matter what the power gap is, there is no hidden.

At this point the skill is useless. The real collision will determine the final outcome of each other, in the end…

Who will laugh at the end!

boom! boom! boom!

Angry Fireball, condensing terrifying strength.

Intensified by Galois. Fireball’s might play the ultimate, far exceeding just to lure the strength of the enemy. every second. Hundreds of Fireballs are sprayed out, and both hands are in full force. Lin Feng has the strength. At this moment, which one has the Fire of Devour, if there is a limit, if Feng Ming has a half-breathing opportunity, then…

If you are yourself, you will lose.

“I can’t lose!” Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth.

Regardless of yourself. Still for father, there is also a personal mother who has never met.

This battle, you must win!

“Go to death!” Lin Feng eyes is fierce, aura is extremely violent.

Changes in mood. Let the Lin Feng heart suddenly change, this moment seems to have the feeling just now, can not tell the familiar. However, at the moment, there is no room for the rest of the heart. Only the scene of the murderous scene of the imaginary vision is seen. The blood of the broken leg is like a note. Fight for the last breath.

This hatred, I will never forget!

“炝凤古族!” Lin Feng tightcle one’s teeth off, both eyes blood red.

The fire is full of sky, like a skybreak.

Lin Feng’s crazy outburst seems to destroy this King’s domain.

靳 thorny watched it all. Only the heart is shocked, Lin Feng’s strength has already entered the saint level. Very strong, strong terrifying, far exceeding his imagination outside! He laughed at himself with a sneer, but he thought that the strength of Jinjin could compete with Lin Feng, but the difference in strength between the two is like a difference in nature.

The gap between Star Territory Level and Saint Level.


Just like the gap between Lin Feng and Feng Ming.

“It’s over.” The brows frowned and rubbed his lips.

Feng Ming’s aura half point has not weakened, Lin Feng’s attack is of course strong, but really isn’t close attack.

The ancients, the strongest is the ‘Heavenly Spirit Master’ ability.

And Feng Ming, is the Fire Spirit Master expert that controls the flame near perfection!

“hehe.” “hehe oh~~” The laughter grew a little bit, and the dull laughter made people feel chilly. In the area covered by the fire, a flame cover is submerged by the Fireball and you can’t see the half-shadow, but you can hear it from this arrogant laughter-

Feng Ming, still living well.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

One Fireball, all resisted.

Even the Fire of Devour is useless, and Lin Feng is still strong, still just the ‘Star Territory Level’!

Perhaps, now for Saint Level, Lin Feng can compete with Feng Ming, but it is only ‘maybe’, the facts are in front of you, and Lin Feng does not recognize it. The complexion is pale, Lin Feng’s eyes are constantly changing, and the fire of the hands bursting out finally stops and fall down.

“hu, hu!~” Ches ups and downs, Lin Feng gasped and did not continue to attack.

“Damn.” Clenched his fists, Lin Feng trembled.

Feng Ming, so strong!

The same as the Fire Spirit Master, he was completely stunned by him.

The strength of the Star Territory Level can’t shake the power of the saints. If it is the ordinary saint, it has already been killed by himself at the moment, but this Fengming…

It is not ordinary!

The flames gradually spread out like a black cloud.

Suspended in the air, Feng Ming’s both pupils flared all around, blood stains left in the corners of the mouth. The thin figure has a proud height, and the Phoenix imprint on the forehead blends with the starry figure behind him, giving a powerful force that cannot be shaken.

Really isn’t the looming star, but a slightly blurred star.

Obviously, a deeper level!


Lin Feng felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Doing the best, but also seize the only opportunity, but he is still only slightly hurt Feng Ming. Although I don’t want to admit it, the huge power gap can not be compensated by the skill alone. The tightly clench one’s teeth and Lin Feng in the mind have emerged from the bloody seas and are deeply unwilling.

“Sorry, hehe.” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

I am afraid I can no longer avenge my father.

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