The fourth episode of the catastrophe Chapter 6 danger degree, nine!

It feels coming, it’s out of control!

Lin Feng, who entered the ‘state’ completely, suddenly became a peerless secret book. In the meantime, I saw only the spear light array, the fire snake spreading and soaring.

“It’s a weird feeling!”

“It seems like there is only an invisible hand that controls everything…”

Lin Feng quietly mumbled, shuttled in the huge beast herd, between, the demon beast of the head and head fell. Beast General level Other demon beast All strikes will kill, and the last two remaining Primary Behemoth Lord will not escape the fate of death.

Hong long long

The two bodies, like the mountain mountain, fell, as if to announce the end of the mission.

Without the Primary Behemoth Lord sitting, the beast herd seems to have no focus, and even the station is unstable, and morale is extremely low.

The second and third echelon, under the lead of Lin Feng, very fast ——

It is great slaughter in all directions.

“Second, third echelon, return, rest.”

“The fourth and fifth echelon, full attack!” Jiang Luo’s loud yell rang again.

Seeing that the Advanced Beast General in beast herd is also exhausted, the mission is about to end satisfactorily, and Jiang Luo will return to the ‘main force’ lineup. Looking at it, at this time, the Martial Artist is full of joy, but… Jiang Luo is still shameless, as if he is jealous of something.

“Hu” is another killing of Intermediate Beast General, and Lin Feng has a sigh of relief.

After continuous killing, he has faintly touched the essence of the ‘perfection level movement technique’.

Even if it is still a lot worse than the Roaring Tiger Blade ‘Hu Yanming’, it is at least a good start.

“Almost.” The body moved slightly. Lin Feng immediately left the battle.

The remaining shrimp soldiers and crab generals can’t even find an Advanced Beast General. Even if they kill more, they will not help their own strength.

Actual combat. In the face of an opponent whose strength is equal to or stronger than oneself, there will be improvement.

“pā !”“pā ”“pā ”

I don’t know who brought the head, the clear applause sounded, scared Lin Feng, and looked at it. I saw that everyone’s eyes were all focused on him, and the applause was dedicated to himself, in the crowd. Qin Ling is full of redness and is the most energetic.

This is a kind of respect and glory for expert!

In addition to the Roaring Tiger Blade ‘Hu Yanming ‘, it is the existence of the first echelon Primary Martial Emperor, and it is also a convincing applause.

How many demon beasts died in the hands of Lin Feng?


But no doubt. Lin Feng is definitely the killer in the hunter that participated in the mission!

“Do it well!” Jiang Luo focused on the head.

The attitude towards Lin Feng, from the initial disdain, changed to astonished, convinced, and now. It is already a feeling of heroes and heroes.

Lin Feng smiled. “It should.”

Since I accepted the task, I naturally went all out.

If not, how can I earn ‘upgrade points’!

But it fell in the ears of everyone. But it is another meaning – just like a hero to defend my homeland triumphantly, facing the celebration and reverence of everyone. Just modestly saying ‘This is what I should do’…

Roaring Tiger Blade ‘Hu Yanming’ hands-on chest, complexion cold. Take a glimpse.

Anyone who has been robbed of the limelight will inevitably be uncomfortable.

What’s more, this beast herd riot, the biggest credit is definitely his, Roaring Tiger Blade ‘Hu Yanming ‘.

Killing Primary Behemoth Lord, exceeding ten heads!

The number of beast herds is getting less and less, and the human Martial Artist has the upper hand.

The advantage can be said to be quite obvious.

Only after the final killing is completed, the task of ‘beast herd riot’ will officially end.

“Sure enough, it is a coincidence illusion…” Jiang Luo mumbled inwardly.

“Lin Feng, what you hide is really deep.” Li Tong looked up and down Lin Feng, as if he didn’t know.

“Yeah, Brother Lin Feng, ha, we can all be cheated by you.” Li Mang watched Lin Feng, the voice is a bit awkward, although he is taller than a whole head, but at the moment in front of Lin Feng Shorted.

“I never said that I was a Primary Great Martial Master.” Lin Feng blinked.

I have always been ‘low-key’.

“It’s a little monster of a hundred percent.” Li Tong shook his head and sighed. “I knew that I didn’t pay much for it, I grabbed you. White is cheaper.”

Lin Feng showed a smile, did not speak.

In fact, even if Li Tong had sincerity and was rich in treatment, he would not change his mind.

Self-conduct, you have to say it!

Vision gaze towards that is already beast herd, Lin Feng is not curious started talking: “Colonel Li, how much I can earn ‘upgrade points’ this time?”

Li Tong paused , pondered then said : “Upgrade points will give a total value based on the task strength of ‘beast herd riot ‘, but ‘distribution by work’ depends on your performance on the battlefield and the contribution point, and then distribute according to the ratio. ”

“Lin Feng your performance today…” Li Tong lightly oh’ed, “The ratio should be ranked second, second only to ‘Roaring Tiger Blade ‘Hu Yanming.”

“Is not enough to upgrade directly to 7-star Hunter?” Lin Feng both eyes.

Points, how many, how much… don’t matter, these are all fake names.

For yourself, the key is whether you can upgrade Star Level!

“Impossible.” Li Mang shook his head. “This time the ‘beast herd riot’ has a seventh grade, and there should be a total of 400 to 500 million points. As I expected, ‘Roaring Tiger Blade’ ‘Hu Yanming will get the highest 20% ratio.’

Lin Feng nodded and immersed himself in the movement technique cultivating. It was really not as good as Hu Yanming.

“Sole view kill’s Primary Behemoth Lord, Brother Lin Feng You should be able to get the ratio of 3% to 4%, but you are the leader of the whole war, greatly improved the warrior, the invisible contribution is very much. Plus hunting Beast General level Demon beast countless, in my opinion, Brother Lin Feng you should be able to get the ratio of 7% to 8%.”

Lin Feng’s heart is slightly calculated, stunned, “in other words, I can get 28 million to 40 million upgrade points.”

“Yes,” Li Mang said. “And to upgrade 6-star Hunter directly from 7-star Hunter, you need 100 million upgrade points.”

Lin Feng lightly tsk’d and said. A little pity, but not too much in my heart.

Maybe… If you start to expose your strength and press the ‘Roaring Tiger Blade’ Hu Yanming, there is no problem getting the highest quota.

But by comparison. Movement technique See the ‘perfection level’ entry and help yourself!

“It’s a big deal to get the ‘beast herd riot’ mission one or two times.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

For other Martial Artists, ‘beast herd riot’ may be very dangerous; but for yourself, the danger coefficient of beast herd riot –

Infinity is equal to zero.

Upgrading 7-star Hunter is just a matter of time.

A thousand heads.

Five hundred heads.

Three hundred heads…

The number of beast herd has plummeted, and the Martial Artist is just laughing and laughing, and can’t wait to cheer and celebrate.

However, in an instant –

The wind is abrupt!

The gray sky shrouded a darkness. The gloomy aura spreading has a breathtaking feeling in the surrounding air. Lin Feng’s ears moved, his eyes looked far away, his look changed slightly. It seems to ‘see’ what is going on.

“What happened?” Li Tong frowned and felt unusual.

“Another batch of demon beast is coming.” Lin Feng’s voice was calm.

“No?” Li Mang startled and said.

“There is no end, this beast herd riot, the danger degree should be eight grade.” Li Tong complexion nodded dignifiedly.

“eight grade ?” Lin Feng indifferent expression smile.

Place Blazing Iron Soaring Dragon Spear, Lin Feng removes Scarlet Refining Gloves, Bright Fire Ring and Blazing Iron Bracer from the Fluorescent Compass. Take it slowly.

It seems that I am prepared for what…

“Sure enough, it is not over yet.” Jiang Luo complexion deep like.

Fortunately, he left a hand, the first echelon, the second echelon, the third echelon all met the physical strength.

Faced with the last impact of beast herd. There is definitely a fight!

Roaring Tiger Blade ‘Hu Yanming ‘eye watched far away, both eyes bright light. He is very confident and will show the true strength of Intermediate Martial Emperor. Kill Intermediate Behemoth Lord!

How can I get rid of the limelight by trifling Primary Martial Emperor?

Lin Feng, Hu Yanming, who was not far away from the gaze, immediately saw Lin Feng’s inexplicable ‘strange’ movement, and could not help but lightly exclaimed. It was just thinking that there was a has seen…suddenly, huge screams are deafening, I am afraid The aura pressure is coming in an instant!

“This is?!” Hu Yanming suddenly changed.

At this time, Jiang Luo also reacted, and complexion became extremely pale. In an instant, like a conditioned reflex, even press the ‘red’ button on the left wrist!

Out of the major event! !

“Heaven, heavens!” Li Mang said.

“Impossible…how is it possible!” Li Tong seemed silly.

Lin Feng was lightly watched in the distance, only to see a mighty beast herd team running, the violent aura mixed with giant roar, the earth is violent roar, the sky seems to be covered in color, the astonishing terrifying aura is enough Let the timid Martial Artist soul flies away and scatters !

“It’s Golden Winged Heaven Roaring Tiger!” Hu Yanming looks incredibly ugly.

The golden wings are so bright and glaring, and the ‘King’ word of the bright light flickering on the forehead carries a natural pressure.

Advanced Behemoth Lord – Golden Winged Heaven Roaring Tiger.

“There are also Two-headed Qi Python Beast, Phantom Spirit Leopard and Blue-White Winged Condor.” Jiang Luo is tightly clear one’s teeth off, body light tremble.

An Advanced Behemoth Lord, three Intermediate Behemoth Lords, and the Primary Behemoth Lord, who has become one hundred. Although the last batch of beast herd is far from the previous one, the strength of demon beast is more than one step for exciting!

A bad premonition, finally efficacious!

war? Still… escape?

In fact, the answer is already very obvious.

Even the most powerful Roaring Tiger Blade ‘Hu Yanming’ can’t help but retreat. There is no half in the mouth, not to mention the ordinary Martial Artist whose strength is far from his.

This is simply a war that cannot be won!

“It’s over.”

“This is dead!”

“All of us are running fast!!”

In Martial Artist, a piece of one’s head out of fear, everyone is very nervous, just like a tight string, it is almost broken. Everyone’s heart is retired, and there is no courage to fight. Even Jiang Luo’s command is a compromise. I don’t know what to do.

This time the danger level, up to nine!

escape? Can you escape?

But what can I do if I don’t escape?

“Everyone…” Jiang Luo’s look changed and hesitated for a long time, waiting to speak.


A thin figure stepped out of the crowd, with a calm and indifferent expression, but the pace was steady and powerful. Did not say even a half sentence, but the deep like the aura is convincing, compared to Hu Yanming’s timid appearance, it is a day, a place!

It is Lin Feng!

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