Chapter 22: The Yaozu Commander

“Mystery, built on the comprehend of ‘Dao’.”

“Dao of Time, Dao of Space, the Way of Fire, etc…”

“No wonder I can comprehend ‘岚云步’ because this set of footwork is based purely on the ‘Dao of Space’.”


Lin Feng suddenly realized.

The constellations are different, but ‘Dao’ is the same.

Just as each human looks different, but gender, height, weight, etc. are fixed.

Consciousness enters the stars, Lin Feng is immersed in the comprehend of ‘Galo True Body’, and tastes the mystery of the first taste. Of course, the mystery may have a variety of cultivating methods, but the conscious entry into the comprehend mystery is the most traditional, and probably the most effective.

“Star technology and mystery have an inseparable connection.”

“If the star technology is the foundation, then the mystery is advanced and it is strengthening.”

“It’s like the flame spear art needs the ‘spear intent realm’ requirement, the mystery of the insight may require the star technology foundation, or the ‘Dao’ comprehend.

“And the condition of comprehend ‘Galo True Body’ should be the “Galro Fireball” of the Attack type, the ‘Gallo Shield’ of the defense type, and the ‘Galro Inflammation’ of the reinforcement system. Both comprehend ‘The Way of the Saints’ “”

Lin Feng’s heart of the ponder.

I was completely immersed in the comprehend of ‘Galo True Body’ and was shocked by the darkness.


It seems to be a mysterious ocean. It is like a small drop of water in the ocean. It is a glimpse into the majesty of the ocean, but it can only be used to hold up a little bit of sea water with both hands. However, this little bit of sea water is far more powerful than its own imagination.

“It’s far better than the clouds.”

“Mysteries, it seems to be hierarchical, and the mysteries like ‘Galo True Body’, if not the Phoenix constellation, can’t be learned.”

“And the clouds, but there is no threshold.”

Comprehend, I only know.

Reluctantly weak, Lin Feng is very clear in his heart.

Galo Reality needs a combination of the Phoenix Constellation’s Way of the Holy Spirit. What is it that you can compare with Yunyun?

Immerse yourself in comprehend.

For Lin Feng, it’s like finding precious water in the desert, that feeling –


Mystery is a new discovery.

“岚云步, it’s like a water source to see the end.”

“And ‘Galo’s true body,’ is the endless treasury, as tall as the sky.”

“The two are mysteries, but they have essential differences.”

“what is it then?”


Lin Feng is an insight and the side is cultivating.

The peace of mind. Comprehend the mystery of ‘Galo True Body’, immersed in cultivating.

There is a kind of indescribable feeling in the faint heart, which is the key ‘point’ that Jin Yunbu gives to himself, but he can’t say it.

Star technology has long been left behind.

At the moment Lin Feng has only the comprehend of ‘Galo True Body’.

This novelty is a ‘road’.

Monster Island.

“Boom!” Such as the sunny Thunderbolt, cloud thunder days.

A giant stick, with the momentum of Mount Taishan, is madly smashed, and the heavens and the earth are discolored.

All demons, demon kings. The demon star squinted and watched the strike, and the breath seemed to stop.

This stick shocked the Emperor Island.

“I lost.” The demon king was hoarse and full of blood. Distressed to the extreme. The weight of the injury can not be added, aura weakest poles, even the corners of the head are broken half, the eyes with distraction and conviction, no more than a little int.

He lost.

The loss is completely thorough and clean.

In midair, the red-yellow enamel with a golden giant stick burns with a pair of eyes, and the broken battle suit is more sturdy, transmitting terrifying strength. Holding the giant sticks, the blue veins are exposed, and the red and yellow sorrows are roaring, and the astonishing roar circulates the entire demon island.

“See Commander.”

“pay respects to Commander !”


The demon king, the demon king, the demon star bowed to the top, and the heart was convinced.

This is a tribute to expert.

The Yaozu, regardless of status or race, is actually very simple.

Four words, expert is respect!

The weak are prey to the strong , expert decides everything, this is the iron law of the Yaozu.

This war, the ancient Shuojin, the ‘big saint’ of the macaque family, with an unrivaled violent strength, swept the final victory!

Looking up at the arrogant figure, the demon king showed a smile and he never saw such a powerful opponent, even in the thousand snakes. It’s not just the big force that day, the strength of the tyrannical, but also the extraordinary comprehension and learning ability.

In the last battle, he was able to barely win.

But this time, the resurgence of the ‘big holy’ made him unable to resist.

Complete defeat!

“It is worthwhile to meet these opponents.”

“This time, I have benefited a lot. After returning to the Thousands of Snakes, I will be able to bring it up a level. Breakthrough Starry Sky Expert is just around the corner.”

“Whether, Battle Spirit World’s war is unnecessary, I really let I, Old Ox made Commander. I really don’t know how to end it.” The cow demon smiles weakly, he is really isn’t really a bullish family of clansman, for the virtual name, The position of the Yaozu Commander itself is not of much interest.

The only thing that interests him is the battle between the player and the expert.

Now that my wish is over, it is time to leave.

With a long breath, I feel that my body is weak, and even the will is becoming somewhat fragile.

At this time –

“Peng!” in the mind suddenly, a powerful strong strength in a blink of time emerged, the bull demon king suddenly smashed the big bell-like eyes. The hand held his head, and the cow demon king who had never collapsed in the sky slammed into the ground, making a stern voice, kneeling down to the ground.

The face fierce is distorted, and the roar is fierce. The blood flows out from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and it is shocking.

All the demons, demon kings, and demon stars turned their heads, and they were very surprised, but they didn’t know what happened.


“Hey!” In the eyes of the demon king, a sharp light flashed.

When he was stunned, the face of the fierce was twitching, and the body of the demon king was light, and the bang slammed completely to the ground and the sand was flying.

The change of the demon king did not cause too much attention.

In their view, the demon king is only a serious injury, or it can cause old problems, and even can not accept the blow of failure.

Naturally, it will not stop because of the “inexplicable” of the demon king.

Yaozu. The new Commander is born!

With unparalleled domineering, sweeping the entire demon sea.

Every powerful demon family knows the existence of ‘Great St.’, and it is the first one that is received by this new Commander, and it is also the most shocking and devilish command –

The third Lich battle is about to open!

The whole family is mobilized!

If you are unsuccessful, you will become a person

There are no impenetrable walls in the world.

The message very fast is passed on, and the three major human races are known almost at the same time.

The witch of the Witch. The bell is also ringing at the same time. Like the previous two Lich Wars, the Witch is the highest Commander. Supported by ancient and human races, fight! Fight for the last soldier, never retreat, and vow to fight with the devils or the fish dies or the net splits.

The ancient nationality and the six major ethnic groups of the Terran also issued a statement at the same time to cooperate with the Wu people.

However, the remaining three major domains of the Terran, the Southeast, the Northwest, and the South have not moved.

Southern Region, Taoyuan.

“Yu Huang, we really do not succumb to the snake. First delay?” Gui Wang started talking.

“Yes, Emperor Huang, anyway, when we can’t play out, it’s another thing. Who can bear us?” In the eyes of Qin Wang, a bright light flashed.

“Self-conduct is eloquent and unbelievable.” Yan Wang frowned.

“I think that King and Qin Wang are right.” Lu Wang thought thoughtfully, slowly said, “If you turn a blind eye. If you want to go it alone, I am afraid that the Witch and Thunder will be angry, first take us to open the blade, then the Yaozu will not be killed. The Witch army is probably going to sweep.”

“I am afraid this is not appropriate.” The king is hesitant.


The king of Jiuzhou has a lot of arguments and opinions.

The emperor sat in the upper position, and the bright light flashed, shouted, “no need to say anything.”

“My southern domain has been seclusion locked, so I kept the original intention, and it is not convenient to participate in the battle of the Lich.” The emperor opened his mouth, in a blink of time, causing everyone to say aloud, “I know what you are worried about, then Things will never happen, after all… the wizard is unnamed.”

The Emperor’s eyes are stunned. “The seclusion lock domain, the witch envoy can’t enter my southern domain, and I can’t get the order. What is his reason?”

“In addition, Yan Wang said yes, self-conduct 岂 言 而 而 。 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 舜 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再 再With the power gap between the Terran and the Witch, we must not say no.”

The king of Jiuzhou nodded, clear comprehension.

Indeed, as the Emperor Huang said, no matter whether the Sixth National Alliance of the Terran is also good, the Witch is also good, not a fool, anyone fooling.

“Yu Huang Ming sees.” The king of Jiuzhou is in unison, and he is sincere and convinced.

Regardless of experience or experience, I can do things well, and the Emperor is indeed worthy of the ‘Sovereign’ of the South.

“It’s a pity…” The eyes of the emperor flashed a slap in the eyes, softly sighed.

Time, day by day.

Immersed in cultivating, the seven flame feathers Lin Feng in front of the Fire Dragon column are also turned a blind eye.

The heart of the cross, slowly comprehend, this is a desire for strength, the pursuit of ‘Dao’. The three saints’ ways are one, and the mystery of the formation of ‘Galo True Body’ has a deep and unexplored heritage. The more comprehend, the more Lin Feng feels small.

It seems to be the ‘day’ of strength, for the distant Starry Sky terring might.

“I understand!” Lin Feng’s eyes wide open, bright light flickering.

“The comprehend of Star Technology, at the end is the ‘Sacred Way’, step into the Saint Level.”

“After Saint Level, it is the comprehend of ‘Dao’, the promotion of realm, the sublimation of a heart, and the key point is –“


The real mystery!

The existence that is closely related to the way of the Holy One.

“The strength of Heavenly Dao.”

“Mystery, with powerful energy that is incredible.”

“From Saint Level to Saint King Level, the mystery definitely has a pivotal position!”

Lin Feng looks flickering.

Although I can say nothing about Saint Level, but the cultivating of mystery, I can glimpse a lot, understand a lot.

“Continue cultivating.”

“As long as you can comprehend ‘Galo Real Body’ and cast it.”

“I will have enough strength, enough confidence to compete with the short-haired woman!”

“This time, I won’t lose again!”

Lin Feng shook his fist and touched his heart.

Galo is real, very strong!

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