Chapter 20—The Wing of Evolution

“I hope to be successful.” Lin Feng’s eyes are bright.

Hand holding Amethyst spear, flashing purple leaping light, faintly floating in the void, the golden wing ball, the two wings are already unfolding.

It has a nice name –

The wing of evolution.

“Get started!” Lin Feng holds the left hand of Amethyst spear, and starlight is abrupt.

Chi! Amethyst spear piercing, running through the ‘wing of evolution’. 霎Time golden light is completely lit, pearl and amethyst spear combined, the wings instantly become dozens of times larger, just like mother cares for child, the amethyst spear is completely wrapped.

Hey! Hey! ~ The fluctuation of energy is drastic and intense.

“Golden first heavenly treasures, each one has a big effect.” Lin Feng eyes 璘亮.

Although they are all just ‘disposable’ supplies, their use is quite heaven defying, just as they get the first first heavenly treasure, to help themselves through the catastrophic situation. This time the golden first heavenly treasure, there is only one function, that is –


The wing of evolution, it can bring any person to the first heavenly treasure, the quality is improved 1st rank!

Is 1st rank, really isn’t one layer.

Quite terrifying.

1st rank is equal to nine layers.

From the human level, in a blink of time into the category of the hierarchy.

Although the amethyst spear is a purple-level treat, the graded stick and the jade are not as good as the white, but they have the greatest effect on themselves. Not to mention the amethyst spear enhances the function of the spear technique, and it is worth a thousand dollars with his own familiar feeling.

The weapon of Martial Artist is very important.

a good weapon, twice the results for half the effort.

Moreover, the amethyst spear and the Thunder armor match, the War God strength is even more terrifying.

It is the best choice to evolve it.

“This failure is not a good thing.” Lin Feng smiled.

Evolution, transformationation!

Quite fast, it only took less than half a musk time.

“Hey!” As the wings faded, the amethyst spear shrouded in the wings.

“丝!~” Lin Feng burning like gaze. Take a deep breath.

Just holding it, I feel a rather powerful aura, a rich purple light, with a shocking chill. When the light flashes, the surrounding smoldering flames are all avoided. The energy contained in the amethyst spear itself is terrifying!

“It’s so strong.”

“The amethyst spear!”

Completely changed. The surface of the amethyst spear is permeated with a layer of purple glow.

The beauty of the effect is not just the appearance, the perfect spear tip, with the slender spear body. Form a perfect ratio.

The spear handle is bright and has a faint imprint, the symbol of the ‘wing of evolution’. The golden wings are full, such as flying wings, weight, weight gain, and complete improvement in texture. But it is nothing to yourself, because the familiar sense is still there.

A first heavenly treasure, from strange to familiar. From the familiar mastery, it takes a lot of time and energy.

But ‘evolution’, but these steps are completely eliminated.

Just upgrade the artifact itself!

“chi!” “chi!” Lin Feng casually pierced the amethyst spear, bringing a fierce hurricane.

Just an ordinary stab, but it contains an indescribable feeling of heart, spear’s display is moving.

“spear technique.” Lin Feng’s eyes are clear.

“The fully elevated spear technique.”

original. It’s just a half-layer of spear technique, now spanning a full layer.

Holding the amethyst spear, I feel my familiarity with spear, and a deeper layer of the spear technique, which feels unbeatable. Although only half of the floor is raised. But it is the most critical half-layer, spanning half-layer, perfect breakthrough!

“Just, fierce, strength.” Lin Feng’s heart is moving.

In addition, the amethyst spear attack that is promoted to the ground level has many additional abilities.

Spear itself has completed sublimation, and today’s amethyst spear –

This is not the same as before.

Attack power, improve again.

Accompanied by is the advancement of combat strength.

Although not Saint Level, today’s Lin Feng is not much different from the strength of the saints.

“Before the strength has improved too fast.”

“There is a reliance on Fire of Devour and Fire of Rebirth, which leads to a gap in other stars.”

“Too biased.”

Lin Feng knows his weakness.

From the Star King Level breakthrough to the Star Territory Level, you have taken a lot of ‘shortcuts’ during this period and must make up for it before the breakthrough Saint Level.

Today is an excellent opportunity.

In Battle Spirit World cultivating, comprehend is a natural star, but the comprehend double-star and triple-star are hard to get up. As for the comprehend quadruple star and the five-star star, unless it is compatibility, it is a field that is good at it. If it is not, it will be less than a year and a half, and many years and decades.

As for the comprehend six stars, not to mention.

Most of the Star Territory Level Martial Artist, comprehend is only two or three six-star skills.

But here is different.

“Only one month, I am comprehend ‘yan dragon spear art’.”

“For Battle Spirit World, even in the best of the sculpt, it will take at least a few years, and it is not counted as the ‘Sacred Way’.”

“The efficiency of cultivating here is extremely high and can be met without asking.”

Lin Feng blinks, my heart is lightly said.

This time the failure made you understand a lot and realized a lot.

Walking too fast will inevitably fall, how much water a bucket can hold, depending on the highest board that is the highest isn’t, but the lowest one. These simple truths are known from the time they become Martial Artist, but they are almost forgotten.

Make up now, still have time.

“I am bright and illuminate seven main stars, not as comprehensive.”

“Except for the Special type, upgrade the True Core type, Attack type, defense type, Control type, Summon type, and enhancements to top grade.”

“Star Repair 10-layer !”

With his eyes open, Lin Feng is ambitious.

If you haven’t lived in this village, it’s a good opportunity to miss it.

Hey! Lin Feng returned to the original point.

“The door to space is really easy to use here.” Lin Feng slightly smile.

You don’t have to find a way out, you don’t need to complete any tasks, just a simple one is to come out. There are countless Fire Dragon columns, and there are countless opportunities. You don’t have to hang on a Fire Dragon column. Efficiency is first, now the choice is the best comprehend!

The most desirable compatibility of the ‘Sacred Way’.

After all, time is limited.

A failure is enough to comprehend a lot.

Lin Feng entered the real ‘cultivation’ in the King of the Kings.

Suddenly, a wave of impending crisis is slowly approaching. As the old man of Tianji said, the nine robbers became emperors!

For Lin Feng, the disaster is far from over.

“Vermilion Bird Challenge, the Land of Miracles…”

“Is it still open in half a year?”

Outside the miraculous land, a faint silhouette floats in the air. Carrying his hands. Can’t see the appearance.

However, his right wrist has a deep scar on his finger. A faucet ring is bright.

In the land of miracles, calm and calm.

The Martial Artist cultivating cultivating, the experience of the experience, the wave of the first time into the miraculous land, is now gradually stabilized.

However, at this moment in the human domain, it is a big change!

The six-domain alliance, led by the Northern Region and the Eastern Region, was formally established, and the group was warmed up by each other. The alliance lord was served by the first expert of the northern region, ‘out of the ordinary’. The Deputy Alliance lord is served by the most prestigious Saint of the East, ‘Liu Lao’.

The disappearance of the powers of the nine major domains has already spread. The twelve human beings of the human race are now missing and three are in seclusion.

There is no tiger in the mountains.

The southeast and northwest domains are not joined, there is no movement

However, the southern domain is at this moment. But announced independence! After the success of the Big Brother ‘舜’, he took over the entire southern region and was shocked by the ‘Sui Emperor’. The first order after the new Emperor Sui was succeeded was –

Close the southern domain in all directions, only go out!

Seclusion lock field.

The entire human world. A sensation.

However, this has nothing to do with Martial Artist in the South.

The complete seclusion lock field, which blocks all messages, is independent of the entire southern domain, and is desperate.

In the Vermilion Bird, the Vermilion Bird Challenge is still in good order.

Seven feathers!

After Qian Youhuang and Lin Feng, Zeng Blade passed through the 1st layer and entered the 2nd layer ‘King domain’.

However, the surroundings are blank and nothing, but only the rich ‘Dao of Strength’ emerges all around, surging with a heart-like feeling of bloodline. Once upon a time, the eyebrows suddenly flooded, revealing the color of surprise. Here is his favorite place!

Because what he has gone is precisely the ‘killing road’.

The fourth to enter the ‘King domain’, really isn’t release the heart, but the orange is like a dream.

Just as Lin Feng meets a thousand love kings, King’s domain rules are chosen by one, and the winner is king before they are eligible to enter the ‘King domain’.

Month first month.

Lin Feng frequented in and out.

Every time it appears, the bright light of the eyelids goes deeper.

The star repair of the seven main stars is a heavy upgrade. It is a leaping upgrade. It is raised from the human rank to the ground level, and then the top rank is constantly rising! Among the Life Soul, the seven main stars gradually gleam, and they are close to the brightest spot of the Special type main star. Lin Feng comprehend is extremely fast, entering once from the first month and then entering once in the second half.

The same is true of the holy element of the fire element.

The strength of Lin Feng has steadily increased.

All-round improvement!

“One more month, it is a year.”

“Seven main stars, Star Repair can almost reach ten layers of full realm.”

Lin Feng slightly smile.

In just half a year, I have greatly improved.

Today’s self, even if there is no predator star, there is the ability to go with the short hair woman war!

“Every time I realize the ‘Sacred Way’, I can get seven flame feathers.”

“I don’t know what it is for?”

Lin Feng watched a thick stack of feathers in his hand, curious.

I did not use feathers to enter the 2nd layer. After each realization, I used the space door to return to the origin and continue cultivating.

Over time, this flame feather is more and more.

“Oh…” Lin Feng is indecisive.

Look at it, this flame feather does not make much difference.

Shrugging, and then no longer think about it, for the sake of myself, instead of thinking about these unnecessary things, it is better to seize every minute.

Hey! Lin Feng’s eyes are bright clear and the figure disappears again.

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