Meet the enemy

“唔…” Lin Feng eyes has changed.

Own, as if entering a space of turbulence, surroundingss everything is changing rapidly.

Hey! Hey! The light in front of the eyes is shining, the heart is moving, the familiar feeling is filled with the heart. Lin Feng clenches his fist and closes his eyes. He wants to clearly understand what kind of strength it is, as if calling himself. However in a blink of time ——

Pā ! The body seems to stop and fall down.

The energy of the surroundings becomes calm, no longer severe fluctuations, but there is a strong qi flow of fire. Open your eyes, you seem to enter a glorious area, it is like the Fire Dragon’s lair, within the sky countless Fire Dragon flying, spewing a strong flame.

The shock of the heart!

“Here, is the king of the prison?” Lin Feng slightly startled, an instant veto.


Look closely, these flames are really isn’t true flames, but channels that are condensed by the elements of intense fire, which are wrapped in flames, like a transmission gate, attracting yourself. Every door of the flame has the ultimate attraction, and it feels like touching the depths of the heart.

It is different from the ancient forbidden land of the earth that you have entered.

And time –

Pā ! Pā ! Pā ! Surrounded by a bright light, Lin Feng’s eyes suddenly lit up. It is the same Martial Artist, the familiar aura, the bright light, and the eyes, all of which prove their strength.

thorns! Release the core! and also……

“Zeng Blade?” Lin Feng looked bright and looked at the black clothed youth not far away.

Great change!

Still a black clothed, but the aura of the former blade is more than a hundred times stronger than the last time I saw it. The killing intent in the eyes is cold, as if it is cold-blooded. Before him, he is like a sword blade. But now it looks like an unstretched blade, more fierce.

Strength, great improvement!

“Sure enough, I am not alone in progress.” Lin Feng inwardly tremble in one’s heart.

As if the sense to his own gaze, Zeng’s gaze is also looking forward to, with a deep and cold. A faint killing intent accompanied by a dark cyan vent, flashing, and the blade turned instantly.

“He still remembers.” Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought.

On the same day, in the Wizard of Oz, Zeng Blade tried to kill himself several times, but he failed.

With his character, I really don’t forget it.

In the king’s prison, he has no choice to beware of him.

The mind was just falling, in a blink of time Lin Feng complexion slightly changed, hands hold the fist unconsciously. Chest undulating!

Feeling, abnormal heart shock is familiar!

“She is…” Lin Feng eyes looked up and saw a short-haired woman, only about twenty years old. A martial clothes neutral dress, but it is difficult to cover her heavenly beauty, such as the pearl-like eyes, ice muscle snow skin, tight martial clothes to her perfect and flawless curve. Although it is a woman, it is full of a ‘just’ strength.

And her eyes looked at herself. Time –

Peng! If Mars hits Earth, the soul is shocked, which is the most direct collision between the special eyelids.

No less than yourself!

No, I still have it.

If you say that your eyes are just advanced 6-layer, then this short-haired woman’s eyes are at least the peak of 6-layer! And compared to their own pupil pupils, short-haired women’s booths are more attack power. Obviously, the eyes of the really isn’t ‘assisted’, dressed in her ‘Heavenly Martial Cultivator’, have such eyesight strength, really incredible.

Very strong!

Really strong.

Just as the first time I saw a thorn, my heart was like that.

now. More than ten times stronger than that time! You must know that your strength has improved a lot.

Deep threat.

“Who is she?” Lin Feng’s brows are so curious.

These strengths of the expert, I met for the first time, and still a woman.

Thousand Love King!

Lin Feng doesn’t know, but people who know the heart and the thorns know each other. They are the experts of the younger generation. The thousand love kings are the goal they are chasing together. At this time, Qianshuanghuang felt a little interest in Lin Feng, and the beautiful eyes were curious.

Instantly –

Pā ! Pā ! The last two figures appeared.

A man and a woman, the male jade tree is in the wind, the woman’s feminine holiness, and the appearance of a moment suddenly attracts the attention of everyone.

Especially Lin Feng!

“戟鬼!” Lin Feng pupils zoomed in. When the white clothed 刚 刚 刚 , , , , , , , 刚 刚 刚 刚 刚 刚 刚 刚 white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white Everything is abandoned. At the moment, Lin Feng has one and only one thought in his heart.


Ghosts must be removed!

This person does not kill, I am afraid that I will never be peaceful.

“Boom!” Fire Manton shot, bursting like a cloud of smoke, Lin Feng’s explosion suddenly caused the surrounding people to be shocked by others, the thorns are also reacting at this time, and the ghosts are complexion iron blue, dark and endless, “not Good !”

I did not expect to encounter this fiend star here.

Enemies on a narrow road !

Together, the ghosts almost escaped the slightest hesitation.

As a killer, self-esteem is of no importance to him. Lin Feng’s strength has long been seen, face-to-face battles –

He will lose no doubt!

Don’t escape at this time, when will it be?

The strange scene suddenly appeared, one chasing and one escape, Lin Feng and the sly ghost disappeared in front of everyone, leaving five people dumbfounded, but ridiculous. Just entering the treasure land, such as the treasure land, even the exploration is too late, it has already stirred up the grievances.


Lin Feng eyes killing intent Bi Lu.

Killing the ‘Ghosts’ is one of the goals of entering the King of the Kings. How is the King of the Prison? For yourself, the most important thing at the moment is the killing of the ghosts.

Not only for myself, but also for Big Brother and dance.

“White clothed will…” Lin Feng lightly thought in one’s heart, is firmly in mind.

People enter a foot, I am a mile!

First, kill the ghosts!

“Self status!”


Lin Feng has a deep vision and strength.

Eyes flashing 璀璨starlight, clear sense surroundings all.

Space energy, time energy, is flowing here. With the explosion of the Fire Element, Lin Feng’s speed suddenly increased. The ghost complexion is pale and feels like a heart. After the body and Lin Feng, the body did not recover, and now it is like a thorn, and it is in extreme danger.

Once caught up, there is only one possibility to wait for him –


“No, I don’t want it!” The ghost’s desire to survive is quite strong.

Fire Dragon column Soaring Dragon in front. Fire fierce, a channel formed by a fire is not far away.

His only hope is to enter Lin Feng before he kills!


Can you get it?

Behind the terrifying flame, the flames suffocated, and in a moment he would have his devour, the ghost complexion pale and feel weak, and the strength seemed to disappear in an instant. At the moment, in the mind is inexplicably a phantom, and the ghosts suddenly stunned.

“Dead!” Lin Feng eyes bright clear.

In the hands of the amethyst spear turned into a phantom. With a dripping flame, I spurted out.

Fierce is the ultimate, as if devouring everything.

Lin Feng’s peace of mind, sense has a strong strength that has never been seen before, devour’s flame is completely erupted, condensing the elements of the abnormal astonishing fire, completely engulfing the devil. Here, your own strength can play to the limit. Today’s strength is several times stronger than when it was last time with the devil.

Take the strength of his eyes. I can’t hide at all.

Dead end one.

Of course…

Accidents are always coming one after another.

Plan, never catch up with change.

“Boom!” A strange aura broke out in an instant, and Lin Feng startedled it.

The ghosts in front of me seem to have changed a person in an instant. A white dress is condensed with a faint glow glow, and the face fierce is like a goblin. Suddenly, look back. Hands in the palm, suddenly violent shout, like a screaming in the ear shocking cry.

“break!” Lin Feng eyes is instantly bright and undisturbed.

The self-state of the 6th layer is enough to qualify for Saint Level. However, after a wave of unrest, the hands of the ghosts were condensed by the blood mist, and the savage blood of the blood shrouded everything. In the blood, there are countless blood snakes open the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl Crazy bite, as fast as the wind.

“This is?!” Lin Feng was shocked.

If you haven’t fought with the ghosts before, how can you believe that this will be the same person.

Regardless of strength, aura, and even the means and means of attack, it seems to have changed from person to person, far more terrifying than before!


Can’t hide!

Lin Feng’s brows are tight and they make decisions in an instant.

Although the scorpion’s attack is very terrifying, once he avoids his 1st grade, the chance to kill him is fleeting. In front, a flame passage is clearly visible, and then the ghost has enough time to hide in it, and this great opportunity will fall short.

I would rather be hurt, I have to fight!

“Go!” Lin Feng looked at the deep pool burning.

The amethyst spear in the hand crossed a spiral of fire vortex, and all the blood in front of it was dispelled.

If a blood snake is struck by lightning, it will be destroyed instantly. The spear shadow is like electricity, destroying everything and going straight to the ghosts, desperate.

“Chī!” “Chī!”… In the blood mist, the rest of the blood snakes bite from all sides, Lin Feng both eyes blood red, the pupils are fully enlarged, the painful bite, as if biting directly in their soul Everywhere, every bite makes you feel uncomfortable, this pain is terrifying too!


“Dead!” Lin Feng screamed.

The body is like a snake, and there is no half-full skin.

In a bloody mang, Lin Feng is like a world warless War God, breaking through all the encirclement, purple light like the only light spot in black fog, conflicts out! Astonishing aura strength Condensed a little and broke all defenses. At this moment, there is no other existence in the whole world.

Only this spear!

“Go to hell!” Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth, bloody glow.

Chi! Amethyst spear penetrates the sinister chest, it is extremely unwilling eyes, Zhang Da mouth is full of shock.

“Boom!” The rich flame instantly devouring everything, a high and steep figure in the fire, flashing the killing intent, unstoppable.

Lin Feng !


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