Chapter 10 Keys

The land of miracles.

“hu, hu !~” complexion is pale, and the ghost is like an injured beast.

Holding the fists tightly, the failure of the assassination made him unwilling, and he almost could kill Kill Feng.

But this is a world of difference!


“How can this brat strength be like this!”

“Damn intelligence, damn it, the deviation is too outrageous!”

The ghost is a mother.

It is also true that the intelligence bias is too much.

The strength of Lin Feng in the original information was rated as 3-star, not to mention the four Star Level killers, that is, the three Star Level killers can complete the task. Later, although he got the latest information, he did not think that Lin Feng’s strength would reach 4-star in a short time.

But now…

Although the ghosts are not willing to admit.

However, Lin Feng, from the beginning to the end, completely defeated him.

“Absolutely 5-star strength!”

“And, it’s still the best in 5-star!”

The ghost brows tightly, coughing twice, wiping the blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

He was not hurt because of excessive consumption of strength. But this is not a big deal. It will take time to recover. The question at the moment is how he should kill Lin Feng! Coyote, black fox, green fox, parrot, the whole squad is now alone, alone, all alone can only rely on himself.

So many people before, the inescapable net failed, and there is only one person left, can it still succeed?

Hope, very embarrassing!

“No, there is hope.” The ghosts are deep in the eyes.

The bright light flashed in the hand, and a fiery red key suddenly appeared, shining like a flame.


“The key to the king’s prison.”

“If I can get into the king’s prison, maybe…”

“There is a chance to breakthrough sanctification!”

The key to the ghost ‘pā’, the bright light in the eye.

As long as he can breakthrough into Saint Level, he can not only easily kill Lin Feng. Back to the white clothed meeting, it can be promoted a lot!

At that time, he will be able to sit on the same level as Pluto!

“It is a success or failure, just look at this!” The belief in the ghost is extremely firm.

Regardless of his injuries, he took time to fly away.

“pā !” “pā !” The dance sounds play with the ancients.

For a long time, I still shook my head.

“Sure enough, it still failed.” Lin Feng felt sorry. But I didn’t care too much.

With the killer at this level, you must be careful to take care, and you will be foolproof. Sure enough, he has deleted the other four-person squad message, the dance sound can not find his position, and even the communication function is blocked.

The devil, it’s quite awesome.

I just want to give it a try and see if there is any possibility.

But now, it has failed.

The land of miracles is so great. It is not easy to find someone, especially to find a killer who is proficient in concealing escape. It is even more difficult! But if you don’t kill the ghosts, it is not only a time bomb for yourself, but also a threat to the forest war and dance.

The dance betrayed white clothed and the real identity, the devil knows.

It’s impossible for you to keep watching Big Brother. I am afraid that it will lead to white clothed revenge from the number one underground killer organization!

At that time, the trouble is big!

“Is there a way to do it?” Lin Feng’s heart of the ponder. The brow is locked.

“No, maybe… there is a way.” The dance beautiful eyes flashed and gently opened.

“Oh?” Lin Feng’s eyes were light.

“Ghosts are lucky and have got the key.” Dance sounds are resolutely, “On strength, the ghost is not as good as Lin Feng. But a real killer will never give up the assassination, so he is very likely to enter the key with the key.” Prison ‘closed-door cultivation, even if it is impossible to breakthrough into a saint, but at least there is a great possibility that the strength can be greatly improved.”

“So say…” Lin Feng is amazed.

The dance nodded. “As long as Lin Feng, you can find a key. Enter the King of the King…”

“Maybe, you can run into a ghost!”

In the midst of it, it is doomed.

As the Vermilion Bird Challenge progressed, the King of the Kings gradually unveiled the mystery.

After the first entry of the thousand love emperor, Zeng Blade immediately entered the second, and the orange was like a dream, the fourth in the rankings of the Miluo fairy goddess, the third entered. Just seven days after the orange entered the dream, a white clothed man with a long halberd was also coming.


“It turned out to be here.”

“If you don’t have a key, it’s really hard to find.”

In the eyes of the ghosts, the shining shine is shining, and the corners of the mouth are cold and cold.

The key in the hand flashed a faint fire, and the ghost violent shout screamed in a blink of time into the dense sea of ​​fire.

With his strength, even if it is not fully restored, breaking into this sea of ​​fire is with no difficulty. Sōu! sōu! Phantoms, in a blink of time, the ghosts enter one of the channels, the light and shadow flash, the channel is closed, a total of six channels, and now only two are still bright clear.

At this time –

“Hey!” The bright light flashed, accompanied by a rich energy.

As the scorpion entered, a new passage opened inexplicably, as if it corresponded to it, flashing the energy luster, and the appearance of the seventh passage was not seen. As the King of the Day said, as time goes by, the passage may be more than six!

The star above the king’s prison, a superstar shining, five battle stars.

At this time, on the side of the superstar, a larger giant star is shining, although not as shining as this superstar, but now it is gradually starting to shine.

Like the sun, it rises.

Quite strange!

“Call!~” Lin Feng feels helpless.

Looking back at the watched circular fantasy space, I shook my head.

The third failure!

Really isn’t the third place in the same place failed, but three different ‘trial halls’, varying degrees of failure.

“Sure enough, as the dance sounds, the test of the temple is not necessarily strength.”

“It’s a potential, a test, or a character, etc…”

“This is a ‘recipient’ ceremony.”


Lin Feng lightly sighed.

It seems that there is no fate to himself and the ‘trial hall’. In the past ten days, nothing has been achieved.

Continue to go on?

In my own opinion, what I want most now is to enter the most intense part of the energy of the area of ​​the fire, looking for ancient relics to enter. Following the land of the day, you will enter the ancient forbidden land of the fire element, and your breakthrough through the Saint Level will be smooth.


If you do this yourself, it is a safe adventure with Big Brother and dance.

Even if you can break through the Saint Level, you won’t feel at ease.

Right now, you must remove that cancer!


“He has the key. There are 80% who may enter the king’s prison.”

“I can’t give up.”

“But how can I get the key in the trial hall?”

Lin Feng feels a headache, tries the temple, and really isn’t want to get it.

Sometimes, rely on some luck; sometimes, rely on some chance.

“Try again?” Lin Feng thought helplessly.

However, the grasp is really small.

I am waiting to find a new trial hall again, but I feel a close familiar with aura.

That is? !

“Relieve your heart!” Lin Feng watched in the distance. I am quite surprised.

I didn’t expect that the ancient ruins of the day would be different. I met again here and I was really lucky.

“Big Brother Lin!” The release of the heart is also very happy, flying away, the face of the powder carving jade is much more refined, with the increase of age, the release of the heart is more and more out of the water, now is a girl. It’s not like the porcelain doll’s little girl.

“long time no see, 芷心.” Lin Feng said with a smile.

“I am amazing. Big Brother Lin!” He shook his hand and grabbed the powder punch.

“Is it?”

“of course!”


The two met very happy and had a lot to say.

At the moment, I am not in a hurry, and I am not talking about it.

“Ah, don’t you get the key?” Lin Feng was surprised.

“That’s still used to say.” Released the heart to the chest, the slight bulge before it is now full and quite large. However, Lin Feng’s attention will naturally not be there. The eyelids flashed, and the key that fell on the release of the heart was taken over.

It was a simple and unadorned key, imprinted with a flame.

Holding the key, you can feel the subtle Fire Element. Quite strange.

“It turned out that this is the so-called key.” Lin Feng handed back to the release heart, smiling.

I finally know what the ‘key’ looks like.

“Right, hey, you know where the king is?” Lin Feng asked casually.

I have been in this area of ​​fire for a while, and I have visited almost half of the fire area, but I have never seen where the king is.

Very strange.

“I don’t know.” Shi Yan’s playful shrug, Lin Feng was slightly disappointed, thinking about it, but he pointed to the key and smiled. “But it knows.”

“It?” Lin Feng startled.

“It will guide the way, take me to the king of the prison.” The release of the key, the flame on the top seems to be burning.

“Really?” Lin Feng’s heart moved.

“of course!”

Lin Feng and his companionship are accompanied.

Since the release of the heart to recognize the road, it is not polite.

Everyone is a partner of life and death, and how to account for the small things of sesame mung beans. Laughter and laughter all the way, it is not lonely. As for the forest war and dance, I have already gone elsewhere before, and in their words, it is to avoid dragging themselves.

“Look!” Lin Feng blinked.

Unconsciously, he and his heart have come to a place where clouds are breeding.

Just like entering a land of wonderland, it is very strange.

Here, it is the area of ​​fire!

The rich Fire Element is boiling, and there is very little such a cloud, but now it seems to be here, it proves here –

It’s weird!

“We should be here, Big Brother Lin.” Released heart beautiful eyes flashing, watched keys.

Lin Feng looked at it and saw the burning of the flame on the key. At this moment, it was emitting a burning look, as if it had vitality.

Lightly light tremble!

“Hey!” The key floated up, Lin Feng and the release of the heart looked at each other, feeling startled.

In the astonished room, the key ‘咻’ was flying, entering the deep cloud, Lin Feng and the release heart did not hesitate, and then followed the key, and even entered. A cloud of spreading and soaring seems to be in the air.

Lin Feng eyes 粼粼, and the release of the heart to maintain the same speed, with the key to travel west, but completely lost.

Here, the pound pupils seem to be ineffective.

But very fast ——

“Zizi! Zizi!~” Familiar energy feeling, fluctuations of severe, Lin Feng chest slightly ups and downs.

That is the energy of the Fire Element!

It’s really rich in Source Strength of Fire!

It’s clear to yourself.

In a blink of time, sōu! sōu! Through the clouds, to a new space, in the ear, the sound of the flames of the smoldering sound, Lin Feng heartbeat sharply accelerated. Watched the endless sea of ​​fire, sensing that the majestic strength of the atmosphere.

Here, is the king of prison? !

Lin Feng is shocked.

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