Chapter 4 coincidence?

Flying fast!

The dance sound is in front, leading the way with the direction of the ancient 。.

Behind him, Lin Feng and Lin Zhan followed, Lin Feng followed the dance with no difficulty, but Lin Lin was tightly clench one’s teeth, even barely.

The strength gap is obvious.


“She didn’t go at full speed.” Lin Feng eyes stared at the dance, and my heart was clear.

I don’t even have a hard feeling at all. The speed of dancing is not fast. Although it is the standard of the Star Territory Level, it can be felt from her aura or body language. She just keeps five. The speed to 60% is not even!

“Is it to retain strength and prepare for the battle?”

“still is……”

Lin Feng eyes flashed and looked at the forest battle.


The speed of the dance nowadays is just the same as the speed of the forest war 100%.

“Specially move to Big Brother?”

“No, the strength of the dance is stronger than the Big Brother 1st grade!”

Sense is very clear.

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed and my heart was clear.

How big is the strength of Big Brother, you can see it at first glance, but dance music…

It is not.

“If at ordinary times, she will talk about the speed of the Big Brother.”

“But it is clear that her Senior Brother is in danger. Should she be fully committed as a Junior Sister? With her strength, there is almost no difference between a Big Brother and a Big Brother, but she has just moved to ‘Big Brother’. Will there be some… strange?”

“It shouldn’t be.”

Lin Feng secretly pondered in one’s heart and licked his lips.

Although I am suspicious, I would rather believe that the two are very good-hearted and do not want to think about the bad.

“But when the incident occurred, the dance sound seemed a bit too calm? For other people, I am afraid I will rush immediately when I receive the message.”

“Maybe there are too many plots I have encountered. So…suphies are too heavy.”

“It should be just a small matter.”

Lin Feng nodded and sighed.

You should not doubt this future amnesty.

Sōu! The figure is like electricity, run very fast, but Lin Feng eyes, flashing a slight bright light.

I want to think so. But I always have concerns.

“It’s coming soon!” The dance squinted at the lips, transmitting a minute intent.

Really calm!

Lin Feng blinks, inwardly tremble in one’s heart.

Some things can’t deceive people, and the temperament that dances inadvertently reveals can prove that she is really isn’t a weak woman, but a one-off side. If she really is really good at Big Brother, it is also a big brother’s blessing to be able to find such a wife, but if not…

“Then she is close to Big Brother, I am afraid there is another purpose.”

“Dancing her. Pretty danger.”

Lin Feng is contemptuous.

Turning to look at Big Brother, my eyes are shimmering.

The dance sounds don’t know, but Big Brother did move the truth this time.

“Hope is what I think.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

“However, it’s a coincidence that I just saw Big Brother and it happened.”

and many more!

Lin Feng suddenly startled, pupil dilation.

Suddenly looking forward to the dance, watched the white tights. In the mind, another figure emerged –

When you first entered the miraculous land, the white clothed killer you met!

“No?” Lin Feng suddenly had a meal.

Complexion changes slightly. I remembered the paper that Nangong Madam gave himself.

White clothed will!

Before, the assassination of his own killer, is not also dressed in white clothed?

White clothed will, white clothed will, will not kill this killer organization, wearing ‘white clothed’ in action. So named this?

“What happened, my brother?” Lin’s eyes flashed, very sensitive.

He also has a star, and his sense ability is quite strong.

“Nothing.” Lin Feng slightly smiled. Instantly press your emotions to the bottom of your heart. I also want to guess wrong, but all kinds of signs tell myself that this is not a coincidence, but a ‘bureau’, a well-organized bureau, and their goal seems to be…


Suddenly, shaking his head, then close your eyes.

Pā ! Opening the eyes, Lin Feng complexion is just the right thing.

Whether it is right or wrong, it is no longer important now, and it is no longer necessary to consider so much.

Do you expose her now?

What if it is not?

Moreover, there is no evidence for himself, just me.

Turning around the watched forest battle, seeing the Big Brother’s coke, the feeling of empathy, Lin Feng is even more painful. If the dance sound is really the killer of the white clothed, then Big Brother is obviously being used this time, the damage on the world’s most hurt really isn’t fleshly body, but the soul.

“Yes or not, I will know when I arrive.”

“Even if it is true, even if it is a banquet, is it a dragon’s pool and tiger’s den?”

“What can be feared!”

Lin Feng has a bright eye and no fear.

Although he is not a saint, the strength of today has reached Saint Level!

“Hey?” Lin Feng eyes lit up.

Aura’s sense, I feel vaguely different in the surrounding environment.

Source Energy in the air is quite active, the space qi flow is very unstable, the more forward, the deeper the sense. Even if they are so far apart, they can clearly feel what happened in the distance, and they will never be wrong.

“Sure enough, it is fighting!”

“There are five aura.”

“All are Star Territory Level peak experts.”


Every moment is approaching.

In the mind, as if there is a map, clearly depicting every Martial Artist, even his strength, the source Energy used by himself can be sense! This feeling is not what it was before, but it is the advanced stage of the Phoenix Destiny Chart.

Sense ability, ten times more powerful!

“The saint’s sense ability, but that’s it?” Lin Feng blinks flickering.

Before, I could only use Source Energy of Fire, but for now, Five Elements is all right!

Divine Beast’s Blood, the entire illuminate of the Earthly Fate Star Chart.

“Just in front!” The dance sounded even with a worried expression on his face. It didn’t seem to be fake.

“Maybe I am suspicious.” Lin Feng’s secret thought, as the dance sounds keep up, seeing the Big Brother forest battle panting, but galloping at 100% speed. For him, the burden is not small, and the battle has already lost half.

“Big Brother!” Lin Feng instantly drank and the white light flashed.

Lin warlightly startled, conditioned by the white light, soft tentacles, aroma. Spread it out. Lin war eyes suddenly bright, “fourth grade of the fourth grade, late fruit?” The heart of the move, the forest war is dark and extravagant, a geodetic star said less than tens of thousands of stars, but now…

Don’t care so much!

A piece of stuffed into the mouth, chewing is not chewed, the forest war will swallow the belly, where to taste the taste.

moment. The consumed Star Force is completely complemented, and it is overflowing!

“Great!” Lin Zhan was extremely shocked.

However, this moment of time, the front dance and Lin Feng are gone.

Sōu! Lin Zhanlian is rushing up.

Finally arrived!

The front foot of the dance sounds, and Lin Feng enters the back foot.

This is a huge jade palace, with jadeite everywhere, but now it is divided and there are traces of destruction everywhere. Inside the Jade Palace, five Martial Artists are divided into three camps. A group of men with almost the same looks, holding a long sword. The other group is a man and a woman, and the double blades are combined to make the match seamless.

The only independent is a handsome white clothed man.

Looks like Pan An, holding a long halberd, the dance is impenetrable. The defense is excellent.

The two camps are mutually restrained, waiting for the opportunity to take the long halberd white clothed man’s life.

But it is not easy.

The three sides stand up and form a delicate balance.

“Senior Brother!” Dance eyes are red, and the sword is drawn. After a lightning-fast pace, I rushed to the battlefield.

Her goal is exactly the long halberd white clothed man!

“It’s white clothed again!” Lin Feng hearted suddenly and stunned.

The unpredictable hunch is getting stronger and stronger.

The battle in front of the battle is really’n false, white clothed man also suffered a minor injury, everywhere in crisis, but…

I always feel that something is wrong.

The whole thing, too clever!

A coincidence may be a coincidence.

Two coincidences, or maybe two coincidences.

But three times, four times, five times… all coincidences, it’s no coincidence!

There are so many coincidences in the world!

What should I do now?

Close to the lips, Lin Feng eyes flashes.

At this time, a whirlwind passed behind, the familiar aura slammed up, and the forest battled with big brass bell-like eyes, and entered the battlefield without slowing down, completely without worrying about their own safety. Lin Feng suddenly has a heart twist, but there is no time to consider it.

Lin war join fight, how can you stay out of it?

What happened to him and how did he explain to his righteous father?

“They come, the security.”

“Even if it is for my bureau, it is not a bad thing.”

“At least, I have prepared for it now.”

Lin Feng’s heart is moving, making decisions in galloping.

Since you have no choice, then simply –

Lead the snake out of the hole!

Once, the poisonous snakes hidden in the depths will be removed, and the province will be worried.

“Junior Sister!” long halberd white clothed The man is overjoyed.

The dance of the dance, when the other two camps offensive.

And as Lin war is also a join, Lin Feng feels a few eyes all together, in a blink of time, two camps eight eyes, look at each other and nod. Without hesitation, the two camps have a tacit understanding of the formation of a temporary alliance, consistent with the outside world.

Twin man, the offensive is even more aggressive to the long halberd white clothed man, while the double blade man and female, is loudly shouted, one left and one right will block the battle.

The two blades are like Tiancheng, and the dance is impenetrable. One after the other, one left and one right, as if there is a heart.

There is a gap in the strength of the forest war itself, and it is too rushing. It was unexpectedly hit, and the war blade just came out of the sheath, and it has already encountered a strong attack. The double blade man and female are a simple wave. Attack, it will directly force the forest war, vomiting blood again and again.


“Peng!” Xiong Ran’s flame, blocking in front of Lin battle.

Double blade man and female complexion suddenly transient, strong blade qi encounter obstacles, the footsteps of a step, they are scattered around.

At this time, Lin Feng’s figure flashed, floating and floating, his hands picked up two faint flames, completely blocking the forest battle behind him. The eyes are staring in front of the pair of blade man and female, Lin Feng sounds calm, faintly open, “Your opponent is me.”


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