Chapter 28—The Harvest Time

Ling Aura pressure, from the distance assaults the senses.

“Hey!~” astonishing roar, with extreme anger, the entire cave seems to be about to collapse.

The wings tried their best to resist. Every moment, there were countless worms that rushed up like a death squad. The moths slammed into the fire, but they only blocked the pace of the hills. If the strength of the non-integrated wing is advanced, it will not be able to withstand it for so long.

Even if Qiu Yu was so badly injured, he was seriously injured with Lin Feng war.

But He, after all, is Saint Level Divine Beast!

The so-called A starved camel is still bigger than a horse, on strength, Saint Level and Star Territory Level is always a world of difference. It is rare that the wing can not be compared with the Qiu, and it can be blocked for so long.

“Hey!” The fire was boiling, and Lin Feng eyes flashed a bit of burning.

I have no choice.

The flame instantly wraps the burgeoning ‘hill’.

“This is?!” Lin Feng complexion changed slightly, and the heart was shaking. In a flash, the whole person trembled and was greatly surprised. In the body, the Phoenix Destiny Chart is completely shining at the moment, and the star chart is flashing, like a hungry person seeing the water.

“Sure enough!” Lin Feng clenched his fists and was very excited.

Although this is a budding ‘hill,’ although he does not have any life aura, but…

He, but also has the land chart Star Chart!

Just like Chuan, exactly the same!

Although the Star Chart is in its infancy, the sparrow is small and complete.

Aura of the soil, unusually rich, illuminate your own land chart Star Chart, enough!

“It’s you!” Lin Feng eyes is burning.

There is no hesitation in the first half, and there is no need to hesitate.

Wings, red dragonflies, and poisonous cockroaches have paid so much for this moment.


“Hey!” Lin Feng blinked, and there was no such thing as an extreme angry voice.

It is the time to go to this point. Then you have to retreat, even if you return this burgeoning ‘Qiu Yu’, you can’t escape yourself. It’s better to absorb him and fight for it! Never let the wing and the red dragonfly pay their vain.

“咝~~” is a clear stream. Ringing with the body.

The limbs of Parkway are filled with the rich aura of the earth, and the energy of the Star Chart spreads into the body.

Lin Feng instantly closes his eyes, even though there is a mess in the cave at the moment, the surrounding aura is extremely disordered, such as a landslide. But at this moment. All the riots seem to be stopped, the time is also stopped at that second, and the space of the surroundings is completely still.

All that remains is his own ‘heart’.

Peng! Peng! Light and burning beating, Lin Feng’s sense of heart, has never been clear.

“Hey!~” The bright cry sounds. Rotate in the ear. Accompanied by the five Earthly Fate Star Charts, the last illuminate of the Star Chart, the body seems to be on fire, in the mind there is a huge Phoenix flying wings, huge shades of wings like a flaming flame, familiar Fire Of Devour and Fire of Rebirth bind, Phoenix’s aura –

Astonishing is abnormal!

Aloof and remote. Like the existence of the emperor.

“Hey!” “Hey!~” The seven spots of the Phoenix Destiny Chart, with six shining.

Accompanied by the singularity of the phoenix, like the all-out body pupils, Lin Feng’s booth pupils exudes a bright glow, and the qi flow is like bloodshot, which makes the eyelids change dramatically. .

But this is only a small part.

Pā ! Pā ! The body, as if it burst, is visible to the naked eye.

Within the body of the cell. It’s a non-stop differentiation at the moment, and the blood is compatible with the Phoenix Destiny Chart. It feels like a fusion. If Lin Feng had only a trace of blood from Phoenix. Then as time goes by, with non-stop cultivating, this drop of the Phoenix has covered the whole body, like a seed sprouting with the body.

Right now, at the time of harvest.


“Good familiar strength.”


Lin Feng lightly mumble in the heart, feeling the strength soaring.

The whole of Earthly Fate Star Chart, such as a Phoenix boiling, finally grows up, matures, Divine Beast’s blood is completely awakened at this moment. Unlike the awakening of ordinary Divine Beast, the awakening at this moment is not only the body, but also the ‘heart’.

“This is…” Lin Feng is a big startled.

Gold Life Star Chart, Thunder fierce looks looming flash, a thunder light roar.

Fire Fate Star Chart, Fire of Devour Burning, accompanied by Phoenix, shines with astonishing strength.

The Star Chart, a heavenly giant tree, grows vigorously, with lush foliage and a swaying wind, with a rich ‘Dao of Time’.

Water Chart Star Chart, a drop of light and moist water droplets, forming a huge waterfall, the elements of water form the presence of indigo, making the water clear and smooth.

The Star Chart, a small mound shrinks the body, with the emergence of the soil’s strength, the body shape is slowly getting bigger and bigger!

One point to pay, one point to gain!

Unlike the growth of Phoenix, the strength of Lin Feng, the illuminate of Earthly Fate Star Chart, has too many hardships and miracles.

And now, finally harvest!

“Hey!” “Hey!” A clear stream, flowing in the mind, Lin Feng pupils fully enlarged, accompanied by the transformation of the whole body, extremely unbelievable. However, I did not expect the final illuminate of the Star Chart, which would make such an astonishing change.

Earthly Fate Star Chart, all illuminate!

Connected to each other to form a complete whole, making the Phoenix Destiny Chart the first change.

In the cave.

“Hey!!” The roar of the extreme angry, shocked the world.

At this time, Qiu was already crazy. He felt the disappearance of the only aura belonging to him. This is a ‘destruction’ for him, and any Divine Beast, even the ancient Divine Beast ‘Thunder’, has only one chance of ‘inheritance’.

And this time, Qiu Yu fell short!

“Hey!” “Hey!” Extremely angry roar, accompanied by a strong soil of strength, completely broke out.

The annoying branches and black beetles in front of the eyes made the mounds anger in the hysteria. If these annoying things were blocked, he had already entered the cave.

“Peng!” “Peng!” “Peng!” The elements of the earth are popping up like a cloud of light. Although Qiu Jun is not good at attacking, it does not mean that He will not attack. The existence of Saint Level is by no means ordinary, even if his attack might is far from being comparable to defense, but today’s wing can’t be compared with the peak!

boom! Hōng lóng!

Severe exploding cry The sound is constantly ringing.

The attack of the earth ring was accompanied by a cloud of earth. Completely destroy the defense of the wing.

The light is the wing that has been restored for a long time. Once again, it is hit hard. In the face of the wrath of the wrath, the wing completely loses its resistance. Thousands of black beetle moths attacked the fire, and the wing tried its best to resist it, but…

But it is losing ground!

“Boom!!!” like a meteorite drop. The elements of the crazy earth once again condensed into a cloud of clouds and ejected.

Thousands of attacks, destroying the defense of the wing, completely broke the branches. Wing aura is getting weaker and weaker, but the more the attack is fierce, the fierce’s distorted face is half-divine. At this moment, He is like a beast!

It is in a big disadvantage, and it is seriously injured.

If all of these earth element flares hit again, the wing may not die or be disabled.


Just in this moment –

“Hey!” Astonishing flames are all over the sky.

Just picking up in front of the wing, like the flame of Heavenly Screen, devour everything.

The complexion stop and change, but at the moment it does not allow him to have a half-stop. A horoscope of Phoenix wings is shown in the void, and the intense flare is in Phoenix all around. The bright cry sounds, accompanied by the appearance of a black figure, the eyes of Qiu Yan become fierce and distorted!

He will never forget that face!

it’s him!

Lin Feng, finally appeared.

Although all the integrations have not been completed, they have completely changed.

However, time is too late.

“Hey!” Lin Feng’s left eyebrows flickered and recalled the wings at the moment of appearance.

“many thanks you, wing.” Lin Feng eyes flashing. Whispered softly. This time, I can complete the absorption and transformation, and I will be able to fight for it. Without him, I will not be able to fight for myself. This time, I can’t be so lucky.

Yourself. I owe him a lot.

“When it is time, I will give it back to you.” Lin Feng blinked lightly and smiled.

At the moment, you must first solve this big problem!

“Hey!” Qiu Yan saw the arrival of the enemy, but it was even more angry. The attack did not stop at half point, but increased to strengthen the pole. New hatred and old hate picked up together, all anger turned into an attack, straight exploded towards Lin Feng, He is going to smash the wicked human beings to vent their hatred.


“The first day, I can’t pass the fifteen.”

“You couldn’t kill you last time. This time, I see how you hide!”

Lin Feng eyes shining bright, high and steep, but the momentum is completely different.

The body is full of refined and powerful feelings, and the eyes are filled with deep pond light, just like a black hole. With the integration of the Earthly Fate Star Chart, the big energy directly raises the pound pupils to a level, from the 5th layer to the 6th layer!

Today’s Lin Feng, just eye-catching, has reached the Saint Level category.

Top grade eyelid, 6th layer !

“Illufacture!” Lin Feng eyes 璘 bright, the jade is lightly moving.

The illusion of the previous self state has no effect on Qiu, but now it is the same as the strength of Saint Level, but it is not the same.

Moreover, not only is it stronger, but Qiu is weaker.

One liter and one drop, the gap has already been flattened, even –

Still have it!

“Boom!” Qiu’s head slammed and was completely sluggish.

This is the real Saint Level attack! Although his defense is strong, he is fleshly body defense.

Moreover, in order to ‘reproduce’ itself, it is a big injury. Today’s Qiu, soul, is weak to the extreme.


Just just getting started.

“End it.” Lin Feng blinked bright light in his eyes.

The Fire of Devour is fully raised, not only the entire recovery, but also a step further. Condensed with the ultimate flame of Phoenix, behind a huge Phoenix, a huge Phoenix wings, the flames rise to the sky, condensed holy light, Lin Feng within the body, Fire Fate Star Chart is completely bright.

Mighty, far better than the Fire of Devour in the first battle.

This is not the same as before!

“Hey!” The fire was dazzling and the whole cave was swallowed up.

In the face of this is the arrow of the arrow at the end of its flight, the Fire of Devour shows a hegemonic and terrifying strength, accompanied by the hysterical creaking, more and more subtle, disappearing. The collapse of the cave is empty, and the whole space is left with the silhouette of the fire, and…

A faint black figure, eyes like Starry Sky.

Lin Feng, big breakthrough!

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