The twenty-third chapter looks forward to a long war!

“Aura is right.”

“Absolutely the ‘Qiu Yu’ that I sent to the day.”


Lin Feng dumbfounded.

Aura’s sense, and no problem.

But now in the ‘Qi Yu’ range of his own sense, aura drops a lot!

Not a point, but really a lot!

There is no such high feeling of looking up. There is no terrifying that makes you completely tremble. The right of the ‘Qi Yu’ is strong, but the strength is still quite strong, but it is like the weak and weak, it is no longer the same year. Brave.

He, what happened?

“pā !” The fists clenched and Lin Feng slammed the heartbeat.

I don’t know what this Saint Level earth element Divine Beast is doing, but there is something I know, that’s it.

Your own opportunity, come!

“Call~ suck!~” Lin Feng breathes deeply, and the bus pupils shine.

Sōu! Instantly, like a lightning bolt, with a look of expectation, go straight to the hills and go.

Opportunity, no more!

“It is Him!”

“Absolutely He, yes.”

Lin Feng is suspended above the sky and overlooks the top.

The huge figure is like a dune, and the thick aura covers the whole body. The figure is like a flat spire, it is very weird! The same as the ‘Qiu Yu’ that I saw before I was in a coma, the aura’s sense is completely correct.

The only difference is that the current ‘Qiu Yu’ is weaker.

Strength, I am afraid that it is less than 30% on the day.

What happened to it?

“Is it possible to fight other Divine Beast, so I was injured?” Lin Feng’s eyes were slightly bright.

Most likely!

At Battle Spirit World, Divine Beast is rare.

But here is the ancient forbidden land, there is the existence of Divine Beast, and it is definitely not the only one.

Divine Beast and the beast are exactly the same in some ways. Because they do not proliferate, they are all born out of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, born out of thin air. Therefore, there are so many different animals here, because the spiritual qi is quite sufficient.

The birth of Divine Beast is difficult, but there are both hills. Naturally there will be other Divine Beast.

Of course, these are not important!

The important thing is that Qiu Yan is injured.

Although I don’t know where he is hurt, the weakness of aura is a fact.

之前自己未打祂主意,是因为祂的强大,远exceeding 自己负担范围。但眼下的丘昃,实力削减70% 以上,更是身上有暗伤。虽是Saint Level 又怎样?随着星苍瞳和星穹瞳的提升,自己如今已有能和Saint Level 存在抗衡的本钱!

“这是最好的机会!”Lin Feng 握了握拳,目光bright clear 。

自己,really isn’t 圣人。


失去这次机会,却不知何年何月自己才会有second time 。

圣者之道,可以由自己一个人慢慢comprehend ,但illuminate ‘土命Star Chart ’。却必须依赖外在的因素。

However, it is not in a hurry.


“先观察几天。再做决定。”Lin Feng burning like gaze 。


有奇遇的,何止Lin Feng 一人。

上天对每个人都是公平的,总会有那么一次两次的机会降临在身边,就看你能不能把握得住。此时Vermilion Bird 境内一片议论纷纷,再是掀起了阵阵波浪之声。watched 排行榜tsk tsk 称奇。

一个月过去,Lin Feng 得分并未上涨,排名自然跌落下来。

好在之前的得分足够高,Lin Feng 并未跌落谷底,只是从第二名跌落到第四名。幅度并不大。

排在首位的,依然是‘千恋皇’,稳稳的居于首位,得分更是breakthrough 250万大关。除千恋皇外,再无任何一个Martial Artist 能breakthrough 200万大关,使得她仿佛一个女皇般aloof and remote ,此时Vermilion Bird 境内讨论‘千恋皇’身份的更是源源不止。

Very mysterious!

她和Lin Feng 一样,之前籍籍无名。


不只是千恋皇,此次Vermilion Bird 挑战赛可谓冷门迭爆。

排行榜次席一直都是轮流坐庄,从之前的鬼谷、阴三娘,再到橘如梦,屁股还没坐稳便被Lin Feng 抢走,而如今,坐在排行榜次席的,又是一个全新的面孔,一个让Lin Feng 见到恐怕瞪大眼睛的名字。


释罗郡十大expert ‘曾皿’之子。

在绿野仙踪,更是和Lin Feng 交过手,一个年纪轻轻,却手段very ruthless 的‘little brat ’。

曾刃的年纪仅仅比Lin Feng 大几岁而已,谁也想不到,他竟会蹿升到Vermilion Bird 挑战赛的次席,这简直不可想象。在博彩处,曾刃的赔率甚至比Lin Feng 还低,因为他和Lin Feng 一样,都是参赛预赛通过!

预赛前仅仅只是‘Star King Level ’而已,根本没人看好。



“第二名的‘曾刃’,第三名的‘橘如梦’,第四名的‘Lin Feng 大师’,还有第五名的‘鬼谷’,释罗郡这是what happened ,这也太terrifying 了点吧!”

“这还不止,除鬼谷外,曾刃、橘如梦、Lin Feng 大师,还有10th place 的‘释芷心’,没有一个年纪过三十,都是年轻一辈的expert ,还有件事你们都不知道,他们四人都是参加预赛进入的Vermilion Bird 挑战赛!”

“我的motherfucker ,不会吧?你是说他们之前都只是Star King Level ?”



确实,都只是Star King Level 。


正如Fang Ning 的师傅,百瀑的Master ‘天机老人’所言那般。皇者星座的出现,必然带动surroundings 星辰的涌动,就好似海浪的周旁,不会有平静的水面。每一个皇者星座都是一样,必将历经劫难,方才登顶!

Lin Feng 如是,如今远在妖皇岛的另一个……

The same is true!


地心之域中。Lin Feng 跟着丘昃,四处游走。

“别想走。”Lin Feng 目光闪动,紧跟在疾奔的丘昃身后。

这些天来,this earth element Divine Beast ‘丘昃’一直想要摆脱自己,却是Divine Beast 到达Saint Level ,早已拥有不逊色与人类的智慧。之前攻击自己。丘昃尝试过,但自己一直与祂保持着相当远的距离,丘昃攻击不到自己。



自己如今的physical fitness ,丝毫不下于普通圣者存在。何况earth element Divine Beast 并不以速度见长,加上this ‘丘昃’确实受了伤,哪怕拥有地利增幅。祂的速度仍稍稍逊色自己一筹。




“祂应该really isn’t 隐藏实力。”Lin Feng 疾追着丘昃,secretly pondered in one’s heart 。

能让一头Divine Beast ‘逃跑’,这几乎一直是‘耻辱’,但丘昃却做了,丝毫没有半点expert 风范。



“很好!”Lin Feng 目光烁然。





以this ‘丘昃’的实力,就算如今受了伤。不足原本30% 实力,但自己要kill 祂,成功率也不会超过50% 。



最重要的是。就算自己不敌,也能逃走,this ‘丘昃’的速度及不上自己。可进可退,此等机会自己倘若不把握,那还有什么能被称之为‘好机会’?总不可能期待‘土命Star Chart ’放在自己面前吧?


“翼!”Lin Feng eyes 深然,心之呼唤。


“对!”Lin Feng 神色肯定,自己这一次,并不打算‘孤军作战’。服食‘强魄果’后,翼的实力早已尽复,更是融合兀莵的‘魂’,因祸得福,如今的实力,并不比自己差多少。

虽然百毒彩蟒和红绫,同样为Star Territory Level 巅峰,然两者实力却比翼逊色许多。




Sōu! sōu!

浓郁的earth element 元素迸发。

丘昃飞速奔跑着,那庞大的体形拥有相当terrifying 的速度。

沙尘滚滚,然身后Lin Feng 却不依不饶的追赶着,两者间的距离正一点一点不断削减。倘若被人见到定会大吃一惊,却是仅仅不过Star Territory Level 的Lin Feng ,此刻追赶着Saint Level Divine Beast !

Simply incredible.




Lin Feng 眼眸burning ,心中很是清楚。

This time, if you are unsuccessful, you will become a man!

前方,丘昃的身影近在眼前,那浓烈的土之元素完全爆发,似乎已是sense 到Lin Feng 的battle intent ,丘昃in a blink of time extremely angry 狂吼,庞大的身体顿时停了下来,astonishing aura loudly burst ,直冲vault of heaven 。

terrifying 的土之aura ,将surroundings 所有qi flow 都是凝聚。

“吼!!”丘昃仰天而吼,霎时间转过身来,巨大的手掌,伴随着浓郁的天之strength ,倾泄而来。


作为Divine Beast ,祂,同样有祂的高傲和自尊!

“好!”Lin Feng burning like eyes ,倍感兴奋。

这war ,自己等了很久。

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