Chapter 21—Le Lele is not as good as Lele

Of course, memory is one thing, and now is another.

In this endless, earthen-yellow world, there is a shadow of the earth element Divine Beast ‘丘丘’.

And the most important thing is…

“On that day, I didn’t see it, but the aura sense is very clear.”

“The one hundred percent is Divine Beast ‘Qiu Yu’, but He… is the existence of Saint Level!”

The eyebrows were lightly twisted and Lin Feng felt a little trouble.

I did come to hunt the earth element Divine Beast and get their Divine Beast Star Chart.

But what about Divine Beast at Saint Level?

Self, ability to kill?

Although she is confident in her own strength, she is really isn’t blind confidence. She can barely compete with the scales in the thousand snakes. That is because the scales Senior did not use all the strength. Even if the stars and the stars are greatly enhanced, the strength is extremely high, but…

In fact, I still haven’t reached Saint Level!

Furthermore, the strength of Saint Level is different, strong and weak.

Even the weakest saints may not be able to win, not to mention this ‘Qiu Yu’, the strength is unknown.

In this place where the power of the earth elements is so strong, even if the ‘Qiu Yu’ is weaker, and the geographical advantage increases, the strength will not be worse than the scales Senior.

Winning yourself is harder than going to Heavens!

“Call!~” Lin Feng sighed and felt very tricky.

I didn’t expect it, I really met the earth element Divine Beast, but…

It is Saint Level!

“It is obviously the experience of the Star Territory Level. In the ancient ruins, you will encounter Saint Level Divine Beast?” Helpless sigh, Lin Feng is depressed. But I don’t know, there is really no Saint Level in the ancient ruins, but here is really isn’t ancient ruins, under accidentally. He has already entered an area that everyone wants –

Ancient forbidden land!

“哗!~” Lin Feng eyes bright clear.

Sitting on the ground, you can sense the pulse to the earth.

Here, it is a world of earth elements, even if it is not so strong about the sense of soil elements, but…

Still clear sense!

“Good powerful strength of Source.”

“Don’t say it’s a soil element, even a Fire Element. It’s far better than Battle Spirit World.”

Lin Feng’s heart of the ponder, flickering.

If the Martial Artist of the cultivating earth element lineage enters here, it will be cultivating base advanced by leaps and bounds.

But myself…

“It’s a pity.” Lin Feng feels helpless.

Here the Fire Element is equally active, far better than Battle Spirit World.

But for today’s self, help is minimal. I have reached the peak of the Star Territory Level.

Regardless of Star Repair, Star Force, it is already the limit, what is lacking. It’s just the road to ‘enlighten’ the Holy One, or the illuminate Star Chart, which completely condenses the five Earthly Fate Star Charts of Phoenix Destiny Chart. The goal is clear, and there is no other way to go.

“kill Saint Level Divine Beast ‘丘昃’ is undoubtedly bringing about one’s own destruction.”

“But the strength of the earth elements is so strong, there may be other ways to illuminate the Star Chart.”


Lin Feng nodded and did not give up.

There is not only one road. It is not visible to you. It does not mean that it does not exist.

In fact. In addition to the Fire Fate Star Chart, which of the other four Earthly Fate Star Charts, which one is Kill Divine Beast?

This was originally an impossible task.

“Let’s look around.” Lin Feng looked bright.

At that time, plan again!

When the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current, this area with such a rich aura, I do not believe that there is no way to illuminate the Star Chart. Can break through the hardships to enter here. I am destined to be in the dark, I believe that it will be clear!

Lin Feng is not worried.

In fact, it is also urgent.

Some things must be taken slowly and carefully planned, not to mention the coma for so long. I have not fully recovered. The sequelae of the Demon Ring is quite large. Fortunately, Life Soul is backed by the Phoenix Destiny Chart and its resilience is astonishing.

“Stars and stars are still spending at least one to two months because of excessive consumption.”

“But there should be no danger here, and it will be slowly.”

Lin Feng slightly smile, but also peace of mind.

It’s enough to prove that I’ve been in a coma for so long.

“A lot of strange animals.”

“And Wood Spirit.”


Lin Feng was amazed and wandered around.

There is no competition here, just like a new world. The exotic beasts of the surroundings are not as ‘fierce’ as before, and they are less violent and more harmonious. All kinds of heavenly treasures, too common here, very life aura.

Although the origin of the soil is the strongest, the other four main strengths are not weak.

In addition to the earth element, the other animals are also present, all kinds of colors are everywhere, but compared to the earth element, the cultivation base of other animals is undoubtedly inferior.

“The weakest are the Star Territory Level peaks.”

“The ordinary water and fruit here are rich in the source of Energy.”

“For the Martial Artist and even the beasts of the cultivating earth element, even if it is not cultivating, it is just life growth, and it is improving every moment.”

“A good treasure land!”


The more I saw it, the more amazing it was, and Lin Feng’s eyes flashed.

“The space energy is completely changed. I am afraid that it will no longer belong to the category of the ancient ruins.” He nodded and Lin Feng thought thoughtfully.

For the feeling of ‘Space’, I am very clear.

In that ancient ruins, no matter where it is, the spatial composition will not change much.

But here, completely overthrow!

The important thing is –

Previously in the ancient ruins, there were only the existence of the soil, the earth element, but here is completely different. Although the power of the earth element is as strong as ever, it is two opposite areas. Lightly laughing, Lin Feng is slightly pondered in one’s heart. “Isn’t going to the ‘trial hall’?”

“At the moment, will it be a trial?”

Concealed by himself, Lin Feng is laughing.

For yourself, it is the same everywhere, because the goal will never change.

The key is still ‘Home Life Star Chart’.


Lin Feng’s eyes were slightly brighter. “I almost forgot, isn’t the poisonous element also the earth element?”

Nowadays, I have two big helpers, a hundred poisons and a red dragonfly, and one is an earth element. One is the fire element. Incorporating with the colorful sticks, Baidu Caiyan is already a half-animal and half-arm form, but it can also be cultivating, in the Thousands of Snakes, it is cultivating to the Star Territory Level ninth order!

The elements of the earth here are so rich, isn’t it right for the poisonous color?

Cultivating. Twice the results for half the effort !

“There are red dragons.” Lin Feng slightly smile.

“It’s like a piece of treasury, how can it be white?”

I want to do it, in a blink of time Lin Feng is to release the poisonous scorpion and red scorpion.

A Star Territory Level is a ninth-order, one-star Star Territory Level. During the period of the ‘wing’ injury, it has become a reliable right hand. Now, since I came to this rare Land of Cultivation, is it a waste of waste? It is better to be cheaper than yourself.

The baidu color 蟒 is cultivating here, set as a fish, harvest astonishing.

And Hung Hom is the same as himself. Now that you have reached the peak of the Star Territory Level, you need a little chance to breakthrough.

Entering this treasure land is also a fight.

“Go!” Lin Feng sense went to Baidu Caixi and Hung Hom to feel the joy of a smile.

They are not restricted, they do what they want to do.

Here, very free.

“There are wings…” Lin Feng looked light.

The light flashed between the eyebrows, and a red and green shining flashed in time.

The branches are waving. Lin Feng’s heart is moving, watched the familiar figure in front. Can not help but reveal a smile from the heart.

I have not seen the wing for a long time.

In order to protect himself, the former wing almost died. Later, although the blessings of the evil and the “soul” of the scorpion were combined, they took the fruit of the soul. But the body of the wing broke down because it was destroyed. Need to re-grow, still not fully recovered.

I am very happy to see him now.

He is not only his own contractual spirit, but also a friend, comrade!

“Boss! ~” wing said. “Hey, is this?”

“A natural treasury, there are a lot of natural treasures, and it should be very helpful to you.” Lin Feng said with a slight smile, “How about recovery?”

“bits and pieces.” The wings are very free. “No big problem.”

“En.” Lin Feng nodded.

The aura of the wing is fully capable to sense.

Now it has been completely renewed, although it has not yet recovered completely, but its strength is better than that of Baidu Caiyan and Hung Hom. After all, the “soul” of the cockroach is combined, and the upper limit of the wing is quite high.

Moreover, nowadays it is completely integrated with the hustle and bustle, and the soul of the wing gives it its own feelings –

Quite strong!

Far better than myself.

Although the wing still does not play the “soul” of the strength, it is the soul of the real Starry Sky Expert!

Feel free to chat a few words, very fast wing is leaving.

“Hey…” Lin Feng was slightly scorned.

“Since all come, it is not bad for him.”

Light smile, heart echo, Lin Feng very fast will Lian Long also summoned. Contracted Demon Beast, although far apart, does not have a half-block. For Lian Long, Lin Feng has always felt a bit of a distraction, although it is his own Contracted Demon Beast, but it did not help him too much.

After all, his aptitude and start are far too far compared to the wing.

Even after he returned to the country to help him cultivating, Lian Long is still a step away from the change form.

Lian Long is smart, but neither the upper nor the lower limit is high. However, in this piece of ‘The World’s Land of Cultivation’, it is suitable for his cultivating start. I don’t expect him to be cultivating to Saint Level, but at least as with his loved ones, it is a point to improve. It is not a bad thing to prolong life.

What’s more, aptitude is something really isn’t 10%.

On the same day, I received Qin Rou as a disciple. How do you want to get the little girl’s potential so astonishing?

Maybe Lian Long can give himself a surprise in the future?

Lin Feng smiled lightly, but he didn’t care too much.

Alone Better Together.

Very fast, Lin Feng will be all arranged.

Two Contracted Demon Beast, both of which are self-sense and don’t have to worry about them. Here, they can not only cultivating, but also more eyes, can help themselves detect the entire area, why not?

“I should also look for it and see if there is any way to illuminate ‘Home Star Chart’.” Lin Feng’s eyes are bright.

Since God made himself enter himself, he has its own arrangements!

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