Chapter 17 Breaking 70% St.

Ancient remains of the bandits.

Compared to the first and second checkpoints, the third checkpoint is the most direct!

The first two checkpoints, if you have enough ‘intellectual’, even if you don’t have enough strength, you may pass; but the third checkpoint is a solid test, a comprehensive test for a Martial Artist. As the strongest ‘historic relics’ in the field of miraculous earth, this third test is definitely one of the strongest.

There are four basic components between heaven and earth.

Dao of Time, Dao of Space, Dao of Strength, the way of energy.

The pressure of the third checkpoint is all gathered. Except that the energy is the ‘land of the earth’, Dao of Strength Lin Feng can’t be used now. Dao of Time and Dao of Space are profoundly for Lin Feng. With the bus pupils, it’s perfect now!

Star sky, disorder Dao of Space.

Stars, slow down Dao of Time!

From cultivating to the fourth layer, Lin Feng has already stepped into the comprehend of ‘Dao’.

It has the advantage of being uniquely ‘瞳’, although both the Stars and the Stars are really isn’t battle-fighting eyes, but innate talent and aptitude, there is no difference with other eyelids. Even more because the fusion becomes ‘top grade eyelids’, there are too many eyes in the exceeding!

No matter what!

Comprehend !

Lin Feng, actually in the Shaoguan ‘comprehend’, is simply incredible.

“No?” Gui Wang was a little unbelievable.

“This child is a strong comprehension.” Yan Wang eyes bright, nodded slowly, “if it is comprehend, it is a miracle.”

“It’s just the ancient ruins of this ‘bandits’…”

“Reassured.” Yan Wang faintly said, “The third test is really isn’t a real attack, but… here.” Yan Wang pointed to his own chest, eyes flashed, “go into the deep comprehend state, Lin Feng Nowadays, it is protected by heaven and earth. These pressures will not only harm him, but will also become his catalyst, prompting him to breakthrough.”

“He seems to be a glimpse of 4-layer?” Gui Wang lightly mumble.

As a saint, Gui Wang’s eyesight is not bad, although it is only a video map, but can ‘look’ out.

“Yes. If the breakdown goes to the fifth floor, it is quite good at his age.” Yan Wang said resolutely, “There are even thousands of lovers of the world’s talents, and only 6-layer eyes.”

“Hey, innate talent?” Gui Wang was amazed. “Is the innate talent of Qianshan not passed to her daughter?” paused,said while talking to one self, “Also, daughter is always like mother. It is genetic.” The innate talent of the emperor is not bad. Anyway, special eyelids and special tendons can be used.”

“Really isn’t.” Yan Wang’s eyes are deep. “Thousands of lovers not only have the 6-layer’s eyelids, but also have the 6-layer’s muscles.”

“Just kidding?” Gui Wang stunned. “Special eyelids and special bones coexist?”

“She is a real wizard.” Yan Wang bears his hands, eyes flashed, “with her aptitude. Breakthrough to Saint Level has no difficulty.” A smile, Yan Wang lightly said. “To tell the truth, I really envy Qianshan, and there is such a blue-haired daughter.”

“Who is not envious.” Gui Wang smiled muttered, squinting and wide-eyed, “Wait, she should not?!”

Yan Wang suddenly nodded. “Little girl has a lot of ambitions. She doesn’t just want to break through the Saint Level, but also ‘break 70% St.’!”

Take a deep breath, and the king is silent, shaking his head. “It’s really the younger generations will surpass us in time.”

Yan Wang smiled lightly. Looking straight at Lin Feng, “You are not bad in this future discipline. Although there are quite a few gaps with Qian’s Love King, but looking at this talented newcomer, he is enough to succumb to the thorns, release the heart, orange dreams, etc. The genius of Wang Dao X 2-star is comparable.”

“Also.” Gui Wang chuckled.

The 2-star seat of Wang Dao Shi, mostly in inheritance, is like a sorrowful heart, with a father’s father;

Finding a discipline without a Saint Level master and a good aptitude is not an easy task.

The same is more porridge.

“Tell you a little secret.” Yan Wang seemed to think of something and smiled.


“In the just-concluded tool refining division, Lin Feng won the championship.” In the eyes of Yan Wang, a bright light flashed.

“No!” Gui Wang was completely worried.

Lin Feng, indeed entered the comprehend state.

As Yan Wang said, the pressure of surroundings now becomes a catalyst and stimulates absorption.

Both sides of the blade are different, and Lin Feng, who is caught in a heavy comprehend, is completely in the state of consciousness. The shining of the stars and the stars have long since abandoned their self-state, cultivating and splitting, and the self-state is the fusion of each other.


One is Dao of Time and the other is Dao of Space.

Rarely have can be comprehend at the same time.

However, Lin Feng is doing it now.

Distraction is not too difficult for Lin Feng. What’s more, Star Cangwu and Xingyi belong to different Life Souls, and they can be comprehend ‘Dao’ alone. Yan Wang and Gui Wang ‘see’ are very accurate, Lin Feng is in the impact of 5th layer, but one thing they don’t know…

That is Lin Feng once the breakthrough, not only the 5th layer’s star sky and star, merged with a pair of eyelids, will become top grade eyelids!

The top grade eyelid of the 5th layer is comparable to the first eye of the seventh layer.

Broken 70% St!

Just like the star technique comprehend, the Star Territory Level has reached the limit, innate talent, and the innate talent is the same. However, different star skills, innate talent, innate talent bones have the existence of ‘Dao’, once the breakthrough seven layers, will be self-comprehend ‘sanctified way’.

Direct breakthrough, become a saint!

This is the legendary ‘broken 70% holy’.

But, it’s just a legend.

Time, slowly passing.

Day after day, the rankings on the leaderboard are getting updated.

The Martial Artist who supports Lin Feng is staring at the leaderboard every day, but it is helpless. After experiencing two-stage big fluctuations, Lin Feng stopped again ‘steadyly’. 109000’s score is good, but it is just ‘good’.

Very fast, they are surpassed one by one.

The most awkward is the ‘Thousand Love King’ in the first place, the score has already broken through 200 million!

Astonishing terrifying.

Almost twice as much as the second place of exceeding.

“The ‘superstar’ should be the thousand love kings.” Yan Wang bears his hands and suspends the air.

Surrounded by a fire, it looks like a flaming mountain. The flames of madness envelope everything, and here is where the ‘King of the Kings’ is. The gaze vault of heaven, the astrology is still clearly visible, exactly the same as that seen on that day. A shining superstar, with five battle stars, contains infinite mystery.

“And these five warriors. Now the up-and-coming, the three kings of the 2-star seat of the inheritor.”

“Who is the remaining two?”


Desperate, Yan Wang’s eyes flashed.

In the mind, a figure appeared, and could not help but smiled.

“He should be one of them.”

“Comprehend for so long, and then the month should be about the same.”

Yan Wang nodded slowly and was quite satisfied.

However, the gaze moved away from Starry Sky, but it flashed a bit of worry.

“I don’t know if the master is going to the holy place of the witches. What is important to happen.”

“There has been no such thing as a long time.”

Yan Wang whispered, and the eyes of watched Starry Sky flashed a bit.

In my heart. Always worried.

The Witch, among the three major human races, has the supreme command.

It is not only strength, but also prestige. It leads the three major races of human beings. It is weak and strong twice. It will drag the battle of the Lich that will be defeated into a draw, which shows that the Witch can be tolerated. As the leader of the three major human races. The Witch is very busy, and normally will not be okay to find something to do.

This time the ‘order’ was dispatched. Not only the convening of the twelve Holy Lords, but all the Saint Kings of the ancients gathered together.

It must be a major event of life and death!

And at this time –

Correspondingly, the demon family is on the island of the demon, and it is so lively!

In the blink of an eye, the two-month period is over, and the ‘Commander’ battle of the Third Lich War will begin. This is the major event that the entire Yaozu is most concerned about today. The Commander competition is related to the rise and fall of the entire Yaozu, and will it not attract attention?

The demon family, the Great Supreme Bloodline, the blood tiger family, the demon fox family. The Violent Bear family, the Long Niu family has arrived.

Not only did the dispatched representatives of the party participate, but many of the highly respected ancestors of the family followed, and the rarely-received Saint King Level was not lacking at the moment. Being able to enter the demon island, the weakest is at least the existence of ‘Saint Level’.

Quite out of the ordinary !

“More and more interesting.”

“The third Lich War, tsk tsk, I am excited about it.”


Among the blood tigers, a blood tiger that is not very eye-catching is secretly snickering.

Kui Kun!

No, it is the devil ‘Kui Tu’.

At the peak of the Star Territory Level on the same day, he has already broken into a Saint Level. For the Kui Tu, who was once Saint King Level, the breakthrough sanctification is simple. He has mastered the road to sanctification. Although it only has Soul, it is also easy. to.

Moreover, his accompanying ‘Quequin’, its own aptitude is also out of the ordinary.

If not, he will not be brought to the world by Kui Tianyuan’s ‘exceptional case’.

There isn’t any demon expert know, the promotion of the third Lich battle, the initiator will be this little ‘blood tiger’! As the Wu people do not know, the opening of the third Lich War will be associated with a small human ‘Lin Feng’, which is exactly what is destined.

The entire Battle Spirit World is about to change.

A decisive ‘life and death battle’ is about to start!

Terran, Yaozu, who is ups and downs?

“Boom!!!” The world-shaking bursting sound, slamming on the demon island, the golden light seems to be smashing.

One of Kui Tuo’s heart, complexion, “good terrifying strength”

Looking up, looking at the vault of heaven, it is a red-colored scorpion holding a golden giant stick, a smashing battle suit, and powerful muscles accompanying that pair of fiery red eyes, captivating. The body is under the ground, transmitting terrifying strength, 澎湃battle intent, covering the entire demon island.

At this time, on the star-gazing platform of Taoyuan, the ‘superstar’ of the Yaozu is emitting a ray of light.

It is coming.

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