Finally force

It seems to be the strength that destroys everything.

The cave, which was originally like a landslide, is now avalanche, mudslides, and chaos.

However, is the ancient ruins so easy to destroy?

Lin Feng knows this well, so it is unscrupulous!

“Peng!” Fire of Rebirth and Fire of Devour, the perfect collision, with the demon beast herd as the origin, releasing the astonishing severe explosion. Perfect for controlling the flames, Lin Feng is now able to ‘remote’ with the magnetic explosion, no need to hurt himself.

In fact, these blasting strengths also hurt their own half points.

However, the release of the heart is now in jeopardy, unable to withstand the attack of too severe!

“Go!” Lin Feng drank.

Accompanied by the sound of severe exploding cry, the front opened a path. Lin Feng’s eyes are like starlight, in the mind, the Starry Sky picture is perfect and clear, and the only Star Territory Level 1st rank monster is firmly locked, like a sharp arrow.

One point of aura is also locked in the heart.

Behind him, the shadow immediately followed himself, without hesitation.

very good!

“That’s it!” Lin Feng eyes, like electricity, is completely straight because of the passage opened by the blast, and does not require any dodge. The speed is the ultimate, almost in the blink of an eye is to find the Star Territory Level 1st rank ‘King’ hidden in the deepest!

It was a mouse-like monster, seeing infinite fear in his eyes and rushing to escape.

Smart, but timid.

“I don’t want to go!” Lin Feng eyes bright light radiate all around, the jade is light, “illusion!”

To deal with these strengths of the monster, you do not need to spend a little bit of power, but can not let it escape, who knows how strong it is ‘hidden’ ability.

Once you escape into the tens of thousands of monsters, it is not so easy to find it again.

“Hey!” devour Fireball in an instant. Released with the display of illusion.

boom! ~ Blink will be the monster “King” devour.

And this moment –

“Hey!~” The sound of screaming, madly resounding.

The surrounding monsters have been recovered at this time, looking for that damn starter, very fast is to find!

However, it is too late.

“Sure enough.” Lin Feng eyes shining.

Just at the moment of killing the ‘Commander’ monster, in the deepest part of the cave, the innermost area of ​​the monster is located. An oval gold light transmission gate flashes. Visible in the distance. Lin Feng showed a bright glow in his eyes, and instantly pulled up the release of the heart, running very fast.


Speed, very fast!

Lin Feng’s reaction is even faster!

One second later. I am afraid that the road will be blocked and trapped in the encirclement of the monsters. It will take ten times the skill of the time.

But for now, it’s just right!

“Hey!” “Hey!~!” The flame opened.

At this time, the surrounding beasts of the surroundings still did not form a congregation, and Lin Feng took the release of the heart as a sharp arrow and penetrated the layers to hinder it. The display of the flame is different from the weapon, and does not require any extra movements. It can still launch a powerful attack in the gallop.

Like a fire, rushing to the golden light gate.

Crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood !

Time –

“Hey!~” Lin Feng and release heart. Penetrate the golden light gate. In the circle surrounded by tens of thousands of monsters, disappeared without a shadow.

Only a roaring rogue beast, and an incomparable thorn.


“What the hell is going on?!” The thorns are still a bit of a reaction.

Lin Feng’s actions just happened, but it happened too fast. He only saw Lin Feng attack. Then he broke into the cave and then extended…


“No, it’s a pass.” The thorny eyes are bright, and the look is right.

“After this demon beast herd, there seems to be a similar ‘transmission gate’.”

The thorns react very fast, but the brows are tight.

Now, Lin Feng’s blasting attack has lost its effect, and the front is completely occupied by dense monsters. If you want to pass through the encirclement of this group of monsters, you can enter the deepest. With a clenched fist, the thorns are dark and depressed, but they are helpless.

Although his strength is strong, but if he wants to encircle through this beast, he will have to pay a great price.

Purse one’s lip, squinting and looking to the rear.

Fortunately, there is still one person!

“Call!~” Lin Feng sighed, lightly smiled.

At this time, the release of the heart is also a sweet smile, joyfully said, “Great, finally passed through this monster array, Big Brother Lin, you are amazing!”

“Accidentally only.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded, but his eyes were all around, and he did not give up his vigilance. The situation just now is not dangerous, but it is enough to prove that this ‘ancient ruins’ is really not simple, and it must not be underestimated.

All around is bright and picturesque, with no sense of crisis.

The brilliance flashed, and it was like an underground palace, which was slightly out of place with the outside environment. Surroundings have a light gate shining, I don’t know what it is, Lin Feng’s eyes flashed lightly, and the sense to the rich aura is indulgent, but the beautiful eyes are already beautiful.

“The rich earth aura.” Released the heart and thought slowly, and slowly walked to one of the light gates.

“Oh…” Lin Feng didn’t stop it.

In fact, how to see there is no danger.

Instead, it seems to enter the treasury. The light gate is the gateway to the treasury.

“Big Brother Lin, let me go and see.” The release of Mind is light, but the girl’s temper has been unable to hold the curiosity and excitement in her heart. The figure flashes lightly, leaving a fragrant wind, and the shadow disappears instantly. Lin Feng Not smiling by the smile.

Waiting to keep up, slamming the ground –

Hey! ~light gate shines, disappears as the release of the heart.

“Ah?” Lin Feng snorted, paced, and the surrounding environment stopped and changed. Pā ! Pā ! Pā ! The light gate disappeared, dotted with the colorful colors and rich aura of this rich palace, which was suddenly empty.

In front, there is only one road left, one dark, but I don’t know where to go.

“Hey.” Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully, clear comprehension in his heart.

Just now, nine out of ten is the ‘reward’ that chooses ancient ruins.

Of course, it’s just ‘one person’.

Lin Feng smiles, but it doesn’t matter.

For yourself. It doesn’t matter what kind of reward you can get, the purpose of entering it here –

Just looking for ‘earth element Divine Beast ‘!

“May be rewarded, the expedition of this ancient ruins will be terminated, then I have to pay for it?” Lin Feng smiled, the booth pupils flashed with a slight lustre, like two stars in the night, then entered the pitch-black channel. Among them.

carry on!

After a while.

“pā !” “pā !” two figures. Distressed unbearable appearance.

A gray clothed youth. One dressed in earthen-yellow armor, it is the thorns and the Philippine.

The faces of the two men were relieved, the chest was ups and downs, and the complexion was ugly.

Although you don’t need to kill the special monster. Directly through the golden light gate, you can enter, but they don’t have the same movement technique and control over ‘domain’ as Lin Feng. It is quite good to be able to penetrate the encirclement of the monsters and enter the circle without any injury.

Even Lin Feng, if you don’t use Jinyun, I am afraid it will be difficult to complete.

It is only through the cooperation of the thorns and Fei Yan that they are saddened by this.

“Nobody.” Fei Yan’s voice was deep and his brow was sinking.

“They are afraid that they have taken the first step.” The spine eyes bright, look at the surrounding environment.

“Now it has entered the hinterland of ancient ruins. There are opportunities everywhere.” Fei Yan is ruthless. The experience is extremely rich. “Take the monster array as an example, press the ‘rules’ of the ancient ruins, but when you encounter this very difficult checkpoint, you will get the corresponding reward. And here…”

Fei Yan purse one’s lip, the eyes are unfortunate.

In front of you, you can see at a glance!

Obviously, the reward has disappeared.

At this point, the golden glory here is completely gone, leaving only a long pitch-black channel.

Faintly sighed, two people secretly thought pity.

“Let them get ahead of their heads.”

“Let’s go!” Fei Yan sighed.

The thorns nodded and did not say much, not to mention.

At this moment, even if the two are competing with each other, have no choice to form a small alliance for the time being, mutual benefit and mutual assistance. The relationship between Lin Feng and the relationship between the release and the heart is already very clear. If they are fighting each other, such as stragglers, I am afraid that the competitiveness is too weak!

The situation forced them to unite.

Vermilion Bird.

At this moment, an uproar!

“Look, look!”

“Lin Feng’s score has soared!”

“Too cows, I suddenly rose nearly 10,000 points, and Lin Feng master finally made a force!”


Everyone was very surprised.

For more than a month, Lin Feng’s score has been ranked last.

0 points!

Keeping this ‘magical’ record, everyone from the beginning of the Vermilion Bird Challenge, to the loss, then depressed, helpless, and finally numb. It’s not a day or two, it’s been more than a month, and Lin Feng’s score has never changed.

Remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs , stable when listed in ‘1st place ‘.

Feeling, it seems to be in the cold.

The Martial Artists who bought Lin Feng at the gaming office were all screaming and crying.

This moment, finally broke out!

From the bottom of the valley, once scored nearly 10,000 points, Lin Feng’s ranking directly rose to the middle level, the speed and magnitude of the jump is simply shocking. However, it is also the blessing of the ancient ruins ‘Tuyu’. After all, it is the existence of the number in the ancient ruins. Even if it is only the first checkpoint, it also has a lot of evaluation.

However, it is only a midstream.

After all, other contestants are not idle. Lin Feng is more than a month late. Even if there are more monsters outside the ancient relics, there is no score. There are only three ways to score on the leaderboard, ancient relics, trial halls, and

Ancient forbidden land.

“But it’s nearly a million points, happy.”

“That is, when there is no luck, it is far worse than Fei Yan and Yin San Niang.”

“The distance from 10th place is a few times worse than the one that is in the first place, not to mention the Supernova ‘Thousand Love King’.”


On the leaderboard, the name ‘Qianlianhuang’ is aloof and remote.

The total score is 1.8 million!

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