Chapter XI

Endless seas.

The territory of the demon people is now in full swing.

Commander hegemony, coming soon!

Among the four Imperial Family, the five royal families, and the territory of the twelve guardian demon stars, the representative is being elected at this time. This campaign is the biggest event of the Yaozu. Winning the Commander Championship is not only meant to fight for a big face for your own family, but also to ‘Commander’!

What a glory!

Although it is a temporary Commander, you must know that once you kill the Terran, the Yaozu occupy the entire Battle Spirit World…

Commander, will be worn by the entire Yaozu!

“The ancestor, please, please.” Kui Tianyuan said with a bow.

“Reassured, my Kui Tiangao will be the first expert of the demon family, for my blood tiger family!”


“Father, this battle is the best opportunity for my double-faced lions!” Zong Yong’s booth eyes are as big as a bell.

“Commander’s position, I am sitting down!” A burly figure, more than Zong Yong’s double lion face man standing tall, exuding a domineering.


The four Imperial Family, the five royal families are all trying their best to stand out.

The twelve demon stars with a weaker position are the backwater war, which is the best chance for them to rise! At that time, you may be able to squeeze into the Six Kings, the Five Imperial Family, and even the Commander’s entire Yaozu, of course, provided they must win this ‘Commander Hegemony’.

A very bullish family.

“Hey!” “铮 !!” Giant axe strike fall, avalanche.

It was a burly-like Tauren, ten meters tall and holding a giant axe. The whole body is hairy, naked, and the muscles are so fast that they are about to burst. The arms and thighs are like a pillar of iron and are deeply plunged into the ground. It’s shocking.

“The devil king Senior, the Commander hegemony will please you.” Niu Qing with a thick smile, slowly said.

“Package on me!” The cow demon patted the chest, arrogant.

Can be a demon group Saint King expert, some hit, he is excited.

This is the purpose of his coming to Battle Spirit World!


Macaque family.

“Patriarch, the Great St. is still in seclusion.”

“Hey!” sighed. The demon star ‘Sun Wu’ of the macaque family scratched his head. “This monkey can really pick the time, no left seclusion, I just have no time!”

“Patriarch, do you want to send Great Elder to participate?”

“Fart!” Sun Wu blinked. “We are a monkey family. In addition to the monkey, who is eligible to participate in the ‘Commander hegemony’. He does not go, simply abstained, relying on Great Elder? Better not to worry more, save Lost face is the same as monkey ass!”


The Yaozu is a lively one.

In fact, the Yaozu did not intend to conceal any intention.

On the strategy, calculations, the Yaozu gossip is not half of the Terran. Whether it is the first time or the second time of the Lich battle. The Yaozu is not relying on the head, but the strength and quantity of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. No matter the Saint King Level, Saint Level or Star Territory Level, the Yaozu is far better than the Terran.

Even if the people know what?

Over the years, the Terran has contracted on land. I can’t enter the endless seas at all.

All that can be done is just defense.

It is completely at a disadvantage.

The land of miracles.

As Lin Feng guessed and ‘looked’, it was divided into pieces.

Among them, there are extremely dense water elements, and there are also wood elements. The Fire Element is a strong place, and at this time, Lin Feng is indeed the most densely populated area.

Ancient ruins ‘bandits’.

The cave is like ‘蚌’, which is named after it.

“Call!~” Lin Feng vomited and looked stunned.

From the time I entered myself to the present, it is getting deeper and deeper, and the corpse corpse that I have seen is getting bigger and bigger.

Representing stronger and stronger!

“As I expected, this should be the Star Territory Level eighth!”

“I don’t think that just after entering, I have the Star Territory Level 8th-order monster, the deepest…”

Lin Feng is very anxious.

However, it did not speed up, but it was slow.

The light flashes in the eyes, and the sense is all around, and it is detected everywhere.

For themselves, there is no need to compete with the thorns and Fei Yan. They are not good at strength. Here, at least 20% is added, and XVIIX% is weakened. Anyway, they are not interested in the treasures and treasures of this ancient ruins, and they are worthy of them.

Slowly, you can not only enjoy the benefits of the fisherman, but also save the strength.

I really want to meet ‘earth element Divine Beast’ and I will be able to fight at the best!

A little deeper.

The cave is getting more and more spacious.

From the small hole in the wild before, it is now in all directions, like a labyrinth. The corpse of the Wicked Beast, from the eighth order of the Star Territory Level, has changed to the Star Territory Level ninth order, and even, I have seen a Star Territory Level 妖 的 corpse corpse!

Getting closer and closer to your own goals.

Here, it is like an underground world.

“If you can cultivating here and have such a dense soil element, you should have the results for twice the effort.” Lin Feng said lightly.

“Right, the release of the heart seems to be ‘earth element’.”

“I don’t know if she will come?”

Lin Feng smiled, but suddenly thought of it.

Scorpio, cultivating comprehend is Tu and Dao of Time; while Aries, cultivating comprehend is Tu and Dao of Space.

The two are quite similar.

“With both the Land of Origin and the Land of Origin, I want to come… Fire Element Land of Origin.”

“After you have explored this strange cave, you may wish to find it.”

“Perhaps, what will happen.”

Lin Feng smiled and walked casually.

Although the cave is large and well-connected, it is like a labyrinth, but I am not worried about getting lost.

As long as aura is firmly locked in the ‘stabbing’, he will follow him. With the sense ability, judgment, and geography of the earth elements here, you will choose the best and best channel, and he will be right.

“However, the two judges seem to be somewhat different.” Lin Feng lightly said.

Not long ago, the thorns and Fei Yan have been split, but I do not know whether it is intentional, or the sense has a disagreement.

Of course. It doesn’t matter.

The heart is scornful, Lin Feng is the sense of all around, and the side is freehand. This way, all the monsters have been killed, this child is quick, sly, accurate, and there is no point in the earth element. It is strange.

but. After all, it is the king’s constellation. It is different from the ordinary constellation.

“Tread!” in-between pondered in one’s thought, Lin Feng blinked and stopped.

The front qi flow fluctuates strongly, and it is faintly audible to hear the beasts mixed with fighting sounds. Obviously, I met the monster again.

“The frequency is getting higher and higher.”

“This ‘historic relic’ does not seem to have been explored.”

“Or, the people have not explored so deep.”

Lin Feng is calm and self-conscious, and he has no intention of helping the ‘thorns’.

With his strength, kill these Star Territory Level eight-order, nine-order monsters with no difficulty.

Of course…

“Hey?” Lin Feng was a little surprised.

Instantly feel the qi flow in front, the volatility is more severe, and the astonishing aura is moving towards the depths of the hole.

“This…” Lin Feng was amazed and his brows were slightly twisted.

No reason!

The aura of the thorns has not weakened.

What’s more, with his strength, how could these even the monsters be inconsistent?

although. The number seems to be a bit more.

“Ten. Twenty, forty…” Lin Feng blinked and the sense became stronger. When a fire is shining, it appears in the hands, and the depth of the pitch-black hole seen in the gaze is like a beast. Crazy monsters sprint out, and the forefront is awesome –

靳 thorn!

Sōu! The thorns pass through themselves.

“It turns out.” Lin Feng laughed bitterly.

At that moment, I saw my face on the face of the thorns, calm and calm, with a smile.

Obviously, these monsters are brought to you by his own “intentional”.

Quoted, it is quite a lot.

At the end of the hole, there is at least a hundred heads, and it is sprinting out from the depth of the hole. The weakest, there is Star Territory Level 7th rank; and the strongest, has the strength of Star Territory Level peak; the body is huge, but it absorbs enough soil elements, making the defense become extremely terrifying.

But that’s it.

“Fire of Rebirth!” Lin Feng’s eyes are blooming, not half-conflicted.

The light movement of the body, seemingly tiny movements, but has a mysterious feeling, the fire whistling, illuminate the cave.

Not fighting for yourself does not mean that you are afraid.

“A strong ‘domain’.”

“Without relying on mystery, I have been able to bring the ‘domain’ to such a degree.”

The thorny hands crossed the chest and the eyes were deep pond.

At this point, he is watching the watched Lin Feng battle, as Lin Feng did before.

With the strength of the thorns, Lin Feng aura locked him, how could he not know?

At this time, it is just ‘return’ to Lin Feng.

“This flame defense is more than enough, and the attack is insufficient.”

“Also, his strength here will be weakened a lot. It is not bad to have this might.”

“It’s about the same as I imagined.”

Bolt eyes flashed a bright light, slightly thought.

He has always been curious about the strength of Lin Feng, and now he finally knows.

“Although the combat strength may not be as good as me.”

“But the understanding of the ‘domain’ is above me, my realm is not as good as him.”


The heart is scornful, squinting flickering.

More than a hundred monsters, even half a musk time has not arrived, they will be Lin Feng kill.

Skillful, concise, fast!

“The understanding of ‘killing’ is deep.”

“He should have experienced a lot of battles between life and death before he grows to the point where he is today.”

The praise of Lin Feng is one more level.

“Call!~” sighed and Lin Feng looked away.

The flame in the hand is picked up again, like a ring of fire that illuminates the entire cave.

All the stumps, dead bodies, bloody, disappeared in this piece of fire, the cave is very fast to restore peace. Pā ! When the flame went out, Lin Feng turned and looked at the thorns. The latter saw that the latter was calm, and at this time he was smiling at himself, and he knew what was going on.

Look at each other and smile.

Suddenly ——


Hōng lóng! ! ~

The entire cave suddenly seemed to collapse, and a severe shock!

“This is?!” Lin Feng lit up when he was in the eye.

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