Chapter 6 Killer

? It seems that Lin Feng ‘not good’ eyes, Yan Wang immediately looked.

“Peng!” The heart was slightly shocked, Lin Feng was instantaneously recovered, but it was not affected by the slightest point. He still looked directly at the Yan Wang. Sensing his aura, which is like a sword, let it be like a sword. My heart is moving.

This is strength!

The strength that you are eager to achieve.

Saint Level !

“Sure enough, it is the king of Vermilion Bird, he is much stronger than the “Sage” Sagaro.” Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought, smiled awkwardly.

There is danger from organic, the catastrophe six months ago, although he almost died, but it will be a blessing if he is not dead, comprehend a lot gets a lot, the strength is a big improvement. A year ago, I couldn’t bear the pressure of Sagaro, but now…

In the face of the Yan Wang, who is much stronger than Sakyamuni, he can calmly set it.

I am constantly getting stronger.

It seems that Lin Feng is also very interested. Yan Wang curiously snorted and paused for a second in Lin Feng, but very fast regained his eyes, gaze at everyone, the sound of deep like echoed, “rules remained unchanged. After one year, the channel of the miraculous land will be opened again.”

“Three years later, the Vermilion Bird Challenge officially ended.”

“Put on ‘古盅’, it will record all your activities in the miraculous land, the total score is ranked first, whether or not the breakthrough Saint Level…”

“All will become my inflammation king’s discipline!”

The sound was thundering, and with the voice of Yan Wang falling, the sky seemed to be a torrential rain.

The dense starlight flashed, and the inexhaustible ‘table’ shaped objects in the sky, Lin Feng blinked slightly, and took over the ‘古盅’ that was on top of it, and looked at it and put it on. Although I don’t know what Yan Wang said, it is obviously one of the rules of the ‘Vermilion Bird Challenge’.

“The second and third place. I will accept it as a discipline.”

“The fourth to 10th place, there will be a lot of reward. Of course, if it is taken by other saints, then… Congratulations. Finally, remind you that the king of prison is easy to enter. Want to enter, Become a saint by ancient forbidden land, think twice.”

“Now I am announcing the Vermilion Bird Challenge -“

“Official opening!”

boom! ~ The flare is dazzling, covering the vault of heaven.

As if entering a sea of ​​flames, accompanied by a strong Fire Element blast, the image of the flaming king disappeared, but it was faster to come. Lin Feng’s eyes are light and the chest is slightly ups and downs. Shocked by the strength of Yan Wang, “a very strange movement technique, fast speed!”

I don’t even know how he disappeared.

Yan Wang is indeed the king of Vermilion Bird!

Strength, deep bottomless.

Sōu! sōu! sōu!

A figure, like a sharp arrow, broke out and galloped in all directions.

“There will be a period later, Master Lin Feng.”

“Declared. Master Lin Feng.”

“Good luck!”


Everyone bid farewell, Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Time. The bits and pieces that people walked away, everyone couldn’t wait to start their journey, but Lin Feng’s eyes were clear, but it was not urgent. At least for a year, why should I be eager for a moment, watched everyone. Almost all of them are acting alone. It was just an expert gathering of groups, but now it is like a bird and a beast.

“Weird, why are all acting alone?” Lin Feng is good surprisingly. “Is it more difficult for people?”

“Of course not good. What you can get into the ancient relics is a personal opportunity. The trial hall is only one Martial Artist can enter at any time. More people will reduce the ‘efficiency’ by more than half.” Slowly said.

Lin Feng understands.

Also, the Vermilion Bird Challenge does not focus on teamwork.

“haha, I am leaving, Master Lin Feng.” Lin Feng turned his head and saw Lin Feng’s head screaming and blinking at himself.

“Big Brother, you…” Lin Feng was amazed.

“Reassured, my brother, I know that I will not enter the ‘King of the Kings’.” Lin wars his mouth and pats Lin Feng’s shoulder. “You too, take care.”

“En.” Lin Feng nodded lightly.

Zhilin battle intent, he does not want to drag himself.

The figure of the forest war disappeared slowly, and Lin Feng’s eyes flickered.

Self, really isn’t don’t want to stay in the forest, just…

There is probably a danger!

“I am also gone, Lin Feng, we see the ‘King of the King’.” The release of the heart is lightly smile, not the slightest tension, the feeling is like swimming in the mountains, said while waving one’s hand. In fact, too, to relieve the strength of the heart, there is really no need to worry so much.

The eyes were released, the surroundings were gone, and Lin Feng’s eyes were slightly bright.

In the mind, the righteous father said before the departure…

Always take care!

When I said this, the look of the righteous father was very dignified, really isn’t ordinary, and…

“pā !” Lin Feng took out the paper ball and flashed a sharp point in his eyes.

This is what Nangong Madame gave to his father.

Suddenly opened, watched the above handwriting, but transmitted a different message, Lin Feng eyes bright light radiate all around, brows lightly twisted together, “white clothed? Vermilion Bird continent’s largest underground killer organization…” Lightly mumble, Lin Feng re-read it again.

Confirmed correctly!

Signed, it is Nangong Madam.

“The tool refining division alliance is indeed quite influential, and such secret information can be received.” Lin Feng’s heart is micro-path, but his face is calm.

How do you fear yourself?

Assassination of yourself? The only way to enter this miraculous land is the Star Territory Level expert!

The strongest, but the Star Territory Level, is fully capable of competing with it, not to mention, from childhood to the big self what assassination did not have seen? In this respect, I can be described as experienced. Now I know that some people are unfavorable to themselves and more distracted.

Want to kill yourself?

How can it be so easy?

“It’s right to let Big Brother go ahead first.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

If you are involved in Big Brother because of your own business, then you are not what you want.

“This matter, nine out of ten is related to Lin Biao.” Lin Feng’s eyes are dense, and my heart is very clear.

Hate yourself into the bones, only Lin Biaodi, the last time he killed the flood, destroyed the plot of Lin Biaodi, how can his personality be so simple to give up. He has always been like a snake. No movement, I have already laid inescapable net, waiting for myself.


“He is also one of the contestants.” Lin Feng looked stunned.

Lin Biaodi, who is still not a hundred years old, in other words he has never participated in the Vermilion Bird Challenge, and his strength has already surpassed the Star Territory Level 3rd rank!

So he is qualified. Take part in the Vermilion Bird Challenge.

“If he is also in the land of miracles, then it would be better.”

“Come in, you don’t want to go out again!”

Lin Feng flashed a point in the eyes, and the paper in his hands was turned into ashes.

I will never tolerate rape.

With the crowd, a figure wearing a black cloak is whizzing!

A pair of cold eyes like a wolf, full of severe light.

It’s Lin Biaodi!

“Here, it should not be called every day. It is not called the land.”

“Lin Feng, I see how you die!”

Lin Biao’s eyes flashed a cold killing intent, but it was a hate for Lin Feng.

If it wasn’t Lin Feng, then he might have already sat on the throne of Lin Clan Patriarch. Why should he be as desperate as he is now, crouching for twenty years, laying a seamless game, but losing to Lin Feng. How can he not hate it!

This account, he will never count!

Not dead end!

“Right. It seems that in addition to Lin Feng, Lin Clan and three Martial Artists are also participating, I remember…”

“It seems that there is also the eldest son of Lin Biao’s old fox, who is also star-studded-“

“Lin war big Young Master.”

Lin Biao’s mouth was cold and cold, and he smiled.

Count on your heart.

“The killer wants to assassinate the target, first…”

“To find a place.”

Lin Feng eyes bright. Gazing all around.

Here in all directions, endless, the killer has nowhere to hide, really isn’t a suitable assassination location.

However, at least now people here are gone.

Assassination. Will not be extravagant.

“The second is timing.”

“The timing of the assassination is very important. A good time can make the assassination extremely smooth. Sometimes the target can’t even play the strength of 10%.”

“At the moment, it is not a good time.”

Lin Feng smiled and his status is 100% perfect at the moment.

and many more!

“This ‘land of miracles’ is great, if I leave, the white clothed killer wants to find me, it seems not so easy.” Lin Feng eyes bright clear, a slight glimpse of the heart, slightly some understand. Although I can’t feel it now, I believe that the white clothed killer will hide his whereabouts, and now I am afraid to monitor myself in the dark.

Great possibility!

“It’s amazing.” Lin Feng praised it.

Can make himself close at hand, but can not find his whereabouts, the hidden ability of this killer is not generally strong.

If he is allowed to find a good ‘time’ assassination, maybe he will have a danger.

In this case, it is better than…

“Come out, no one.” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up and slammed.

Surrounding an absolute silence, no one answered, Lin Feng smiled lightly, but it was a random temptation, the corner of his mouth was lightly drawn, and then shouted, “Don’t come out? Then I am waiting for you here.” Stopped talking, Lin Feng immediately closed. Eyes, sitting cross-legged.

Keeping vigilant at all times, it’s better to practice in the land of miracles…

First pull the thorn around you first!

In the distance, a short man’s body is completely hidden into the soil.

White clothed will, 3-star killer ‘coyote’, fly, good at covert assassination.

Perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment, aura is nothing, as the 3-star killer, the coyote has a few brushes, and the assassination of the skill is as clear as fire. I don’t know how many experts die in his silent concealment. One strength can’t play a half.

But Lin Feng’s shouting just made the coyote complexion ugly.

From the perspective of the target’s look and actions, he seems to know the existence of white clothed, and the current ‘danger’ situation!

“Damn!” Coyotes gnashing teeth.

In the heart of the seven up and down, I am uncertain.


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