Chapter III Crisis will come

Endless seas.

Wind sighing and cranes calling.

Everywhere, the aura of the demon violent is everywhere, and it is getting more and more intensified, but only smelling aura is not seen, feeling…

There is a crisis hidden in the dark, it seems to be coming soon!

Monster Island.

Here, it is the land of the demon family.

Thick fog bind, on the demon island, buried with countless demon ancestors. It is precisely because of this, the demon island is not only the taboo of the Yaozu, but also the holy place, is the supreme existence. Whether it is the four Imperial Family, the five royal families, the twelve guardian demon stars, they are not impudent on the demon island.

At this point, the gathering of the demon, the atmosphere is like a suffocation.

The blood tiger family, the fox family, the Violent Bear family, the dragon cow family, the demon four imperial family demon kings are on the seat; Heavenly Dog Clan, the dragon elephant family, the Diamond Ant family, the Five Clawed Golden Dragon Clan, the double-lion lion family The demon kings of the five royal families are in second place, while the twelve guardian demon stars are at the end.

Nineteen demons!

None of them are ‘Saint Level’, all of which are the existence of ‘Saint King Level’.

Here, not only is the strongest force of the Yaozu, but also the power of the Yaozu’s peak. Despite today’s Yaozu, the four emperors have the most discourse power, but the demon family has a lot of branches, attached to the five royal families, and the twelve guardian demon stars are also countless, forming a range of influence.

Normally, they do not interfere with each other, but now…

Gather together and have something to do.

“It’s been a million years since the last battle of the Lich.”

“The development of the three major human races has threatened to increase dramatically. Now it is constantly provoking my demon!”

“Don’t be unhappy!”

Shouted in a deep voice, it is the bloody tiger family’s demon ‘Kui Tianyuan’.

Tiger eye bright light burning, this blood tiger family was deeply attacked, Kui Tianyuan was angered. However, it is beyond tolerance. “I have discussed this matter with the other three emperors. I have unanimously passed. What do you mean?”

The five demon kings and the twelve guardian demon stars were not surprised. In fact, they all knew that the third Lich battle would break out sooner or later. The Terran and the Demon are incompatible with each other, and the two consecutive wars have ended with two defeats. It is necessary to distinguish between winning and losing.

Battle Spirit World, only need a Master!

“I agree!”

“I also agree that the battle with the Terran is inevitable.”

“Oh, these humble ants, it’s time to disappear.”


Consistent praise, no objection.

Especially Heavenly Dog Clan, but also suffered a dark loss, at this time the eyelids are emitting a fierce light.

The Yaozu is naturally warlike, and the two lichs battles have accumulated a sharp hatred. It is not a bad thing for the Terran, it is a natural enemy. The four emperors nodded and were not surprised by this situation. As early as expected, the trouble is…

Who, come to Commander the entire demon?

The branch is huge, and the democrat expert is even more numerous!

Just between the four demons, I am afraid it is not so easy to compromise each other.

The same as the demon. How can you allow your clansman to be controlled by other demons? As for the other royal families, the same is true for the twelve demon stars.

Everyone is Saint King Level. Bloodline strong or weak is already very small.

“This lich battle can no longer be controlled by your four emperors.” The demon king of the five-claw Golden Dragon family said sole solemnly.

“Yes, just because you disagree, the last time the Lich battle, our Yaozu will be like a sand, obviously occupying a good advantage but it is a hand to make people.” The double-lion lion family’s demon king sings.

“Agree.” “I agree!” “Exactly agree”…

A sound of attachment, the five demon kings. The twelve demon stars stand on the same front line, making the four demons complexion ugly.

However, what the demon said is indeed the truth.

Difficult to reach!

The last time the Lich battle, the great situation of the Yaozu was so ruined, and the Commander of the Four Emperors absolutely had to occupy a large part of the responsibility.

“That’s not as good as our 19-year-old Yaozu.” But everyone decided to vote. “The demon lord of the demon fox sings the lips, with a charming aura. The foxes are twinkling, and the most cunning among the four emperors is the fox family.

“Hey…” The demon king, the demon star whispered and talked to each other.

“This method won’t work.”

“Yes, what is the difference between your four emperor alliances? I am afraid that the differences will be even greater!”

“That is, it is difficult to guarantee that everyone will have ulterior motives when they arrive, and they will not work hard.”


Directly vetoed, the demon fox family complex pause ugly, squeaky, “Hey, what do you want?”

“Like the same people, find the only Commander!”

“Yes, before the war, bloody alliances, you must listen to Commander’s orders, there must be no hindrance!”

“That is, in order to condense me and other genius strengths!”


Four emperors look at each other, brows slightly wrinkle.

“The method is good, but who is the Commander who will take it?” The demon of the Dragon Bulls nodded thoughtfully.

“That is, I will see who is coming, will anyone be convinced?” The demon genie’s demon emperor played with pointed fingers, disdainfully said.

“It’s convincing if you are not convinced!” The demon king of the double-faced lion family drank, “I’m the best of Zongyong, who can win me, I will serve who is Commander!”

“That’s good!” The demon king of the Golden Claw Golden Dragon smiled. “We are the most powerful of the Yaozu. It is better to do this. Two months later, we will hold a ‘Commander Championship’ here. Whoever has the strongest strength will be his Come to Commander, how do you see it?”

Hey! ~ 霎 caused a whisper.

But very fast, the voice of approval is the sound of one after another, the demon is all eyes open.

“I agree!”

“I agree.”

“This proposal is very good!”

“Quite fair!”


The five demon kings, the majority of the twelve demon stars are in agreement.

The rest of the unrepresented, but can not find the objection, the Yaozu, has always been the strength of the supremacy.

“Well, I agree.” The Violent Bear, one of the four demons, finally spoke.

“I have no opinion.” The blood tiger family’s demon emperor ‘Kui Tianyuan’ nodded and said.

The two big sisters I saw were all agreeing that although the demon fox family of the demon fox family was changing, it also knew that there was no objection.

“That’s the decision.” The demon king of the Longniu family immediately got up and looked bright. “Two months later, the strength is divided into chapters, and the blood is the winner of the commander. If anyone then opposes it. It will be regarded as Demon traitor!”

“Good!” The demon screamed.

In the Vermilion Bird environment, the atmosphere is lively.

Vermilion Bird Challenge is about to start!

Nearly 20,000 Star Territory Level experts from the nine counties of Vermilion Bird are gathering together, including 9000 people who entered the preliminaries, and nearly 10,000 real Star Territory Level experts who are not required to participate in the preliminaries. A small part of it has reached the peak of the Star Territory Level.

Of course, the nature of the race is not pure strength.

If not, how can the nine thousand Martial Artists who passed the preliminaries compete with those of the Star Territory Level Martial Artist.

Except for a limited number of people, the rest are not at all.

“take care point, Big Brother Lin.” Lin Yu’s eyes flashed a bit of worry.

“Reassured, I will definitely come back safely.” Lin Feng slightly smile, said softly, “I will return after I am here. I will take thousands of them, and then we will go back to the country of hunting.”

“En.” Lin Yu ink light, a small face flushed.

Lin Feng’s words, the meaning is already very clear.


“tch 啧, you love me, 羡煞 羡煞 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林. Lin war blinked at Lin Feng. “I said my brother. Good means, we have chased our first beauty in Shilu County, and how many Young Master brothers broke heart.”

“Just take me out, I found a sister-in-law.” Lin Zhan shook his head, looking helpless.

When I was stunned, Yu Mo smiled and the atmosphere was harmonious.

“You brat. Just manage your own affairs!” Lin Biao slammed his finger on the door of Lin Zhan’s head. “Lin Feng’s business, I am still a father, I don’t care, when will I get you!”

“Hey!” Lin Zhan slammed his head and pretended to mourn.

“Go on the side.” Lin Biao brows lightly and waved. Watched Lin Feng said resolutely, “The Vermilion Bird Challenge is very dangerous. Nangong Madam let me tell you.” He said, grabbing Lin Feng’s hand, Lin Biao made a color. “You must take care.” “”

“Hey?” Lin Feng eyes flashed and felt a paper ball in his hand.

Nangong Madam?

“I know, righteous father.” Lin Feng nodded, slightly smiled.

I understand in my heart that there seems to be something Lin Biao does not want to be in the face of Yumo, lest she worry.

“Do not worry, hey, I will protect Brother Lin.” Lin war patted the chest, loud.

“You?” Lin Biao squinted at the forest war. “Don’t drag your hind legs and burn incense and worship Buddha.” Said, lightly sighed, Lin Biao looked at Lin Feng, lightly said, “Lin Feng, if you can, help me watch Let’s not let him have an accident.”

“I will.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Even if the righteous father does not say, he will not let the forest war happen.

Because he really treats himself as a ‘brother’, he is frank and has no movement.

Before, I also helped myself a lot.

When people enter a foot, I will enter.

Laughter and Lin Biao and Lin Yumo bid farewell, Lin Feng and Lin war together to leave.

Passing through a passage and a transmission gate, the light flashed sharply and suddenly entered a ‘mysterious land’.

“Good spiritual qi!” Lin Feng said lightly.

“Wow, a lot of people!” Lin Zhan was surprisedly said.

Indeed, number of people is quite a lot.

Lin Feng eyes Hey, look forward.

At this time, thousands of people have gathered together, and both have the existence of the Star Territory Level, and many of them have the strength of the Star Territory Level. The chest was slightly ups and downs, and Lin Feng was looking forward in the moment, suddenly seeing a gray clothed youth, so familiar!

“Is he?!” Lin Feng eyes lit up.

Although his appearance is vague, but he recognizes his aura, there will never be a mistake!

The strength aura that makes your heart move!

Not a regular Star Territory Level expert.

At this time, the gray clothed youth smiled and the figure disappeared.

Lin Feng’s gaze, almost instantaneously, gray clothed youth appeared in front of himself.

“Hello, you are not a county.” Gray clothed youth stretched out his right hand.

“Lin Feng’ of Shiro County.” Lin Feng reached out.

Both eyes look at each other, flashing a bit of luster.

Very strong opponent!

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