Chapter 24 has no choice

“Hey!~” a voice of exclamation.

The appearance of Lin Feng is like a sunny Heavenly Thunder, and the original quiet atmosphere is activated.

The noise is one after another, as if it came to the market. Before the people waiting for the Nangong Madame, they suddenly became active, and they danced and talked.

鈥淚 thought that Master Lin Feng couldn鈥檛 get back.鈥?/p>

“Yeah, I didn’t know what happened, Master Lin Feng suddenly left.”

“There must be something to be done, but it is a waste of an hour. If you take advantage of the strength of Lin Feng, you may be able to catch up with Nangong Madam.”

“Just kidding, which one can catch up, the difference is 2005 points!”


Surroundings are full of excitement.

If the game is boring, and now Lin Feng returns, all the supporters in the crowd will spear and fight, and no one will show weakness.

And Lin Feng…

S艒u! Just pause for a moment, it is into the cube space.

Time is tight!

There are only less than half an hour left.

For Lin Feng, every minute and every second is wasted.

鈥淗ey!~鈥?The white light shines, Lin Feng instantly enters this familiar area, and there is no moment to stop, and Yunyun step quickly spreads out. In the mind, the forty materials of the refining ‘Fengyi Tianxiang’ are clearly emerging, including the location of each material!

It is like a piece of Starry Sky, dotted with stars.


“the second.”

“The third!”

Lin Feng’s eyes stunned, and he took three materials in an instant, and his mouth twitched with a faint smile.

Good start!

The more complete the material, the higher the power of the refining.

鈥淗ey?鈥?Wang Shi鈥檚 eyes lit up.

“This child seems to be ready.” Ouyang said nodded and said.

“Take the material with the slightest hesitation, as fast as the wind, this time he seems to be fully prepared.” Wang Shi smiled lightly. But I didn’t care too much, just just curiosity. For him, the champion of this tool refining division competition, in fact, has no suspense.

In fact, everyone thinks this way.

Nangong Madam, will win no doubt.

but. Wang Shi but also good Qi Lin Feng will refine what.

“Stop it.” Ouyang said that his eyes were burning.

After taking seven pieces of material, I saw that Lin Feng finally stopped, and Ouyang was thoughtful.

“If I am not mistaken, little brat wants to refine… it should be the third-order star treasure ‘Fengyi Tianxiang’.” Wang Shi lightly said that he has deep research, experience and experience. Tool refining can be compared to the teacher.

“Fengyi Tianxiang?” Ouyang Kuo was slightly surprised. “Although it is a three-dimensional star treasure of the prefecture, it is rumored that the refining difficulty is more of a six-star treasure!”

鈥淵es.鈥?Wang Shi nodded and said, 鈥淔engyi Tianxiang鈥檚 refining. Not only does it require material and tool refining technology, but more importantly, the flame requirements of the tool refining division are also extremely high, so there is very little tool refining. It is too much trouble for the division to choose to refine this kind of star treasure.”

Ouyang Kuo has said with a smile, “Mingzhishan has a tiger, preferring Hushan.”

“Not necessarily.” Wang Shi vision are bright, “There is a weak advantage. Although Feng Yi Tian Xiang requires extremely high flame, but as long as the flame is strong enough, its grade is easier to upgrade. Little brat may know this, so it is I want to win in the middle of the game with the help of a bonfire might.”

“It turns out that.” Ouyang Shuo nodded.

Vision gaze towards Lin Feng, I feel a bit admired, the more I look at it.

At a young age, you have these tool refining techniques. It is even more thoughtful, and it is really a good talent for 1st grade.

However, how can Lin Feng know so much.

For the understanding of Xingbao, he is not as deep as Wang Shi, and he knows about ‘Fengyi Tianxiang’. It is only limited to the comprehend of the constellation. As for tool refining technology, flames, etc., how can these be considered in his scope, right now…

Being able to find all the materials is a great gift for Lin Feng.

Twenty-five, twenty-eight, thirty!

Lin Feng’s eyes are shining, the speed is galloping, and the heart is full of slight joy.

The material is more complete than I imagined!

“It is strange that this material is not much less than before an hour.”

“Do they not need materials?”

Lin Feng is very curious, but I don’t know that most of the tool refining divisions at this moment have long been poor and can’t refine.

The lack of a material is okay, missing four, how to refine six materials? Instead of wasting time to fight so many opportunities without one in ten thousand, it would be better to lose this person and end the refining. Anyway, the second place and 10th place, what is the difference?

They are all people with heads and faces, like Pang will grab the material and so on.

How can it help them?

At this moment, in addition to Ouyang Master and Pang Hui are still in the process of refining, the rest of the people, including Wang Bo, are concentrated on the refining of gaze Nangong Madam, and they do not move. Being able to watch the refining of Namam Madam up close is a rare opportunity for them to learn.

The stronger the strength, the deeper the experience, the more benefits.

There is no end to learning, and the first is the first. The people will not be obstructed by the youngness of Nangong Madam.

Therefore, Lin Feng is cheaper.

If not, each tool refining division has enough two hundred materials. At the moment, Lin Feng is missing at least five or six materials, instead of just two, just like now! These two kinds are completely replaceable materials, which is not difficult for Lin Feng at the moment.

“Yiju, can be replaced with pear daisy, the impact is very small.”

“Hulun jade, you can use green plum jade instead, it is also harmless.”


“Call!~” Lin Feng gave a sigh of relief.

The last thirty-seventh material was taken by the right hand and was declared complete.

Together with the original ‘鐨撻噾’, ‘榛勯捕’ and ‘magnetic ring stone’, forty kinds of materials are almost complete!

P膩 ! The figure flashed and Lin Feng appeared again at the venue.

Surrounded by the moment, Lin Feng eyes flashed, and everyone in Lin Clan was there. I suddenly saw the feathers with a fresh smile, and my heart was warm. Gently nodded to Yumo, indicating that she did not have to worry, Lin Feng immediately raised his head and looked at the Heavenly Screen.

At this point, the last hourglass has begun to leak sand. But this is also in the sight of Lin Feng.

Where the eyes are gathered, it is the ranking!

The first Nangong Madam!

鈥?555 points?!鈥?Lin Feng was amazed and his eyes flickered.

“2005 points higher than me.”

“Even if I get a full score on the seventh floor of the Campfire ladder, I still have to lose 5 points.”

Lin Feng very fast is the calculation, the brow is slightly wrinkled.

Turning his head, his eyes fell to the eighth floor of the campfire ladder. At this time, the Nam Palace’s Madame complexion is reddish, and the body surroundingss the light severe flashing, which is meticulously refining. It seems that although it is tired, the spirit of Nangong Madame is extremely concentrated, and it is not affected at all.

very serious!

“The eighth layer, five times the coefficient.”

“If I want to win, there is only one possibility.”

Lin Feng said in his heart, the eyelids flashed, and very fast made a decision.

The final refining. I have to go to the eighth floor!

There is no choice.

鈥淗ey?鈥?Ouyang鈥檚 booth eyes are bright.

“Sure enough, the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger.” Wang Shi said with a smile, “There is no fear of the final pursuit of Ouyang Master. This child has only Nangong Madam, very good! A tool refining division must have this spirit of dare to challenge. although鈥︹€?#8221;

“The results may not be satisfactory.” Wang Shi nodded and smiled slightly.

Lin Feng’s performance has made him very satisfied in all aspects.

“That’s not necessarily, maybe this child can still create a miracle?” Ouyang Shuai played with with a smile.

“I don’t want to be like this.” Wang Shi shrugged indifferently. “But this possibility, I am afraid that there is no chance of even one in ten thousand. The reason why Nangong Madam can withstand the bonfire on the eighth floor is because there is a guardian of the first heavenly treasure, but Lin Feng is born in Lin Clan. How can it be? Is there such a treat?”

鈥淩eally, equivalent to the flame of Saint Level, how can the Star Territory Level survive?鈥?Ouyang enclosed lightly sigh.

Can you afford it?

“Hey!~” Lin Feng eyes shines brightly.

Just stepped into the eighth floor of the campfire ladder. The bonfire is crazy to attack yourself.

Almost instantly, the Fire of Rebirth will pick up!


“Well, the bonfire strength is too strong!” Lin Feng complexion.

Really set foot on this eighth layer, only to know how terrifying the bonfire might be, ten times stronger than the seventh layer. Every inch of flame seems to have life strength in general. Like a snake, open a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, bite to yourself.

Fire of Rebirth’s defense is strong, it has reached five stars, but this bonfire might

Too terrifying!

“Supply speed, can’t keep up with the speed of consumption.” Lin Feng brows.

“Let’s go down and talk about tool refining. Even staying on the eighth floor is a problem. Even with a stronger Fire of Devour, you might be able to withstand a while, but…”

“In the refining of nearly half an hour, Fire of Devour can’t resist it!”

Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth , complexion is pale.

Plan can’t keep up with the changes!

However, there is no way to retreat.

Once the eighth floor of the campfire ladder was left, the tool refining division was announced.

This really isn’t the result you want!

It is to lose, but also to lose the converted to, not to fight without defeat!

“There is only one way left.” Lin Feng looked deep and shone out shining bright light.

“Come out, red!”

Along with the big loud yell of Lin Feng, a red light suddenly appeared in the red, the red dragonfly with the astonishing flame aura, the thin as the flaps of the scales like a blade cut, screaming out. The huge body exudes a burning fire, instantly rolling up the body, forming a solid wall, guarding Lin Feng!

“Hey!~” The fire is dazzling, and the red dragonfly is awkward.

Star Territory Level The peak of the fire scales snake!

On the constitution, he is much stronger than Lin Feng, and the resistance to flame is not comparable to Lin Feng!

The fire is strong, the red dragonfly resists the mad attack of the eighth layer of bonfire, and the time makes Lin Feng quiet. The surroundings Fire Element’s burst is very strong, and there are sporadic bonfires from the ground, but these are against Lin Feng. It鈥檚 already nothing.

“Please, you are red.” Lin Feng blinked, said softly.

P膩 ! Lin Feng clenched the fists and opened them, and the flames instantly violently spits out.

The final refining, start!


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