Chapter 21—Double Flame Refining

“Fire of Devour !” Lin Feng eyes Instantly stunned.

No way to retreat, anyway, it is a failure, then use Fire of Devour for the final attempt!

Since you can’t change the gold, you can’t replace the gilt gold, then change the flame and change the most fundamental existence! The lack of explosive power, the lack of intense ‘character’, can be found in the Fire of Devour, which is completely different from the existence of Fire of Rebirth.

Known by Duo Duo as a flame that can’t be tool refining!

However, only this last resort is left.

“Fusion!” Lin Feng pupils deep, drink.

As soon as the Fire of Devour of Six Stars appeared, it was like a time to do everything.

More terrifying than sheet metal, more powerful than the Fire of Rebirth, the Fire of Devour is strong enough to put the sword embryo and the sword body devour! Lin Feng burning like eyes, the ultimate control of the Fire of Devour, reaching the point of the most central point, the sword embryo, the blade body, the sheet metal completely blended together.

Just an instant, it is done!

Flame control, very strong!

“It is!”

“Really merged!”

Lin Feng eyes, but I can’t believe it.

But the truth is in front of you!

“Very good!” Lin Feng was overjoyed, and the Fire of Devour was smashed.

For another moment, the sword embryo and the sword body will probably be devour, and the Fire of Devour is not the material that can withstand these materials. At the same time, the coolant ‘Huang Wei’ and the Fire of Rebirth instantly picked up and perfectly wrapped the three different kinds of existence.

Feeling, very warm.

This is the flame of true tool refining.

The familiar touched heart, Lin Feng eyes shining bright.

“Peng!~” The crisp sound of the cracking sound rang through the campfire ladder, causing the surroundings to exclaim.

“What?!” Nangong Madam heard the sound of turning around, and the beautiful eyes were incredible.

She clearly saw that Lin Feng was powerless. Refining failed. But just in an instant, did he actually complete the refining?

How to do it? !

Chest continues to fluctuate, and Rao is always calm and calm, and the Nangong Madam also feels unstoppable. Watched The clear and astronomical astrology on the bonfire ladder is a grade worse than the star that she just upgraded, but the clarity and vitality transmitted through the astrology. No proof

This is a successful refining.

Top grade grade !

Really isn’t she had previously expected the high grade grade.

“What happened now?”

“I seem to see a terrifying flame set off, then…”

“Lin Feng master completed the refining.”

“real or fake?”


There is a lot of discussion, and everyone whispers a non-stop.

Suddenly, another miracle is born!

The speaker is unintentional, the listener is interested, the South Palace Madam beautiful eyes suddenly light up, “Double flame refining? It turns out so… no wonder.” If you nod, look at Lin Feng. Nangong Madam has more curious in his eyes, but he is more and more unable to understand this thing.

Double flame refining…

This tool refining division is a skill that exists in the legend.

“It was completed.” Wang Shi lightly mumble.

“Double flame refining, this child is really not allowed.” Ouyang is a while while not believing.

“I was the first to see this legendary ‘tool refining technique’, it was an eye-opener!” Wang Shi eyes shining, squatting with a smile.

“Too wonderful.” Ouyang Kui lamented.

Really wonderful!

Unbeatable and wonderful.

Just listening to the surrounding voices of everyone, you can know how sensational there is at this moment.

Although it is not as good as the ‘miracle’ just made by Namam Madam, it is only slightly worse. Completely compare other contestants. There is no doubt that after the tool refining division competition. Lin Feng’s name, Lin Clan’s name is thunder!

At this moment, Lin Clan everyone has long laughed and closed their mouths.

In particular, Lin Biao, even more excited and stunned, provoked surrounding people to pay attention to.

But he does not care, happy!

Too happy!

“Too long face!” Lin Biao said while loudly laughing.

“Brother Lin is really hidden. haha.” Lin Zhan said, “Go out later, report the name of Lin Feng master, who will not let me three points, hehe.”

Lin Yan swayed the long beard. I nodded and was very satisfied.

The result was completely unexpected.

Lin Yu ink’s face exudes a moving luster, and the flawless face is filled with a beautiful smile, and Lin Feng feels happy and proud. Looking at my sweetheart’s success, that feeling is more satisfying than her own victory.

775 points!

The score is quite high.

Although the Ssangyong sword is only a heavyweight, it is impossible to say that it is never higher than the 700 score, but Wang Shi still gives a fairly high score.

Just for a ‘miracle’, double flame refining!

The only tool refining technique.

Watched Lin Feng’s score, the rest of the participants complexion is extremely ugly. First, 1960 of Nangong Madame is divided into aloof and remote, and then Lin Feng 1550 is ranked second. They can’t even win the second place. It can be said that the pressure is great.

And then

“Call! ~” After several hard work, Ouyang Master finally completed the refining.

Although several materials are missing, Star Treasure is still fortunate in the 6th layer.

Master Ouyang’s tool refining technology is indeed a good ability to replace the main material with other materials in the delicate Star Treasure refining, which is a very strong ability in itself.

However, when I saw the scores of Nangong Madam and Lin Feng, Ouyang Master was green. Two high scores above 1500 score overwhelming everything, and his 560 scores seem so glaring, they can’t be compared at all, and they are completely matched.

Not to mention that compared with Nangong Madam, it is a thousand points worse than Lin Feng!

He, is there still a chance to surpass it?

Ghost smiled and shook his head, Ouyang master could not help but sigh.

A mountain in front of you has not yet climbed, and there are huge waves behind him, completely drowning him.

Really sigh!

“Namong Madam!”

“Lin Feng Master!”

“Namong Madam!~”


Surrounded by cheers and cheers, the finals were almost halfway through, and the best and the worse gradually surfaced.

With the exception of Nangong Madam and Lin Feng, the rest of the crowd has no competition for the championship. Regardless of Wang Bian’s also good, Ouyang Masters has all but withdrawn from the ranks of the title. The first refining is crucial because it is the most complete material, and the second and third, we have to pick the rest. Undoubtedly hard to add.

After seeing Lin Feng complete the refining, Nangong Madam did not stop and directly began the second round of refining.

Her refining progress is a little faster than Lin Feng, and she has already picked up the second round of materials. Can win the championship of the 9th tool refining division competition, Nangong Madam is not only far superior to everyone’s strength, but also quite stable, dripping, and this is exactly the ‘trait’ that an excellent tool refining division must possess.

Still the seventh floor of the campfire ladder!

Nangong Madam. Did not launch an impact on the eighth floor.

In fact, she doesn’t need it either.

“Very smart.” Wang Shi nodded.

“Really, the pressure is completely given to Lin Feng.” Ouyang Kuo praised, “The strength of the Nangong Palace is as long as the top grade grade is refining this time, and Lin Feng has to refine the perfect grade to have hope. Easily said than done.”

“To win, Lin Feng only enters the eighth floor of the campfire ladder. Five times the coefficient.” Wang Shi gently shook his head, “but the eighth layer of bonfire. It is comparable to the flame of Saint Level, it is difficult to resist.”

“Even if Lin Feng succeeds in the eighth layer refining, Nangong Madam can enter the eighth round of the third round of refining.” Ouyang is stunned, slowly said, “stable and steady, step by step. It seems that Nangong Madam to this tool The winner of the refining division competition is a must.”

“En.” Wang Shi nodded. “The gap in the first round of 410 points, Lin Feng is hard to catch up, and Nangong Madam is too stable.”

Ouyang is a place with a smile. “President, in fact, will we be too demanding for this child? He is just the first time to participate.”

“I forgot, haha.” Wang Shi smiled. “It is true that the first time you can get this result, tsk tsk, this child is really not. In time, the name Lin Feng is probably louder than Nangong Madam. Higher achievement!”

“I also think.” Ouyang said nod.

They smiled at each other and they were in a good mood.

Vermilion Bird’s tool refining division alliance, talented people, and growing.

As the president of the league and Vice President, Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo are naturally happy.

At the moment, other contestants are not so good.

Nangong Madam and Lin Feng are like two mountains, they can’t breathe.

Regardless of Wang Bian also good, Ouyang Master is also good, and they chose the seventh layer of the campfire ladder for the second round of refining. burn one’s boats! In fact, they have no choice to do this, lost to Nangong Madam, they are convinced, but to lose to Lin Feng…

They are 10,000 unwilling!

I don’t know where the newcomers are coming out. If you let him step on the top of his head, what will happen to him?

A piece of fighting spirit is high.

Despite the difficulties, the people did not give up their intentions.

The battle is fierce!

Lin Feng obviously didn’t know that he would cause everyone to be ‘battle intent’. In fact, there is no reason at all. Lin Feng did not enter the cube space again. At this time, he was standing outside the cube space, and his eyes were like a stone sculpture.

“Lin Feng master what happened?”

“Yeah, Master Lin Feng hasn’t thought about refining anything?”

“It should be, the bits and pieces that the material has taken now, it seems that it is difficult to make a set.”

“But I believe that Master Lin Feng must be fine!”


Everyone is talking and talking.

I am very confident in Lin Feng, they have already been conquered by Lin Feng.

Speak with strength!

At this time, Lin Feng eyes, such as the dawn of the stars, the remaining material in the cube space in front of gaze, in the mind seems to lay a piece of Starry Sky, the remaining materials into one. The flashing of both pupils, unforgettable, Lin Feng deeply remembered.


“Hey!~” Lin Feng flashed and disappeared into the venue.

The crowd widened their eyes and looked awkward.

No way?

Lin Feng, are you gone?

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