Chapter 17 Plan can’t keep up with change

Just like a thunder!

In an instant, in the exclamation of the crowd, the ten figures flew out quickly.

The cube space is not too far away and can only be reached in an instant. The final round of the final round is exactly as Wang Shi said, quite fair, but always has a speed, an instant gap is unparalleled, even if it is only a little faster, have a huge advantage!

“Hey!” The cube space flashes, everyone’s eyes are shining.

Lin Feng !

It is Lin Feng!

When other tool refining divisions were more than half the distance from the cube, Lin Feng stood out as if a cheetah entered it. Like the lightning thundercloud, the speed of the electric, Lin Feng’s speed surprised people, shocked.


“motherfucker, what speed is this?”

“Lin Feng master is too perverted, and the South Territory of the Star Territory Level is a few times far away!”


The same is the peak of the Star Territory Level, but the gap is huge.

More than a few times!

If it starts at full speed, Lin Feng is enough to make everyone’s shadows. But the distance is very short, and it can be very exclusive. Lin Feng relies on terrifying explosive power. After entering the cube space, the speed cannot be fully exploded. After all, really isn’t straight.

“The first one, the coolant ‘Huang Wei’!” Lin Feng eyes is bright, although among the thirty-seven refining materials, Astragalus is really isn’t the closest, but it is the most precious!

Two commonly used coolants, Astragalus membranaceus is one of them. It is named after its shape resembling squid. When Xingbao refining and shaping, coolant is an indispensable existence. Although the price of jaundice in Jiuzhou is not expensive, in the current rules, it is worth a million dollars!

Pā ! Lin Feng took Huang Hao, the Starry Sky figure in the mind. Construct a second ‘main star’.

“Intermediary metal, sheet metal.” Lin Feng is like a phantom, the footsteps are even stepped and moved, but in the rapid direction of change, like a teleport, the direction of the gold. The speed of the terrifying movement technique caused an exclamation. Everyone around the audience has big eyes!

“Fast speed.” Wang Shi eyes 炯炯.

“This child Martial Artist is very strong.” Ouyang Shuo said resolutely.

“It’s unbelievable, it can balance tool refining and strength, this child will certainly have a promising future.” Wang Shi lamented.

“The president said very much.” Ouyang said nod.

“Sure enough.” Gray clothed youth gaze, exudes a thick battle intent.

“Under Saint Level, I have mastered mystery, and indeed comprehension is not cheap.” White Bearded Old Man is quite appreciated.

“Old Hu, do you think he is strong or strong?” Gray clothed youth asked awkwardly.

White Bearded Old Man smiled. “Young Master is modest. This child is strong but still inferior to Young Master. With the strength of Young Master, there is no fear of facing the Holy One. Looking at the entire human world, Young Master is definitely one of the strongest stars in the Star Territory Level!”

“One of them, old Hu.” Gray clothed youth indifferently said, eyes 炯炯.

“This…” White Bearded Old Man’s mouth is slightly **, “I don’t mean this, Young Master should not misunderstand.”

Lightly smile, gray clothed youth slowly said. “There is always a human beyond a human. There are people outside the sky. This is what I often say.”

“Yes, I mean that.” White Bearded Old Man even nodded.

“This Vermilion Bird Challenge is really not simple, Lin Feng…” Gray clothed youth eyes flashing, lightly mumble the name, light smile. “I am afraid he is also the human world, one of the strongest stars in the Star Territory Level.”

“No?” White Bearded Old Man said blankly, “How do you know, 靳Young Master?”

Gray clothed youth said with a faint smile , “intuition.”

“Great!” Lin Yumo beautiful eyes flashed lightly. The crisp chest is slightly ups and downs.

very nervous!

At the moment she is more nervous than Lin Feng.

In fact, not only her, Lin Biao also good, Lin Yan or not, this time stretched his face, staring at the cube space. As Lin Feng obtained the coolant ‘Yellow’, the intermediate metal ‘golden’, the second tool refining division was also entered.

Really isn’t Nangong Madam, not a master of Ouyang!

It is the Wangfu ‘Wang Bo’.

His speed, although far less than Lin Feng, is among the best in the crowd.

Without hesitation, Lin Feng took the coolant ‘Huang Wei’ and he saw it. He went straight to another commonly used coolant, ‘Green Sand’. In the back of Wang thin, Ouyang master, Cheng Jin, Bai Yunfei and others all complexion.

Losing coolant is equal to losing 1st grade!

Most of the Star Treasures are inseparable from the two commonly used coolants, ‘Huang Wei’ and ‘Green Sha’. Although they are inconspicuous, they are indispensable.

Only the Nangong Madam and Ouyang masters have not changed, and the two seem to have expected.

Despite their strength, they are really the best, but on tool refining technology –

In the presence, no one can get two people.

Among the ten people, the bottom is not someone else, it is Pang Hui!

Complexion is extremely ugly, although Pang will do his best, but his strength and tool refining technology is completely different. As a Ponzi family, Patriarch should focus on tool refining and take care of the whole family. Even if there are three heads, Pang will have no time to cultivating.

Like Lin Yan, his strength is very weak.

For the tool refining division, strength is not the most important, but at the moment…

But it is very restrictive.


“It’s too late.”

Pang will brow his head and feel unwilling.

Hey! Entering the cube space is the last one.

I saw Lin Feng take the lead. At this time, I took a total of seven pieces of materials, including Astragalus, Sheet Metal, Magnetic Ring Stone, etc., which are quite ‘precious’ materials, and Pang will be very reluctant. Other people can’t control it, but Lin Feng is part of Lin Clan, the most direct competitor of the Ponzi family!

How can he make Lin Feng specialize in the past.

“The crocodile stabilizes zinc, coal shovel, jade jade, this is…”

“Rolling shuttle?”

Pang will shine on the eyes, no stranger.

In fact, he is proficient in many Star Treasure refining, not to mention the fact that Lin Clan is in a state of competition all the year round. He knows Lin Biao’s hand-rolling shuttle.

“very smart.”

“Knowing to get ‘precious’ materials first, then those are much simpler.”

Pang will flash a bright light in his eyes, and his mouth will be slightly raised. “But I am sorry, even if I don’t be righteous, I have to do it once.”

“Even if it fails. I will pull you into the water!”

“Never let you Lin Clan get out of the limelight!”

Sōu! Pang will disappear and disappear.

“The nineteenth, arrogant silver.”

“The twentieth, rain.”

“The twenty-first, the heart of the campfire.”


Lin Feng eyes 炯炯, such as starlight 璀璨.

The clouds move and the figure changes like a teleport. One by one, the material falls into the hands, and it is completely effortless.

Common precious materials, I have already gotten the first.

These materials are then “unprecedented”.

Yes, no one will grab it with himself.


It’s just ‘should’.

“Hey!~” Lin Feng appeared, lightly mumble, “The twenty-second, worship the whistle.”

In the mind’s Starry Sky map, it is now a total of twenty-one main stars. Almost halfway through, only the last sixteen!

However, the right hand crossed a curve but caught an empty one.

“What?!” Lin Feng yelled.

In the right place, he did not find the existence of ‘Bei Shishi’.

“Impossible!” Lin Feng eyes bright, looking around, the chest ups and downs, “It’s right here. But where did the dew stone go?”

I have no reason to remember it!

One hundred percent here. But how come?

Betty stone, really isn’t jaundice, sheet metal, magnetic ring stone and other excellent materials, it is reasonable to say that it is rarely used, in a short time. There is no reason to be taken away.

“Looking for this?” The pleasant voice rang in the back, and Lin Feng’s pupil suddenly turned on.

Suddenly turned around, I saw a familiar face, holding a faintly discernable smile, holding a small stone in my hand. But this is a small stone that is inconspicuous. It is a completely indispensable existence of the refining ‘rolling shuttle’!

Betty stone!


“I’m furious!”

“Pang will be a bastard, it’s shameless!”

Lin Biao’s people yelled, and what kind of image they still care about, Lin Yumo, such a good temper, bite his lips, very angry.

Because Pang will be deliberate!

Other people are not clear, but Lin Biao has seen it with his own eyes. Pang will take nothing and go straight to the inconspicuous existence of ‘Bei Shishi’. Then, it was a blissful wait for Lin Feng to arrive, preparing to degenerate Lin Feng and attacking his morale.

“Hey!~” Lin Yan sighed, “There is a loss.”

“This is bad old man!” Lin’s gnashing teeth, “Grandma’s, find a chance to see me not beat him!”

“This is troublesome.” Lin Biao closed his eyes and shook his head.

As far as he knows, in addition to the ‘rolling shuttle’, Lin Feng is completely ignorant!

“I knew that he would teach him several kinds of star treasures.” Lin Biao clenched his fists and felt regret.

But is it useful now?


“Hahahaha !~”

In the crowd, a man in a black cloak laughed and laughed.

Hidden in the black cloak that ugly face, laughing forward and leaning back, feeling refreshed.

It is Lin Biaodi.

“good, very good!”

“Pang will be this old man is really bad enough.”

“Jade is burning, this Lin Feng, this brat still doesn’t eat!”

“Too interesting, haha!”

Of course, Lin Feng was not as furious as everyone expected.

In fact, watched Pang will, Lin Feng did not have a slight wave of heart, although a little disappointing, but…

This is the worst plan.

Lin smiled indifferently, and Lin Feng disappeared suddenly, and there was no half-point communication with Pang. Leaving Pang will hold the beetle stone, stupid like a stone sculpture, and there are many surrounds in the ear. The sound of many Martial Artists is disdainful, but the old face is white and white.

Although he pulled Lin Feng into the water, but now he was in full view, he apparently lost his face.

It is the loss of people.

At this time, Lin Feng was also disrupted by the plan.

“Bei Shishi…”

“What can replace it?”

Lin Feng’s brows tightened and closed the eyes, showing the position and function of all the materials in the brain.

The heart is very calm, things have happened, and instead of anger, it is better to think about there is no remedy.


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