Chapter 8 Master Lin Feng

Deep shock!

Everyone, witnessed the birth of ‘miracle’.

Lin Clan is all stunned. Although they saw Lin Feng successfully refining once in the video map, how can it be confused with this time? Although it can be recorded to the perfect grade refining, it is already a worldly rare have, but the site is refining the ‘perfect grade’, it is absolutely unique.

Even the Nangong Madam has never been there!

Beautiful eyes Gently flickering, Nanmiao Madam watched Lin Feng’s gaze, with a bit of appreciation, Ouyang master smiled and clapped his hands, the bright light in his eyes flashed. Tool refining Division of the whispering non-stop, especially Vice President ‘Ouyang’s nod to nod and criticize.

“The president is really good, this child’s future is sure to be bright.” Ouyang is convinced.

The ability to refine the perfect grade of the Star Treasure, even if it is only a lucky one, is enough to prove the strength of the tool refining division.

Wang Shi’s eyes are light and say with a smile. “The future? Not necessarily.”

“Hey?” Ouyang bracketed startled, and the brows were clustered. “What is the president’s explanation?”

Wang Shi gaze Lin Feng, right way, “Without the future, this child now, has faintly caught up with my three major tools refining the family’s pace.” Turned to look at Ouyang Kuo, Wang Shi smiled lightly, “Vice President knows this child What is the representative work on the board?”

Ouyang Kuo still felt a bit shocked and did not respond. “What is it?”

In the eyes of Wang Shi, bright light 粼粼, “The same is… the perfect grade of the ‘rolling curtain shuttle’.”

“What?!” Ouyang is completely dumbfounded.

In fact, there is more than one person.

All Martial Artist. At this point, they were shocked by the picture in front of them.

This tool refining division contest, almost gathered the entire Vermilion Bird continent’s prestigious tool refining division, many people have not been able to refine even a ‘perfect grade’ star treasure, but not to mention the existence of the level. It is even more than a thousand.

However, at the moment, you are only 20 years old and you are doing it.

What kind of astonishing!

There is no doubt that even Lin Feng’s ‘death’ tool refining division competition is enough to make him famous for Vermilion Bird.

“who is he?”

“That is the fellow that was just late, what is it?”

“What the fellow, people called Lin Feng, Master Lin Feng! But people can refine the top grade star treasure of perfect grade!”

“Lin Clan, Shiro County, yes, is the tool refining division family where Master Lin Yan is! Fast, please inform Patriarch. Ready to visit now!”


Everyone has a voice of discussion. Many ‘smart people’ have begun to deploy.

Lin Feng is still not famous. But there is no doubt that the future will become Vermillion Bird’s prestigious tool refining division, and now deal with it. Please, the effect is much better than in the future. At this time, Lin Clan, including Lin Biao, has been surrounded and flattered.

After all, Lin Clan is not a small name, and the level of tool refining is only a few hundred people in the entire Vermilion Bird continent.

Surprise, happiness is too sudden, Lin Clan everyone is completely laughing at this time.

It’s just one person who gets it, and the dog grows up.

but. For Lin Feng, it was just a normal play.

“The improvement of Fire of Rebirth, the progress of self-state, the success rate is much higher.” Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Before, I was not 100% sure that I could refine the ‘Asian Perfect’ grade of the roller blind, but this year’s progress is not small, despite the uncertainty of the ‘bonfire’, it still ‘Normal’ play.

Just, it’s just normal.

But it is enough.

“The first round of refining, the top grade grade score interval, between 800-999; high grade grade, between 600-799, clearly.”

“As I expected, the score for ‘perfect’ grade should be between 1000-1200.”

Lin Feng is lightly said, looking at flickering.

Although I have a real grade in this refining, it should only be considered as ‘sub-perfect’. It is an increase of Fire of Rebirth by top grade grade, which is a high 1st grade.

However, tool refining does not pay attention to the process, the result is the ultimate.

In terms of quality, my own refining is indeed called –


“I am the third finish, the additional score is ’98 points’, count the scores of the masterpiece…”

“It should be around 2200. It is impossible to enter the second round, but at least the ranking will not be too bad. It is not a shame to Lin Clan.”

Lin Feng smiles lightly and has no burden.

Whether or not to advance to the second round is not true for yourself.

As long as you don’t lose face to the family, it is.


“I don’t know how to make feathers and refining.”

Lin Feng is no longer worried about the refining that has been completed.

He turned his head and fell on the feathers. The little girl was concentrating on refining, the flames were constantly sprayed, and the beautiful eyes flashed.

“Yu Mo really does not improve.”

“It seems that the previous trap did not work for her.”

Lin Feng smiled and nodded. I guessed it myself.

Although the age of Yu Mo is not big, but it is clever and clever, the training from childhood makes her state of mind very mature.

This point, I admire her very much.

“Yu Mo is the best at refining, and it really is a star treasure.”

“The first round was barely refining the ‘high grade grade’ star, but this turn…”

“As long as you master the final step, it is even possible…”

“Complete ‘top grade grade ‘?!”

Lin Feng is also incredible.

Feather is not the same as herself. She doesn’t have a tool refining innate talent like her, but…

But with the comprehension and hard training, I reached this point.

It’s really hard.

“Yumu took 601 points in the first round, and 800 points in the second round…” Lin Feng blinked lightly, revealing a smile.

Feather ink, it is very likely to enter the top 30, so enter the second round!

Because of the bonfire, the second round is more difficult than the first round. The average score is generally around 100 points.

Adding a layer of ‘trap’ to the special rules that were previously issued, the average score may be lowered again! As long as the second round of feathers can get 800 points or more, 100% can enter the second round because of the three points statistics. The score of the masterpiece is one of the most difficult to pull the gap!

“Come on, feathery!”

“You must do it!!”

Lin Feng clenched his right fist and felt a little nervous.

It was a feeling that was completely absent when I was refining myself.

The refining of the second round is going on.

After Lin Feng, the second echelon rushed to complete the refining.

Including Lin Yan and Pang Hui, with their strength, trifling ‘traps’ will naturally have no effect. The eyes of the finished people are all concentrated on Lin Feng, curiously looking, including Pang Hui is also the eyes bright. Watched Lin Feng with a glimpse of color.

He is a Ponzi family. Pang Yan is also a rare genius. But compared with Lin Feng, it is the difference between fireflies and the moon.

Even, a coup is not even a little girl!

Pang will also be a glimpse of Yumo at this time. Including Yan Yan, it is extremely concerned!

Although the progress of Yumo, I am afraid that even the third echelon is worse than 1st grade, but the quality of the refining her Star Treasure is even better!

“It’s ‘bonfire’.”

“Very smart, I used the ‘bonfire’ to improve the quality of tool refining.”

Lin Feng was appreciative.

Using the Phoenix fire yourself is a ‘passive’.

But Yumo, but the initiative to apply ‘bonfire’, which does not even belong to her flame, the difficulty is better than their own. However, Lin Feng did not know that Yu Mo could use the ‘bonfire’. It is because of the influence and inspiration of ‘Fire of Rebirth’.

If you see more, you will understand.

And at this time –

As the refining of the third echelon is completed, a new wave of failures has once again emerged.

The newly-issued rule traps affect not only a few tool refining divisions, but the last step, but the last step of tool refining is the most complicated and most dangerous, a little bit of detail, a little bit of change, It is possible to change the results of the final refining.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The sound of the cracking sounds one after another, but it does not attract the surroundings.

Most of the astrology is just a clear outline, and many of them are ambiguous, mostly high grade grade and medium grade.

Top grade grade ?

In the 2nd layer of the campfire ladder, it is too difficult to refine!

Only less than ten tool refining divisions have been refined into top grade grades.

Now, one more!

“Boom!~” A clear round of the moon appears, with a golden colored glow, and time to attract everyone’s attention. Each stripe, the looming glare in the moon, is clearly visible, although some are not perfect enough, but it is indeed –

The star of the top grade grade.

Everyone was shocked again and again, and Pang would have a complicated ugly complex, Lin Yan lightly caressing the long beard, with a sincere smile, very satisfied.

“Congratulations, Yumo.” Lin Feng smiled and gave a thumbs up.

At least, 800’s points are already available, and there is almost no suspense in the second round of feathers.

Although I can’t enter, I am sincerely happy for Yumo. Because I know that Yumo is a Martial Artist, but her favorite is tool refining, and she wants to be a tool refining teacher. This can be seen from the last drop of the Vermilion Bird Challenge.

If you change yourself, even if you don’t, you will definitely try your best.

However, personality determines fate, and everyone has their own choices. It is good or bad.

“Many thanks you, Big Brother Lin.” Lin Yu ink smiled, like a flower blooming, attracting surrounds the young Martial Artist both eyes straight.

“Thank you?” Lin Feng is a bit unclear.

“Yeah, thanks to you.” Lin Yumo smiled and blinked.

Lin Feng just wanted to speak, Lin Yan was laughing and walking.

“Well, you guys don’t push it, they are all together and do what they want.” Lin Yan smiled, and made the face red, adding a bit of feminine color, said while playfully pouting, “Master!” However, it was aroused that Lin Yan and Lin Feng laughed and were in a good mood.

There is a lot of discussion in the surroundings, and Lin Biao is like a myriad of stars surrounding the moon.

In the second round, Lin Clan is a showcase.

Very fast ——

The tool refining division completed the refining one by one.

Although there are as many as 19 losers, there are still 81 tool refining divisions.

At this point, everyone looked at the Heavenly Screen big screen, the screen calmed, waiting for the second round of the score.

“Hey!~” Heavenly Screen has a big screen and it shines.


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