Chapter 31—The Great Change of the Yaozu

Although unexpected, Lin Feng did not care too much.

With the strength of the Devil’s Senior, wherever you go, Battle Spirit World has a lot of experts, but Saint King Level…

That is the strongest presence under Starry Sky Expert!

What can be feared?

“How long have I been in a coma, 盂Senior?” Lin Feng asked, knowing that his family was safe, and the big stone hanging in his heart was put down, his face rested with a smile. For yourself, the safety of the family, the existence of the country of hunting, this is the first major event.

Now that the catastrophe has passed, there is no need to worry.

“Eighty-seven days.” The scales were carrying their hands, but they smiled lightly.

“It’s been so long…” Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought, eyes flashing.

As if I knew what Lin Feng thought, the scales were with a slight smile. “Because of the Saint Level expert’s full strength strike, plus the amount of physical strength before returning to Heavenly Martial Continent, it only woke up in just eighty-seven days. Quite good, the average Star Territory Level expert has to rest for at least a few decades.”

Lin Feng hearing this can’t help but smile.

Your body’s resilience is indeed astonishing.

Pā ! Pā ! He grasped his fists and Lin Feng eyes flashed.

My strength has not fully recovered, but now I am waking up, but it does not mean that the body is already getting better. After all, the ‘trauma’ left three months ago is really too heavy. To be fully recovered, really isn’t a moment.

However, it is worth it!

“And not the end of the ‘Holocaust’.”

“This time and the ‘Saint Level ‘expert’s life and death contest, I will know a lot.”

“These are the most valuable experiences.”

Lin Feng secretly thought, feeling a bit of a hilarious.

This battle with the bloody tiger family Saint Level expert can be said to have benefited a lot.

No matter which side!

Especially the understanding of ‘Saint Level’ is now much clearer.

What can be more realistic than the positive battle, comprehend more thorough?

This time, I can say that it is a big disaster, and there must be a blessing.

“Let’s take a rest again, wait for the body to recover, then go back, Lin Feng.” The scales smiled and nodded. The one-angle light flashes lightly.

Lin Feng is warm in his heart, knowing that the scales are good for himself.

If the old injury does not add new injuries, it is not a good thing for your body.

After all, to return to Battle Spirit World, you have to ‘borrow’ the strength of the scales, and the price is not small.

“En.” Lin Feng nodded with a smile. “In any case, the country of hunting is safe now. It doesn’t matter if you go back later.” Paused. Lin Feng’s eyes flashed. “Not to mention, I think… The cultivating effect here is better than Heavenly Martial Continent. In three months, my strength should be able to bring it up a level.”

“That’s natural.” 盂 嘎嘎 嘎嘎said with a smile, “I will be able to practice you.”

Lin Feng blinks, said with a slight smile, “I can’t ask for it.”

“haha!~” I laughed.

Lin Feng stayed in the thousand snakes.

There is only one last three months in a year, so you must take good care of it and maximize ‘efficiency’!

In the Thousand Snake Caves, there are friends and opponents of the ‘St.’ level, and the progress is naturally great. Under the introduction of the scales. Lin Feng very fast has met many new friends, including the four-handed gnome ‘Auntie’, and other experts of the Star Territory Level.

In addition, the Star Wars can also absorb Star Force for free, and there are a lot of star fruits left by the men.

It can be said that Lin Feng’s strength is steadily increasing every moment.

The country of hunting is also calm. The reconstruction work after the robbery and the strengthening of Martial Artist bloodline are proceeding in an orderly manner, day after day, and the results are extremely fast. However, at this time, Battle Spirit World is undercurrent rushing forth, especially the Yaozu, which has undergone tremendous changes.

Blood Shadow Island.

One of the four giant islands of the Yaozu. The ‘blood tiger’ family that lives in the four emperors of the Yaozu is famous.

“What did you hear about the second child? The ‘barbaric family’ of the twelve guardian demon stars has been quite crazy recently.” He spoke of a tall man with thick eyebrows and black hair. Carrying a set of silk clothed Chinese clothes with both hands on the back, it looks extremely expensive, and at a glance it is known.

Blood tiger family ‘First Prince’, Kui Yuanba.

“I also heard that the second brother, the bulls out of the air, said that the existence of a ‘bull devil’, and looking for an expert to fight.” dashing eyebrows big eyes, such as the face of a blade, it is a youth man, eyes Burning and shining, Third Prince, Kui Yuanzhang.

“When I heard that, it became a reality.” A handsome man smiled and said, with a smile like a spring breeze, Second Prince ‘Kui Yuanrang’ sounded lightly. “There have been two famous Seniors defeated in this cow.” Under the devil’s giant axe, the name is lost.”

“Really?” Kui Yuanba startedled.

“It’s true.” Kui Yuan let his eyes narrowly blink. “One of them is the Violent Bear family who is also the four emperors with us…”

“Xiong!” Kui Yuan’s voice slammed down.

“What?!” Kui Yuan and Kui Yuanba look at each other in dismay, straightforward and unbelievable, Kui Yuanba condensed his eyebrows, “When the bulls have such terrifying clansman, they are silent, even Violent The bears of the Bear family can be defeated, but the Saint King Level exists.”

“I don’t know.” Kui Yuan asked to shrug. “At the moment, he should go to the fox family to challenge. I can’t say… I won’t be long before I will come to the Shadow Island.”

“It was so belligerent.” Kui Yuan’s gaze stunned. “And the monkey is a virtue.”

“Hey, first of all, the macaque family, and then the bulls, it is really strange.” Kui Yuanzhang depressed, “the brightest bloodline is the strongest of our demon four Imperial Family, but the second time after the war of the Lich is the talent wither On the contrary, it is the twelve guardian demon stars, and the expert is born.”

Three Brothers helplessly, it is sigh.

“Well, no matter what, the macaque family is also good, the barbarian family is also the backbone of our Yaozu strong.” Kui Yuanba said sole solemnly, a tiger eyes burning and light, “I am curious, father suddenly came to us, It seems that something has happened.”

Kui Yuan and No. 0 Kuiyuan nodded and felt the same.

At this time –

In the distance, a coronal terrifying aura, blasted.

With the powerful momentum of heaven’s, at the main entrance of the palace, a Kuiwei robust man in a gold armor strode, a pair of bloody booth eyes flashing, and the golden ‘King’ word on the forehead pays attention. His arrival, let the whole palace in a blink of time a neat sound of ‘shuā shuā’.

The blood tigers standing on both sides of the guards squatted on one knee to show their loyal admiration.

The scene is extremely spectacular.

With such power, it is the ‘Sovereign’ of the blood tiger family, the super-existence of the Saint King Level, the blood tiger king ‘Kui Tianyuan’.

“father.” Kui Yuan Ba ​​San Brother is respectful.

“En.” Deep like the voice, deep into the heart and lungs, Kui Tianyuan crossed the Kuiyuan Pa three Brother, the big hand waved ‘peng’ to sit on the throne, with deep bloody glow, Kui Tianyuan said sole solemnly , “Can you know what happened?”

Kui Yuan and Kui Yuan looked at the long brother Kui Yuanba, the latter looks right, “father, whether it is because of the bulls…”

“Stupid!” Kuitian’s blood is cold, the big hand is remake, and the palace is like an earthquake. “Whoever cares about these trivial things, you know that your little uncle is now dead!”

“Ah?!” Kui Yuanba three eyes wide open, can not believe.

Uncle ‘Que’, is dead?

“No,” Kui Yuanqi said.

“Who is so bold, even my blood tigers dare to move?” Kui Yuan tightened his brow.

“Little uncle… is it dead?” Kui Yuanba is still unbelievable. He is bohemous bloody glow, and he screams, “father, which kills the blade, I have to avenge the little uncle!” Among them, the best relationship with Kuitun is the First Prince ‘Kui Yuanba’, which now hears bad news, body tremors, cold limbs.

“It’s not just your uncle who is dead.” Quetta’s blood light is all around, gnashing teeth, “along with thousands of blood tigers and experts, and killed at the same time! Except for Kuikun’s serious injury, all other bones No deposit, means extremely ruthless.”

“Is it…” Kui Yuan made the tiger eye big.

The entire Battle Spirit World, with the greatest hatred of the Yaozu, has the power to kill thousands of blood tigers expert, ready to go.

“Women, there are people!” Kui Tianyuan tiger eye stunned, with a deep killing intent, “Well, the scars forgot the pain, dare to go deep into the demon’s hinterland, really treat my demon like nothing.”

“father you…” Kui Yuan Paches ups and downs, breathing slightly.

“Yuanba, Yuan let, Yuan Zhen listen to orders!” Kuitian far drunk.

Kui Yuanba, Kui Yuanrang and Kui Yuanzhen suddenly squatted on the knee, complexion, and the ‘King’ word on the forehead burned.

“Blood tiger family, the whole family prepares for war!” Kuitian stood up and stood up, and the momentum was huge, and the tiger eye swept over. “When I discuss with the other three emperors, I will lead the army and go out to level the three major human races!” Hong Liang, shocked the entire hall, Kui Tian far away, the momentum puff like.

Leaving Kui Yuanba three people, the eyes are full of startled, but more is the deep excitement.

The third Lich War is about to open!

Blood Shadow Island, the morale is high, and the group is full of excitement.

The blood tiger family expert is trying its best to defend the Imperial Family bloodline and dignity.

Especially now that I heard the upcoming battle with the Witch, it is even more exciting. After a long silence, I have been bent on it for a long time, and finally I can show my talent and decide the true belonging of Battle Spirit World!

Only a blood tiger is different.

Kui Kun, no, it should be said that ‘Kui Tu’.

“Good to die.”

“haha, it’s really good to die.”

“I didn’t expect it to be so easy. I was prepared for so long. I didn’t expect it to be successful once.”

Kui Tuo mouth corners, cold said with a smile, “blood tiger emperor? Generation generation generation, sitting in the throne is always some ‘stupid’ expert.” 鄙 而 laugh, Kui Tu boss eyes deep, “tch 啧, The third Lich War, I am excited to think of it, kill it, the more fierce the kill, the better!”

“Women, Terran, and Yaozu, none of them are good things.”

“The more you die, the better!”

Kui Tuyu laughed and was very angry.

It’s just a stone that stirs up a thousand waves, no one can think of it, because ‘he’ makes Battle Spirit World calm for a long time…

Will boil again!

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