Finally Come

Chapter 836

Chapter 838 Shining Things [gogo! come on! 】

Chapter VIII Shining Things [gogo! come on! 】

Little Aaliyah was still immersed in the phantom just now, as if she hadn’t heard Long Key’s dialogue.

Long Yao was taken aback for a moment, and then he thought that the other party was unwilling. It seemed that he was going to make some aggressive short hands. He slapped Alia’s head with a heavy slap. With this shot, Long Key used a little bit of force. Little Aaliyah’s dragon head was slapped directly on the ground, causing her painful tears to come out.

“What…why…it hurts…” The eyes on Arya’s dragon’s head almost squeezed out tears.

“Little Arya, it seems that you don’t want to be a mount anymore. Then I will give you advice on your battle as a predecessor. You must know that the resistance of the Black Dragon clan is very important. It must have been smooth sailing before looking at you. Haven’t experienced any beating experience?”

Long Yao’s eyes were bent, smiling, looking at the black dragon in front of him with a strange expression.

Little Aaliyah nodded subconsciously, and then shook her head suddenly. The huge black dragon body was frightened and stepped back step by step. Although Aaliyah was cute and natural, she also knew that the person in front of him… Oh no, it’s Dragon, maybe she will be beaten..

“No… don’t bully Aaliyah… Aaliyah is willing to be the owner’s mount… Don’t bully Aaliyah…”

When did the poor little Arya meet such a shameless person, she has always bullied others, and when she has been bullied, she will definitely cry without image in a while.

Long Yao also knew this. It is estimated that Aaliyah wanted to transform herself for a long time. Long Yao couldn’t imagine the scene of a 100-meter black dragon crying in front of her, although Long Yao knew that it was a Loli dragon.

Just take it when you see it, just because in this world he needs a manager like a messenger. In this world, Aaliyah is obviously the best choice.

“Well… the master just scared you.”

Long Key waved his hand, and a dragon contract appeared from his hand. The golden light flashed towards Aaliyah’s dragon head, and then a golden mark appeared on Aaliyah’s forehead, which represented her and Dragon Key. the relationship between.

This contract contains a lot of things. In addition to the connection and restriction with the dragon key, there is also the power to strengthen the origin of the Arya Black Dragon. In addition, there are some special advanced ancient dragon language magic.

After he left this world, Long Key placed Aaliyah in a safe place, set up an enchantment, and waited for thousands of Ten Thousand Years before Aaliyah was transformed.

“Can it be made smaller?” Long Yao felt really inconvenient looking at this 100-meter-sized body.

“Yeah…” Aaliyah nodded, and her 100-meter-sized body finally became more than ten centimeters in size. She got into a piece of Long Key’s clothes and stuck her head against Long Key’s bottom. Bundle.

“Alia.” “What’s wrong? Master?”

“As a black dragon, you can’t be as timid and fearful as you.” Long Key thought of Arya’s behavior before.

“Where?! Aaliyah has killed a lot of things and snatched a lot of shiny things.” Aaliyah was a little unconvinced.

“Something shiny? Is it, where is it?” Long Key’s eyes lit up. After he became a dragon body, he was usually fine. Now he feels that he also has more shiny things that he didn’t have before. interest.


Soon, Long Key entered a cave, and the corners of Long Key’s mouth began to twitch…

Almost the entire cave is thousands of meters times gold, silver and various jewels piled into a mountain, just like the cave of the dragon in the hobbit. How many things did this Loli dragon rob? And this Loli dragon? In comparison, it seems that my desire in this respect does not seem to be like a black dragon at all, but Long Key has the treasure of Old Man Odin, which is a treasure palace with a length of tens of thousands of meters and a height of thousands of meters.

“Those ants are really hateful. I just took some of them. Those idiots get some dragon-slaying warriors every time. They don’t work. They can’t survive a mouthful of dragon flames, and they can’t even use a second bite. !” Little Aaliyah waved the dragon’s claws on Long Key’s shoulder. The pocket version of the little black dragon is still very cute.

Long Yao’s face turned black. Gold and silver in this world are everything. For a country, military strength is a necessary condition for the stability of the ruling power. If you take away those people, I won’t fight you hard, and I don’t know how many countries Little Alia has robbed. Treasury, those countries are probably destroyed by hostile countries because of these..

However, looking at this number, it is estimated that even the hostile countries have been robbed. Now everyone is on the same starting line, and the dragons are really kind.

After thinking about it for a long time, Long Yao came up with a very strange logic.

“By the way, do you mean the dragon slaying warriors? Do you still have news about them?” Long Key thought for a while, maybe he could use the identity of those idiots to enter those kingdoms and make the world upside down, and get more shining. s things.”No, I haven’t seen those idiots for hundreds of years. The last time I went out to get things was more than a hundred years ago, but the last few times I got things went well. I used to run into the palace. , The gold can be seen across the city gate a few times ago.”

That’s because you scared others, so you don’t dare to have any dragon-slaying warriors at all! Hello!

Moreover, those princes and nobles already fully understand the nature of this Loli dragon, knowing that this product is only interested in treasures, in order to prevent death of personnel from damage to the city gate and palace, they should all spend money to avoid disaster!

“By the way.. These things, Arya, you are still young, and it is not safe to put them here. The master will keep them for you.”

These shining things looked at Dragon Key’s eyes dizzy for a while, and finally found a reason to activate the space ability. The entire Treasure Hill disappeared, and these Treasure Hill were placed in the Dragon Key Treasure Palace. Qi Long Key’s collection is only one-tenth of a million. You must know that Long Key’s treasure palace and even the floor tiles are made of gold, silver and diamonds.

Seeing that all the gold and silver in front of him disappeared suddenly, Little Aaliyah was taken aback for a moment, and then the doll yelled on Long Yao’s shoulder, her tears flowing like a flood, her claws grasping Long Yao’s clothes and her eyes watery. Holding the dragon key: “No…no! These are Arya’s…Aaliyah can protect them…the master grabs Aaliyah’s things from bad to good, and returns them to Aaliyah…”

Looking at Aaliyah who was crying, it was naturally impossible for Long Key to take out what he had. First, he took out a colorful jewelry that constantly changed colors and shook it in front of Aaliyah’s eyes. All of a sudden, Aaliyah Was attracted.

Although this treasure is considered a peerless treasure and very beautiful, there are still many in his treasure palace.

Long Yao moved to the left, and Aaliyah’s neck also shifted to the left. With a sway to the right, Aaliyah’s head also moved to the right, and the bad thoughts in Long Yao’s heart suddenly came up again.

With the continuous shaking of the Dragon Key, finally Aaliyah’s head began to flash with gold stars.

“Hohohoho~Want to do it?” Long Yao smiled hoho.

“Think…” Aaliyah swallowed.

The dragon key was thrown to the little black dragon. Aaliyah grabbed the two small claws and took the dragon key back. She raised her head and stared at the dragon key blankly and said, “Master, this can be given to Ai. Liya?”

Even the cute and natural Arya knew that the value of this bead was much better than the treasure she had received before.

“What’s this? Show you something.”

With a wave of Long Key’s hands, the sight of the treasure palace in the space appeared in front of Aaliyah, her eyes brightened, because the inside was so gorgeous, everything, bricks and pillars, even the flowers and plants of the huge grassland outside the palace. The trees are made of gold, silver and diamond jewels, and she also saw her previous treasure placed in a corner.

Compared to the hills of his own, it is totally less than one ten thousandth of Long Key.

“Do you want to live in?” Long Yao knew that this place had an irresistible attraction to all dragons.

“But… okay?” Aaliyah looked inside stupidly, her eyes dizzy with stars.

“Of course, when you are transformed, the master will pick you up and live in. Aaliyah didn’t think that the master was coveting your treasures just now, did she?” Long Yao was very proud and raised his head forty-five degrees with the attitude of a great master. .

“Hmm…” Aaliyah lowered her head in shame.

“Master, I’m not that kind of dragon.” Long Key increasingly felt that this little black dragon was too interesting.

“Aaliyah wronged the master, the master treated Aaliyah best, gave Aaliya beads and let Aaliya live in the treasure palace, loves the master the most!” Aaliyah shook her wings and flew to the shoulder of Dragon Key Up, rubbing Long Yao’s face intimately.

“Okay! Let’s go!” “Hmm!”

Seeing little Aaliyah look happy and innocent, Long Yao laughed darkly in his heart.

Little Aaliyah, you are still too naive. Of course all pets belong to the owner, and of course mine belongs to the owner.

I have to say that although Little Aaliyah has a cute and stupid character, this is only for Long Key, and it is probably a normal character for other people, because I probably know that she is a little cute and afraid of being deceived, so just feel a little bit stupid. Nothing is right, it will definitely be a mouthful of dragon flame going down and burning to death, you won’t give you a chance to explain it at all.

Even if… you are really right and really friendly…

Because the body of the black dragon is a bit huge, the dragon key tries to make Aaliyah fly as high as possible. In this era, there are no satellites and the like. As long as the height is high enough and blocked by clouds, it is invisible at all. Even if you see it, it is just a black spot. That’s it.

As for Dragon Key and Black Dragon, their eyesight is not comparable to that of ordinary people, and they can clearly see everything on the ground.

In this way, the cute little black dragon Arya and the black-bellied master Long Key are ready to go to the Carpathian Mountains for the next adventure…

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