Finally Come

Chapter 815

Chapter 817 Wings of the Second Middle School [gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 817 Two Wings [gogo! come on! 】

“It’s different from DC and Marvel. This time, it’s really gone. This feeling is really strange. Goodbye, where I started.”

“Open the door of the void.”

Finally, I glanced at Hokage’s world. The flowers, plants and trees here seemed to sense that the dragon key, the lord of the world, was about to leave, and they made sad voices. When the dragon key reached an individual, the jade of the two eyes began to turn. , The whole Hokage world seemed to be still, and finally the whole world began to twist, slowly twisting into Long Key’s body.

Long Yao glanced at the weird void gate in front of him, and finally stepped into it safely.

Void, a weird, twisted and mysterious place, no matter if I have been there or not, at least in Long Key’s current memory, I set foot in this place for the first time.

“This is the void? What the hell is this feeling of being provoked by lust, sure enough…Is it really a demon? The epoch records clearly say that the void is a place that makes people crazy desperate and distorted, but I actually feel that the pressure is being released… and, the strength has risen instead of falling?”

Before setting foot in the void, no matter how nice others said, Long Key still had a trace of jealousy about this place. After he really came here, Long Key finally understood why the demons would rather stay in the void one by one than they would. Enter the era.

This feeling is really refreshing.

It’s like a wealthy lover enters a world full of gold, silver and jewels, a sex ghost enters a world full of naked beauties, and a gay enters a world full of…huh? Yes, I don’t understand the gay world.

Suddenly, the front of the void began to tremble, and after a shock of space, a huge black figure slowly appeared.

“Is it finally here?” At this moment, Long Key finally got serious, staring into the distance with a closed breath.

The black dragon in the distance was fighting a strange creature that looked like a worm, but the difference in strength between the two sides was too obvious. The black dragon just sprayed out a dragon flame, and the worm monster fell to the ground and turned to ashes.

I don’t know how many Ten Thousand Years have passed since he was born. The supreme Black Dragon King has actually become a hunter controlled by humans, although this is not the real him but a half body of his body.

He was once the head of all guarding dragons, and he destroyed countless demons and dragons with his hand. All life had to fear him. However, at this moment, he no longer had the glory of the past. He was persecuted by something, and he was consumed by himself. Half of the source made his half body to do things for him. Although it is only a half body, it is actually no different from him.Moreover, he was only informed of the approximate location, and he didn’t even know what the specific target looked like. It was really fucking, so the great Black Dragon King would kill as long as he saw the unpleasant ones on the road, but after all, this is the void. He didn’t bump into a few guys on the way.

“It’s actually this guy…it’s troublesome now. If it’s this guy, it’s hard to tell if my strength is enough to see.” Long Key looked at the black dragon solemnly, forget it, he still pretends It’s good to pass by, anyway, the void is so big, I am a passerby, eh.

The huge black dragon body, the source quality ingots make hard armor, and the red eyes in his eyes seem to have endless anger that wants to vent.

The Black Dragon King moved forward, and Long Key also moved forward, as if the other party didn’t recognize him? Long Yao thought this way, while avoiding the other’s gaze, trying not to show his horse’s feet, pretending to be a passerby, if he could move, he didn’t want to go to war with the mad dragon in front of him. It seemed that both sides had met for the first time. Just as he was about to pass by, the Black Dragon King stretched out his claws to block in front of Dragon Key.

“Excuse me, what’s the matter?” Dragon Key’s expression snapped, the legendary Black Dragon King Deathwing Nesario, now Dragon Key’s confidence is not as strong as it started.

“The world is difficult. People are suffering from illnesses and looking for a way to redeem. I was the guardian dragon that guarded the underground of Azeroth. The ancient Burning Army figure invaded for the first time…Mathe!!! (wait!)”

The Black Dragon King has a deep tone, and even he feels a bit boring after such a long journey. This little guy looks pretty pleasing to the eye. Why not tell him about my great Black Dragon King’s deeds, um, and then kill him! Our great Black Dragon King thought is good, but he just started to say, and he didn’t finish a word, when he saw that the human in front of him actually passed him directly, and the Black Dragon King suddenly became angry.

“……” When Long Key turned his head, he saw Lord Black Dragon King looking at him with an angry face and flaring his claws, and then a huge dragon claw pointed at the one who was standing just now. Position, one of the dragon’s claw nails tapped lightly, amazed by the opponent’s Long Wei, Long Key had no expression on his face, and then walked back to the original position. At this time, the Black Dragon King nodded with satisfaction.

“The world is difficult. People are suffering from illnesses and looking for a way of salvation. I used to be…Matu!! Empty road! Listen carefully to what I have said! How can I face each other when others are talking? Go straight forward without expression!”

The great Black Dragon King discovered that he was halfway through his speech again, and this human being passed himself blankly, and this was not as long as he said for the first time!

“That…because when you hear what you say, it seems to be a long one.” Long Yao raised his hand.

“Okay, then you just remember this sentence, and when this sentence is finished, I will kill you!” The Black Dragon King thought for a while and finally made a compromise decision, how does this human go along with him? The guys I met were different, and they didn’t play cards according to common sense.

“Huh!? Am I going to be killed?” Long Yao was startled. The other party probably didn’t see anything. What kind of logic is this.

“Yes, after my wonderful speech is over, that speech will be a gift for you to Huangquan.” Master Black Dragon King nodded and answered.

“But, I can’t be killed here. I still have a lot of things to do. I have things that must be done. No matter what reason you have, I can’t be killed here.” Long Key looked seriously. At the Black Dragon King.

“Oh? A spine young man, but I won’t let you go until you listen carefully to what I have said. My name is Nesario, and I bear the same burden as you.. …Madoo! Empty roads!!”

“Hey! Wait a minute, bastard! I haven’t finished talking yet, don’t leave!” ..

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