Finally Come

Chapter 806

Chapter 808 Capture Nine Tails II [gogo! come on! 】

Chapter 808 Capture Nine Tails II [gogo! come on! 】

Sasuke’s current strength is not weak. In the three years in Orochimaru base, the increased strength, coupled with Mangekyō’s ability, still makes him a strong presence beyond ordinary Kage-level.

Coupled with the fact that he joined the Akatsuki organization, and Kimimaro has been training non-stop during this period of time, it can be said that in the original book, Sasuke went to the Five Great Ninja Village Alliance, and his combat effectiveness when fighting against the Five Shadows was only strong.

And Sasuke, rushing out of the hidden forest, rushed to the avenue outside the gate of Konoha Village, where people came and went.

However, along the way, I looked at the mysterious figure who suddenly appeared next to me with some confusion. Looking at Sasuke silly.

Sasuke didn’t have this leisurely mind. He paid attention to the thoughts of ordinary people, and rushed towards Konoha’s gate with fierce force under his feet. He was not like his brother Uchiha Itachi. He knew Konoha Village well. He naturally couldn’t do it, quietly. Enter Konoha Village silently.

Sasuke can only choose to force a breakthrough.

In the crowd, Sasuke swiftly accelerated, with the three-goed jade still open in his eyes, and quickly shuttled through the crowd that was not too crowded, causing passers-by to scream.

Sasuke, who was still in the afterimage, kept narrowing the distance from the gate of Konoha Village.

The avenue where chickens and dogs jumped also attracted the attention of the guards at Konoha Gate, and they all looked towards it.

“Is there a situation?”

“Who is that dark shadow?”

“Isn’t it an intruder?”

“What are you kidding? How can anyone attack Konoha in such a rampage!”

“Stop talking nonsense, although it can’t be an intruder, but he can’t be allowed to run into Konoha Village like this, at least check it out,” the apparent leader of the door guards gave orders.

Immediately walked forward, reached the middle of the door, assumed a stopped posture, and said loudly: “The comer stopped,” the tone and gesture were not too worried. I just think it’s an ignorant ninja.

But at this time, Sasuke, who had already rushed out of the crowd, looked at the guards coldly, turned a blind eye, and accelerated again. At such a speed, it was already difficult for others to see Sasuke, only a black lightning rushed away.

“Will you stand still, I’m going to deal with it as an intruder,” Unexpectedly, the mysterious visitor would dare to rampage like this, and the guard leader’s expression was a little uncomfortable.

“Idiot,” Sasuke said with disdain, and the eyes of Three Tomoe Sharingan flashed with a strange light, making the doorman leader who had already taken a knife-drawing posture, his eyes began to be confused, and he stood there with a dull look. Obviously hit the illusion.

Sasuke quickly bypassed where the guard was standing and rushed towards the front door.

The other guards, for a while, never recovered. Why did the boss stand there stupidly, Sasuke still rushed into the Konoha gate and entered Konoha Village.

In the next moment, the guards who were stunned on both sides of the gate quickly rushed to the guard leader who was standing there.”Hey! Are you okay!”

“This is? Illusion.” Looking at the head of the door guard who was confused and trembling in his eyes, how could these door guards not know that this was an illusion.

“No, that’s an intruder, hurry up and sound the alarm,” a guard roared while shaking the body of the guard leader.

“Damn it, sound the alarm, and at the same time report to Master Hokage that a mysterious ninja rushed into Konoha Village.” After the influence of his companion. The guard leader walked out of the illusion.

Remembering that he had been hit by the opponent’s illusion for no reason, he could not help but cursed secretly, watching the panic, looking at the civilians who were far away or returning to the village, quickly yelling at the guard.

“Yes,” the guard quickly dispersed. One guard rushed to Konoha Village, while another guard quickly pressed a mysterious red button in the guard room, and the other guards were on guard to prevent other mysterious ninjas. Enter.

Accompanied by the red button being pressed.

“Woo~ woo~ woo~” The sharp, rapid, uninterrupted siren sounded quickly throughout Konoha Village.

The momentum is huge, and you can hear it clearly no matter where you are in Konoha Village.

This peaceful morning, Konoha Village is still peaceful. Novice ninjas, under the guidance of the teacher, the trainers who are fortunate enough on the training ground, the lazy people are still sleeping, and the students are studying listlessly in the classroom.

The people, started a hard day, but accompanied by the rapid and sharp sirens sounded throughout Konoha Village.

The noisy and peaceful Konoha Village fell silent for an instant, leaving only the sirens circling in the air.

Konoha Village, which has experienced several catastrophes, if nothing is done, it is really ashamed to be a Daren Village. Konoha Village, at least in terms of prevention, is difficult to effectively deepen. After all, Konoha is too big, if a powerful enemy invades, it is impossible for the entire Konoha Village to be protected in an unbreakable barrier.

Therefore, since it is impossible to deepen the defense, you can only start from the alert. The guards, and those who are already Konoha’s secret whistle and clear whistles, all have a button to sound the alarm. Once you find that there may be an intruder, press it as soon as possible. Prepare for Shinobu Village.

And the villagers who were still asleep had already awakened at this time, their sleepiness disappeared instantly, and they crawled around and hid under the bed, shaking with difficulty.

Women’s screams, screams, children’s crying, trampling inevitably occur during pushing, trampling sorrow and wailing of the people, everything breaks the crisp peace. It’s like the end is coming. Suddenly, the bustling and crowded streets were empty.

The lonely shoes and rubbish appear bleak in the streets.

The students in those schools, under the leadership of the teacher, rushed to safety, and the ninjas.

The teachers in their respective teams exhorted their students one after another: “Stay where they are and wait for the order.” Then they disappeared, and the quiet Konoha streets were quickly shuttled by ninjas.

And in the houses on both sides of the street, there are constantly peeping eyes, and there are Konoha people hiding in the houses to observe the situation.

And Sasuke, who entered Konoha Village and ran fast on the roof, looked at all of this speechlessly. He hadn’t done anything yet, so he was a little dumbfounded for a while.

From the above, it can be seen that Konoha Village is already being destroyed by the invaders, and it is still making progress. At least, it was not until the Ninja Village was mostly destroyed before I thought of running away.

At this time, Nagato, also in a panic, entered Konoha and began to prepare to collect and find the location of Nine Tails Jinchūriki. ..

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