Finally Come

Chapter 794

Chapter 796 Truth II【gogo! come on! 】

Seven hundred and ninetieth chapters Truth II [gogo! come on! 】

“In that case… it’s okay to let you know,” Long Key in the darkness stood up and came to Sasuke’s body, took off his mask, and in the dim space, the faint candle light Under the care, Sasuke saw a figure that was impossible to think of.

“Your Highness?! Impossible …. you .. how are you … you can not ….”

Looking at the beautiful face in front of me, I think of the ability to absorb Amaterasu’s vortex space before.. Sasuke has no gods in his eyes. This scene shocked him too much… The entire Ninja World is known for fighting against Akatsuki. Rain Shinobi Village is the strongest Her Royal Highness is actually Xiao organization leader himself! And… the other side’s figure… it seems that only men can be so tall…

But this face is completely indistinguishable from Princess Rain Shinobi Village… this gorgeous face, there is no second one in the world.

I have to say… Long Key’s fucking looks, once again played a very good role.

After being shocked for a long time, he slowly returned to his senses and smiled from ridicule: “It turns out that the fight between good and evil in the whole world is just a game for you, and everyone in the world is just your pawn.”

This laughter was small for himself, and it was also a ridicule for everyone in the Shinobi world.

This fact really shocked Sasuke, but he didn’t care, he didn’t care about anything that had nothing to do with him, and he didn’t want to know what the other party’s purpose was, because he didn’t care whether the world was alive or dead.

“All the Forbidden Techniques you have are created by me.” Long Key once again put on the mask, just like his appearance, but whether his identity will be exposed, even if he has never seen the ordinary Princess Rain Shinobi Village. well people, into the street will be sensational.

In front of the hard facts, Sasuke nodded, but then said flatly: “It is indeed true, so now you want to rely on the kindness to me and let me join Akatsuki voluntarily?

“Shen En? Isn’t this an agreement we made in advance? The young man from the Uchiha family.”

A pair of golden nine-hook jade eyes glanced at Sasuke. Just this one glance made Sasuke completely feel at ease. The other party did not use any ability or momentum to suppress himself, but the wine was so simple and ordinary. Turning his head back, Sasuke didn’t dare to look at those golden eyes anymore, feeling weak for the other’s power in his heart.

It is no longer a gap to describe the power contrast between the two. Sasuke feels like he is standing in a bottomless abyss looking at the top of the mountain.

“Although I am very grateful to you for letting Orochimaru give me these Forbidden Techniques so that I can take revenge, but I have no intention to join Akatsuki, nor do I feel in the mood to be a subordinate for others.”Although the opponent’s power is terrifying, but even so, Sasuke was once one of the protagonists in this world after all, and his stubborn character still made him not succumb. Of course, this was the reason why Long Key did not use his strength at all.

“Oh? Another one who is not afraid of death? Don’t you be afraid that you can’t get out of here. You should understand the cost of knowing my true identity and rejecting it?” Long Key looked at Sasuke, not caring about his rejection.

“The price is death. You can destroy all my strength, take everything back, or take my life. I know I can’t be your opponent, but I have completed my own mission, and death is also for me. There is nothing scary.” Without life goals, Sasuke’s mind is already like a dead old man.

“Not afraid of death, very good personality, but you actually don’t know that death is a relief…hehehe…I have seen many people who are not afraid of death…but none of them can bear it… . That despair, that despair that is eternal in eternity…”

Sasuke slowly closed his eyes, waiting for death to come.

But then, there was no violent abuse, but a moment of suspicion when Sasuke closed his eyes and couldn’t understand the situation outside.

“Skinning, slashing, Ling Chi, owl head, car cracking, burying alive, poison, stick torture, sawing, vertebral breaking, lead pouring, grooming, rod killing, abandoning city, slaughter, pumping intestines, drilling holes, pots, knocking , Potamogeton minced meat, Bao Luo, soup pan …….. ”

One after another, I’ve never heard of it, but just by hearing the name, I know what a terrible criminal law… I have said dozens of them in a row… The more Sasuke listened, the more he felt his scalp tingling…

“These are just the suffering of flesh and flesh… a simple one, shutting a person in a different space, I can dominate the time of the space, where I will be tortured by hundreds of tortures for Ten Thousand Years. , In the end, your mind will be blurred, and of course it will not end so easily. Every 100 years, I will repair your body, and your mind will be clear again…

Then in this infinite loop, despair forever…death? Death is nothing but a kind of happiness…”

The powerful nine-hook jade pupil power can feel even if Sasuke doesn’t look at it, turning an existence into eternity and then torturing forever? Can the reset time be restored? Is this something humans can do? But Sasuke doesn’t doubt the opponent’s power at all…because he believes that the other party can do it…Is that kind of torture really bearable…

Involuntarily, Sasuke imagined it for a moment, then, his eyelids trembled, and his body trembled in uncontrollable fear…

Sasuke looked at the appearance of the dragon key softly hum a laugh, and then before the opening: “But my people are more liberal, voluntary or feel things more real, I’ll tell you the truth, as a reward, you Just be true allegiance.”

“I don’t need to know anything, I just want to die.”

After hearing the criminal laws, I realized that if I didn’t join Akatsuki today, I would definitely not be able to get out. Therefore, Sasuke only hoped that the other party would be able to give him a happy life.

“Are you not interested…. If I say that, you are a little bit interested…?” Long Key tempted to Uchiha Sasuke with his head down.

“It’s about your brother Uchiha Itachi’s ….” Sasuke did not notice, at the mouth of the dragon key more than a hint of strange smile. ..

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